umbra-papilio · 26 days
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umbra-papilio · 1 month
Your Creepypasta yandere according to your MBTI! ❤️
These are just my personal hot takes!
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Jeff the Killer: ISFP, ESTJ, ENTP, INTP
Eyeless Jack: INTJ, INTP, ESFJ, ENTJ
Homicidal Liu: ISFJ, ISTP, ENFP, ESFJ
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umbra-papilio · 1 month
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dark academia 🍂🌙
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umbra-papilio · 1 month
Jeff, down on one knee with an open box: I don’t want to be your boyfriend anymore.
Y/N: Are you breaking up with me??
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umbra-papilio · 1 month
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umbra-papilio · 1 month
Dynamics in the Slender Mansion
Sally and Lazari used to share a room before Lazari had her growth spurts and began having violent mood swings. In the mansion, incorporeal beings are granted physical forms, meaning Sally and other ghosts can eat and sleep normally, but are also unable to levitate or phase through solid matter, and that they're able to take physical damage. Being half demon, Lazari has physical capabilities that rival or even surpass the proxies, so the best thing they can do for her during these episodes is to just give her space and wait it out. There's normally some property damage afterwards that Lazari feels terrible about, and she always helps clean up and uses her allowance to replace any broken items. The girls are still friends, but they aren't as close as they were when Lazari was younger.
LJ is only there on occasion, mostly just to pop in, be a moderate to severe nuisance, then leave. But one of the strictest rules in the mansion is that he has to stay as far away from the kids as possible. Sally is absolutely terrified of him and will mentally shut down if he gets too close. The two are speculated to have prior history, but when questioned about it, LJ just bursts into maniacal laughter, and no one has asked Sally out of consideration for her feelings. Actually, LJ's occasional presence in the mansion is the only reason Puppeteer is on the fence about moving into the mansion. He might be a vengeful spirit, but even death can't suppress the overprotective big brother instinct. He may be fighting Splendorman for first place in the Hatred of Laughing Jack Olympics.
Nina's a bit of an oddball, which is saying a lot considering all the killers are, well, weird, to put it lightly. Despite that, nobody really has an issue with her since she's so upbeat and outgoing. She mainly hangs around the mansion chatting up the other residents. She's the nicest and friendliest person in the mansion, and she'd be the most likely to help any newbies adjust. She doesn't have any beef with anyone, but like most of the killers who live there, she's not fond of LJ. He just creeps her out.
Ben is the mansion's mischievous little brother. He's not malicious with his pranks like LJ, but he can be a major headache, mainly stealing something and hiding it in another person's room in order to start a fight. He's gentler with Sally and Lazari, but they aren't free from his antics either. He especially likes to pick on Nina (he has a crush lol), but never does anything to push her over the edge. That would be a challenge, anyhow. Nina has a surprisingly high tolerance for bullshit.
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Ann is the mansion's medic. She takes care of all of the residents and makes sure to keep whiteboards on the fridge and in the living room with reminders of the killers' checkups. She spends most of her time within the infirmary and doesn't talk to people much outside of professional settings, but some have noted that she's a great listener and won't shoo you away if you go to her for advice. She may be reserved and unemotional, but she isn't unkind.
While Jason is pretty warm and friendly with the other residents, he's normally in his room or workshop, and is usually only seen in passing. His attention is almost always on the current object of his obsession, and will prioritize spending as much time with them as possible. It's not uncommon to hear frightened and/or pained screams coming from his room, but with everyone else living there being, you know, serial killers, they're all pretty used to it. Just don't ask him about it afterwards, Jason gets pretty pissed for a week or so after a "breakup."
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umbra-papilio · 2 months
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umbra-papilio · 2 months
If I’m being honest, I don’t like yanderes who only care about themselves. I don’t like the ones who could hardly give a damn about their darlings other than the fact that they’re theirs. They’d lock them up in dog cages or a make-shift prison cell, perhaps, even chained to a bathroom with no care about them. They treat them like prisoners, only giving them basic care.
No. Not my thing. 
That isn’t yandere.
