ulquihimeweek · 10 months
Thanks to all who participated in UlquiHime week 2023! 💚🧡💚🧡💚💚🧡🧡
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ulquihimeweek · 10 months
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Final chapter of Cinnamon and Clove for ulquihime week 2023 day 6, Cruise, and day 7, Apology!
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ulquihimeweek · 10 months
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UlquiHime Week 2023 Day 5: At Your Service
Orihime: metallicanero Ulquiorra: damisuns Cosplayers have given permission to repost.
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ulquihimeweek · 10 months
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Day 6 of Ulquihime Week 2023, "Cruise"
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ulquihimeweek · 10 months
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Ulquihime Week 2023
Day 7: Apology
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ulquihimeweek · 10 months
Ulquihime Week Day 7: Apology.
At least once a month she has that dream.
The two of them, standing under a bright moon on a tower reaching into the heavens.
Every time, she would apologize to him. Every time, he would lift his hand. Every time, she would try to take it. And every time, he would fade to ashes.
I'm sorry.
She'd sit at her desk, eyes turned towards the window while everyone else took notes.
I wanted to save you.
She'd lag behind her friends as they walked along, chattering, laughing at the usual day-to-day things.
But I wasn't strong enough.
She'd eat her dinner alone without really tasting it.
Then one night, seventeen months after the war, she dreams that dream again. Only this time when she reaches for him, her fingers close around his, cold and solid and real. She looks up into his eyes, finds reassurance where once there was nothing at all.
And she wakes with a start, lifts a hand to her pounding heart, knowing without a shadow of a doubt that he is alive.
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ulquihimeweek · 10 months
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Click here for Chapter 5!
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ulquihimeweek · 10 months
Sky High
Ulquihime Week Day 5: At Your Service.
Ulquiorra hated international flights. He hated flying, period. No matter that his company flew him out first class every time, there was simply no escaping the awareness that he was on a plane, tens of thousands of feet above ground, hurtling through freezing air at ridiculous speeds. Thus, despite the reclining sleeping pod, the noise canceling headphones, and access to enough alcohol to knock him unconscious, he remained unable to sleep.
He tried watching a movie, but a round of turbulence set his nerves on edge. Before he could think twice about it, he pressed the button to call a flight attendant.
A busty, cheerful-looking redhead was at his seat in moments. He recognized her from dinnertime. "Yes, Mr. Cifer?"
"Could I get some more wine, please?"
She bowed, hands folded over each other on her stomach. Her nametag read Orihime. "Of course."
Another small round of turbulence shook the plane. The fasten seatbelt sign came on, but the flight attendant returned nonetheless, carrying both bottle and glass. She poured it for him as the plane steadied. "Is there anything else I can get for you?" she asked him as she handed the glass over.
Ulquiorra could have dismissed her. He still had a few finishing touches to put on the presentation he'd be delivering at his meeting the next day. But he needed something to take his mind off the flying, and work never did the trick. "No," he said, "but would you mind keeping me company for a bit, Miss... Orihime? I admit I'm somewhat of a nervous flier..."
The young woman brightened. "What a coincidence, so am I!"
"But... but you're a flight attendant."
"It pays the bills, lets me travel." She shrugged. "And I'm very good at customer service. Felt like a no-brainer." The seat beside him was empty, and she glanced at it before remembering the wine bottle in her hands. "I'll be right back," she said.
Ulquiorra ended up spending hours talking to Orihime. When she left to assist her coworkers with the breakfast distribution, he felt an honest sting of disappointment. But really, what had he expected? She was, as she'd stated, great at customer service.
And then he found a phone number scribbled on his breakfast napkin, and he decided that this particular flight was significantly less terrible than the rest.
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ulquihimeweek · 10 months
Apology Gift
Another one for the next fays to round up the week. As always it's been fun doing this and sorry for the rush this year, hope you like it regardless and we all keep enjoying our adorable ship. Today on the agenda, fluffy funny Reunion AU!
Ulquihime Week 2023 - Day 5: At your Service, Day 6: Cruise, Day 7: Apology
Apology Gift
He'd already apologized for Hueco Mundo, and she'd forgiven him. She'd forgiven him even before he came back. They went from friends, to lovers, to a happily married couple. Why would he ever think she'd still hold resentment?
Orihime was currently frozen in her cruise ship cabin with both delight and utter confusion as hee husband Ulquiorra kneeled down, dressed in a butler's uniform. "My lady."
"Ulqui, just what is this?"
"I've thought up of a way to properly apologize for my former misdeeds. I shall be at your service during this trip."
She giggled, kneeling down with him and cupping his face with her hands. "You don't need to apologize. I've already forgiven you."
"I am aware. I just haven't forgiven myself..."
She kissed him gently. "Darling, please don't do this to yourself. We have been married for a year and together for another. If there were any grievances for what you did I would've addressed them.
My time in Hueco Mundo wasn't the best. I'll admit to that. But I had you, and you were the only one I missed until we reunited.
Want to make it up to me? Let's enjoy this life together, starting with this fun vacation!"
He smiled, giving her a soft kiss before they rose. "Yes, as you wish, my heart."
"Just...change the uniform."
"You do not like it?"
"I like it quite a lot, darling. But it's not proper summer attire. We are going to the pool Ulqui not to a fancy party."
He smirked, as she couldn't hide her absolutely gorgeous smile and blush when she saw him in that uniform. "Then help me undress, my princess as I remain at your mercy for the rest of the vacation."
