typicalpoetry · 1 year
I am a man. Who happens to have a vagina.
I am not a woman.
Who wishes to be a man.
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typicalpoetry · 1 year
I caught a glimpse of myself in the reflection on the CTA 92 bus.
I smiled.
I was finally starting to like what looked back at me.
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typicalpoetry · 2 years
god. I want to fuck him so bad, it makes me look stupid.
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typicalpoetry · 2 years
This is his problem
HE deserves to cry about it
Not me.
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typicalpoetry · 2 years
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typicalpoetry · 2 years
“Say it back”
“Love you too”
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typicalpoetry · 2 years
My heart is heavy.
And all I want to do right now is let it sink me down into a large body of water. Where I’ll meet the same fate as a boat lost at sea.
Let my body feed the lucky sea creatures that find it first.
And turn my bones into ship wreckage. Where at least someone might find it interesting in a few decades.
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typicalpoetry · 2 years
“I miss you”
That’s so pathetic.
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typicalpoetry · 2 years
Everyone always says:
You’ll recognize love when you see it.
But I thought I recognized it.
Until it walked by again.
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typicalpoetry · 2 years
You feel like a jerk because you were acting like a jerk.
And my news does not absolve you of that, it was still a jerk move.
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typicalpoetry · 2 years
It’s always the teeter-totter.
The not-wanting-to-say-too-much in case it was the wrong thing to say and stops everything all together. And there’s no comfortable way to stop a seesaw. Not the ones that go so high up, at least.
So up and down we go. Stomach dropping every time gravity catches up to us.
And we’re afraid to voice our feelings, in case our words catch up to us as well.
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typicalpoetry · 2 years
“I don’t know if I’m ready for that conversation with you”
WHAT does that MEAN??
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typicalpoetry · 2 years
I feel like my emotions have been turned on
After spending so much time dormant.
And I really wish
I could shut them off again.
At least for a little while
At least until you’re ready
At least until I have somewhere to put them.
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typicalpoetry · 2 years
I guess I should’ve been more clear about what I wanted.
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typicalpoetry · 2 years
Do I only exist in Omaha to you?
You haven’t told them about me…have you told anyone? Your fiends at school? Do I not exist in Kearney? Are you compartmentalizing that fucking much?
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typicalpoetry · 2 years
How the fuck could you say that to me??
How are you dating someone else, but telling me you “can’t be held responsible” for if I do something flirty?
And here I thought you had such strong opinions against cheating. Where’s that energy now? Maybe it’s your friend’s turn to have a confrontation with YOU.
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typicalpoetry · 2 years
How is any of this playing out in your mind?
When you think about your life, how are these the right decisions?
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