tremonisha · 6 years
Simple Folk.
Just came back from mingling with the rich and famous in Beverly Hills. No really. It was a high-end professional networking event a block away from Rodeo Drive where couples strode in looking like they belonged on the front of a Brooks Brothers ad. My friend knows a friend who knows an up-and-coming restaurant entrepreneur who invited us to join the summer garden party---the annual dues for the event are 40,000. I guess they put it to good use; as a member you get a bright orange box of custom chocolate and specialty tea as a party favor.
So of course I went with my friend to secretly gawk, pass out business cards, and attempt to look like I too owned beachfront property in Santa Monica.
Okay not to digress, but you know I love my fashion. I have to say, when people have that much money (like Beverly Hills money status) they definitely look like it. I was highly impressed with the California chic everyone seemed to so effortlessly convey. During the ceremony I noticed the men had totally all gotten the same memo--- fitted blue suits, paired with Prada loafers. Women’s fashion was a little bit more all over the place--but fitted white anything won out. Oh! And spray tan. Of course--it is Beverly Hills after all.  
Now I truly love high end products, hotels, fashion--you name it. I have my fair share of luxurious items. But I think all of those things are meant to enhance our lives, not define it.
My friend’s friend encouraged me to make up a fake business if someone asked me who I was. It’s okay--I can be a nobody for the evening.
So of course I was approached. It went like this--no hello, no small talk chitchat. I guess they like it straight up in Beverly Hills, no chaser:
Mr. Beverly Hills: So, what do you do again? (looking for gold nametag)
Me: I’m a teacher.
Mr. Beverly Hills: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. okay. Hmmmmmmm.(Awkward silence)
Mrs. Beverly Hills: So, you are who again? (business card out, prepared to launch)
Me: We’re just up from Orange County. Here with a friend. I’m a teacher.
Mrs. Beverly Hills: Long drive (goes off to get a Mojito).
As soon as we walked out of the garden party and walked across the street I gleefully pulled off my 3 inch heels and walked barefoot down the boulevard. It was the wierdest feeling but I don’t think I was ever so grateful to climb into my  Hyundai Elantra  in my life. Since we were already up in Los Angeles, my friend, who is also an English professor like myself, and I drove to Venice, California to visit a mentor professor at his home.  
Mr. Roth: Where were you guys?
Me: Up in Beverly Hills at that networking mixer thing
Mr. Roth: Annnnnnd…how was it?
Me: Pretentious and over the top…oh my flipping goodness
Mr.Roth: So you came to hang out with me, a peasant tonight?
Us: YES!
Mr. Roth: Hold on. I have something for you guys.
And then he ran into his cute little house and brought me out a huge stack of books as a gift for stopping by his house and my heart was filled with more joy than I had experienced all evening .
I was thinking about the events of the night as I drove home. I have decided my husband I are just simple people. Maybe in Beverly Hills we would even be considered by some as peasants. God has been kind and blessed us financially but we are by no means rich--and as two teachers we may never be. But tonight amidst the ultra-rich, and the Botox, spray tans, boob jobs, and swirling cocktails I was reminded
And the greatest of these is love…not money, but love.
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tremonisha · 7 years
But first, LOVE 🍹💖
So like usual I am late. But I’m here–and I’ve absolutely got to share this before I forget all the succulent details.
The older I get the more I am convinced that life is made up of individual magic moments. Instagram may try and convince you and I that life is one steady stream of magical happenings, but after 32 years on this earth, I vehemently disagree. Instead, I believe in something greater–we live our daily lives, eating and drinking and laughing and crying and making love and weeping, and in the midst of the ordinary, God weaves a tale together that is anything but ordinary—it’s quite extraordinary actually, even magical.
And what do you do when you witness magic in the 21st century?!? You Snap Chat it of course :). Sorry, y'all —I’m just not that cool. At 32, you blog about it. Anyhow, I want to share some magical moments from Maya and Josiah’s wedding over Memorial weekend. Danial and I were so honored and fortunate to be a part of their celebration.
       Five Things that I Adored from The Union of Josiah and Maya
One thing I appreciate more than anything these days is authenticity. I really felt like Maya and Josiah stayed true to who they are as unique and creative individuals when approaching the wedding planning process. This commitment to their unique blueprint as a couple reflected in a magnificent wedding–that truly reflected who they are as individuals and honored their new union. How so?
