vansohn · 28 days
This is the extra Montage (type of film) I have made during the process of Art+Memory project. This also remains the meaning of Memory.
All footages of my childhood were recorded by my parents. Special thanks to them.
I titled it “Candles of Memory”
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vansohn · 29 days
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Week5: The Art of the Title
In this week we learned about the Narrative films, how they are filmed, scripted and titled. It was very helpful for me since I was making an narrative film for my assignment Art+. We teamed up to make a opening sequence for our own narrative film which I have made a storyline.
I used the story/synopsis which I made in my other class (Screenwriting and Directing), and I made the title fonts and also found some footages on the free websites to make the sequence.
Here is the synopsis of my film which I titled, “A Love Lost In Memory”
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Here is the font for this film
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Lastly these are the real-life footages I’ve found on free websites such as Pexels, Videvo, and Coverr
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vansohn · 1 month
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Week4: Scratch film
We had experienced the scratch film making last year, however this time we used the colour into our film. We have used some paintings to put it onto the film to create patterns and colour mixes. I have attached the final outcomes of this project.
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vansohn · 1 month
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Week3: Vertical cinema
This week we used the app called Filmic pro to film the cinematic videos on our phone, which can create a vertical cinematic films which we explored in class. Social medias such as Snapchat, Instagram, Tiktok, or YouTubes are crazy popular nowadays, which make people to watch it on their phone instead of watching movies or tvshows at the cinema or on their TV. This is why it’s important to learn how to create a vertical cinema contents, and this was a great chance for me to experience it.
We used the smartphone gimbals and the microphone to fit our phone into it and controlled this tool to film around the space and objects. I attached the video of a flower and bees that I have filmed with this app and tools.
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vansohn · 2 months
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Week2: website making
We explored many artist’s websites and see how they are formed and we made our own artist page to show our artwork and ourselves.
I got inspired by these artist pages
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vansohn · 6 months
For my team, we have used people to stand around the empty space in the middle because we thought an apple in our video is like a celebrity, therefore we ask the students to act like paparazzis being surprised and filming an apple as if they are seeing the celebrity.
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vansohn · 6 months
In practical, we have learned how to use the green screen in the screen arts studio.
- we helped each teams to act each rolls that the team’s movie director wants to be filmed and added onto the video we have created last lecture with a box.
- we learned how to use GH5. Here are some notes I’ve written down.
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- we learned how to manage a movie set as a movie director, learn how to use GH5, connecting to the monitor to compare the placements and lightings or motions of actors on the green screen and the actors on the monitor.
- we used the knowledge of us of lightings and the shadows to create each atmosphere for our videos.
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0 notes
vansohn · 6 months
We have learned blender to create a 3D illustration or 3D motion graphic.
I’ve followed the famous blender donut tutorial to create a 3D donut for a practice.
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vansohn · 6 months
In the last practical, we did a practical in the sound studio.
-we have learned how to use different microphones or recorders such as H6
- we recorded the sound tracks we need for our assignment. I’ve recorded the white noise by going into a total silence room turn the H6 and a mic, connect them, increase the pitch to catch the own sound the room itself has which makes the white noise. I’ve also recored the walking sound and rubbing sound which was used for the background sound tracks for my assignment (animation). (Sound tracks are on the presentation for The Copy)
I’ve also looked around the sound studios, learned how to do the midi and producing music in that room.
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vansohn · 6 months
Harry taught us the sound designs and how to create sound tracks or mix the sounds on different apps.
We also learned how putting different music onto same video can change the whole atmosphere and the storyline of that video, which is telling us that sounds and music are important in screen arts.
After we learned about the basic informations about the keys, melody lines, each students came up and created or chose their own sound for a video.
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We have learned how to use the sound studio or the apps such as splice, logic pro, garage band, or albleton to make our own music or sound effects for our screen arts assignment.
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vansohn · 6 months
Ive also borrowed GH5 from DMU to practice how to use GH5.
This is the short film Ive made by using only GH5.
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vansohn · 6 months
Week 3.
We have edited the green screen video we have took in last lecture. We used premiere pro to edit the green screen video.
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I’ve learned the skill to crop the videos or photos in the green screen and how to overlap the cropped green screen video onto the original video.
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vansohn · 6 months
Week 2.
In lecture, students teamed up with 2~3 teammates, brought boxes to create a video with an specific object which was a box.
My team cut the boxes and put them together to make a box to create another box put a storyline into that box.
We also brought an apple and and makeup-up tools to add a story line.
This is the final outcome.
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vansohn · 6 months
Week 1.
In Week 1 9am class we had a orientation day, listening to the first assignment topic and the details on the Screen Arts course.
We have looked at some artists that my tutor has shown such as..
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In 1pm Tech class, during the first practical, we were introduced to the screen arts studio, the green screen room.
- we have learned how to set up the lightings, the cables and how to clean be careful with safety in that room
- we have learned the methods of using lights (cream source micro light and the lightings on the ceiling) in the studio, such as increasing light to make a warm light and decreasing to make a cool blue tone lights, or the method to put the tools together to hold on the light.
- My tutor taught us the understanding of shadow and lighting and the contrast. By using model among the students in the room, we have used them as a model, place the lightings in different places and distances or control the amount of light or type of light to move around the lightings, take photos or videos of them to understand how the different placement or amount of lightings can give the photography or a video a different atmosphere or story to the audience
- Lastly we have learned which apps we have to use for editing, which is mainly adobe programs, premiere pro or photoshop.
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