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This was my story board for my commercial and even though it was messy it was because I had to let my ideas flow and this was the way I did it, by scribbling out and changing things I was able to get to a comfortable point to look back on and figure out what I wanted to be done when I went on iMovie
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So after I had completed all of my designs with a better standard of colouring I put them down onto the design boards which I had changed and found ones that flow well with designs. I did this over two days to really think about which ones I liked and didn’t act impulsively to tick work down. I’m happy with my final designs and I think that I have developed my own style of design, I hope to keep improving at this as time goes on
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For these first drafts I was really happy with how they came out due to the last time I used pens I struggled, I think the reason for me getting better at the markers this time is because I took the time to really think about the details of how the clothes would sit on the model instead of just colouring in the shapes. Although the pens went well the paints inks and pencil didn’t go as well and is something I need to improve on in the next unit because I think getting good at pencil would be a huge benefit to getting the smaller details
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When creating my poses I used very alien shapes over normal human body’s because I felt that the shape of the bodies really complimented the designs that I would go in to putting on top of the poses. As you can see I did in fact try some normal bodily designs but I just didn’t feel like it had fit the theme as much as I had liked it to so I ended up choosing all of the alien figures
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so I started to look at different types of faces and I took inspiration from jazz Davey and the 60s pop culture to develop two extremely different cases of faces once in which being a lot more detailed and obscure than the other, upon further improvement I think id like to advance on the face on the left by incorporating more of my individual style in it
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the thing I really like about jazz work is how obscure and ugly it is but is still able to be balanced out and made to look pretty and interesting to look at. while I keep advancing on my own work I'm constantly pushing for it to get closer to this kind of aesthetic.
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after having looked at my original press released I went back and altered a few bits to make it sound more in touch with my audience so instead of saying i got the garments from London I changed it to say that the garments are resourced in the British peaks so that its in touch with the people that would be buying it. I also made it so the shop would pass through the whole of the up staring up north in Manchester then working its way down through the city's to end up in London SoHo
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these are my first three briefs before i have corrected, i wanted to keep my colour scheme mono because i think it look professional without the bright colours
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for this I was inspired by a friend who does really alienist faces and I took the facial shape and evolved it into my own work when doing my final drawings. I really liked making my own figures and shapes over using templates as I feel like it really helps me in improving the shapes of my body and not just having it as simple and stiff, the dress I used was inspired by spring summer 2022 dresses
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for this design I chose to get Inso from suits were were a spring summer 2022 trends mixed with one of my favourite artists who is jean Paul basket because his work is so brutal and abstract that it is almost difficult to look at because its hard to concentrate on a specific section of the photo. the basic shapes mixed with the distinguished colours really makes for something unique and distracting. I also really think it works well with my own personal style as it very doodle and boundryless
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so to begin I did some research on each era to figure out which ones sparked my interests and figure out which ones I wanted to do my pieces based on. I would look at architecture, fashion and lifestyles people led there style. I was originally drawn to the 20s themes due to the colours of that era which were greens dark earthy browns and gold but they I looked more into the sixties and the historical events from it and it led me to using the Vietnam war as my main source of inspiration cos I really liked the yellow life jackets and and the camouflage full outfits. I also also took a lot of inspiration from the the architecture which led me to using hugely big shaped jackets which I Took inspo from with the mason margiella as he's really well known for really crazy shapes in his designs
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target customer change
I'm going to be changing my target customer to somebody more aimed towards music and is wanting a statement piece which can be worn to something like the MTV awards but can also be warn pretty casual while still creating media attentions. targeting my garments to someone who is in touch with ethical produce and loving with nature. living in a city but loves to get out to the outdoors. this person enjoys things that have a useful addition to them. comfort is very important to this person. but they also want to look like art and standing out amongst the rest of the crowd.
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i have chosen more earth tones and nature related things which can counter with my designs, the outdoor style mixed with the higher fashion designs make for something artistic and fashionable. i want to create something messy and shapeless so I'm going to be using massively oversized pieces and unfinished ends leaving thins uncut and under developed cos i want to link it to nature and how there is no identical shape. this allows every piece to be a one of one in the collection
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so in my work I decided to go for two different brand names one being the first letter of both my names and one being a word id like to link with my brand because I feel like a lot of my work is quite aggressive so I went with the word smashed because i relate the word do being disorderly imperfect and unusual. i chose fonts for smashed which I felt had a strong connection with the brands image that i want to create. I feel like the fonts could go towards an aggressive possible skate brand but also an articulate classy look to it. i really like SMASHED ones cos its chaotic and fun. another thing which i think is great about it is how messy it is cos id like to link in a bit of modern punk into the work
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the polar brand has two primary logos one which is more serious than the other. for example the round circle which allows for creativity as they can change the black parts to a graphic of there choice. the brand logo is really recognisable and very simple for it to describe. The more professional one would be great for putting on clothing as it is small so it can be placed on the chest without looking messy due to the size of it. both logos have a sense of creativity which is good as its a skate brand and skateboarding is all about being creative. so they clearly designed it around that.
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the Lego brand really made its self know and the round bubbled lettering promotes is self towards children along with its bright colours. i think the only has a sense of professionalism due to the facts of how big the brand has made its self so i think if small or up and coming brands would look too childish and not professional enough. The brand has kept its its style of logo ever since the early 1950s so its tread marked its self and became a universally known brand
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the brand has got side brands like the lego friends which is another range of toys but you can see that they have still kept the bubble text that makes it look fun and attracting towards children. i personally think that having a good brand logo is the start of good advertising.
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the new zealand kiwis rugby team logo is a great logo idea as its whole logo is based around the kiwi bird which is the animal of that country which is known around the world so when ever anybody sees that they know that it belongs to that country. with the primary part of the logo just being a bird it really allows for the logo to be switched up and made into something completely but still keeping the bird or the feather somewhere into the image. i like the sillouete of the bird because even without the the detail there is still the significant shape.
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the arc logo is a great way of promoting the brand as the main logo is a block coloured design of a fossil which gives the idea of the brand being a brand based around nature and outdoors which is of course what the brand is as they are mostly known for there really good water proof coats and is currently making its way up more in the fashion world
vox. (28th of december 2015). what makes a truly great logo. Available: https://youtu.be/RBTiTcHm_ac. Last accessed 08/12/2021.
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target marketing
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50 year old male living in a city where art runs through out. Not hugely fashionable but enjoys and appreciates art of all form, they them self are artists but more of the abstract form this person loves the bright and wacky world over simplistic designs. They see normal or realistic arts as backwards. They are more of a collector who enjoys visually appealing pieces. This person is a huge influencer but not through Instagram but more through what they create and have achieved. Having a passion for the charity game really helped to develop this persons character in the scene. This person thinks lesser of virtual arts and things on social media and enjoys having a physical thing in front of them. Hobbies include art galleries and walking through all aspects of life to produce creativity that can make the work they do more relatable. This person is very wealthy but they don’t promote their wealth. A humbled character who has morals with everything including the clothes they wear and food they eat, this person tries to limit their self to the vegan life style. Although very humble they like to show the art they’ve collected off to friends but more as a way to share and not to boast about what they’ve got. They like to bike over driving as they think its allows to relax and take in the world as it passes over the stress of driving through the streets of New York, London, Paris etc. this character has strong political views and tried to push this forward through his art. Inspired by banksy by doing pop ups with art around the world to promote a subject forward.
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