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Breast-feeding throughout the ages, including a few paintings of Our Lady feeding the infant Jesus.
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Yesssss 😂
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The other day I watched a little boy get knocked to the ground by an older kid who was running by. He burst into tears as his mother hurried over.
“Here’s a bandaid for ya,” I said, producing one from my vest pocket.
“Oh, he’s not bleeding, thank you though!”
I lowered my voice and leaned in. “Kids think bandaids are health magic,” I said. “Ask him where it hurts and exploit that placebo effect.”
She did just that, and instantly the kid stopped crying and thanked her. “I’ll have to remember that,” she said.
Children: #HACKED
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I come from a hunting family. I would prefer to grow our own fruits and vegetables as well as hunt for our own meat. Animals bred for meat are usually killed very inhumanly and sometimes not quickly. Wild animals get to live free and never know they are about to die. We are grateful for the meat we harvest from these amazing animals. They don’t die in fear knowing it’s coming. There is a difference!
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Inuits in the Arctic can survive perfectly on a plant based diet 😤
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Kids are just like “ppptppptppthhptpppthh” until one day they’re like “oh shit I can think” and then it’s all downhill from there
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This kids are clever. Best year book quotes ever lol
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Yeah I was embarrassing when I was 15 who isn’t. Was also Embarrassing at 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Last week. Yesterday
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My kind of humor
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The Great Smudge - Table Cat
Via Lancelot Falk
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