transmuteenergy · 2 years
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I give and receive love with ease. The heart chakra is a center of forgiveness, compassion, and love. The heart is like our navigation system, what we carry in the heart and what it’s directed towards impacts what we receive from the universe. The heart can get blocked with heaviness, carrying energy from emotional hurt. The heart can also become unbalanced from giving an abundance of love and not receiving, not being nourished. Having a blocked heart might feel like clinging to the past or an inability to forgive. Giving love to yourself is a great way to shift the love you experience and give to others. A person who nourishes and honors their heart gives a different type of love. When your cup is full, being compassionate to others comes easily. Tips for working with your heart: - metta meditation - listening to 639 Hz solfeggio frequencies - carrying moonstone - envisioning green or pink energy flowing freely through your heart space
Instagram: @transmuteenergy Learn: Transmute Energy Blueprint
Schedule Reiki: www.transmuteenergy.com/sessions
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transmuteenergy · 2 years
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The solar plexus chakra is the energy center which relates to identity, confidence, and authenticity. This energy center is located between your solar plexus and belly button. A balanced and open solar plexus chakra feels empowered, patient, confident, warm, playful and free. Blocked solar plexus chakra: Distrust, difficulty with digestion, avoiding taking responsibility Under active solar plexus chakra: Lethargic, uninspired, low self esteem, forgetful Overactive solar plexus chakra: Controlling, feeling easily overstimulated, forcing opinions Energetic cords can be attached to the solar plexus. These cords exist through time and space between us and another person, an experience, or an object. Some cords are draining and some are energizing. Retaining cords that drain you can lead to a weakened sense of self.
Instagram: @transmuteenergy​
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transmuteenergy · 2 years
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The sacral chakra is the energy center which relates to pleasure, creativity, sexuality, relationships, and emotions. When the sacral chakra is open and healthy, you are nourished, inspired to create, honest, feel deserving of sensory pleasure, and excited for new experiences each day. Blocked sacral chakra: Low libido, feeling numb, detached, unenthusiastic Underactive sacral chakra: Unmotivated, irritable, low self-esteem Overactive sacral chakra: Rageful, jealous, insatiable, codependent Issues in any energy center can either begin in the physical body and transfer into the chakra, or begin in the emotional/energy body and then manifest into the physical body. For example, sacral imbalance can be a result of sexual trauma (physical) or from repressed healthy sexual desires (emotional/energy). If one chakra is blocked, it can affect the others around it. If you haven’t opened or worked with your root chakra, it can be causing a back up in your sacral chakra. Sacral issues can lead to betraying our own boundaries and sabotaging relationships with others. Delaying gratification might become difficult, leading to erratic behavior, substance abuse, and overall snappiness. Fear of judgment, whether for what you create or how you love, can also result in an imbalance in the Sacral center. Opening and balancing the sacral can be assisted with Earthing, meditation, Reiki, wearing/eating orange things, advocating for your boundaries, safely exploring sex and intimacy, stretching into vulnerability, doing simple things that you enjoyed as a child.
Instagram: @transmuteenergy​ 
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transmuteenergy · 2 years
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An unbalanced root chakra can be blocked, underactive, or overactive. The root chakra is the foundational energy center which relates to safety, security, and feeling grounded. When the root chakra is open and healthy, you feel confident, stable, connected to others, abundant, grounded. Blocked root chakra: Codependent, impatient Underactive root chakra: Depleted, dissociative, fearful Overactive root chakra: Manipulative, obsessive Issues with the root chakra are commonly a result of experiencing trauma, especially at a young age. Circumstances which lead a person to believe they are not safe, they cannot trust their own judgment, or they cannot trust their caretakers, can greatly impact root health. Repeated major life changes that shock your system or change your perception of reality can also cause your root chakra to be imbalanced. When the root is blocked or underactive, it's not flushing energy out properly. Stagnant energy can lead to a person feeling stuck, heavy, or unconsciously repeating the same cycles. Opening and balancing the root can be done with Earthing, meditation, Reiki, organizing your home, removing yourself from situations that challenge your self worth, finding comfort in spaces where you feel safe and cared for.
Connect on Instagram: @transmuteenergy
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transmuteenergy · 2 years
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Meditation can change your brain structure, increasing your ability to respond vs react. 
Meditating isn’t just a way to calm down, quiet your mind, and relax. We’re talking about shrinking and increasing the volume of parts of the brain that regulate your consciousness, decision making, impulsivity, behavior, and trauma responses. Check out this breakdown for some of the ways that meditation may change the brain. - How does meditation change the brain? - Processing and Reacting/Responding - What is the amygdala? - What is the hippocampus? - What is the cerebral cortex? Learn more & practice with our program, available online as a 10 week course or 3 week intro course: https://transmuteenergy.com/shop
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transmuteenergy · 3 years
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Define transmute energy
trans·mute en·e·rgy /tranzˈmyo͞ot ˈenərjē/ To intentionally shift and rearrange the bioenergy field of a being. Energy transmutation can shift a person’s experience from “negative” to “positive.”
Learn more: Transmute Energy
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transmuteenergy · 3 years
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Transmute Energy
I am not a pearl,
I am the ocean.
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transmuteenergy · 3 years
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Transmute Energy
“Regardless of what you say or do or what face you show to the world, your mental emotional state cannot be concealed. Every human being emanates an energy field that corresponds to his or her inner state.” A New Earth, Eckhart Tolle
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