transcendent-power · 10 months
Woohoo Finally an update on the Queen!
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Syndra, the Dark Sovereign - Updated Splash Art
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transcendent-power · 3 years
I can’t thank enough friend, truly a marvelous gift and look at her! she looks amazing!!
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Work done for @transcendent-power
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transcendent-power · 3 years
Does your muse focus mainly on one long term goal or multiple short term ones? What do they think about the reachability of their goals and what are they?
When it comes to Syndra she is a perfectionist, if she puts her mind to something, she will analyze it break it down to multiple parts if it comes difficult to be maintained in only one and in the end reach no matter what.
Her resolve is unyielding and if she fails, she will try again and again until she can reach that goal in perfection.
For long she wanted to be free away from the people that saw her as monster to be caged and wanted to take her gift away from her, after many years she got what she wished. Now? Syndra is determined that she wants to be the most powerful mage in Runeterra, to reach where someone has never dared to do so, to explore, to learn and to be free from every restriction that comes her way.
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transcendent-power · 3 years
Do they take control or give control or do they believe in sharing power? What are their thoughts on control versus submission (either sexually or in relationships in general)? What do they think of authority?
The Sovereign isn’t one that would share power easily, she believes that most of the beings around are unworthy playthings for her to break is she so desires, for her to share power with somebody would mean that they have earned her respect and the right to do so and that is something that doesn’t happen very often.
Syndra is one that was deeply hurt from her submission in the past, she highly believes that she must always be in control, to always have the upper hand in order to avoid someone getting the edge on her, While Syndra wishes to have the control she is not one that you would call a harsh master, one in fact would have to consider themselves lucky enough to catch a glimpse of her interest to be kept around.
It would take a lot action from somebody to reach the level that she would drop her guard down.
For her eyes the authority of Ionia was one that claimed to have balance and acceptance, yet all she would find herself to see was corruption and deceit, thieves that tried to claim what was rightfully hers, noone around her is worthy enough to have authority over her or so she believes, Syndra is the authority figure when she is around, her Ionian ornament (mantle of decorum) a mockery to all the Elder authority figures of Ionia.
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transcendent-power · 3 years
Character Development Questions
Send me one or more and I'll answer these in depth questions
What’s an important lesson your muse has learned over the past few years and how has that changed the way they live?
How does the time your muse lives in influence their lifestyle? Are they happy they’re born in their time, or do they fantasise about a different era?
Does your muse focus mainly on one long term goal or multiple short term ones? What do they think about the reachability of their goals and what are they?
Is your muse an optimist or pessimist and how does this influence their choices?
Does your muse have any irrational fears that hold them back in life? Do they come from experience (trauma) or is it, for instance, part of a belief system they have?
Is your muse looking for a long term relationship? Are they in one? What do they think of marriage and binding themselves to someone?
What does your muse get out of relationships (be it friends, family or a significant other)? Do they find it energising or exhausting to keep up with?
How selfish/selfless is your muse? To what extent would they sacrifice themselves for others and is there anything they’d not give up?
What does your muse think of time/aging? Does getting older scare them? (Alternatively, for immortal muses: How does their immortality effect their relationships with mortals?)
Does your muse believe one should always work hard to get what they want or would your muse take a kind offer without feeling the need to repay it? What do they expect when they lend/give something to someone?
What are your muse’s thoughts on race? Are they biased/racist? Are they aware of discrimination; do they participate in it or do they ignore it? Are they discriminated against?
Is the way your muse sees themselves similar to how others see them or is it (very) different, due to mental illness/keeping secrets/etc.?
When faced with a tricky situation will your muse be proactive or passive? Will they, for instance, try to get involved when they’re not or will they try to get away when they are?
Do they take control or give control or do they believe in sharing power? What are their thoughts on control versus submission (either sexually or in relationships in general)? What do they think of authority?
How materialistic are they? Do they often throw things out or are they hoarders? Do they store their memories in their heads, in photo albums or in countless of boxes of belongings in the attic?
Are they addicted to anything at all? Do they crave something when they haven’t had it in a while? Has this ever endangered them or others?
What prominent habits does your muse have and how would they respond if they were forced to change them? Are they adaptable or dependent on their routines?
What skills does your muse have and how did they come to have them? Was it hard work to learn them? What do they use their skills for? Are there any skills your muse wishes they had?
How concerned are they with their appearance and how do they regard the appearance of others? Do they find it important? Do they enjoy aesthetically pleasing people?
What does your muse think of secrets? Do they keep many or a few and what is their motivation to keep something secret? Have they ever been hurt by a secret someone else kept from them?
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transcendent-power · 3 years
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SOLO QUE - my fanmade girl group for the KDA verse, using my favorite Ionian girls: Karma, Irelia, and Syndra.
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transcendent-power · 3 years
// Just a test! Reblog it if my muse can jump in your askbox without annoying the mun!
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transcendent-power · 4 years
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Curios of the Chasm
RP/ART blog by Zando
A supernatural emporium for all worlds, fandoms and muses
Purchase equipment, items or plot devices for your muse!
Quest hub! The Chasm has a lot of work available for your characters.
Self proclaimed friendly mun with something like 16 years of rp experience
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transcendent-power · 4 years
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transcendent-power · 4 years
Does purple lady not like ionians?
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“ I don’t like many to begin with...”