1. Location: Kensington Mansion in Gaithersburg, Maryland
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Ever since Maya and I became friends her home base has been Maryland. Nestled in the heart of Gaithersburg, Maryland, the wedding took place at the Kentlands Mansion. The mansion reflects the beauty and grandeur of the early 1900s, with 22-foot ceilings, dark wooden paneling, polished hardwood floors, and crystal chandeliers. The rolling green hills and stately manor really made for a beautiful backdrop to celebrate their day.
2. Wardrobe: Classic Cool
You guys already know as a self-proclaimed shopaholic (pray for me, no seriously!)  I get giddy over floral anything. It’s just such a classic addition, whether its home decor or fashion. I sense another blog coming soon. Guess what tho? The guys wore FLORAL TIES!!!! And us bridesmaids wore heels with a floral print. I’m totally Kool-Aid smiling typing this–hopefully, you’re feeling the joy.
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3. Flower Power: Crimson  Roses
Maya had a brilliant idea to make paper flowers for the wedding. Honest to God guys, I have never even heard of such a thing. I’m not a crafty person (hence my shopping) but I thought this was such a unique and wonderful idea. Maya found this fabulous bright red paper online and the bride and us bridesmaids sat together –sipping wine– and made crimson roses to walk down the aisle with. So cool!
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4. Foodie Gush: Teatime treats
As a foodie, I know my muse. And when it’s something sweet—O.H. M.Y. W.O.R.D. We are done–it’s over. I literally carry a bottle of liquid stevia in my purse to dunk in my drinks for as a cheat sweetner, but that is for another blog post. So basically, I absolutely adored the wedding cake. But these days I prefer the sweetest of cakes with something a bit more potent to balance my palette. Apparently I am not alone, because all of us guests got chai spice black tea as a party favor. As a book lover, there is little that interests me like a cup of tea and a good novel to delve into—but truth be told, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to drink this particular tea packet. I’d like to save it as a keepsake forever. Isn’t it adorable?
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5. The Bride: Maya Gina Pirela
And of course—tears, Kleenex PLEASE. My most favorite thing about the wedding and the most magical thing itself was my GORGEOUS friend, the bride, Mrs. Maya Nelson. Oh em gee guys, Maya and I have been friends since we hit it off at a mandatory freshman mixer at Eastern University 15 years ago. We were both still in our teens! Maya is truly such a delightful person and I know she is a fabulous wife to Josiah (who Danny and I both agree is such a good fit). I’m so fortunate to have her in my life. As the French poet, Jean de La Fontaine states, “Rare as is true love, true friendship is rarer.”
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Clink Clink Clink Clink Clink to my new friends, THE NELSONS  
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Hugs and Love Everyone!!! ✌🏾💖👑🥂
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tremonisha · 7 years
Ballin’ on A Dollar in Los Cabos
Who says that only college students should enjoy Spring Break? But what if you are like me and totally desire to travel the world, but are limited on funds?
 My girlfriends out this way know me as a hustler.I get it from my father, who grew up dirt poor, and now is a computer programmer, but according to his own admission, remains unapologetically cheap. My Dad says this so often I can hear it in my sleep: Babygirl, in this world you gotta squeeze a dollar until it hollers.
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Managing money has never been a strength of mine. But these days I’m slowly coming around to implementing my Dad’s advice--especially when it comes to traveling. 
So, just got back from Los Cabos, Mexico. My husband Danial encouraged me to take a spring break trip, grab a girlfriend and go. He knows a happy wife equals a happy life. I’ll never forget a women’s retreat I went to a few years ago. The 60-year-old retreat speaker’s exhortation will forever stay etched in my head. She spoke with a thick Southern accent:
Lawh-deeies (Ladies), there ain’t nothun (nothing) in this here life that a       conversation with your good good girlfriend and a Dr. Pepper won’t fix.
 Lol,ewwwww! Who drinks Dr. Pepper these days?! But I understood what the elderly retreat speaker was trying to say. When life gets tough and overwhelming, God will often use our friendships and family to carry us through.
