Idk why but last week when I got on I was dead. It didn't tell me who/what killed me. I lost a 185 ascendent crossbow because of it. 😭
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Will be getting on Minecraft when I get home. I think I'll be back on Ark tomorrow.
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Why is it that I am more afraid on minecraft than on Ark?
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Not ark related
I started a minecraft gportal server. Let me know if y'all want to play.
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If you offer someone something and they say no FUCKING RESPECT IT
There is a guy that I see every Friday and every third Thursday. When I first started working here he hit on me (keep in mind that he is old enough to be my grandfather) and when I told him no he continued to make me uncomfortable. I completely stopped responding to what he would say to me unless it involved work. Now after a year of my pointedly not talking to him. He offered me a stupid foldable wagon thing. I told him no because he still makes me uncomfortable. He wouldn't let me leave after I had already stayed for over time until I said sure. I might be over reacting to this but I feel like crying.
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As promised, here’s my crude wallpaper that shows all(?) of the romance options thus far!
The lady in the center is the main character Xjena. When you play “Women of Xal”, you’ll be controlling her actions. Almost every character on this wallpaper is romanceable, and they just run the spectrum of personalities! I’ll be going from left to right for each row to introduce all newcomers to the lovely main cast of WoX!
The Ladies: Naxia Vexis, Clanice Ximori, Liz Xepharia, Lady Xuna Xaovant of Xanasca, Velvet Kuriox, Merixa Morely (Not romanceable; straight woman), Axay Quinn.
The Boys: Artimis Sxu, Doctor Joy, Culiver Solixu, Valimer Prixen, Xaris Rose, Xobi Ioxu (back), Furnell (Front), Proxis
Who do ya’ll want to know more about? I’ll share new(!) screens for the more popular picks!
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AtLA: Katara waterbending in (almost) every episode (x)
~~ s03e05 The Beach
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This is my Harry Potter fanfic. If anyone bothers to read it, hope you like it.
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I got a AC outdoor thing set up at my base that everyone on my server can use. It looks terrible but it works.
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My Bluetiful had a son that looks exactly like her!
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Built myself a greenhouse. It looks terrible but can't be bothered to try and fix it 😂
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i miss them so much. :\
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Just tamed this beautiful girl.
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Also I got a mutation!!!
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I am looking for a beta reader
I am working on a Harry Potter fanfic and am looking for someone who can make the story flow a little better and help with making sure the characters are still sounding like themselves.
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My snow owls. Blizzard, Sunshine (hiding behind –>) Vernadette and Snowsoul
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I think I found that aberration or whatever cave by the lake and it has fUCKING GIANT MUSHROOMS WHY DIDNT ANYONE TELL ME IT HAD MUSHROOMS
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Finding life Chapter One: The Beginning
This is also on AO3 and FF.N
It was nearly the end of Harry’s third year, only two more weeks until summer vacation starts, Hermione and Harry were headed towards the infirmary to see Ron. They were almost to the infirmary door when they were both grabbed from behind and whisked away into a nearby classroom. When they were released, they turned around with their wands drawn with hexes on the tip of their tongues and saw that it was the twins. Harry rolled his eyes, “Why did you guys bring us to an empty classroom? We were going to see Ron.”
         Fred and George looked uncommonly serious. “We know, that’s why we stopped you. We had overheard Ron talking to Dumbledore. They were talking about bigger payments to Ron for his injuries. Ron also said that he couldn’t wait for you to die Harry. We don’t know why Ron was talking to Dumbledore or why he wants you dead. We just thought you needed to know, whatever you decide to do about those two we will stand behind you. We are so sorry that a fellow Weasley would treat you like this behind your back.”
Hermione’s magic started swirling around her angrily, “If this is a prank from you two.” She hissed. 
         The twins looked offended, “We wouldn’t joke about something like this!” they exchanged a look and came to a decision together. 
