trinity-slater · 3 years
Jealous (Gary x Fem!reader (smut)
Warnings: smut (obviously), fingering,
handjob, blowjob.
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Me, my brother juni, and my sister Carmen are at this party thing with mom and dad it’s kinda weird to be here it’s just grown ups and kids that’s spy’s like us.
My boyfriend Gary and his sister Gerti are supposed to be coming here, but the problem is that Carmen, mom, and dad doesn’t know juni only knows cause he walked in on me and Gary having sex.
Carmen has a really big crush on Gary since he came here so did I, but I got with him first. Juni has a crush on Gerti.
Before the party:
Me, Carmen, and mom are getting ready for the party, but I got to distracted while talking on the phone with Gary without my mom or Carmen knowing “I can’t wait to see you y/n” Gary cooed into the spy phone while getting ready “I can’t wait to see you to Gary” I coped back into the phone, gary groans into the phone making me confused “you look so sexy right now” gary groaned.
Ohhh now I know, I’m only in my bra and underwear it’s black and Lacey “aww thanks gary” I cooed teasing him, “y/n’ come on hurry” Carmen said “uh bye baby see you later love you” I said in a rushed tone “bye baby love you to” Gary said back and hanged up.
I hurried and got dressed in this:
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I came out and my mom and Carmen looked at me “wow you look beautiful y/n” Carmen says looking me up and down in a nice way “yeah very beautiful” mom says “thank you and Carmen you look pretty” I said looking at Carmen’s outfit.
What Carmen is wearing:
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She really is tryin copy me “thank you” Carmen says, to be honest I got a little jealous because what if Gary sees her and try and get with her “mhm” I said “come on you to” mom says and takes us to juni and dad.
When we got to juni and dad they were getting ready and dad was fixing juni hair and once they were done we left.
Me and Carmen was greeting the two new spy kids while juni was coming in with dad and dad walked away. Me and Carmen saw juni come over to us as soon as the two kids walked away “oh hey” Carmen says “hi” I said “hello” juni says and a man with a silver talk hat with a red suit came over “champagne?” He asks “no thanks” I said “nope” juni says “no thank you sorry” Carmen says and the man nodded slightly and walks away looking back at us walking away.
“Something doesn’t feel right” juni says “no wonder your crush is here” he added talking to Carmen as Gary and Gerti come over “and your boy-“ juni started to say, but I didn’t let him finish “shut up” I said “your “friend” with the weird laugh” juni says “he doesn’t have a weird laugh!” Me and Carmen says at the same time.
“We we’re just talking about you guys” gerti says “really” Carmen says and I roll my eyes and Gary giggle very…weirdly, but he clears his throat and adjusts himself, me Carmen and juni look at each other. “Wow you look great Carmen” Gary says I start to feel my blood boil “you look wonderful y/n excuse my brother” Gerti says “thank you gerti” I say with my fake smile “thank you” Carmen says “wanna dance” Gary asks Carmen.
Dance with that girl?! I started to feel jealous “uh oh” juni says and I walk away angry “what’s up with her” Carmen says “it’s nothing” juni says and a man says everyone find a seat quickly “looks like we gotta go” Gerti says “yeah I’ll go find y/n” Gary says and walks to me.
While I’m sitting down I feel someone grab my shoulder “what’s up with you” I hear someone say I turn around and it’s Gary “nothing” I say Jealous “aww is my little princess jealous” Gary coos and I blush “n-no I’m not shut up Gary” I said stuttering a little “if you say so” Gary says and takes a sit next to me and Carmen, juni and Gerti comes over and sits with us.
“Hey guys” Carmen says way to happy “hi” I say “wassup” Gary says “nothing weird boy” juni says and I kick his foot under the table making him whines in pain “sorry to upset anyone here” Gary says and puts his hand on my thigh and I tense up ”no it’s ok” Carmen says.
Gary moves his hand closer to my pussy and I moan, but I cover it with a cough “you on y/n/n” juni asks “yeah I’m fine sorry” I say and Gary smirks “what are you doing to my sister Gary” juni says mad “nothing juni” Gary says “juni calm down” Carmen says and he does Gary starts to rub my clit and I grind up against his hand groaning quietly making sure no one heard.