 So Danial says GO. So I grab my dear friend and coworker, Teresa Nguyen, and we dash off to Mexico. Freaking gorgeous guys. We were gone for three nights and four days. It has been the highlight of my Spring, literally transforming my mindset and giving me a burst of energy and refreshment I so desperately needed. The best part: This entire trip to Mexico cost around $200 (not including airfare).
 1. Check out local transportation
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 So I get that it is not glamorous to travel by autobus in Mexico. Yes, I was stuffed in between students that were just getting out of school and seasonal resort workers. It was not the most comfortable 40 minute ride from the airport to our hotel but my friend and I made it pleasant by telling jokes and making videos on our phones. Plus the 4:00 afternoon bus in Mexico came with a singing guitarist.
 2. Eat local
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Again! Minus the glamour factor, my friend and I ate our tacos at a local eatery. This taco stand is literally a part of a convenience store. It wasn’t the most ideal restaurant for a photo op, but the tacos were delicious (and literally one US dollar). The older woman making them actually had out the flour for the tortilla shells as we ate.
 3. Timeshare presentations are your best friend
Okay so no one that goes on vacation wants to waste an hour and a half listening to someone pressure them into buying something they may or may not entirely even understand. A timeshare is a shared vacation suite that you can use a couple of times a year.My husband I purchased a timeshare for my 32nd birthday.Diamond International, our timeshare company, was eager to try and get my traveling companion, Teresa, to join the timeshare club. In exchange for showing her a timeshare (an hour and a half process) they offered Teresa and I free taxi cab coupons, multiple free ocean front breakfast coupons (OMG!), free zip lining passes, a free dinner cruise to the Arch of Los Cabos, and a swim-with-dolphins adventure. Wait what?! These are all the coveted tourist attractions that usually cost a buttload of money.
My traveling tip : When you vacation (especially anywhere Mexico/ Caribbean-related) sit in on a timeshare package. Yes, you will feel like you want to pluck your eyes out because you are talking to a car salesman on steroids, but typically timeshare companies offer really sweet incentives merely for listening to their intense presentation. Teresa did not buy, but guess what, ALL OUR VACATION ACTIVITIES (including transportation) were now covered. Look at God’s kindness!!!
 These are just some photos from Los Cabos.
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We did not stay at the resort above (dude, I wish!) but this is where the timeshare sales presentation took place. So that, dear friends, this is how we did Mexico for 200ish dollars (excluding airfare). Here are some videos below for your enjoyment!  
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tremonisha · 7 years
Adventures in Cabo! Ballin on a Dollar. Jump on public transportation (when it is safe!) and save a few bucks.
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tremonisha · 7 years
Video Adventures in Cabo!
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tremonisha · 7 years
Living Grace, Season 2, Episode 8 from Calvary Chapel on Vimeo.
On this episode of Living Grace, my pastor’s wife (Cheryl Brodersen) was able to sit with Kate Merrick (one of the most fabulous retreat speakers I have EVER listened to) and discuss her new book, And Still She Laughs: Defiant Joy in the Depths of Suffering.Kate opens up about the process of writing her new book after years of silence due to the loss of her daughter from cancer.
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tremonisha · 7 years
Yes Ma’am
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tremonisha · 7 years
Eating Problems for Breakfast
There are some days in life when I think we all feel like my childhood hero, Mr. Charlie Brown.
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According to Tim Hansel, “Most people think of problems as something bad, as some terrible interruption (totally me) in their lives which they wish they did not have to endure. In truth, problems in and of themselves are not necessarily bad. It is interesting to note the actual Greek root of the word “problem,” namely probalien, mean to throw, to drive, or to thurst forward. Problems are the very means by which God changes us, transforms us, and drives us forward. Without problems, there would be no personal growth.
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Anyway, you guys already know I am a major book whore. The above excerpt is from a book I am currently reading called Eating Problems For Breakfast by Tim Hansel. It is written by a former seminary professor that argues 90% of problem solving revolves around one’s attitude.  Nineteenth century psychologist William James said, “Perhaps the greatest discovery of this century is that if you can change your attitude toward your dilemma, you can change your life.” 
