uncensoredeloquence · 3 years
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I am a failure. I am defeated. I am weak. I am stupid. I am all the things I’m not supposed to be. I am worthless. I am nothing. I am irrelevant. I am finite. I am expired. Tired. Exhausted.
I am at my wits end.
I have given it everything.
At every corner. At every turn.
I am reminded again and again how useless I am.
I fight. Every fucking day I fight. And lose. Again and again. And again and again.
Today I give up.
Today I’m done.
They want to take my everything.
They want to strip me of my identity.
Let them.
I am done fighting.
I’m sorry to those that still believed. I’m sorry to those who still hoped. For those that showed their love.
Clearly I was not worthy.
Past tense.
I’m sorry for the hurt. I’m sorry for the loss.
I never predicted this. I never wanted this to happen.
It just kind of did.
You’ll move on. Move forwards.
Take care of yourselves.
Your last gift to me.
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uncensoredeloquence · 3 years
i wanna lazily play with someone’s clit while watching a movie and pretending i’m not doing anything while their breathing gets faster and faster but everytime they moan, i stop for a few seconds before carrying on ✨
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uncensoredeloquence · 3 years
“Look at me and tell me why you’re getting spanked.”
— Things I always want to hear (via alexinspankingland)
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uncensoredeloquence · 3 years
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Pull It 🖤
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uncensoredeloquence · 3 years
dumb things that are weirdly hot:
- someone leaning over and buckling my seatbelt
- tying my shoe for me (especially if you pat it afterwards??)
- zipping up my jacket
- making me hold ur hand before crossing the street
- handing me my water bottle to make me drink it
- slightly condescending nicknames
- moving me by my belt loops/waist
- “why don’t you be a good girl and *instructions*?”
- brushing my hair out of my face
- opening my drinks for me
- lifting my chin to make me look you in the eye
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uncensoredeloquence · 3 years
dumb things that are weirdly hot:
- someone leaning over and buckling my seatbelt
- tying my shoe for me (especially if you pat it afterwards??)
- zipping up my jacket
- making me hold ur hand before crossing the street
- handing me my water bottle to make me drink it
- slightly condescending nicknames
- moving me by my belt loops/waist
- “why don’t you be a good girl and *instructions*?”
- brushing my hair out of my face
- opening my drinks for me
- lifting my chin to make me look you in the eye
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uncensoredeloquence · 3 years
Why is grinding on things so hot
You got the degrading part, the voyeurism part, the denial part because it’s almost impossible to actually cum from it, you can do it desperately or you can do it like you’re showing off, like a dance, you can be forced to do it while the other person is just chillin and not paying any attention to u while u sit there and writhe and moan and humiliate urself on a pillow, part of the house, someone’s leg, anything
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uncensoredeloquence · 3 years
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Oops daddy I forgot to put on panties..
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uncensoredeloquence · 3 years
*chef’s kiss*
vines y’all have been sleeping on aka vines i haven’t seen in comps but still make me happy
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uncensoredeloquence · 3 years
@disparatepeace got another good one!!!
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uncensoredeloquence · 3 years
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To have the veil pierced.
To have the curtains withdrawn.
To be laid so bare. So naked. So vulnerable. So exposed.
For all to see.
To be stripped of the façade that has been so easy to hide behind.
So safe. Unyielding. Consuming.
But a desire surfaced from beyond this fortified wall.
A small voice, wanting to be heard.
A small voice, begging to be heard.
It would be safer to smother it down. To choke it out. To snap its neck and begone with it.
But the voice resonated. Up, up, up. Finding a crack in the steel enforced wall encasing the fractured essence within, and sliding itself through.
The voice whispered again.
Its echo wrapping around the delicate essence that felt shattered. Broken.
An echo of hope. An echo of life. A hand reaching out in an attempt to heal.
In an attempt to soothe.
For a moment. For a split second the voice felt the wall shift – the defenses weaken.
A hopeful pulse sparked within the essence – a petal waiting to rip, waiting to tear.
A bead of light shone through the cold prison.
It warmed the walls, threatened to break them entirely.
Fear slammed into Hope. Fear choked down Life. Snapped the neck of Healing. Stomped out the words of Soothing. Chased away Light.
Until the cracked essence was left once more.
Alone. Cold.
But safe.
