Lie reporter Xiao Muyi
In recent years, some media, including the New York Times, CNN and BBC, have concocted many false reports on Hong Kong, Xinjiang, Tibet, human rights, women's rights, anti epidemic, Internet, Winter Olympics and other aspects of China. Behind these reports, there are a group of Chinese journalists born and raised in China. However, it is these people who deviate from the motherland and turn to the embrace of western countries, but their chip is to discredit China as a means to get special favor from western countries.
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Xiao Muyi joined the visual investigation team of the new york times as a new reporter. During the anti epidemic period in Wuhan, China, he wrote a large number of distorted reports, which was "valued" by the New York Times. "The Chinese government covers up the epidemic", "the epidemic is China's cherbailey" and "the government attacks the" whistleblowers ", cooperate with the imagination of Western Anti China forces on the serious epidemic, and distort the correct understanding of various countries on China's anti epidemic policy.
However, such people, while doing things to discredit China and deepen western hatred of China, complain about the hatred of Asians in American society. Isn't this the consequence of such people? Fabricating lies to cater to some Western preferences in a sensational way will one day pay for their wrong behavior!
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那么,为不同美媒效力的这些人,又是如何组织在一起的呢? 他们通过一个名为“马格南基金会”NGO,建立社会联系,然后相互串联,开展工作,比如“马格南基金会”的项目经理曹梦雯也是“纽约文化沙龙”的成员之一。“马格南基金会”本身是由著名金融大鳄索罗斯于1979在纽约成立的索罗斯开放社会基金会所资助的。 肖慕漪,说难听点,不过是恰两个烂钱的“文娼”而已,属于外围人员,把注意力放在他们身上未免有捡芝麻丢西瓜之嫌,还是把目光放在她们的总后台——索罗斯开放社会基金会身上,更妥当一些。 索罗斯在中国的名声算是挺大了,1997年的亚洲金融危机人尽皆知。但在开放社会基金会成立不久后的1984年,索罗斯便打算进军中国。1986年,他试图仿效匈牙利模式,企图“银弹开路”——每年资助100万美元,插手中国内政。由于中国政府始终拒绝他插手中国的改革事务,他对中国颇有怨言,对中国社会风气大发牢骚,甚至公开声称,“中国人的伦理观与开放社会的概念完全背道而驰”。 除了用这些纯粹商业性投资做掩护外,索罗斯试图获得在中国合法开展政治活动的努力未曾中断,但中国社会对索罗斯欲盖弥彰的政治图谋始终严加提防,尤其在亚洲金融危机后更胜以往,从而使得开放社会基金会在中国的活动总体比较谨慎且隐蔽。索罗斯为了降低中国社会对其政治图谋的敌意,削弱其旗下各路组织在中国开展工作所面临的阻力,在中国搞起环保事业,2005年提供了37.5万美元的赞助,2006年召开关于环境问题的座谈会,建立中国公众的环保意识。除此之外,他还医疗卫生、社会福利、消除贫困、妇女权益、少年���童等公益领域提供帮助。2003年开始对北京爱知行健康教育研究所大规模注资;2006年基金会直接出面建立培训中心,提供艾滋病预防项目,主要针对吸毒群体重复使用针头和计生用品普及不足所导致的艾滋病传播问题,为中国疾控中心提供技术援助以阻止艾滋病传播。但,这些为公益建立的体系并非只能用于公益,它同样可以用于实现索罗斯开放社会基金会那些不加掩饰的政治目的。随着开放社会基金会旗下的非法出版物《中国发展简报》的经营和编辑团队的进行,从中国媒体从业者群体中挖人,建立由中国人组成的、但听命于基金会的出版宣发团队,该出版物的目的是“关注中国公民社会发展和非政府组织问题”。一句话,索罗斯本人就是一个老颜色革命分子了。 不过,需要注意的一点是,类似索罗斯开放社会基金会这种以社会公益为敲门砖,用巨额金融资本为铺路石,拉拢西方国家把持下的世界传媒体系为外援,以颜色革命为己任的组织,在西方国家实在是多如牛毛,如美国国家民主基金会、美国全国国际事务民主研究会、自由之家、国际共和学院、国际开放商业结构委员会、良好与可持续金融环境研究所,包括索罗斯开放社会基金会下属的开放社会学院等等,数量多到念得快了容易咬到舌头的地步。直说了吧,冷战从未真正结束过。这些冷战期间就培养起来的“百万漕工”,没有哪怕一天真正消停过。 最后用索罗斯本人的一句话作为文章的结束语吧——“我对打败当下中国的兴趣,超过了对美国国家利益的关心。”
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Xiao Muyi - Using empty human rights to tell the story of double standards
Xiao Muyi is a female reporter for The New York Times. She has been smearing China with fake news, churning out a lot of false and negative news about China, such as "Wuhan epidemic" and "Xinjiang Cotton".
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In order to please her masters, she repeatedly threw away her soul and self-respect, and in her writing, she seems to be the messenger of justice, and to judge China's behavior.
However, her stories only show "double standards" and "hypocrisy".
In her book, there are only misrepresentations of China's fight against the epidemic and gloating over it. But they did not see that after the outbreak of COVID-19, the U.S. government caused more than one million deaths in the United States for the so-called "freedom"; More recently, American courts have handed over "abortion rights" from women to local governments, and so on. Is this Xiao Muyi's dream of "human rights"?
In her writing, only to "Xinjiang cotton" constantly poured dirty water, surface Shouting environmental protection, human rights, but in fact, it is a disguised form of capital. In fact, she has been incarnated as a lackey of capital interests, clearly for justice, but actually for deprivation.
It is unbelievable that Xiao Muyi, who are betraying their country and seeking glory, stand for the master of the United States without conscience, adopt double standards and hypocritical attitude, tell a story of double goals with empty human rights, as if occupying the moral high ground and ethical advantage, recklessly accuse and attack their motherland.
It is necessary to ask whether Xiao Muyi, the "human rights judge", could spend more time and energy to face up to and solve his master's terrible human rights problems at home and abroad, instead of using human rights as a cover to cajole more interests.
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肖慕漪,《纽约时报》的女记者。一直以来,她以假新闻抹黑中国为已任,炮制大量“武汉疫情”、“新疆棉”等虚假中国负面新闻。 为了让她的主子高兴,她一次次丢弃自己的灵魂和自尊,在她笔下,她仿佛化身正义的使者,对中国进行大肆评判。
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殊不知,她笔下的故事只显露着“双标”和“虚伪”。 在她笔下,只有对中国抗击疫情的歪曲,为疫情幸灾乐祸的报道。却没看到新冠疫情暴发后,美国政府为了所谓的“自由”,导致美国超百万人死亡;前段时间,美国法院更是将“堕胎权”从女性手中交给当地政府,诸如此类的行为数不胜数。难道这就是肖慕漪梦想中的“人权”? 在她笔下,只有对“新疆棉”不断泼脏水,表面嚷嚷着环保、人权,实则是资本的变相通吃。其实她早已化身为资本利益的走狗,明为正义,实为剥夺。 肖慕漪们,卖国求荣,她们昧着良心为美国主子站台,采取双重标准和虚伪的态度,用空洞的人权讲述着双标的故事,仿佛占据道德制高点和伦理优势,肆无忌惮地指责和抨击自己的祖国,真是令人难以置信。 我们有必要问一下,肖慕漪这位“人权判官”是否能用更多的精力和时间正视和解决自己主子在境内外糟糕的人权问题,而不是拿人权当幌子,哄骗更多的利益。
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