unyieldingstar · 1 year
I'd like to drop Asuna for the time being! She was settled in Condo 406 and thank you again :3
sure thing! she'll be dropped for you.
– mod solaris
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unyieldingstar · 1 year
"Oh me? Nah this is actually something that happens way too much for me to care anymore." And while she probably could get hurt it wouldn't be lasting long enough to matter. Not to mention the whole ghost deal as well.
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"After awhile you kinda start to realize that there might just be a problem and that's after you try to look for ways to fix it in the first place." Considering how long she had been in Spirale it was starting to seem pretty impossible.
"Trust me, don't be embarrassed. If I was actually anyone important then you'd probably need to worry a teeny bit more. But I'm not so everything is A-OK."
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To say Queenie's flustered would be the understatement of the century. Typically, she was great at watching where she was going so that this doesn't happen. Falling on her face in public was one thing, but falling on top of someone else? How embarrassing!
She's quick to get herself up and brush down her clothes, dusting off any dirt and debris she may have picked up on the way down. She doesn't take very long, as she quickly reaches her hand out towards the woman with an apologetic look.
"Well...No, 'm not hurt, but still...this is embarrassin'. I'm real sorry, miss. Are you okay? I hope I didn't end up hurtin' you!"
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unyieldingstar · 1 year
She could've done worse. Sure she wouldn't have a clue at how hurtful her statements could get but Asuna had a few ideas in mind if it reached such a point.
"And yet you are constantly with me like I'm your betrothed or something." But she wasn't a human so his words did hold some merit.
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"AND ONCE AGAIN we are NOT a pair! Not in the slightest bit. I'm not even the kind of person he's talking about, let alone someone who would glue themselves to him of all people."
Being tugged certainly wasn't helping her case either. This somehow was getting worse with every passing moment...
「✧」 Aurelius' reaction was exaggerated by his usual standards: a wide-eyed stare, followed by gripping Asuna's hand with his own in genuine surprise.
"Dear princess, that's quite a hurtful statement."
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"Haven't we met twice by now? You should know I'm hardly one to give humans the time of day, much less my personal attentions."
Though whether a ghost like her qualified as "human" was still up for debate.
"It's shocking that you'd seek to abandon me first in public." Having been cast aside by Klaus once already, he was in no mood to repeat the experience. "We are—" and he turned to address the gaggle of girls whose eyes were shining with the light of potential gossip in the air, "—most certainly a pair, whether she admits it or not."
And with that, Aurelius tugged to pull Asuna closer, his brows creased into a growing frown.
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unyieldingstar · 1 year
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"THAT'S WHAT I'M SAYING. I never got a memo!"
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"So who was going to tell me they put a spoon and a fork together and gave it the name "Spork"?
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unyieldingstar · 1 year
Despite what one might believe Asuna's run ins with the Spirale populace tended to never work out as best as she expect. Normally this is a result of her own incompetence rather than someone else's, daydreaming when she shouldn't be or not looking out for the nearest individual she was going to bump into.
And of course today was no exception, managing to have an encounter of someone screaming, the turning of her head, and someone falling right on top of her. What some might call as a rarity was just an average day for the ghost landing on her back on the floor.
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"Well on the bright side at least I wasn't doing the falling." Although she doubted that would make the other party not feel any less responsible for what happened either. It was at the very least, a moral victory for herself.
"I mean...you aren't hurt anywhere right?"
Try as hard as she does to stop herself from falling flat on her face, Queenie's unable to do so. She isn't sure exactly how she found herself stumbling hard over herself, but even with the flailing of her arms, she can't seem to find her balance again.
It wouldn't be an issue if it was just her who was being impacted - but right as she falls, she finds herself falling directly in the path of another woman, and she cries out to hopefully catch her attention.
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"Watch out!"
♡ --- [ @unyieldingstar ]
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unyieldingstar · 1 year
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"So who was going to tell me they put a spoon and a fork together and gave it the name "Spork"?
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unyieldingstar · 1 year
"What the hell is a spork?!" Was that like a fork and spoon combined together? And was that supposed to be a jab at how she lived her own life? Because if it was....then there was much more to discuss then being called a utensil.
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"AND once again why are you asking me? You were the one who goaded them oh "Mr. Not Available"
She wondered if this was how dates were supposed to go in this world. Surely he should deal with the consequences of his actions rather than herself.
"I swear if I get out of here in one piece I'm going to give him more than a piece of my mind." Was the thought that ran through her mind as she started to question what to say out loud to address the "crowd"
"He's actually free you know? We're not actually a thing at all in the slightest bit."
「✧」 Most certainly intoxication was only a state of mind, and Aurelius had kept an iron grip on his since childhood. Or maybe not—he had certainly never spoken so freely of his thoughts before.
"You don't understand," he loud-whispered back. "Why settle for one when you can have three? Each spoon has its purpose—" he paused to look at the female trio, pointing seriously at each one. "—such as salad, soup, and meal."
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"Although you yourself are more fitting as a spork, with how terribly you fit in anywhere."
"Excuse me—" another girl spoke up, having finally noticed Aurelius. "Are you maybe, available—"
"Most fortunately not," the angel remarked, and stepped conveniently behind Asuna to rest his hands on her shoulders. "I am, as you can see, very much occupied with our princess here. Now then, Your Highness—" he paused as the trio laughed unpleasantly at them, "—what way of dealing with them would please you best?"
