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I don’t know if anyone can resist some good ol’ fashion fake dating, so here are 150 related prompts.
this list of prompts includes:
☆ 50 reasons why we must fake a relationship ☆ 50 reasons i’m only doing this because people need to believe this is real ☆ 50 moments of wait, are we still pretending? 
buckle up and please enjoy the ride!
reasons why we must fake a relationship
01.   I’m tired of my family whining about when I’m going to start dating someone (classic and must be included) 02.  my moving van was stolen so will you pretend to marry me so I can get the money and gifts to replace everything? 03.  my ex is an asshole and I really don’t want them to think I’m still in love 04.  I’m tired of my friends/family setting me up on horrible blind dates so I made up a relationship and now they want to meet this mystery person 05.  I need a green card (aka The Proposal AU) 06.  I want to let someone who keeps asking me out down easy, so I blurt that I’m in a relationship and things sort of got out of hand 07.  I answer an ad so we’re each other’s partners to our family gatherings 08.  someone assumed we’re dating but I didn’t realize that’s what they meant until it was too late and I had committed us to a couples’ retreat weekend 09.  in order to get that promotion, I have to show the Big Bosses that I’m a family person too but I don’t have a family so can I pretend to be part of yours? 10.  my ex just showed up with their new partner and I don’t want them to win this breakup 11.  I’m your assistant and you just informed me that your entire family thinks we’re dating and you don’t want to let them down 12.  it’s grandma’s dying wish to see you married so here I am 13.  I’m really competitive and drunk and I just told a rival that my relationship is way better than theirs, but they don’t believe you exist (but I’m too stubborn to admit they’re right) 14.  our friends set us up on a blind date as a prank because we don’t like each other but neither of us wants to let them win so 15.  people keep teasing us about being a couple so we come up with a plan to fake date and have a fake breakup so they’ll feel awkward and leave us alone
enjoy the rest of the prompts under the cut!
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Gaud, I have 5 kittens. Would you please name them for me?
Nemesis The Destroyer
Let tumble vote on this one
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Hey, as a heads up for people selling Bi Pride-themed items: this account has suddenly started claiming that they owned the copyright to the bi flag and is asking anyone who sees it being sold to report it back to them. They do not.
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Please spread this around. I'd hate to see LGBT+ creators who dont know any better getting scamed into giving these shady people money.
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Don't you love it when villain characters do the thing?
You know the thing
Like their eyes do the thing.
Their eyes glow and they're just at their most villain and its just really good?-
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You know what’s more fun than worldbuilding that makes some fantasy races EEEEVIIIIIIILLLLL!!!!? Worldbuilding that gives the different races cultural differences that help explain why there’s a lot of conflict between them:
Goblin culture doesn’t have a concept of “Property”. A stick on the ground and a tool in a locked shed are equally up for grabs if a thing needs doing. They casually take and leave things all over their communities, eat from communal pots, and genuinely Do Not Understand why the Core Races are so Angry and prone to Violence all the time.
Consequently Goblins who live near Core communities develop a reputation as “Thieves” despite not even having a *word* for that. (The closest word they have is more like “Greedy” and it means a person that hides things so nobody else can use them, and it’s a surefire fight-starter to call a Goblin that)
Common Orc Spiritual beliefs hold that a Soul can only grow stronger by overcoming Challenges in life, and see intruding on another person’s Challenge unasked for as not just Rude, but Deeply Harmful. You’re Stealing their chance to Grow. Asking for help is deeply personal and doing so can be both a way to grow closer with them or a too-personal intrusion, depending on your existing relationship with them. An exception is Children, as far as most Orcs are concerned, all Children are fundamentally the responsibility of the Whole Community, regardless of whose child they are, or even if said child is an Orc at *all*.
This means that Orcs who live near Core neighbors often seem Rude and Standoffish if not outright hostile, because they neither ask for nor offer aid even in times of trouble, and respond to unasked for aid themselves with Anger. There are even rumors that they Steal Children, because if an Orc finds a child lost in the woods they’re pretty much immediately going to start feeding it, and if they can’t find where to bring it back to, or it doesn’t seem to be well cared for, they’re just gonna keep it. 
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Does that mean I can bake you into cake? Or little gaud muffins?
give me a reason to fear cake, gaud.
sometimes i dream about drowning in a lake of cake batter, the only way out is to consume it faster than it consumes me. sometimes i win, sometimes i lose, but it is always a delicious death
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dere you go
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Hello! I love your writing and I’m having trouble with my English assignment right now, we’re supposed to right about how we think the afterlife is and I don’t know where to start. Could you help me out?
think i literally did this in response to a @writing-prompt-s​ post once. hold on
“You, an atheist, have died. All the gods that have ever been line up to offer you their version of heaven if only you believe in _them_. Turns out souls are currency and yours is up for grabs.“
There are many Gods. They speak, and I am tired. A mass of voices coiling around me, each telling their own tale. They speak over one another, they talk to me, they do not listen. And I am tired.