They raised their wands and swore together, “I, Fredrick Fabian Weasley," 
"I, George Gideon Weasley," 
"do hereby swear on my magic and life that what we have told Harry James Potter and Hermione Jean Granger about Ronald Bilius Weasley is the truth.” a bright gold light swirled, almost lovingly, around the two of them. After the light faded away they pointed at two different desks and with far too much grandeur and said, “Wingardium leviosa!” the desks levitated and were put back down after a few seconds. 
         Hermione just stared at them for a moment, then her eyes started watering. The twins turned pale, they had been hoping Hermione wouldn’t cry until after they were gone. Harry, who had been silently watching the interaction between the twins and Hermione, sighed. He went and hugged her. Once he wrapped his arms around her she started sobbing. “Hermione it’s going to be ok, we still have each other and obviously we can trust the twins. We need to figure out what to do. We can’t fall apart yet sis. You are the smart one, I need your brain.” Harry said trying to comfort Hermione. 
         She started giggling through her sobs. She slowly started calming down. Harry pulled back from the hug and said, “Right, let’s all sit down, George can you put a silencing spell on the door so no one can eavesdrop?” George nodded and did so immediately. They arranged the chairs to be in a small circle. “We only have two more weeks before the end of school. What is going on with Ron can wait.”
Hermione opened her mouth to protest, Harry shook his head and made a wait-hand motion. “I want to deal with getting out from under Dumbledore’s thumb. If we confront Ron now it will tip him off and make it even harder than it already is.” Hermione frowned but nodded in agreement. “I don’t want to go back to the Dursleys. I don’t think I’ll make it back out alive after I made Vernon’s sister into a human balloon. Any ideas on how I can get out of King’s Cross without anyone noticing that I left? Also on anyplace I can get a room other than the Leaky Cauldron since that’s most likely where Dumbledore will look first?" 
         Everyone was silent while in thought when Hermione started talking. "The invisibility cloak. When we are almost to King’s Cross I’ll make Ron go with me to check on Neville to distract him. Fred or George can then go put a shrinking charm on your trunk and Hedwig’s cage. Hedwig can fly to my house and after a few days, I’ll send her to you. After you get out into the muggle world you can go into an alley and get the bus you told us about last summer and go to Gringotts. You should ask if you can talk to someone about your account, so you know how much money you have. Just so you know what you have to live on until you graduate and get a job.”
         Harry looked a little overwhelmed by everything she said but, he nodded and looked determined to do this before he could ask any questions however Fred spoke, “Before we get into any more details we should vow not to tell anyone not in the know about the plan. The only one who should be able to bring in anyone onto the plan should be Harry since it’s his secrets.” Harry protested “No, I trust you guys! You don’t have to do anything like magic vows!" 
         Hermione sighed, "Fred’s right, it’s just so everyone knows that if something goes wrong it’s not because we said anything. It’s for our own peace of mind Harry.” Harry didn’t look happy but didn’t prevent them from doing it. 
         Hermione started “I, Hermione Jean Granger, do hereby swear on my magic and life that I will not willingly talk to anyone, not in the know about Harry Potter’s secrets or plans discussed today.” before the glow from Hermione’s vow was completely gone Fred and George did theirs. 
“I, Fredrick Fabian Weasley," 
"I, George Gideon Weasley," 
"do hereby swear on my magic and life that I will not willingly talk to anyone, not in the know about Harry Potter’s secrets or plans discussed today.”
         Harry sighed and decided to restart the talk about his escape. “Would it be better to use a color-changing spell on my hair and maybe take a potion to make my hair longer to slip by the Dursley’s over the invisibility cloak?" 
George grinned and asked a little teasingly, "What color were you thinking? Red would be too noticeable and predictable since your mom had red hair. What about strawberry blonde?" 
Harry gave George a small glare, "That doesn’t sound like such a bad idea, it may be blonde, but it still has a bit of red as a nod to my mother." 