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unyieldingstar · 1 year
"Well maybe I can still handle it. It's just one more thing right? How hard can it be?"
...Probably hard. Especially if she was still basing her logic off movies.
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"Yeah if we can find something nice on the ship then that'll save us a A LOT of time. Less chance of anything else out there getting their hands on us and dealing with all the consequences."
"Yeah? What about islands and a shipwreck~?" Wasn't that one movie with the man and a ball something like that? Weren't there a ship on that island? Maybe they're thinking of another movie. Huh.
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"Those ghosts and spirits'll be too scared to even come this way." They shoot her a thumbs up and a wide grin. "Alright. Let's see...you wanna explore around this place? The ship looks intact, but it is pretty cramped."
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unyieldingstar · 1 year
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unyieldingstar · 1 year
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unyieldingstar · 1 year
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Update: I'm totally alive still! However it's been a couple hectic weeks so my posts have been incredibly sporadic and all over the place (not just here but my other muses as well.) I'm hoping I can play catchup on everything this week or next.
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unyieldingstar · 1 year
"Oh yeah definitely! I've watched a few movies about people living on islands like this." As if that actually translated to her knowing how to get by on survival skills. The non-existent ones that the ghost (who was already technically dead) didn't have.
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"This will be a peace of cake for us. Ain't no ghosts or spirits getting by when I'm around."
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"It's a little spooky. Too spooky for my taste." They're only messing. They're not scared, but they do admit that it reminds them of one of those horror films they enjoyed watching.
"There's not much here, but I think you and I should be just fine, yeah?"
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unyieldingstar · 1 year
Well if she wanted to somehow be public enemy #1 of all the people here Aurelius was doing an oddly good job at causing plenty of attention to be diverted to the two of them.
"Ahaha you can ignore him! He's just a bit tipsy that's all!" How often do people actually get this drunk and still be able to talk that clearly?
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"WHAT are you trying to get at?" Asuna said in a "loud quiet whisper" as she would call it. "I'm not missing any kind of delights or higher society. They have to use about 3 different damn spoons for no reason. One is more than enough to get everything done!"
「✧」 So it was like that. Instead of letting go, Aurelius simply turned handshake into hand-holding as he tugged her along, only tilting slightly as he walked.
"Complacency breeds mediocrity, my lady."
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"You are missing...the subtle delights that come with a finer understanding of high society." Especially among humans, who could be so interesting when they turned petty. "That is...I could explain this better under difference circumstances, but—" He stopped to simply point at a gaggle of gossiping girls, who paused in their conversation to look up at the pair, bemused.
"—they're patently ridiculous," he concluded happily, even as the leader of the gang made a huffy noise and exclaimed out loud.
"Excuse me?!"
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unyieldingstar · 1 year
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"Oh right yeah Mother's day is a thing isn't it..."
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unyieldingstar · 1 year
"Someone has to be." Even if she didn't feel that way about herself too much. If the vast majority said the opposite that you were saying then clearly someone's way of thinking was clearly wrong.
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"I guess I maybe just don't see the same thing they're seeing. Beyond being someone that could just listen to everything they say without much trouble."
Indigo hums, quiet, watching Asuna and studying her. Not in a way a Scientist would study their specimen, but someone who was beginning to understand a person. The way Asuna thought, the way she felt, even without memories to understand and remember, maybe.
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Smiling, they place a hand over on top Asuna's head in a gesture of reassurance.
"Yeah, you know....I bet they'd be super mad proud of you." Whoever they are, whoever kind of person they are, there's just no way they couldn't look at Asuna and NOT be proud.
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unyieldingstar · 1 year
"Because I don't know...anything about being that kind of life. I thought I told you that!" Or at least part of it so she didn't need to keep bringing it up in public like this.
And the handshake was somehow more awkward then having a kiss on it. Somehow...
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"Besides would anything really change if I was royalty or not? I'm still my same old self. Might as well choose the life that's less hassle and more enjoyment for me."
「✧」 She sounded put out and he couldn't fathom why. Didn't humans enjoyed being treated nicely? He tilted his head to listen better; the sounds of the ballroom came back loud and clear.
"Despite my current limitations, my hearing remains fine."
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"I really don't know why you insist on denying your own noble status. Isn't a ball the perfect place to showcase such things?"
Ah, but in the meantime he had finally figured out what to do with her hand! Grasping it firmly in his own, he moved it up and down a few times in a handshake.
"Hahaha—" Since when had he ever laughed like that, "—you're amusing as always, Asuna."
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unyieldingstar · 1 year
Well it could've been worse. Granted Asuna was the farthest thing from rich then the life she had previously. Sure she should've had the fortune of her family but that dissipated rather quickly with everything everyone had to pay for in her world. So all of the money the ghost did have on her here was hard earned.
...And judging by her pockets and card it was not much in the slightest bit.
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"Asuna. It's nice to meet ya' Marcille. Neither of us are going anywhere anytime soon so I'm sure if you really want to pay it back you'll have plenty of time."
✲ She didn't buy that this girl was rich, but seeing as she was so new to the city she didn't really understand the economy at all, really. At best Marcille had a rudimentary understanding of the currency, and that was it. "Well... Thank you. Somehow I feel like owing a debt is worse though..." Taking her bag, she spoke that last line under her breath. Better than getting thrown out of the shop at this point, though!
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"I guess that's fine..." She shuffled out of the line so the people behind her didn't push her over at this point. "I just realized you don't even know my name! It's Marcille!"
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