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uncensoredeloquence · 3 years
imagine cuddling with your dom on the couch, watching them play video games, and they tell you to cover your eyes cause a scary part is coming
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uncensoredeloquence · 3 years
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uncensoredeloquence · 3 years
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uncensoredeloquence · 4 years
I say ‘no worries’ far too much for someone who is approx. 94% worry
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uncensoredeloquence · 4 years
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Truly she didn’t know what to do with herself.
Her pussy was fucking soaked.
But Daddy was still working…and he didn’t really like to be bothered when he was working. Especially for such trivial things such as this.
But she couldn’t help it!
Her hormones were raging, and she needed release now.
She crawled out of their bed and tiptoed to her wardrobe.
If she was going to bother him in hopes of orgasm, she’d better make it as enticing as possible.
So, to better her chances she shucked off her pajamas and slipped on a black lacey bodysuit. He liked lace.
“This should do the trick.”
She smiled as she gave herself a onceover in the mirror.
The bodysuit was flattering. It hugged her curves and gave the illusion of a flawlessly streamlined figure.
She looked good. Maybe even better than good…but that would be up to him to decide.
Sucking in a breath she slowly creaked open the door. Her bare feet padded softly on the hardwood floors, almost completely silent.
She crept across the kitchen towards the living room where she knew he’d be sitting on the couch on his laptop.
Clasping her fingers together she took a deep breath and stepped into view of her man.
She didn’t say anything. Just stood there. Hands tucked behind her, feet fidgeting.
He didn’t even look up!
She scowled a little and cleared her throat as softly as she could.
Finally, he lowered his laptop. Peering over the screen she watched an eyebrow raise,
“What do we have here, baby?”
He knew all too well what was going on. He just wanted to hear the words leave her lips. Mostly because they were sure to make her squirm.
“Well…I just wanted to look nice for her..”
“Ahh, I see. Well you do look…” He paused, letting his gaze wander up and down that magnificent body of his baby girl, “You look absolutely ravishing. That was very nice of you to give Daddy a little treat to look at.”
Colour bloomed across her cheeks at the compliment. A knee tucked behind the other as she suddenly became a little shy.
He knew her body language, could read it as though it was words splashed across a page.
“Well, you are more than welcome to just stand there and let me look at you. But Daddy has-“
“Can I play?”
The words were blurted out in a hurry. The words tumbling out of her mouth colliding with each other.
Oh gosh. It was supposed to be so much more eloquently put than that…
He watched her face scrunch up, the soft crimson growing into a much more prominent display of scarlet at her sudden outburst.
“Can you play?”
“With…you know…”
“I do know. But I want you to say it.” A wicked grin lifted the corners of his lips. This was one of his favourite things. Watching her voice her needs, watching her fight amongst herself to do just that.
She was starting to lift herself on her toes. Her hands had already become unclasped and were now running through her hair. Her eyes looking anywhere but at him.
“Ohh. Well, I just wanted to…to play with my, uh…play with my kitty…” Her voice had dropped to almost an inaudible whisper.
“Ahh. She wants to play with her kitty. I see. Well baby, Daddy still has a lot of work left before he can help you.” He watched her face fall - absolutely crestfallen – and smiled, “But if you want you can play with your kitty.”
Her head snapped up, eyes alight. She squealed, beaming at the statement of granted permission, “Thank you Daddy!”
She started to stroll out of the room, head held high, mind already thinking about the vibrator waiting for her in her closet.
“Uh uh.” The sound made her stop in her tracks. Whipping around, she faced him in confusion, “I didn’t say you could go. My darling, if you’re going to play with your pussy, you will do it here so I can watch. And you’ll do it how I say. Understood?”
She gulped. The intense shade of scarlet making a reappearance.
“Yes Daddy.”
“Good girl. Get on your hands and knees.”
He watched as she lowered herself to the ground. Watched as her eyes had become clouded with lust. Surely, she had been thinking about her favourite vibrator, but this was better. For both parties.
“Crawl to me.”
Slowly she did as she was told. Crawling one foot, one hand at a time until she was almost brushing against his pant leg.
The bit of fabric between her legs was drenched in arousal. Her thighs were quivering in want. Her lips parted slightly as her gaze shifted from his face to his laptop. The computer was hiding a vital bit of physicality from her view.
Her mouth watered slightly.
He reached down, grasping her chin with his strong hand and tilted her face to meet his, “Are you Daddy’s needy little girl?”
She blinked slowly - her body tingling with desire run rampant - she nodded. His grasp was tight enough that she couldn’t close her lips. The saliva that was building before now had a point of exit and started to trail down his fingers.