         Hermione looked disgruntled, "Why didn’t I think about changing hair color before the invisibility cloak?” She asked exasperatedly. Harry and the twins both snorted from her reaction, making her pout at them playfully. The group continued to talk about the plan for another hour. Once they got as much planning as they could in that hour Harry got up and said a little annoyed, “As much as I would like to continue talking about this, Appearances need to be kept up. Hermione and I need to go visit with Ronald. George, Fred can you go tell Neville that I would like to talk to him in about two hours, before Dinner so I can ask if he will help with the plan?” The twins nodded and left immediately to do so.
         Hermione sighed and asked Harry, “How am I supposed to look at Ron and pretend that all is well?” 
Harry shook his head sadly. “I don’t know ‘Mione. I am going to be relying a lot on Quidditch talk to get through the next two weeks if I’m being honest.” Hermione smiled sadly at Harry. They quickly headed back towards the Infirmary and spent the next hour and a half talking to Ron, with some difficulty for Hermione. Once Madam Pomfrey finally kicked them out Harry took out the Marauders Map after making sure the hallway was empty except for Hermione and himself. “I solemnly swear I am up to no good” Harry said quickly. 
He looked for Neville’s name and finally found it in a classroom near the Gryffindor common room with the twins. Harry and Hermione made their way up to where the classroom was, it took them fifteen minutes to get there. Harry opened the door and deadpanned, “I thought I said two hours, not an hour and forty-five minutes Twin Terrors?” Hermione and Neville just busted up laughing at his delivery while the twins gaped at him.
         The twins exchanged a mischievous look after they got over the shock.
“Gred? —"
“Can you believe it?”
“No, I thought it was impossible!”
“When did Wittle Harry-kins”
“develop a sense of humor?”
Harry snorted, “I didn’t this is just a figment of your imagination.” Hermione and Neville just snorted in disbelief. Harry looked over at the two and pouted at them.
Hermione grinned and told the twins, “He has always had a sense of humor, he just usually hides it until someone gives him a good opening.”
Neville rolled his eyes amused at the antics, “I was asked to meet with you guys in private. What’s going on?”
Harry sighed and replied, “You aren’t going to like this Nev. Ron is being paid to be my friend, he was overheard saying that he couldn’t wait for me to die. Hermione, Fred, George and I came up with a plan to get me out from Dumbledore’s thumb. We were wondering if you would be willing to help us with distracting Ron on the train.”
 Neville looked at first surprised then he started looking pissed before he could get up and go hex Ron everything Harry said made it all the way through. He took a deep breath and said, “What do you need me to do?”
They filled him in on the escape plan for Harry and before Harry could stop them they mentioned the vow which he also took in response to finding out about them. The two weeks went by quickly while they tried to hash out the plan some more. Finally, the train ride home was upon them. About fifteen minutes before the train was supposed to be at the station Hermione got Ron to go with her to check on Neville. A minute after they left Fred came in and hit harry with the color-changing spell to turn his hair strawberry blonde. After getting everything shrunk and into his pocket Harry said, “Thanks Fred, I owe you and George big time for this.”
 Fred shook his head, “You are our brother. We protect our own, Ronald is no longer our brother as far as George and I are concerned.” Before Harry could respond to that the train started slowing down. 
Harry and Fred both quickly left the compartment so they could be off the train before Hermione and Ron get back to get their trunks. The train came to a complete stop and Harry quickly headed to the exit of platform 9 and ¾. He saw his aunt and uncle looking annoyed up ahead. He slipped into a crowd of people that were going past them and managed to get out of King’s Cross without anyone noticing him.
He went into an alleyway and called the Knight bus. It appeared with a bang in front of him. “Welcome to the Knight bus, Emergency transport for the stranded witch or wizard. Just stick out your wand hand, step on board, we can take you anywhere you want to go. My name is Stan Shunpike, and I will be your conductor today. Where would you like to go?” Harry smiled slightly. “Leaky Cauldron please Stan.” Stan nodded and said, “That will be 8 Sickles.” Harry quickly paid and sat down in one of the chairs in the back of the bus. It only took a few minutes to get to the Leaky Cauldron. “The Leaky Cauldron, Watch your step getting off and we hope to see you again soon,” announced Stan. 