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transcendent-power · 4 years
The Sovereign summoned several of her spheres around her as she stood mid-air,the orbs orbiting slowly around her, with a flick of her wrist one of her amethyst dark spheres took halt and tooka position below her, the dark mage sat upon it using it as if it were a pillow, crossing her legs she sent another of her spheres smaller in size towards Caitlyn to collect her cup of tea.
Her gaze locked upon the woman.
“ I think this little performance has given light to your question, and I’ll have you know I’m one that does appreciate good manners.”
“ Earl Grey, with two sugar cubes, please!”
“Are you gonna drink it while floating, or are you going to sit down?” She genuinely asks, because she’s afraid the teacup might burn her if she rests it on her leg or something.
//Thanks for reading the rules!
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transcendent-power · 4 years
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transcendent-power · 4 years
Finally, comfy, he starts to tell her of the twin cities, from the dizzying heights of Piltover to the dank domains of Zain. How mage tech has led both cities down different paths, one clean and efficient, the other filthy and chugging along.
He only pauses in his tale to take sips of water from his flask, he tells her all he can think of. "That is about it…. Useful miss?” He asked, looking her in the eyes.
Her gaze remained locked upon him, the land he spoke of was completely different from her own, the people there mainly focusing on machines to prevail than magic, buildings tall as mountains, lights that stayed on with energy, many new things to learn for a day.
“It is something of interest for me, do you have more to add on this subject? Any books to show perhaps? And there is clearly a war going with this two correct? The city called Piltover is taking all the spoils and leaves their leftovers for Zaun from what you have told me.”
“ i don’t think gods work that way. ”
The Sovereign gave a curious look towards the man, then let out a small laugh, her amethyst eyes gazing down upon him, a finger now pointed towards the figure as she stood several feet above him.
“And so, you claim to know how gods work, do tell me plaything, I will pretend that I value your opinion for a second, who knows if I like your answer, I might even consider to give it a thought. Although unlikely…”
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transcendent-power · 4 years
   Talon, seeing all the traditional decor of the temple had been fascinated with the history behind such works. Upon further entry he was met with a being clearly not human. He clenched his armblade. From what it appeared it would’ve been empty on the inside, but yet, he encountered living creatures. One with an imposing voice as well. Something comparable to that of a marshal commanding their troops to battle.
     The assassin kept his distance with the canine like creature, keeping to the shadows, even if the creature could obviously see through his hidden spot. If he ran, there would surely be consequences met. He narrowed his eyes, anticipating an attack if the creature felt he was a threat. He was no visitor, after all. He was here with malicious intent, one could infer that alone from his appearance alone.
      Talon considered his options carefully. “What are you…? Are you the guardian of this temple, creature?” He asks. It was intelligent enough to speak, so he’d assume he’d be intelligent enough to understand him of course. Talon still kept his guard up, not wanting to take the chance of being attacked unprepared.
The canine tilt its head sideways looking towards the mysterious man with curiosity “Well as you can see, I’m a dog… I’m called Daisuke, but no I wouldn’t consider myself a guardian of this place…”
The dog replied and began walking lightly around the samurai statues that decorated the area, he began moving playfully as he halted behind a statue of a samurai statue of grand structure that held a massive nodachi sword.
Daisuke made a small leap upon the platform that held the massive form of the warrior.
“Some that i would consider as guardians are around us my newly found acquaintance, they await for you to give them a reason to react, now it would really be shame to bother Lady Syndra this late, now i would like to know of your name stranger I gave you mine, so it is time that i learn of yours for this conversation to continue in ‘civilized’ terms .”
A proud smirk formed upon the face of the little canine, glowing amethyst eyes locked upon him, a gaze of anticipation for what was going to follow. 
     Starter for @transcendent-power
     Talon’s own prowess would lead him to the deepest parts of a nation. Including those Noxus had formerly warred with. The very fact his presence was in this territory could be devastating news to Ionia. And no doubt, cause a political discourse for why an elite assassin serving for the higher authorities of Noxus is here. His mission was the bounty on a very dangerous individual. A mage capable of extreme power that transcends all else. Talon had a keen sense of making sure to not come to a face-to-face conflict with her. Such an encounter could result in his death, or worse... 
     In the forest of Ionia, he made careful steps. Apparently this location would be known once he sees it. A temple of some sort. He thought that information alone was not enough, but the ones giving him orders were confident enough to say that he would be able to tell the difference. Other than that, they told him where he would encounter this specific temple. He tracked and tracked until he came to an opening, to which he witnessed something inconceivable. A temple held up by the will of an unknown being. 
     Slowly, Talon approached this magnificent structure, eyes scanning the building with interest. He made sure to keep quiet, unsure if there were guardians of this fortress. He assumed whatever he was signed up for, it was magical. To which Talon sighed and eventually found a spot that was hovering. He jumped up and began to climb. He was used to heights, but never on a flying object. Eventually, he fond the nearest window, and jumped in... 
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transcendent-power · 4 years
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Made by Ulchete
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transcendent-power · 4 years
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~ People fear what they cannot understand. ~
☯ Independent ask/roleplay blog for Syndra the Dark Sovereign from League of Legends.  
☯ Mun is 24, Been roleplaying for 5 years at Tumblr.
☯ Multiverse, OC Friendly, selective to crossovers.
☯  Single Ship.
☯ Semi-Selective.
☯Tracking #transcendent-power.
☯ Written by Icarus.
Home  ☯ Ask  ☯  Profile ☯ Guidelines  ☯ Headcanons  
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transcendent-power · 4 years
Happy new year!
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