Orihime smirked and dragged him close by the necktie. "That I can do, my love."
They'd have time to bask in the sun and other activities later. For now she'd spend her afternoon with Ulquiorra being spoiled rotten and spoiling him in turn. Not bad for an apology gift.
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ulquihimeweek · 10 months
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UlquiHime Week 2023 Day 3: Scandal.
ulquiorra simply couldn't wait till they get home... who can blame him tho
Ulquiorra: metallicanero Orihime: damisuns Cosplayers have given permission to repost.
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ulquihimeweek · 10 months
The Multiverse
Ulquihime Week Day 4: Breaking the 4th Wall, featuring Oz.
"There are other universes?"
Orihime and Ulquiorra had gone up to her dorm room after their 3PM class. It was raining cats and dogs and he didn't feel like getting to his apartment the usual way, but opening up a magical portal in the middle of the University of Phoenix's campus would cause a spectacle that neither of them were prepared to explain. Now Orihime sat on her bed, staring a Ulquiorra with wide eyes.
He scribbled symbols on her whiteboard in bright green marker. "Did you not realize Oz was another universe?"
Her cheeks reddened. "I guess I thought it was like... an off-shoot of this world."
"It is, I would say, the closest neighboring universe to ours."
"So somewhere in Oz, there's another me?" She frowned. "Then how come she wasn't the Promised Child?"
Ulquiorra smiled. "Who knows? Destiny is a strange thing." He stepped back and checked the symbols. "Something is off..."
Orihime inched closer to him. "Ulquiorra, you're a super powerful sorcerer, right?" He made a vague noise of assent. "And you were able to travel to this universe from Oz, almost on a whim." He mumbled something to himself and added a mark to one of the symbols he'd drawn. The whiteboard's surface shimmered and changed, showing the inside of his apartment. "So could you travel to any universe?"
He turned around to look at her. "Why do you ask?"
Orihime wiggled. "I just think it'd be fun to meet another me!"
He leaned over and kissed her gently. "I wouldn't advise it," he said. "You might not like what you find." His expression soured. "In one universe I visited, I was dead and you were married to some guy named Ichigo Kurosaki."
Orihime slapped her hands over her mouth. "Y-You don't say!"
Ulquiorra's eyes narrowed. "What?"
"Nothing! It's ancient history! Don't worry about it. You were going home, remember?" She got up from the bed and shoved him towards the whiteboard-turned-portal. "Oh, but I need you to teach me a spell."
"For the last time---"
"Just a dictation spell! The one you use so your pencil will keep writing without you touching it. For note-taking." She beamed at him. "Please?"
Ulquiorra pulled her close and kissed her again. "You're lucky I like you so much."
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ulquihimeweek · 10 months
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UlquiHime Week 2023 drawing by TiromaArt on Twitter!
Artist has given permission to repost.
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ulquihimeweek · 10 months
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Chapter 4 of Cinnamon and Clove for day 4 of Ulquihime week 2023: Breaking the 4th Wall
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ulquihimeweek · 10 months
The Queen of Las Noches
Ulquihime Week Day 3: Scandal.
"Stand back, Inoue."
Perhaps Orihime had been in Las Noches too long. Surrounded by strong warrior women who fought their own battles, who were expected to contribute, for whom weakness and passivity was not allowed. They were often smaller in stature than their male counterparts, but they had teeth and claws and weapons of their own.
And it may have been that which caused Ichigo's command to send an unpleasant prickle up the back of her neck. He stood not ten feet away, squaring off against Ulquiorra, her hollow captor. And yet, it was Ulquiorra's eyes that slid over to hers, steadily holding her gaze with an unspoken challenge. She swayed a little on her feet. Really, she must have been away from the human world too long.
"I won't," she whispered, and then, gathering strength, she repeated herself. "I won't."
Ichigo looked over his shoulder at her. "What?"
She continued to hold Ulquiorra's gaze. "We're wasting time," she said. Her feet carried her forward until she stood between Ichigo and Ulquiorra, closer to the latter than the boy she'd spent months obsessing over. "When I came to Hueco Mundo, I swore that I would reject the hougyoku and stop Aizen-sama myself. And that's what I intend to do." She looked at Ichigo's stunned face, then back at Ulquiorra. "Will you stop me?" she asked him. "You are disobeying Aizen-sama by not letting me go, so I suspect you're only following his orders to defend Las Noches because there's something here you want to protect."
His green eyes widened almost imperceptibly.
"If you really want to protect Las Noches, come with me," Orihime continued. "Lend me your sword, and we can save this world together."
"Inoue!" Ichigo cried, but she ignored him. Somehow, over time, the black sky and white sands had become a part of her, too.
Ulquiorra had maintained his grip on his sword throughout the conversation, still ready to fight Ichigo if need be. But now he released the weapon, slipped his hands back into his pockets, and regarded her with open interest. "You are a strong woman, indeed," he murmured.
Orihime smiled, brimming with confidence, and turned to Ichigo, whose mouth opened and closed in silent shock. "All right, let's help Ishida-kun escape Yammy and then get out of here!"
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ulquihimeweek · 10 months
Happy birthday Ulquiorra-kun! And celebration to the first day of UlquiHime week!
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ulquihimeweek · 10 months
UlquiHime Week 2023 drawing by TiromaArt on Twitter!
Artist has given permission to repost.
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ulquihimeweek · 10 months
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UlquiHime Week 2023 Day 2 [Dance]
Manage to make 1 prompt cause I was so busy this month. 
Link Event
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