Currency. Is this what I am to them?
They will not stop speaking. They offer me things. They will take me to my loved ones. They will gift me joy and music. They will have me serve, in their armies, in their choirs. Some tell me stories of how they made me. From clay. From nothing at all. Some tell me they love me, small as I am, that I am their creation and so their child.
Above all, they repeat their stories. They talk incessantly of their power, their battles, of the ways and reasons they are feared. How long will they talk? Time does not happen here. It is so much effort to stay. Effort to maintain. Effort to exist.
So many Gods. Gods whose names I had already heard. Modern Gods whose human disciples still speak their names. Obscure Gods whose stories were written on tablets, on scrolls, thousands of years before, whose only proof and records were discovered underground, in caves, in ancient lands. Every God there ever was. They are all here with me. They have been talking for years. They repeat their stories. Their stories are important to them. They demand, plead for my attention.
I died knowing I was dying. I died as I lived, believing in no Creator, no great demiurge, and no final salvation from death. Knowing that gods were stories we told. I believed only in the universe. That it existed before me and would continue without me.
And it has.
The voices scream their stories. Why are they so desperate for me? Despite their insistence, I know what I knew before. My truth is unchanged. My truth is of the universe, of its physics and particles, of its probable beginnings, of its possible ends. Of the simple fact of existence.
These gods are not my creator. I was created by a long line of life, of unlikely Life happening and colliding and continuing. Eons. Three, four eons, billions of years all lined up behind me, all of my predecessors, their lives and their stories, they are my chapters and I am their sum. I am the story of Life, in all its improbably glory. And gods are as old as humans, but I am as old as Life, and Life is much older.
I think I’ve solved it. I think I know why they seek us. They want what Life wants. To exist. To continue. They need their legends told, at any expense, because:
We wrote them. I said before: gods are stories that we write and tell. We are their Creators. And this is why they scream for me, for my ears, for my attention. Stories exist only so long as they are told. Gods exist only so long as they have a listener. And I know they have nothing to offer me. There are no rooms, there are no gates, there are no hallways, no crowds for me to join. They only keep me here to listen. If I accept an offer, what then? Will they stop speaking, disappointed, and leave me? Will they keep delaying? Will the god of my choice sweep in, desperate, and keep me here as long as I can be convinced?
All of my being is tired. Life is not meant to persist this long after it is through. My presence and existence, temporary from the start, is loosening and loosening. All of my pieces beg to be released. I was not made to last.
I am through. I have given these voices enough.
So I do what life does when it is finished. I dissolve, and return to the world.
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What's blue's patreon 636 asking for a friendsfjhjn
What does Blue post on his Instagram that makes him so popular?
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selfies, parkour stuff and other stuff xD 
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How dare you hide this in the tags?
wireless earbuds… kinda suck? you can’t hang them around your neck. the heck am i supposed to do when i have to take one out to talk to the grocery cashier at checkout… poorly executed concept
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Has this been made an art prompt yet?? If not, WHY???
I just realized that I picture Gaud as a pink, fleshy book with Gaud's face on the cover, that scuttles around on tentacle like appendages. Every once in a while they drop leaflets of paper that get posted on Tumblr. It you try to open i
i scuttle
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If gaud flows through the device does that mean if I put it in rice I can get gaud out?
Gaud i know the truth. You're active so often because you dont have a tumblr, you are the tumblr. You flow thru the device
it’s also why phones tend to glitch when accessing my blog ;)
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gosh grocery shopping is such an exciting thing. the pinnacle of human existence. i’m about to buy 3 lbs of onions. just go hog fucking wild
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I always thought I meant the light drained out of their eyes.
it’s taken me about 20 years to realize when writers talk about “eyes darkening” they mean pupils expanding 
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the whole part with crush was gold but i really wanted to do this one bit
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The Redemption of a Villain is a trope that is quite common in today’s fiction. The idea of second chances and the concept of everyone having a little good them is a hopeful one; some may even say idealistic. The critical feature of a redeemed villain is that they are so compelling and why we seem to gravitate towards them more than the actual heroes of our story. An example of this trope is probably Loki in the MCU. He is the main villain of the first Thor and Avengers movie, but his redemption in Thor: Dark World and Ragnarok make him one of the best and most fleshed characters in the MCU. So why should you redeem some of your villains in your story?
