When you get your wings clipped by the scissored tongues of society there is nothing worse than that. You feel subjected to the harsh gritty words and blinded by the judgemental eyes throwing sand into your own. But you know if it’s a stranger you can embrace it and say it’s constructive criticism or a fools twisted opinion that simply doesn’t affect or deter your life in any way. However, when it’s someone you love ; someone you thought would never break down your spirit and shatter your heart with their words. Someone who you keep in the innermost and unguarded part of your being. Someone who you thought would never paint a picture of how you should be in their mind. Just loved you. No matter what. When they betray you. When they join the waves of opinionated sheep. When they stop seeing you. And start seeing just the shattered personality that the world thinks you possess. When they stop seeing the beauty in your scars. This is what hurts. This is what rips you apart. Because what once was. Will never be again.
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