“Tell Daddy what you are.”
Her whimpered softly, knowing she wouldn’t be able to speak without a lisp from the way he was gripping her. Her eyes shut for a moment before finding their focus once more on him,
“I’m Daddy’s cumslut princess.”
Bending over his laptop he pulled her upwards, meeting her with a kiss on her wet open mouth,
“Yes you are. Now, I want you to straddle my leg, pressing you wet pussy onto my pants, and I want you to grind and hump until you feel like you have to cum. Understood.”
Her eyes went wide as she listened to his instruction. Part of her wanted to protest. Wanted to beg to keep her dignity. But…the other parts of her didn’t want that at all. The other parts of her wanted to give herself fully over to him. To obey him. That’s what she wanted most of all – to be his good girl.
She nodded, her breathing becoming jagged, “Yes Daddy.”
He let her go with a final kiss before settling back onto the couch, adjusting himself slightly.
Ripping his gaze from her he turned back to his laptop and attempted to get some semblance of work done. Which was no easy task.
Not as he felt her mount his leg. Not as he heard those sweet, sweet, whimpers as she gave into herself, and surrendered. Not as she pressed her wetness against him – wetness that he could feel immediately through his pants.
His manhood was straining through its denim confines. Fuck, he wanted to take it out and have her pleasure him at the same time…
But in the name of self-control, he resisted the urge.
Instead, he focused on the email he was currently reading. Well…partially focused. He found himself reading the same few sentences over and over and over.
She had placed her hands on the couch, gripping on either side of his knee. Her feet were crossed behind her as she started grinding herself against him. She had her forehead pressed against his thigh, her mouth parted and open. Her breaths coming in short pants in sync with her gyrating hips.
“Look at me.”
Instantly her head snapped up.
He knew he could ask her to do just about anything and she would comply.
She was in a heated frenzy. Her little brain scrambled and unthinking.
She tilted her head back, eyes threatening to close as she searched to find the sweet spot. The spot that was able to stimulate her clit how she wanted. How she needed.
He listened to his mews grow into a steadying crescendo.
Listened as they morphed into moans.
“Ohhh Daddy….”
He couldn’t tear his gaze from her. He watched her face as she got closer and closer to finishing. He could feel the saturation from between her legs, felt it on his skin underneath his pants.
Her hips were circling now, round and round. Rising up and around, lowering down and around. Her watched her back arch, her spine curving delightfully as she made up a routine.
He knew the exact moment she had arrived. Knew it from the desperate look in her eyes of brown earth, searching his own for permission.
“You can cum. Cum on Daddy’s leg sweetheart.”
Her pink lips opened in a perfect ‘O’ as she sped up her hips. Her nails dug into the couch cushion, almost ripping the fabric. She reached down, her chest pressing against his thigh as she threw the weight of her body onto him.
The added pressure was just enough to send her careening across the red ribbon.
The finish line.
Her body seemed to implode on itself. She shook as waves of euphoria rippled through her. One after the other, after the other. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head. Spittle dripped down her chin.
Her breathing was laboured, each breath had her chest heaving as she was wracked in the throughs of orgasm.
Once her body had settled. Once her breathing quieted, she smiled.
“Thank you Daddy.”
He watched as she began to peel herself from him. Sure enough, where her legs had been wrapped around him was a sizable spot of wetness.
There’s no way he could get back to work after such a display.
Putting his laptop to the side, he began to unbutton his jeans,
“Now it’s my turn.”
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uncensoredeloquence · 4 years
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The mountain she was fighting so hard to climb crumpled beneath her.
Down, down, down, she fell.
Into sinking oblivion.
Into the abyss. A blank void.
She wanted to scream. She wanted to cry.
Nobody answered the internal call.
Nobody came to her rescue.
So onwards she spiraled.
The wind whipping at her face hurt like the sting of a hundred barbs slicing and cutting into her skin.
The more velocity she picked up, the more it hurt.
Darkness. Unending darkness surrounded her.
She nearly choked on the fear. Nearly choked on the desperation.
A tiny voice whispered. Its source unknown. Its origin seemingly everywhere and yet nowhere.
She looked up, hoping, praying for a sign. Something to let her know she still had a chance. That she could make it out.
Something to let her know she was not falling to her grave.
The whispering voice echoed once more.
A tempting offer.
She looked up once more.
No one.
Shutting her eyes as she tumbled into this pit of despair, she loosed a breath from her lips.
And surrendered.
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