Yes, easier said than done, but I do agree  with the idea that I often set myself up for failure by camping out in self-doubt and negative attitudes. I know I can apply all this to my own life because I have some major professional decisions in front of me that I’m not sure what to do about them. A big hang-up for me is that I have been fortunate to teach at the college level with a Master’s degree but most professors that are offered super awesome tenure contracts have a Ph.D.  In many ways I personally feel like I am having a mid-career crisis. Do I really want to go back to school to get a Ph.D?! Is it wise to sign up for that much debt?! But the Ph.D would open major professional doors. Anyway, the wheels in my head are definitely churning. 
Anywho, what’s on your reading list at the moment? Feel free to share anything that sticks out to you or any insights you are learning in life as well.
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tremonisha · 8 years
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Springtime is here! And what better way to celebrate than “Easter” nails to welcome in this season? These days it’s all about the little things that make life  enjoyable.
"Spring Is Coming"
We planted the seed while the tears of our grief soaked the ground The sky lost its sun, and the world lost its green to lifeless brown Now the chilling wind has turned the earth hard as stone And silently seed rise beneath ice and snow
And my heart's heavy now But I'm not letting go of this hope I have that tells me
Spring is coming, Spring is coming And all we've been hoping and longing for soon will appear Spring is coming, Spring is coming It won't be long now, it's just about here
Hear the birds start to sing Feel the life in the breeze Watch the ice melt away The kids are coming out to play
Feel the sun on your skin Growing strong and warm again Watch the ground: there's something moving Something is breaking through New life is breaking through
Spring is coming, Spring is coming And all we've been hoping and longing for soon will appear Spring is coming, Spring is coming And it won't be long now, it's just about here
Spring is coming, Spring is coming (Out of these ashes, beauty will rise) And all we've been hoping and longing for soon will appear (Sorrow will be turned to joy) Spring is coming, Spring is coming (All we hoped for soon will appear) It won't be long now, it's just about here (Out of the dark clouds, beauty will shine) (All above in heaven, rejoice) (Spring is coming soon) (Spring is coming soon)
--Steven Curtis Chapman (musician)
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tremonisha · 8 years
And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom 🌱.
Anais Nin ( Cuban Essayist)
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tremonisha · 8 years
Scribbling On
Some moments I just wish I could freeze in time.
 Yesterday we drank countless cups of tea--we always do. I collect coffee mugs for this sole purpose alone. Feeling snugly? We’ve got an oversized owl--perfect for Earl Gray with honey. Need an emotional pick me upper? We’ve got a Captain America molded mug, an excellent choice for steaming Chai with a squirt of vanilla stevia. Desiring a cultural experience? We’ve got Arabic glass coffee cups, and in that case it really is only fitting for my husband Danial to make black tea in our ginormous two tier tea kettle.
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I figure, whatever you need, if it’s going to get your creative juices flowing---let’s indulge.
So amidst all the mugs littering my living room and the crinkled computer paper, laptops, and books sprawled across my coffee table this morning I am a happy camper. Cinnamon bun crumbs are stuck to dishes piled in my sink. The question is, “Do I care?! Absolutely not.”
 Normally, a pile of dirty dishes  burdens me, but when they are due to some of your closest friends coming over to discuss their writing/creative projects…I could care less! Yesterday evening my writing group, WriteOn, met to kickoff our 2017 calendar.
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 Write On is so dear to my heart. For years my friends and I toyed with idea of starting a creative arts group (focused mostly on writing projects, graphic design, and script-writing). And then two years ago, we finally made it happen. We model ourselves after the Inklings, an informal literary discussion group that met at Oxford University in England in the 1930s and 40s.J.R. Tolkein (author of Lord of the Rings) and C.S Lewis (The Chronicles of Narnia--and countless other tales) were both members of this literary group. They met weekly at a pub, the Eagle in Child, where they drank ale, reviewed popular articles and had discussions about the members' unfinished works.
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 I studied abroad at Oxford when I was a junior in college and the whole expreince was worth it--if no more than simply to look back on photos of myself at age 20 at the Eagle and Child pub, where pictures of Tolkein and Lewis line the walls. At this point in my life I was an English major at Eastern University but totally unaware that years later I would model my own writing group off of them! 