Yandere is about being so hopelessly in love and devoted to your object of affection, your darling. It’s about being so deeply in love with someone that those feelings distort into obsession. And it’s not always about murder-fuelled thoughts or raging jealousy, it’s the idea that without your darling, you are hopeless. You can’t function without them, they are the oxygen that fills your lungs, the sun that guides you home. Without them, you feel empty and hollow, like you were born a second too early to appreciate this world. Your heart feels too heavy, your mind doesn’t feel right, and the people around you don’t matter anymore, because you just can’t function, can’t exist.
A yandere needs their darling’s validation and attention. They need YOU to tell them how great they are, that they’ve been doing a good job– because they can’t get it from anyone else. You become their sole motivation in life.
They don’t necessarily have to be devoted to you, spend their days attached to your hip and stalking you from behind. I mean, yes, those yanderes are great and I could go on and on about them, but I think I’ve touched on this before. Yanderes are allowed to exist outside of their darling. They’re allowed to have hobbies and work and things they treasure that aren’t just centred around their darling…
But they need YOU to help them, to motivate them and get them ready and going to fight whatever obstacles they face in life. They dream, fantasise about having you as their spouse, their partner, their best friend. Just knowing that they can call you up, maybe even get a text message before a big life event (like a sports game or a once in a lifetime job interview), they need that.  They want to know that they have an ally in life, someone who will always be there for them. Someone who cares enough to see that they’re well-fed and clothed. Who will make sure they’re healthy and happy and comfortable and loved. Who will be able to give them confidence whenever they’re lacking.
And the only probable person they can see that coming from, is you. And if they have to do some under-handed things to get you by their side, be it stalking to figure out all the things you like, so that the next time you guys meet they’ll know exactly what to say to get into your good books, then so be it. And if they happen to be a little deluded, a little demented, and they decide the best course of action is to kidnap you and chain you by your ankle to their apartment/room, then that’s what they have to do.
In the end, as long as they have you, does the journey really matter?
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umbra-papilio · 2 months
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Just another set of unrealistic beauty standards.
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umbra-papilio · 2 months
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umbra-papilio · 2 months
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umbra-papilio · 2 months
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First post was obviously going to be toby
(Im still learning how to use the app, send help)
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umbra-papilio · 2 months
edit: guys please know the op is brazilian and he literally either forgot to add something or didn't know the thing was popular in the usa. i'm sorry for forgetting out boy courage the cowardly dog and michael jackson's thriller music video for this one tho </3
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umbra-papilio · 2 months
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umbra-papilio · 4 months
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umbra-papilio · 1 year
🥀 Miscellaneous
Slenderbros/The Operator
The Proxies' relationships with each other
The Proxies' relationships with other killers
Woods' family dynamic
Dynamics in the Slender mansion
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umbra-papilio · 1 year
The Woods' family dynamic before the incident
Canada natives. They moved to Vancouver right after their father got a promotion, mainly to be closer to the nice vacation spots. Summer trips to Victoria were common, and every now and then they'd drive down to Washington for a quick two day trip. Jeff had never been too fond of vacations, even short ones, but he was forced to go anyways under the pretense of "family bonding," and as these things usually go, this only made him feel resentful.
Devout Catholics. Church every Sunday was mandatory, as were the holidays and get-togethers the church planned. The boys sometimes wondered if their parents were actually religious, or if they were only following their family's expectations. Jeff was never very religious, and only went along to avoid the inevitable headache that would come from raising a fuss, but Liu was genuinely religious, although his beliefs were nowhere near as extreme as his parents'.
They were a typical upper middle class family. Father worked a full time job, while mother worked from home part time, and was in charge of all the family outings and gatherings. Average PTA mom who expected her children to be no less than perfect. Their parents weren't the most nurturing people on the planet. They were both extremely strict, and sometimes it seemed like they cared more about appearances than their own children.
Jeff had always been the black sheep of the family, nothing had changed over night. He got mostly B's and C's in school, wasn't very social, and had interests that his parents didn't approve of. Meanwhile, Liu was the golden child, and their parents did nothing to hide their favoritism. He got straight A's in every subject, was always outgoing and friendly, and Jeff swore he never once saw his older brother object to anything his parents said. Though he tried his best, it was difficult not to feel jealous and resentful towards him. Liu was aware that his parents favored him, and tried to make up for it by being as doting towards Jeff as possible.
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