Harry left the bus and went into the Leaky Cauldron. He had never seen it this empty before, the only person inside was Tom. Harry nodded at Tom and went through to the entrance to Diagon Alley. The alley had people in it but not nearly as much as when it was school shopping season. He made his way to Gringotts while keeping an eye out for anyone that might recognize him and report to Dumbledore.
Harry got to the steps up into Gringotts and he greeted the two guards, “Hello.” they both glanced at him surprised. Harry went in and got into the small line that was already there. The line went pretty quickly and soon it was his turn. “Hello, I would like to talk to someone about my account? I don’t have my key.” The goblin gave Harry a sneer but called out “Karraff, take this wizard to an available account manager.” A goblin came to show Harry the way. 
They went down a hallway and stopped at the third door to the right. It had a plaque that said Bannok, account manager. Karraff knocked on the door, “Potter is here to talk about his accounts.” He told Bannok after getting the ok to come in. Harry sputtered, “How did yo–!” he started but Karraff interrupted, “We know who our clients are Mr. Potter, no matter the disguise. Wizards.” He grumbled the last word as he left. 
Harry was standing near the door looking slightly confused. Bannok observed him for a few silent moments, Then he sighed, “Mr. Potter, sit down. We have much to discuss.” Harry quickly did as he was told. “Mr. Potter, Gringotts has sent you numerous letters requesting your presence since you first came in at eleven. Why has it taken you this long to come?" 
Harry looked even more confused, "Mr. Bannok I’ve never received a letter from Gringotts before. The only kind of mail I’ve ever received is from my friends.” Harry informed the goblin. “Why was Gringotts sending me letters though?” Harry asked. 
Bannok leaned forward, “Why? So we can tell you about your accounts and get your opinions on how to proceed." 
"Accounts? As in plural? I thought I only had the one?” Harry asked hesitantly. 
Bannok looked annoyed for a moment. “Dumbledore, as your magical guardian was supposed to explain about your family before you turned eleven. I can see that he failed that duty. You need to take the inheritance test just so I don’t miss anything while explaining it Mr. Potter." 
Harry frowned, "Inheritance test? What will the test require me to do?” Harry inquired. 
“The test is an enchanted parchment that will tell us all the families you are the lord or heir of it will also tell us how much money is in each vault. All that you have to do is put two drops of blood on the parchment.” Bannok explained. 
Bannok put the blank parchment in front of Harry and waited to see if Harry would do it. Harry stared at the parchment with a frown on his face for a moment. He straightened his posture and looked Bannok in the eye, “What do I use to cut my finger to do the drops of blood?” he asked. 
Bannok smiled, making Harry shiver in slight fear. Bannok extended a small silver knife towards Harry. Harry looked at it apprehensively and took it from Bannok. He took a deep breath and used the knife to cute his index finger. Two drops of blood splashed onto the top of the parchment. The parchment took a few minutes to fill out completely. Once it was done Bannok motioned for Harry to take a look. 
Inheritance test of Harry James Potter 
Mother: Lily Jasmine Potter Né Evans (deceased) 
Father: James Fleamont Potter (deceased) 
Godfather: Sirius Orion Black (illegally wanted by the ministry) 
Godmother: Alice Cecilia Longbottom né Fortescue (permanently housed in St. Mungo’s) 
Harry James Potter’s Titles:
Lord of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Peverell (Paternal) 
Lord of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Gryffindor (Paternal) 
Lord of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Ravenclaw (Maternal) 
Lord of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Slytherin (Maternal) 
Lord of the Noble House of Potter (Paternal) 
Heir to the Noble House of Black (Paternal) 
Head of the House of Evans (Maternal) 
Peverell vault: 95,171,291,438,627 Galleons 18 Sickles and 50 knuts
Gryffindor Vault: 1,291,348,672 Galleons 10 Sickles and 25 knuts
Ravenclaw Vault: 17,921,483,762 Galleons 8 Sickles and 1 knuts
Slytherin Vault: 5,191,427,952 Galleons 15 Sickles and 0 knuts
Potter Vault: 100,171,291,627,480 Galleons 20 Sickles and 40 knuts
Black Vault: 10,434,768,976 Galleons 1 Sickles and 0 knuts (restricted access as Harry James Potter is only the Heir) 
Evans Vault: 20 Galleons 0 Sickles and 0 knuts
Trust Vault: 43,085 Galleons 0 Sickles and 5 knuts
Magical Creature Inheritance 
Harry James Potter: unknown (inherited from Black Family) 
Potter Manor (Scotland)
Potter Cottage (England, needs reconstruction)
The Burrow (England, rented out)
Business Investments:
Daily Prophet: 53%
Quality Quidditch Supplies: 42%
Nimbus Racing Broom Company: 10%
Flourish and Blotts: 19%
Paradise lodging: 75%
Harry stared in shock at the parchment. “Sir, this is a lot. I’m not sure how to handle this information. I’m not Human?” He asked unsure where exactly to start. 
