uus-haru-memoryblog · 2 months
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been working on my train station and railway, gonna have to rebuild it tho cus its too low
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uus-haru-memoryblog · 3 months
Whenever i see this pose i can't help but think, that the comic artist must have worked hard to not gives us crumbs but we still ate
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uus-haru-memoryblog · 3 months
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uus-haru-memoryblog · 3 months
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Hehehe the new chapter was fun
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uus-haru-memoryblog · 7 months
2024 winter spring builds
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uus-haru-memoryblog · 7 months
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found this, made yars ago
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uus-haru-memoryblog · 7 months
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So im correcting the pattern and i took ver a and copy of factory one and mixed em together to make version b. That seems to kina work
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The factory ones look good?? So i investigated and the pattern is different and the cloth is also thicker and strechy. I later found that thinner fabric get ankle fold easier.
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Heres different versions, version a, copy, and 2 version b's. The soft cloth one dosent have much wrinkle but the cloth is ugly and ful of lint. The other one is nice and thin buut it wrinkles :/
Guess I'll have to look for more fabric also.
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I cut apart ver b tho, so i know where ankle lines etc are good, cus horizontal lines make em wonky on feet. Also i can use pattern for slim fit pattern making later.
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And here's non stretch fabric one, so i can match fabric with clothes, cus all my strechy fabrics for some reason are either ugly or dont mach my normal fabrics?!
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I did try different toe sewing a few times but decided to stick with pointy cus, the square sew is really hard to get right consistently.
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And here's the final short socks, bit wrinkly but ok. Also one with factory shoes, haven't tried to make ones myself jet but ill try it sooner or later.
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uus-haru-memoryblog · 7 months
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Yuh finnaly redy for paper mache, gluing took so long. Oh righ i need to cut the lid inside, anyway.
First i put it in place with tape an then clued, then when the clue dried i but the last pieces together with alredy clued pieces so the fit together ( lid and box) and ill seperate em after drying.
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I also but extra line inside lid so it closes tightly and stays put.
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I also made a simple box, that wasn't as simple to make. The lid doesn't close properly.
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uus-haru-memoryblog · 7 months
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tried to change fix the pattern but the front se is a no no, made small samples but i think the pattern should be tighter so remaking em again, they look too loose
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uus-haru-memoryblog · 7 months
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Making my trial sock, used lomis tutorial (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzmw3x9JGY8&ab_channel=Lomi%27sPlayground)
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uus-haru-memoryblog · 8 months
I got myself a few dolls and am making stuff for em.
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So i saw a video where someone was making a nice fancy box for their doll and i wanted to mine to have one as well. but a normal box .. nah i want something fun - so i put the fun in funeral and decided to them coffins. Actually i wanted to make a big one for my big 1/3 doll but it came out too small ad i dont think i have long enough cardboard. And then i realized i could just make one for my 1/6 doll and id have plenty of cardboard.
So I modeled the coffin in blender, removed unnecessary parts, and used the paper export to get a paper pattern. Then I printed and taped the paper pattern and traced all the necessary parts onto a cardboard box. havent cut em out jet.
I used a cardboard box i got from a local grocery store. On the last picture there is my first attempt for my big doll but it is a few centimeter short and the doll barely fits inside if i bend her knees.
I might make a simple box insted, unless i fugure out how to fix it
For this project i didnt really use any guides or tutorials and am just figuring out how to do thing in the work - its just a special shaped paper mache project. i did look up on google what coffins look like and then i made up a desing on my own. i still have to figure out how im gonna decorate it.
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uus-haru-memoryblog · 10 months
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eyelashes go dancedance
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tried to make a fov toggle, not happy with it but its good enough. imma use it for reference anyway
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wrong blog lol
working on making a deformer to mak things cylindrical and spherical, gona work on fov next
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mylive2d showcase, forgot to upload it here
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made an afk screen for streaming
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