A day as a god
In a day as a god, my words would be
Absolute, powerful, sturdy,
Paving the way to a better world.
My world would be without
Money, class, positions of power.
For what need is there for money,
If all are equal?
My world would be without
Prejudice, racism, xenophobia or homophobia.
For what need is there for hatred,
If all are equal?
My world would be rich
In food, resources, clean water.
For what need is there for suffering,
If all are equal?
My world would be a paradise,
Though only because it would free us
From things separating us.
For what need is there for disparity,
If all are equal?
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My happy place 🖤💙
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reblog and make a wish! this was removed from tumbrl due to “violating one or more of Tumblr’s Community Guidelines”, but since my wish came true the first time, I’m putting it back. :)
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Please this would be too good
Reblog if it is alright if I come to your blog and anonymously confess something to you.
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If this ain't a mood
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Same, Mr Wilde... same
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Thanks for the tag @outofthisworldideas, your writing gets better every day!
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("And the rain fell in sheets, soaking me to my very soul, urging me to return home. But I stood resolute, just as you taught me; for where is my home, if not with you?")
Just a little something been running through my mind lately.
Tags, only if you feel like it though: @a-reason-for-this @joeypeanutbutter @written-inthe-clouds
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"Wie er es wollte, leiden Leut -
und niemand weiß, ob er sich freut."
(People suffer, as he wants it;
no one knows if he is happy about it)
Write down a sentence from anything poetic you wrote in a handwritten way. Please reblog this post and tag some people:)
(This one is taken out of my poem "Schwarze Augen")
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A Societal Struggle
Time isn't real. You spend every second worrying
about the next and the one before,
as though you can change
what has been or will be to come.
Dividing our lives into "there's no time like the present" and
"life's too short" as if there's no time to take a step back and just;
Rushing our lives away out of
fear that time's running out?
It's nonsensical; a waste of time if you will.
Time isn't real. It's merely a concept thrust
Upon generation upon generation upon generation upon generation
to scare you into "living life to the full!"
Your time isn't running out.
It's barely even begun.
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A City View
Perched on the edge,
we all sit in wonder
as the fireflies
zip about below.
We all sit in wonder
and look a little harder as cars
zip about below
and people head home.
We look a little harder as cars
form uniform lines
and people head home
as the sun sets above us
forming uniform lines
of purple, orange, red,
as the sun sets above us
perched on the edge.
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What if?
What if this drink didn't taste how it's supposed to, if it soured and curdled in the glass right before my eyes? Or maybe the taste would be more than I could hope for, and explosion of wonder in my mouth? Or, what if, it tasted exactly how it should?
What if somebody barrelled straight though the door, screaming the whole room down? Or maybe a whole marching band stormed through, music blaring to the sound of cheering onlookers? Or, what if, somebody quietly walked in, ordered, and left?
What if all the lights went out, plunging the centre into an eerie darkness? Or maybe they all shone just a little brighter, with such a subtle change, that you'd only notice if you focused real hard? Or, what if, they didn't change at all?
What if my pen exploded all over this page whilst I'm writing? Or maybe it ran out of ink before I could finis tni s nt n e. Or, what if, it did exactly as it's designed to do?
What if that thing you're worried about went worse than you could've ever imagined? Or maybe it turns out better than you dreamed it could? Or, what if, it turned out exactly the was it's supposed to?
We always as "what if?" whether we mean to or even realise we're doing so. But what if we came to realise that life is far simpler and far more complex than those two little words. What if we didn't limit and define ourselves by things out of our control, by asking "what if" before we do anything, and changing our minds because of our own fears and ambitions?
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⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️
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Loving Chaos
I'm in love with self-destruction,
With the scarlet of my sins running down my arms,
Acid corrodes my heart,
Breaking the metal cage,
Freeing the shrapnel anchor from my chest,
I'm finally breathing.
I have a manic smile,
My eyes alight with glee and malice,
I've been told I look so happy,
I am happy, the happiest I'll ever be.
I rule my misery,
It bows down to me,
Placing the crown on my head itself.
I'm in love with self-destruction,
With the power and confidence it lends me,
I savour the blood,
It's everywhere, and I'm all the more glad for it.
I taste the freedom,
A hit of that heaven and hell,
I'm addicted to the lunacy,
Never afraid of the pain,
I pride myself on insanity,
Of seeing fear and a hint of worry spark behind someone's eyes.
I'm in love with self-destruction,
It wakes me up,
Inspires passion and emotion and all things that make up a human,
It electrifies me, the way people say love do.
Chaos, I love you.
-Rae Blackthorn
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17 questions ✨
1 I was tagged by @jerserry thank you
2 Nickname: Dan/Danny
3 Sign: Cancer
4 Height: 180cm
5 Howgarts house: Gryffindor
6 Last thing I googled: What Hogwarts house am I 🙃😂😂
7 Song stuck in my head: Highway to Hell
8 No. of followers: 103
9 Amount of sleep: Probably average about 5/6
10 Lucky number : 12/39
11 dream job : Publisher Author
12 wearing : Ripped skinny jeans, chains, band top, flannel shirt, vans
13 Aesthetic: Emo/Goth/Punk
14 favorite authors: Steven King, Rick Riordan, Derek Landy, Jules Verne, H.G.Wells, Douglas Adams
15 favorite animal noise : Turtle
16 random: my favourite movie is Interstellar
17 tagging: @add1c710n @whoisquinston @outofthisworldideas @
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I'm still in love with you, but we can't be together,
And that's what's fucking me up so much.
I wish I could forget about it all,
Every bittersweet memory of you and what we had.
I know we said we wanted to be friends, but I can't.
Seeing you tears me apart more and more,
Knowing you're happy, getting better,
Dealing with this far better than I am.
I've never felt like this before, it's ruining me.
I have to save myself,
And that means losing you forever.
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