valhallanbadger · 8 years
You know this stuff is fake, and that you sound delusional, right? Not only that, but you need help. Like serious mental help. Anyone who believes they're "otherkin" needs help.
So I came back on this relic looking for something and honestly it makes my day to see I still have people sending this blog hate. It’s a testament to the amount of success this blog must have had if it’s still relevant enough to get people frothing at the mouth over a year later.
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valhallanbadger · 9 years
Kin Poll
A lot of people on tumblr like to say “Ugh, otherkin are just idiot 12 year olds vying for attention!” So, out of curiosity, I’d like otherkin to reblog and put their ages in the tags!
(If you are young and otherkin, I’m not saying don’t do this. In fact, please do. I want an actual idea, not one based on just older kin reblogs. So if you are 12, 13, etc. please add your age anyways! Your age doesn’t make you any less valid.)
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valhallanbadger · 9 years
Holy fucking shit, this is too good to be true. Insurance is covering all of the surgery cost. All I have to pay is for the compression vest and the check in. Check in is like $35. Vest maybe 30. I am paying $65 to get top surgery. Holy shit.
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valhallanbadger · 9 years
So I’m still getting notes from/about that tumblrisms video.  And the one post he read of mine just gained a bunch of notes because otherkinfaq reblogged it again. 
I feel vaguely relevant. :p
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valhallanbadger · 9 years
person with mental or physical illnesses: has trouble typing when panicking, upset, in pain, or just in general
tumblr ableists: why are you tlaking liek tihs? you're faking it to get attention, you're completely fine.
person with mental or physical illnesses: spends extra time typing clearly and corrects all their mistakes in order to be taken seriously and not ridiculed
tumblr ableists: you're clearly fine, if you were really in pain or having a panic attack, you wouldn't be able to type or go online. stop lying about your illnesses to get praise
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valhallanbadger · 9 years
Don't be mean to fat disabled people
Some disabled people are fat.
Some fat disabled people have mobility impairments, and need to use wheelchairs and scooters.
Some fat disabled people need to sit down a lot.
Some fat disabled people need to park in handicapped parking.
Some fat disabled people need to sit in the disabled seating on busses.
Some fat disabled people need to use the bathroom stall that has grab bars.
Some people act like fat people are somehow “not really disabled, just fat” as though the two are somehow mutually exclusive. They’re not. Fat is not a cure for disability. Fat disabled people are as disabled as thin disabled people. Fat people have every right to exist in public and use mobility aids and other adaptations.
Some people act like being mean to disabled fat people will somehow force them to stop being fat and disabled. It won’t. Being mean is not a cure. If you yell at a fat disabled person for needing to park close to the building, it won’t give them the ability to walk further safely. It will just mean that their day got worse because someone decided to be pointlessly cruel to them.
tl;dr Fat disabled people exist, and have a legitimate need for access and accommodations. Being mean to fat disabled people for having access needs doesn’t cure their disability. It just makes the world a crueler place. Don’t be a jerk.
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valhallanbadger · 9 years
Sometimes you fall off the wagon for months. Sometimes you tell yourself you’re gonna start fresh on Monday and by Wednesday you’ve already fallen back off. Sometimes you have to restart a 100 times and it’s frustrating. But it will be okay. You can do this. One day at a time
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valhallanbadger · 9 years
Nobody cares that you're struggling to survive until you do something illegal to try to fix it.
Welcome to America.
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valhallanbadger · 9 years
trans people without dysphoria are still trans
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valhallanbadger · 9 years
badgybadger replied to your post “My first post back is animal bones. good job me.”
oh my welcome back! <3
thanks for the warm welcome! <3
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valhallanbadger · 9 years
Is this the blog that got all the hate from that one Otherkin YouTube video?
*cackles* Is that thing still going around? 
Yes, yes, tis I, the famous not-a-commie badger.
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I can’t believe I’m still getting stuff from that video. Ah well. I suppose I can appreciate the traffic I get from it. :0
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valhallanbadger · 9 years
I’ll be working on bones for the next several hours but yeah, I’m back. If people have been dying to ask questions or something (I doubt it but just in case) askbox is always open.
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valhallanbadger · 9 years
sshapeshifter replied to your post “My first post back is animal bones. good job me.”
welcome back btw, missed seeing ya on my dash!
Thanks! I missed seeing you as well. :)
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valhallanbadger · 9 years
ajellyinthemix replied to your post “My first post back is animal bones. good job me.”
Welcome back!
Thanks! :D We’ll have to catch up soon!
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valhallanbadger · 9 years
My first post back is animal bones. good job me.
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valhallanbadger · 9 years
Stuff I found the other day out in the desert. :) (reblogged from my other blog)
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So my count seems to be two separate sheep (I think sheep) jaw bones, one complete sheep bottom jaw, a whole lower dog jaw (I’m guessing pit bull or pit mix from its shape and their poplarity out here), 5 vertebrae and the tailbone of a small mammal (I am guessing cottontail or jackrabbit from size because it’s too big to be a squirrel’s and I’m guessing it probably isn’t a small dog…) a couple vertebrae from I dunno what, a humerus from I dunno what, and a couple of legbones from something. I have a radius and ulna fused still and a bone that looks like a femur maybe. Oh, and the cow’s horn at the bottom. Good haul in my opinion. Hopefully this next week I can go back and snag the horse scapula I passed. :D
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valhallanbadger · 9 years
Oh damn, congratsyouareadouchebag basically took what I wanted to say. Seriously though. This is so fucking ridiculous. -Hearted means identifying with something. How is it hard to not identify with inanimate things? Like, clouds are comparably animate and diverse. Cumulonimbus clouds, cirrus clouds, cumulus clouds, and so many others. They drift slowly or zoom by quickly, and come in so many shapes. It’s easy to feel connections with clouds.
I've recently found that I'm cloudhearted, and I'm actually pretty scared. People often think that otherhearts are insulting otherkin, or they're lying, and I don't want anyone to think that! Also, I haven't told anyone I actually know, because I'm afraid they won't take me seriously. Bleh.
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