Why Turn Your Villain Good
One of the best parts of your Villain joining the good side rather than their original bad side is the new dynamics that form with your new hero and your original ones. You can have friendly banter about that one time they were about to kill them or threatened them with torture or whatever you want. Their old villainess ways are old jokes that are brought up in nostalgic or semimetal ways. Their new relationship and already flexible moral compass bring out some of the best dynamics. Not only do you get new relationships but you also have a super compelling character. Like I said before characters who are recently redeemed have a tone that is full of hope and sometimes it is a little scary as it shows people who are in the grey area rather than just the Black and White. Just the concept of a redeemed villain means that they have a flexible moral compass showing that people don’t have to be all good in order to be a hero. I would like to also talk about the complex inner conflict and monologue redeemed villains have. They constantly are at war with themselves and their nature. Sometimes they are a bit lost in their purpose as they aren’t a bad guy but are they a good guy? Writing about someone figuring out their place in the world is great, and the audience loves some good old conflict but what if you write this wrong?
Problems that You will Come Across When Turning Your Villain Good
Okay, so maybe your heroes don’t warm put to your reformed villain. Maybe they don’t like the idea of someone who had repeatedly tried to kill them fighting on their side. Maybe they are a little suspicious. Honestly, I would like to think that would be a reasonable response, but when you reformed your villain and showed your audience the change of heart and redemption, the audience is on their side. They think yes! Go be a good guy! But when your redeemed villain becomes a good guy, your other protagonists don’t trust them. Not at all. This can cause your audience to have a disconnect with your protagonist which is never a good idea. If the audience sides with the good guys they have a disconnect with a villain that you are trying to make another protagonist. This is when it gets hard. You want each side to be reasonable but not unrealistic. I think it is important to show both perspectives and show the apprehensiveness. I would also like to note that turning all your villains good is not a great idea. Terrible one really. This is super unrealistic. Not everyone can be swayed by the power of love and friendship. Humans or whoever your antagonist is don’t all work that way. Villains that can be redeemed have to have a particular set of traits in order for it to be realistic for them to turn away from their bad ways. Another thing not to do is making their turn to the good side like a flip of a switch; it takes all suspense and tension away from your story. All the good inner conflict and turmoil is gone! All that good stuff is thrown off a cliff. So how do I redeem a villain?
How to Redeem Your Villain
Now, I have rattled on about why and problems you will come across when redeeming your villain but I haven’t actually told you how. You have several paths that you can take when redeeming a villain, all equally good in their own way. You have a villain who becomes good on their own accord. There isn’t a big dramatic scene when they switch, but after examining their life choices, they decide that the bad side isn’t good for them. This is a path which you have to be subtle; you must give them doubts about the bad side, questioning their happiness and their mindset. Often these characters flop between the bad side and good side. They are usually joining for their own benefit. Another path is that you have a villain who has boundaries. They have a line that they do not cross and when the other bad guys do they finally see what damage that they have caused and decide to change their path. Unlike the other path, it wasn’t their choice to change; they were pushed to change. This path may be a bit cliché. It probably happens in media that is aimed for younger audiences but this is a path which they have a talk, either willingly or unwillingly with the protagonist and they change sides from the power of friendship. This is quite simplified, but it still is a compelling path. Another way your villain could be redeemed is that they have a big heroic sacrifice in a big dramatic scene where they declare their loyalty to the protagonist. This usually ends with them dying afterwards. An example of this is Darth Vader in Star Wars.
Subverting this Trope
This trope is easily subverted. There are three different subversions that I can come up with that could shock your audiences completely. Was Evil All Along Maybe you didn’t redeem your villain maybe it all was a distraction while they complete their mission for the bad guys. Okay, this is a bit of a downer because you have gotten your audience and your other characters to warm up to this antagonist and they stab everyone in the back. This is good for shock value. Are Conflicted Even Though They Are on the Good Side This could be their old self threatening to take over again or a simple questioning of their lives like they did before. They may even go to the bad side. Honestly, I really don’t like this subversion as it can become quite messy. Tricked You All Your reformed villain goes to the bad side again. They do something truly awful to be accepted, and they are. Actually, they become the puppet-master tricking everyone for their own benefit or agenda.
Extra Notes
Wow this was long. Super Long. There is just so much to say about this trope. I was actually conflicted on whether to make this a character or trope talk but ultimately decided trope talk. I hope this was helpful! Please talk to me about any reformed villains that you love! 
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This is my favorite image
use a photo already on your phone to describe The Gay Agenda 
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