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 As the leader of WriteOn, the meetings are held at my house and my role is the organizer/facilitator. I may have been teaching English as a university lecturer for years now, but nothing brings me the satisfaction that getting together with this close-knit group of friends and chopping up our work, like sushi chefs.We’ve all known each other for close to a decade and consider each other close friends-- therefore we aren’t afraid to tell it like is. I’m always inspired by Tolkein and Lewis, these guys (both professors at different colleges at Oxford), obliterated each other’s literary pieces. However due to their friendly academic sparring, we have been gifted with phenomenal literary masterpieces. C’mon,tell me you don’t know someone who is in love with Lord of the Rings?! If you can’t stand the heat you’d better get out of kitchen because one of our WriteOn club policies is to try to keep it 100 % with each other. Nothing but the truth, but full of kindness, to build up the project, is the goal.
 A firework truly goes off in my heart as we debate gerunds and infinitive verbs, help each other develop characters, and exchange tidbits about the history of the printing press or the library. Did you know we have the Protestant Reformation to thank for the modern day library? So cool…anwhoo, I digress. When we all get together, it’s war, but it really isn’t when you are contending with friends with the goal of making all our projects stronger. It took J.R. Tolkein 14 years to write Lord of the Rings so we are in for the long haul. My mentality is that I don’t ever want to look back over my life, old and gray, and say I wasted my talent. The only way any skill will grow is putting it to use…so here we go.
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(This was our group at our first Writer’s Retreat in Big Bear Mountains in June)
Last night as a group we rededicated ourselves, our craft, and the year to God--I mean come on, who else is going to give us crazy cool inspiration and keep us grounded?! The first celebratory point for this year is we have a member who is officially preparing to PUBLISH… I will keep you updated as things continue to UNFOLD!
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tremonisha · 8 years
Good News!
Public Service Announcement! One of my dearest friends is GETTING MARRIED! This chic is just so cool. She is funny and smart and authentic....but mostly she just shines and glitters with the love that comes straight from the Creator.And like finally, in the fullness of time, this wonderful girl has met someone who is just as cool and wonderful as herself to pass along the glitter. 
Danny and I are excited to partner with these two as they usher in all the goodness that accompany marriage vows. 
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tremonisha · 8 years
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"What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness." John Steinbach
(retweeted by Shannon Gallatin)
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tremonisha · 8 years
All in a Day: Battle of the Sea
So originally I planned this post to talk about ways I try to reduce my stress. I mean is it just me, or does the world seem like a more stressful place these days? I don’t care where you fall on the political scale, people just generally seem more divisive and defensive about everything. Anywho, any inclination to give pointers about stress reduction went completely out the window after an odd encounter I had about a week and a half ago. Now I need all the help I can get!
So I’m a huge paddleboard fan. I’ve shared in an earlier post, how my heart soars when I feel the water beneath me as I climb on a ginormous 10 foot fiberboard surfboard and just chill in the local harbor. More info about paddleborading as a fun water activity is here (http://tremonisha.tumblr.com/post/151770157329/power-of-the-paddle). During the winter season the local shops in Orange County charge around 15 bucks and you can use the boards all day. Sweet deal, right? It’s a treat for me and I relish the times out on the water with just me and the ocean to reflect on life and commune with God.
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 Well so I thought.
 So yesterday I’m vision questing on the water--planning my future baby room decor (my husband and I are trying to start a family). I am not pregnant yet but it is certainly fun to dream as hopefully that season is right around the corner. And I’m having the sweetest time and all of a sudden….I spot a sea lion. Okay so that might not seem like a big deal when you are in a boat or on the shore. And yes, they are super cute BUT a male California sea lion weighs on average about 300 kg (660 lb) and is about 8 ft long, while the female sea lion weighs 100 kg (220 lb) and is 6 ft (1.8 m) long!  Okay so I’m terrified because here I am on my paddleboard in the middle of Huntington Harbor, at least a ten minute paddle to the shore on either side.
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 So the sea lion pops it’s head out of the water about 40 feet away me. At this point I’m on top of my board in the middle of the harbor. Well all of a sudden I remembered a horror story of a sea lion that attacked a paddle boarder last summer. I didn’t have all the details but the guy ended up in the hospital--bruised up pretty bad. Even though paddleboarding is wildly popular in Southern California, accidents can still occur.These are wild beasts we are talking about.
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 According to researchers human presence and human recreational activities can cause sea lions to engage in violent and aggressive actions.When humans come closer than 15 meters of a sea lion, the sea lions vigilance increases because of the disturbance of humans.
