ughbetp · 6 years
Mobile This Week: Explore MLKit and Biometrics on iOS
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Our featured articles this week cover MLKit for Android and Face / Touch ID for iOS after Google I / O. After the excitement of Google I / O, we are in a waiting cycle for the WWDC. However, there is still a lot to discuss with the libraries and facilities we already have! Android I highly recommend following the latest series of Joe Birch Exploring Firebase MLKit on Android, which starts with an introduction to MLKit This is quite clean - Helium: a lightweight MVP framework for Android written 100% in Kotlin. It looks like it could really help you create really clean code. If you've chosen Kotlin, Google I / O has made it clear that language is the future of Android. So, it's time to settle down. There's a free course for Udacity, Kotlin Bootcamp, which will make the transition a little easier for you. In collaboration with Kotlin, you will find here a collection of best practices for unit testing at Kotlin. Here is an overview of everything new in the Google Play console, as announced in this year's Google I / O Google Design has a nice article on the evolution of Android Home screen and Navigation, which shows how things have changed in the last decade. For more info keep in touch
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. Some projects to review: UETool: view / edit views of a screen view Forte: Hotfix framework for Android. It supports the exchange of new class implementations without restarting a running app. iOS Touch ID and Face ID on iOS go beyond the basic examples of official documents and offer a complete view of the functioning of both systems. This article shows a solid example showing how the code is shared between similar iOS apps with similar goals. It's something we all aim for, but usually every large-scale project fails. Here is an interesting look at how modules are extended using a plugin architecture. At first this may seem overwhelming, but it's a good way to build the right architecture for modular apps. Important information for most developers. Here's how to use regular expressions in Swift. NSAttributoString in Swift - Examples of how to manage the associated strings and design your app using SwiftRichString 2 Some projects to review: ClassicKit: a collection of classic UI components for iOS CardParts: UI-based reactive UI-based board framework SwiftEntryKit: Banner Presenter Library for IOS. It can be used to display pop-up windows and notifications in your apps CloudKitCodable: an encoder and decoder for CKRecord general Airbnb has become one of the golden examples of startups that grow out of nothing. Find out if you can find tips on how to resize a magical experience: 4 lessons for Brian Chesky from Airbnb. Techtion is a repository of questions to help you prepare technical interviews with iOS, Android, Java, JavaScript, PHP or Python. Principles for Success is an animated adventure of miniseries that you can see in just 30 minutes. It's a good time, because you will guide your principles to do a better job and life choices. The Secret Authority of Coders shows how many times the best plans fail, because regardless of what you create, it depends on the motivation of your development team. So maybe these 7 tips are needed to successfully manage micromanage programmers?
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