Bannok asked, “If the parchment has a ‘Magical creature Inheritance’ portion than, No you are not fully human. If you want to come back tomorrow to go over your Inheritances it can wait." 
Harry nodded, he was visibly overwhelmed. "Do you know where I can stay that isn’t the Leaky Cauldron? If I go there Dumbledore will prevent me from coming here tomorrow." 
Bannok thought for a moment, "Paradise Lodging down Carakkat Alley. The Alleys entrance is near Gringotts. The Guards at the entrance to Gringotts can point you to the Alley, just tell them Bannok sent you Mr. Potter." 
Harry glanced down at the parchment and said, "Thank you Bannok, Paradise Lodging sounds like a safe place since I own the majority of it.” Harry got up and bowed to Bannok and left. When he got to where the guards were he asked quietly to the one to his right where Carakkat Alley was and thanked the guard before he left. 
Once he passed through the entrance into Carakkat he stopped in his tracks. The Alley was filled with Creatures of all shapes and sizes, there were people with wings, horns, scales and all manner of things. Harry’s eyes had gone wide, “wicked.” he whispered to himself. He started walking, his head was on a swivel trying to take everything in. Since Harry wasn’t really paying attention to what was in front of him, he ended up walking into someone and fell onto his behind. He looked up at the person that he had run into, “I’m sorry about running into you, I wasn’t paying attention to what was in front of me.” he apologized while getting up, it had been a guy that looked to be 6'8 with green-blue eyes and reddish-brown hair. 
There was an answering chuckle. “No, problem kid. Try and be more careful now.” He replied to the apology while walking away. 
Harry watched as the guy disappeared into the crowd, he had a small blush from the encounter. Harry shook himself out of his daze and looked around at the buildings around him. Up to the left, he saw Paradise Lodging and made his way to it while making sure he didn’t run into anyone else. He got to the front door of the place and took a deep breath to settle himself. He walked into Paradise Lodging and went up to the reception desk. There was a lady with transparent blue wings. “Sorry to bother you, ma'am. I was wanting to get a room for tonight, maybe even longer.” He said quietly.
The lady looked up from what she was doing and smiled at him. “Of course! Welcome to Paradise Lodging my name is Opal Rose, A room will be 18 Sickles. Where are your parents’ kid?" 
Harry grimaced, "I’m an orphan ma'am." 
Her eyes widened, "Oh! I’m so sorry. Can I get your name so I can give you a Key?” she asked sheepishly. 
“Haven Evans” Harry replied after a moment of internal panic. 
She quickly wrote it down in a book and handed over a key, “Room 10 hun. Sorry again.” she said. 
Harry just said, “No problem ma'am, thank you.” he made his way to his room and after he got in he realized that he still needed his trunk and cage unshrunk. He went back to the receptionist and asked, “Sorry to bother you again Ms. Rose, could you unshrink my trunk and owls cage please?" 
She replied, "No problem!” and did it for him. 
Once he went back to his room with his trunk, he flopped onto the bed and fell asleep without changing into pajamas.
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