And all of a sudden this sea lion swims up right next to me in the water---yelping like a dog to flag my attention. I don’t know if I’d ever been so scared in my entire life. I truly thought it was over. I could see it in the morning news: death by sea lion mauling. I mean come on...sea lion? I couldn’t go out like that. I’m so vain--I remember praying for my face! Whatever, you do Mr. Lion, DO NOT SCRATCH MY FREAKING FACE.
So what happens next is a blur. I am panic stricken standing on top of my paddleboard in the middle of the harbor--freaking out on the inside. And this is the truth--the sea lion starts to climb onto my paddleboard. Apparently it thought my board was the perfect place to perch and look for fish. I move toward the back of my board frozen in fear. OMG. OMG. OMG.
No one ever gave me a manual for encountering sea lions while paddle boarding. Wasn’t this like a once in forever sort of thing?!
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 So apparently I am so terrified I slip off my paddleboard and fall into the ocean! All I remember is screaming for help. I never saw it crawl off my board. Of course I was flailing around wildly in the water. I can swim but I was screaming out for help from any kayakers or duffy boat operators that just happened to be passing by. This day however, there were no boats close enough to come to my aid.
 And this is how I know there is a God in heaven--I am in the ocean in the middle of the harbor and the sea lion that climbed on my board just dissapears! They are known to bite ankles and break bones but this one just senses me in the water and zooms off. For whatever miraculous reason, the beast didn’t come after me either. It just flat out disappeared. Maybe I don’t smell like fish?!
 So I crawled back onto my board and paddled back to the harbor shore--paddling as fast as I could. I came home in a state of trauma--Danial sweetheart let me tell you about my day. Danial’s response: Hayate (my life) did something happen to your phone or the car? OMG, husband, NO but you almost lost your wife to a sea lion in the middle of the Harbor! :) Oh okay, so wait, you and your phone and the car is okay?!
 On a more serious note---I guess I’m a little disoriented. Encountering that sea lion while paddleboarding gave me a serious jolt. It was actually traumatic. Remember how I originally wanted to write about my stress reduction. Paddleboarding for me is a major stress reliever but right now it’s going to take me some time to feel comfortable going back out on the water again.
I guess paddleboarding is a lot like life: we fall down and then we pray and ask God for strength and then in time we get back up again. Literally!
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See you in Newport Beach!
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tremonisha · 8 years
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Thank you Martin. Thank you for sitting in that hot, dusty jail in Birmingham Alabama. You knew things weren’t quite right and you didn’t punk out and just let someone else go and fix it. Just like Amos and Isaiah and the other ancient prophets of old, you fought for justice and you suffered greatly for it. So while there are four minutes left to celebrate your birthday, THANK YOU Martin! 😉
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tremonisha · 8 years
I’d like to go into 2017 in two minutes declaring HOW GLORIOUS God is!  Let’s sing together!
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tremonisha · 8 years
2016: Unexpected Twists
As 2016 comes to a close I can’t lie and tell you I’m in tears. This year as a whole kinda leaves me feeling like this.
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 There were so many unexpected things that happened this year and to be honest, many things weren’t unexpected awesome, they were more like unexpected whoa, now how- the- dickety- am- I- going- to- GET -THROUGH- THIS- SITUATION?! But despite the fact that I am beyond confused with what is God doing with my life at this time there were many magic moments in 2016. 
And there were some super cool unexpected moments, amidst the unexpected crazy moments too. For example, this Christmas season was incredibly full. My heart is overwhelmed with gratitude--where do I even start? According to songwriter Darren Criss, “Life is only good as the people you get to share it with!” Well yes, Mr. Criss I will co-sign on that statement because in the midst of a challenging personal time in my life, the community around me came through in a powerful way and they are most certainly worth their weight in gold and I am eternally grateful.
 I was born and raised in Orange County and therefore have a fierce affection for our local beaches. And yet, while I secretly pride myself on having hit up almost every major social event in the OC, I had never been to the Corona Del Mar Christmas Walk. The Christmas Walk is a beachside holiday festival. Um yes, I can absolutely always enjoy a beach and throw in some good friends, Christmas coconuts (absolutely random!) and Christmas carols--you just made my day. Plus Victor found 10$ bucks lying in the middle of the street and treated us out to tacos for lunch with it---go Vico!
