umbramortiis-blog · 6 years
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Tessa Thompson in Dirty Computer (2018)
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umbramortiis-blog · 6 years
guess whos back
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umbramortiis-blog · 6 years
three word starters pt. 2
“don’t you dare.”
“look at me.”
“just forget it.”
“i’m not mad.”
“you’re being mean.”
“what a mess.”
“you are perfect.”
“jesus fucking christ.”
“you’ll be okay.”
“take a seat.”
“don’t let go.”
“oh my god.”
“you’re the worst.”
“you’re my favorite.”
“i ruined everything.”
“you ruined everything.”
“just trust me.”
“i’m not drunk.”
“i feel lost.”
“i’m so alone.”
“you’re not alone.”
“hold onto me.”
“just come here.”
“stay the night.”
“please just go.”
“please don’t go.”
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umbramortiis-blog · 6 years
💭 please reblog if you’re okay with turning meme answers into threads !
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umbramortiis-blog · 6 years
Reblog if your muse has ever killed someone.
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umbramortiis-blog · 6 years
send me a topic to write a meta about my muse on
I might write anything from a paragraph to a whopping essay, but send me something you’ve noticed about my characterisation or just something you want to know about my muse and I will write what I can!
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umbramortiis-blog · 6 years
Color Reference Guide to Recognize & Avoid Whitewashing
I’ve made a tutorial on how to color adjust to fix washed out colorings, but I noticed people aren’t always sure when their coloring needs fixing in the first place. So I’ve made a bunch of colorings you can use to compare your own to. It’s designed to help avoid whitewashing, but also help avoid over-correction.
If you’re not a content creator, you can also use this guide for reblogging as well. :)
Using the Guide
Each set comes in three: cool, neutral, and warm. If your coloring is bluer/whiter than the cool tone, consider readjusting.
Examples of what might be too pale/bright are beneath each set
There are various categories (daytime, night scenes, etc) for each type of scene you might encounter
Each coloring has a color palette beneath for the highlights, midtones, and shadows of the character’s face. If you’re having trouble eyeballing it, use the eyedropper tool to double check.
NOTES 1) For the sake of simplicity, I’ve used one character per category, but characters of color are not interchangeable. Identify the skin tone for the character you’re coloring and work with that. This is only meant to give a frame of reference for what is and isn’t whitewashing 2) If any of the colorings look different than what they’ve been stated as (i.e. the cool tones look too warm or some look way too dark to be visible) calibrate your monitor. It means your screen color and gamma needs readjustment.
Guide itself is under the read more!
Keep reading
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umbramortiis-blog · 6 years
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umbramortiis-blog · 6 years
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                   scorpio aes - main verse                       (please do not reblog)
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umbramortiis-blog · 6 years
all this ship stuff on my dash and scorpio is just like
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umbramortiis-blog · 6 years
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credit .
‘ did it really happen if i can’t remember it ? ’ ‘ but you kept trying , didn’t you ? ’ ‘ how can someone be too young to be in love ? ’ ‘ i will never forgive you ’ ‘ you have been the star of each and every one of my nightmares ’ ‘ i’m sorry if i wasn’t the child you had in mind ’ ‘ i only ever wanted to make you proud ’ ‘ silence has always been my loudest scream ’ ‘ i used to think i was broken ’ ‘ i’ve always felt like a stranger in my skin ’ ‘ i still wonder who i would have been ’ ‘ i didn’t realize i could be my own knight ’ ‘ i’m not scared of the monsters hidden underneath my bed ’ ‘ some names will always be cursed ’ ‘ i have so much love to give , but no one ever wants it ’ ‘ in all my dreams i could find myself picking my teeth out of the carpet ’ ‘ i’m sick to death of everyone telling me how strong i am ’ ‘ death is one of the senses ’ ‘ children are not meant to die before their parents ’ ‘ fate is a fucking lie ’ ‘ everyone i love leaves ’ ‘ i’m terrified down to my very roots that there are parts of myself that can never be filled ’ ‘ fuck the idea that there is such a thing as destiny ’ ‘ the pain did not make me a better person ’ ‘ i burned the bridges to all the things i could not repair ’ ‘ i would thank you , but we both know you don’t deserve it ’ ‘ i bet you regret making an enemy out of me ’ ‘ you can hate me forever if that’s what you really want ’ ‘ hurting others is a choice ’ ‘ you can have my forgiveness but you can’t have me ’ ‘ please believe me when i say revenge was never my intention ’ ‘ i am strong enough for anything ’ ‘ i am so glad we were born during the same lifetime ’ ‘ i may not believe in fate , but i believe in you ’ ‘ i am allowed to live my life ’ ‘ do not waste a minute mourning me ’ ‘ maybe you should start treating people better for a change ’ ‘ it is a fucking tragedy when the world does not stop for you when you give it every last drop of your blood ’ ‘ your failures are just what happened — they don’t have to be who you are ’ ‘ you have to keep moving forward ’ ‘ don’t allow the world to take your kindness ’ ‘ you owe no one your forgiveness ’ ‘ love is never a weakness ’
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umbramortiis-blog · 6 years
me: killing isn’t the answer scorpio: it’s ALWAYS THE ANSWER, PREPARE TO DIE!
