vampiricsatanfetus · 8 years
I'm really freaking sad now that Carrie Fisher is gone... I love her so much She was a big inspiration for me and many other people with mental illnesses and I am so happy she fought against the stigma that mental illness was harmful more to other people who didn't have it. I wish I could train my dog to be a service dog but she's too nervous and pees everywhere when people approach her. I've got such bad separation anxiety that more then 3 hours out in public my thought process shuts down and I panic and won't be able to get home unless someone is with me. I stop eating when I'm home alone.
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vampiricsatanfetus · 8 years
I am such a fucking ass hole I've finally been able to focus on on why I feel like shit and finally understanding what they mean when they say white guilt and henna on pale skin I need to get the hell over my self and see the real issue, that whites are privileged, including myself And that it shouldn't be that way, things need to change. Skin color is a big issue and when white people deny it they are silencing a movement We need to wake the fuck up Tbh I'm going to contribute to change in this country, I want to help any way I can
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vampiricsatanfetus · 8 years
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vampiricsatanfetus · 8 years
Beautiful voices get more attention, so many rush in to claim the singer as theirs, don't get caught up in claiming and don't let yourself be claimed
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vampiricsatanfetus · 8 years
No I don't want a pussy dick loving robot following me 🙃
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vampiricsatanfetus · 9 years
Do me a favor okay? Stop trying to go back to who you were before. Before you were raped, before you got sick before an eating disorder took over your life. stop trying to be who you were five, ten, twenty years ago. Before the mental illness took over, before he died, back before your parents split or you lost your best friend.
You are NOT the same person as before. You never will be again. Give up the idolization of “before” and be who you are now. Be the you AFTER.
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vampiricsatanfetus · 9 years
When a big Cis-dude walks into the bathroom heavy breathing all the oxygen and standing in front of the urinal 🤐
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vampiricsatanfetus · 9 years
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vampiricsatanfetus · 9 years
Cis-Adults: Kids are so dumb and immature
Cis-Adults: I need two, one girl the other boy
Trans-kids: *eye roll* ew
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vampiricsatanfetus · 9 years
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While cleaning out my room I found a paper that my therapist gave me some time ago to deal with obsessive and intrusive thoughts. Sorry the paper is a little crinkled and stained, but I figured I’d post it in hopes that it will help someone like it helped me.
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vampiricsatanfetus · 9 years
Also, I REALLY HATE this mentality that white people have about a neighborhood being safer with more white people. No, do you not know that the most dangerous people are white males?? I grew up trying to avoid those fuckers cause they were obsessed with me
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vampiricsatanfetus · 9 years
I hate that "shut up and get used to it" mentality when it comes to speak in up about harassment. It's been engrained into us since grade school. Don't let people tell you to get used to it if it's hurting you. Speak up and reach out for help
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vampiricsatanfetus · 9 years
I mean I kinda want to die rn but not yet iykwim
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vampiricsatanfetus · 9 years
I did a makeup thing and I'm reblogging it cause I want attention and I'm getting attention
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vampiricsatanfetus · 9 years
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vampiricsatanfetus · 9 years
She said "We sleep when Jesus sleeps" Well Jesus is dead and I don't want to die yet
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vampiricsatanfetus · 9 years
if you’re having a bad day, here’s a cute little marching band
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