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 This is the first year that my writing group, WRITE ON, hosted a Christmas party for our friends and family. About two years my friends and I got tired of talking about creative projects we were “working” on but somehow never actually finished. So we started a group for accountability so we like stop sitting on our butts (I’m the biggest butt-setter). This year as a group we decided to throw a birthday party for Jesus and share some of our creative projects we are working on at the same time. Okay so I know I’m not supposed to brag about the party as the host but it was SERIOUSLY AWESOME. And you know why? As a group we prayed and invited Jesus to come to his party this year and dude He did. He showed up when we played Headsup (so FUN!) and he definitely showed up when we ate until our stomachs hurt and just enjoyed each other all though the night. It was seriously the most refreshing and peaceful event; it was the highlight of my entire Christmas this year! 
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Christmas Creative Arts Extravaganza, 2016
So one of the Christmas traditions in my home growing up was that my family always went out to a fancy dinner a few days before Christmas. We always dressed up in Christmas attire; my Dad and brother had on some sort of crazy singing tie and my Mom and I wore matching tights with wreaths and Christmas trees (so 90s right?!) Well anyway, we still try to keep the tradition alive as a family even though I am an adult. My brother lives in Pittsburgh, but my parents and my husband and I trekked up to see “The Hot Chocolate Nutcracker”, an urban version of the Nutcracker (http://www.thehotchocolatenutcracker.com/) at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion up in Los Angeles. LA is about 45 minutes away from me so it made for a nice family roadtrip. My heart was at rest.
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Mom and Dad looking fabulous. We are FAR from the perfect family but we’re all we’ve got so we’d better learn to love each other well.
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 And of course tis the season for holiday gatherings and there were more Christmas parties  than usual but with this 2016 year kicking my butt the way it has--I was certainly down for a good festivity, a quality glass of wine, and some dancing. Thank God for his grace by providing such a entertaining group of friends who lifted my spirits. Man, who ever said money can buy happiness? Nope! Send me crazy friends anyday :).
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These are my girlfriends/professor friends from work. Do we look like we should be in charge of  college students? Hahah, I might not trust us myself :) ....but somehow we are and these ladies may be the zaniest, but also the most hardworking teachers I have encountered. Cheers to the craziness! The older I get I don’t even trust people if they don’t have a little bit of CRAZY in them :).
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 As a group of crazy teachers we we call ourselves Pakachu. We are our own Korean pop singers--tho only one member is Korean. Love these ladies. Ladies, don’t we all need each other in this cold world!?
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So much going on in this collage. Top left, Nadeah (friend from high school) and I are at the spa. Top right, old small group party. Bottom left and middle, dropping the camera while trying to figure out timed selfies at an Aussie coffee shop in Orange. Bottom right, one of my most consistent friends and committed prayer partner, the beautiful and courageous, Kelly Michelle Still.
And who isn’t down for a killer game of Uno around the holidays? I am beyond grateful for the relationship as adults that has developed between my childhood best friend, Teresa and her husband Sky. There was a time in my mid 20s that Teresa and I weren’t talking entirely due to anger and misunderstanding as we developed into women we are today. Isn’t it cool when you and a friend break up for a season and God restores it back better than before? Will forever love Teresa (my Backstreet Boys twin) and family.
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So then like Christmas Day snuck up on us. Danial and I went to the Christmas Eve candlelight service at Saddleback Church this year. Isn’t it gorgeous? Pastor Rick and his crew hook it up every time.
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 Well on Christmas Day at 32,there isn’t to much you can buy me that I can’t find for myself cheaper online but the only thing I wanted this year were the LED Lightup tennis shoes. I think I’m just finding any excuse to cling onto “the light” this year in the midst of such a tumultuous year. However, these suckers made my entire Christmas. Christmas Day was an enjoyable day with my parents, husband, and cousin. Big kid at heart!
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Today, New Year’s Eve , my hubby and I spent the day at Newport Beach eating salmon overlooking the ocean. It was raining which was fitting for this year. But at the end of the afternoon the sun began peaking out of the clouds. I am looking forward to welcoming 2017 with open arms.
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Now to Him who is able to do infinitely more than all we ask or imagine IN 2017, according to His power that is at work within us,  to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen. (Ephesians 3:20). Stay blessed, xoxoxo. 
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