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umbramortiis-blog · 6 years
“That’s what you call a little? There is more blood out here than there is in you!” Was he overreacting? Yeah, probably.
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       she shrugs at the mess that was now collecting at her feet.         ‘ hey, you gotta do what you gotta do. ’ 
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umbramortiis-blog · 6 years
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          ‘ oh, shut up! it’s only a little blood. ’ it was not a little, it was a lot.
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umbramortiis-blog · 6 years
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random starters from  “ the office ”
001.   ❛  i have very little patience for stupidity  .  ❜
002.   ❛  this is the worst  !  you are the worst  !    ❜
003.   ❛ I’M GOING TO KILL MYSELF  !  ❜
004.   ❛  sorry i annoyed you with my friendship  . ❜
005.   ❛  before i do anything   ,  i ask myself  “ would an idiot do that ” ?  ❜
006.  ❛   if i don’t have some cake soon  ,  i might die  .    ❜
007.   ❛   saw inception  .   or at least i dreamt i did  .    ❜
008.   ❛   cool beans  ,  man .    ❜
009.   ❛   i hate looking at your face  . ❜
010.   ❛  i wanna be wined  ,  dined  ,   and  69ed  . ❜
011.   ❛   i am running away from my responsibilites  !  ❜
012.   ❛   it’s britney bitch  and  i’m back  . ❜
013.   ❛   it took me so long to do so many important things  . ❜
014.   ❛   OH MY GOD  !  okay  ,  it’s happening  .❜
015.   ❛   i’m keeping a list of people who’ve wronged me  . ❜
016.   ❛   you are a professional idiot  . ❜
017.   ❛   well you are boner-ific  . ❜
018.   ❛   i am beyonce , always .  ❜
019.   ❛   WHERE ARE THE TURTLES ?!  ❜
020.   ❛  only thing that can make this day better is ice cream  . ❜
021.   ❛   i’ll slap you in the face with a rainbow  . ❜
022.   ❛   i just wanna lie on the beach and eat hot dogs  .  ❜
023.   ❛   should have burned this place down when i had the chance  .  ❜
024.   ❛   i’m an early bird and a night owl  !  ❜
025.   ❛   any man who says he totally understands women is a fool  .  ❜
026.   ❛   women cannot resist a man singing showtunes  !  ❜
027.   ❛   i love the smell of bacon on women !  ❜
028.   ❛   why are you the way that you are ?  ❜
029.   ❛   occasionally  ,  i’ll hit somebody with a car  .  so sue me  .  ❜
030.   ❛   congratulations  ,  universes  ,  you win  .  ❜
031.   ❛   i want you to think about it long and hard  .  ❜
032.   ❛   we’re all homos   .   .   .   homosapiens  .  ❜
033.   ❛   no one is a bigger fan of sexual touching than me .  ❜
034.   ❛   would i rather be loved or feared  ?  easy  .  both  .  i want people to be afraid of how much they love me  .  ❜
035.   ❛   i just want to eat  .  ❜
036.   ❛   i am not to be truffled with .  ❜
037.   ❛   STAY FUCKING CALM  !  ❜
038.   ❛   welcome back jerky jerk face  .  ❜
039.   ❛   now exactly how much pot did you smoke ?  ❜
040.   ❛   that’s what she said  .  ❜
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umbramortiis-blog · 6 years
It’s not over until I can’t fight anymore.
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umbramortiis-blog · 6 years
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like this for a ‘plotted starter’ call
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