The people started talking and Gary moved my underwear out the way and fingers me making me moan into his shoulder I saw that Carmen noticed and got jealous Gary went faster and I cummed I don’t know how I did so fast, but I I’m getting my revenge I unbuckled his belt and moved his boxers and pumped his huge cock he groaned and everyone at the table looked at him “this is so boring” he said groaning trying to cover it up “then you should of never came” Juni said “we have to come stupid” Gary said and I smirked and went harder and faster making him lean back and grind and moan “wha-“ juni said “I-l “ Gerti said and Carmen blushes with Gary and I dropped my fork and went down and under the table and sucked his cock and Gary quietly gasp and I went faster “baby” he growled at me and I sucked the tip “baby I’m gonna cum” Gary moaned quietly and he comes in my mouth and I went back up and smirked and sallowed it “your so gonna get it” Gary said.
Hey guys I wrote another smut enjoy it!
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trinity-slater · 3 years
Cindy Berman x Fem!Reader** (smut)
Summary: Cindy tries to be dom but y/n won’t let her and punishes her
Warnings: 18+, Making out, mommy kink, nipple play, names, eating out, sex toys, overstimulation, tying up (Cindy), spanking, and soft after care.
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Cindy’s pov
I was cleaning with Alice and Arnie but they ended up having sex so they paired me up with Tommy, while me and Tommy was cleaning I got a idea of doming y/n she might not like it but I don’t care. “Tommy?” I said to the tall, blonde hair boy “yes?” He said “what if I try to dom y/n” I said, yes I asked Tommy cause y/n and him used to date but there friends now so I guess it’s ok if I ask him.
Tommy chuckles and shakes his head “I suggest you don’t” he says, I looked at him Confused “why not?” I asked, “that girl is crazy in bed, you try to dom her and you’ll be in big trouble” tommy says, well now I’m more curious what kind of trouble? “ok?” I said and continued my work still wondering what kind of trouble would I be in if I dom y/n.
-Time Skip-
When I got back to me and y/n cabin i quickly shut the door looking around to see if y/n was there and I couldn’t find her which means she’s probably playing with the campers, so I changed into a black lace bra and underwear which has no padding over my pussy or breast. I went to go get some candles and I set them on the to nightstands besides the bed and lit them, I put rose petals on the bed making a heart, and last but not least the sex toys and some rope for her feet, cuffs for her hands, and blindfold. I know y/n doesn’t let me use this stuff but it’s only for today she won’t do anything. Right?
I heard the door open so I put the sex toys in a row and ran to the bathroom and shut the door, I heard the door close and someone taking off there shoes “babe?” I heard y/n say as she was going in the bedroom and when she got in there I got to see her reaction through the crack of the bathroom door and she was shocked “baby! Please come out and tell me what’s going on…” y/n says, but the last part she said quietly which made me confused.
I came out the bathroom and she looked at me shocked and looked down at my breast, I smirked and walked towards her “hey baby” I said and wrapped my arms around her neck “w-what’s all of this” mentioning to all of the candles, toys, rope, cuffs, the blindfold, and rose petals. “It’s all for you baby” I said and got closer “m-me?” She questioned, “yes you now go lay on the bed!” I said loudly at her, and she obeyed I thought Tommy said she was crazy! “N-now what” she stutters, I got on top of her and kissed her neck “now I want you to be patient and wait” I said, I know y/n has trouble being patient, but she’s gonna have to be now. Y/n huffed and moaned a bit, I smirked going towards her breast and taking off her shirt revealing her huge breast to me, I kissed the middle making her moan louder and I covered her mouth “shhhh baby you don’t want anyone hearing Don’t you” I said and then all the sudden some switch flipped on in y/n head which made her flip us over, so she’s on top.
Now I got nervous cause i don’t know what just happened, I was busting dominanting her now she’s staring to switch, “you! Don’t get to tell me what to do!” She said jabbing a finger in my chest making me whimper, “I! Get to do what i want! And you do what I tell you to do” she said jabbing her finger once again in my chest, “y/n” I started but she cut me off “shut up Cindy” She said and cuffed me to the headboard, put the blindfold over my eyes tying it, tying my feet to the bottom of the bed, and now I couldn’t see or touch her which made me frustrated “baby-“ I got cut off again with a slap on my thigh and I gasped “what did I just say!” Y/n said Loudly, I stayed quiet not wanting to make her even more mad “good girl.” She said and rubbed the thigh that she hit.
I heard y/n taking off her pants and after she got on top of me and kissed down my chest to my lower stomach getting close to the place I want her to touch most “baby please stop teasing” I said whimpering wanting her to do something “shh baby” she said and pulled down my underwear and rubbing my pussy making me moan and I heard her groan “so wet for me” she said groaning “only for me” she growled and slapped my pussy making me jump and moan, then I heard her get something from the closet and come back and all the sudden I feel I gag in my mouth “that’ll keep you quiet” she said and took off my underwear and teased my pussy by slowly rubbing it and almost putting a finger in and taking it out making me moan louder but it came out muffled by the gag making me huff “aww is princess mad because mommy won’t let her moan correctly” y/n said, I could basically hear the fake pout in her voice “well to bad you should of never been a bad girl” she said and slapped my thigh harder then last time, I let out I muffled moan and she finally stops teasing and licks my pussy making me arch my back a little moaning which gave her the energy of going faster.
Y/n went faster and faster making me arch my back and moan louder, she stops making my hips thrust up to nothing “hold on baby calm down” y/n chuckles and I hear her get something off the nightstand and I hear vibrating, oh no! Not the vibrator! She puts it on my pussy making me moan loudly, I feel her sucking on my breast and taking off my bra and pinching and pulling on my nipples cruelly making me gasp and let out muffled cries I was close she could tell, so she took out the vibrator making me whine then I moan as she thrusts a cock inside of me making me squirm “take it whore!” She says loudly (I do not mean that Cindy you mean the world to me sorry) and I whimper as she goes faster and harder making me cum without a warning “MOMMY” I moaned loudly through the gag and she takes out the cock and flips me over putting me on my knees and bent down and face in the pillows.
I feel a stinging sensation in my ass she must of gotten the whip and I moan “did I tell you to cum!” She says and I nodded no and she does it again “words” she says and takes out the gag I breath out speechless “speak!” She said again whipping me harder “n-no” I stutter, “so why did you?” She says doing it again “i-i n-needed t-to c-cum” I stutter uncontrollably, and she chuckled and I hear her put the whip down “that’s enough punishing for today” she says and flips me over and grinds onto me fast and hard making both of us moan loudly “mommy!! Faster please!” I Moan and she goes faster taking off my blindfold letting me see her already sweaty forehead and I moan “shit!” She says and goes harder making my breast bounce within each thrust making her look at them moaning.
“I-I’m gonna cum” I say moaning and whimpering “cum” as soon as those words come out of her mouth I cum but she didn’t stop or even slow down “b-baby-“ I say but gets cut off by y/n “I’m not stopping until I cum” she says and goes faster making me moan again and she moans loudly “princess I’m gonna cum” she says moans loudly and she did she cums and she stops lying on my chest and she notices that I’m still tied up and she unties me and I uncuffs me and I wrap my arms around her “wait baby” she says taking my arms away from her and got a wipe and cleaned my pussy and everything and got back on top of me cuddling and put the covers over us “I love you” I say “I love you to” and we cuddled through out the whole night not caring of anyone heard us.
Hey guys! This was my first smut! I hope you enjoyed it!
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trinity-slater · 3 years
Master list (updated 10-2-21)
Cindy Berman
Cindy x Fem!reader smut
Tommy Slater
MAZE RUNNER: All of them
Spy kids 2 age up
Gary: 17
Jealous (Gary x Fem!reader smut)
Juni: 16
Carmen: 17

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trinity-slater · 3 years
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