vap0reon · 4 years
this was such a good url im amazed i actually snagged it when i did
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vap0reon · 6 years
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vap0reon · 6 years
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vap0reon · 6 years
when the bourgeoisie speaks negatively of digital media, of the internet, when they flaunt analog over digital, it is largely because digital has become accessible to a larger variety of people, including those who are economically disenfranchised. price of film that has gone up, return to vinyls, is all a part of the reactionary movement which seeks to establish the previous hierarchy of those who had access to cultural capital. and i mean im not saying all people who buy vinyl, or have analog cameras, are a part of the bourgeoisie, but im deeply convinced that the trend itself, and the distinct rejection of digital has started this way. 
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vap0reon · 6 years
Scenecore is important to me because before that phase died, I feel like a lot of people were having fun just innocently reposting images of gir blinges and bloody rainbows or whatever, and then usually people saw that others were calling people cringey for just enjoying things and that caused a domino effect of feeling self conscious so it just sort of dwindled down.. I’ve seen so many people call their tweens + early teen years embarrassing just for liking anime or shit and I pretended to be the same but like??? Shit man actually sort of embracing the culture and feeling nostalgic for a change makes me feel that spark of pure unfiltered joy I experienced so many years ago before I became burdened with puberty and life changes. It takes me back and makes me feel safe and cheerful.
Of course there were definitely problems of neurotypicals + romanticizing mental illnesses due to misguided stereotypes, and there truly were people that could be rude and obnoxious, but now I feel like that scenecore is slowly gaining traction we can learn from our past mistakes and create a more cheerful and welcoming community 🌈🌈🌈
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vap0reon · 6 years
the world isn’t real..
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vap0reon · 6 years
tumblr was never really hated for its politics or for “sjws” like internet white boys like to claim. in fact, tumblr has exactly the political environment those people want, because people can say pretty much anything and staff never bans them, even if they’re like, heil-hitlering nazis or p*dophiles. tumblr is just hated because women make up a large part of its userbase
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vap0reon · 6 years
it’s honestly so annoying that the news has latched onto the term “antifa” and have completely managed to separate it from it’s goddamn meaning “antifascist" 
and now they pretend it’s a fucking organization when it’s literally just what it says it is. antifascist.
this is exactly what allows them the social acceptance to tweet mugshots of antifascist protestors with their full names.
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vap0reon · 6 years
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Frank Cifaldi, founder of the Video Game History Foundation, on the recent closure of EmuParadise and the importance of pirates in game preservation and history. 
Here’s a link to the GDC talk mentioned in that last tweet. 
@titleknown @saint-j92000
EDIT: Note that EmuParadise is still active, but they’ve removed all of their game downloads to avoid legal action against them. A few other rom sites have also been shutdown recently. 
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vap0reon · 6 years
associating lesbians solidly and solely with transmisogynist radfems is exactly what said transmisogynist radfems want what are yall fuckin doing
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vap0reon · 6 years
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Don’t judge yourself by what others did to you.
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vap0reon · 6 years
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vap0reon · 6 years
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A small spark can bring the coldest engine roaring back to life.
Stay tuned.  
When the link below has 1,000 comments with the hashtag #FIGHTFORMOTORCITY, and a reason why you love the show, I will be back with more information.
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vap0reon · 6 years
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vap0reon · 6 years
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This is a call out post for instagram user midoriya_deku_h
First of all I’d like to say, please DO NOT send this person any hate whatsoever. 
I found this account about a week ago and saw that they had reposted a bunch of my art as well as many of my friends’ art and so naturally I was upset. I reported the posts and thankfully they were taken down. However, today I was sent a link (thank you!!) to the above post to find that they had reposted one of my more recent comics.  As you can see in the image above, IG user midoriya_deku_h cropped my originals in order to remove the ‘do not repost’ on my work. I have reported the post and it has been taken down. They also edited out the “please do not repost” from @thatmightyheart ‘s work as well and reposted it without permission. The point that I wish to make with this post is to please stop supporting repost accounts like this. Do not follow them and do not like/reblog/retweet their posts. 5.5k followers is a lot of followers, and to be frank, accounts like this do not deserve the support they get. Reposters will often not ask permission of the artist to repost their work and some will even edit or crop out the artist’s watermark. They do not respect the amount of time that is put into each drawing and they do not respect artists at all.* If you really want to see more content of things you like and to support artists properly, follow the original artists’ accounts!  *disclaimer: there are some reposters who get the okay from artists to repost their things, who also credit these artists properly. These are NOT the reposters I’m talking about and am only referring to those who do not ask for permission and/or do not credit the artist properly.  @ fellow BNHA artists, please go to midoriya_deku_h ‘s account to see if they reposted your work. Here is a tutorial on how to report an IG post.
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vap0reon · 6 years
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Trump has proposed a dangerous gag rule that would force medical providers to withhold information from their patients. It would impose new rules designed to make it impossible for millions of patients to get birth control or preventive care from Planned Parenthood. You have until July 31 to make your voice heard. 
If you care about protecting access to health care, take action now>>
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vap0reon · 6 years
you know that dumbass Forbes article advocating for Amazon stores to replace public libraries? It was taken down cause the author got dragged so hard by like everyone who has ever entered a library in their life & now Forbes released a statement basically calling the author of the original op-ed “deeply misinformed” lmao
“Libraries play an important role in our society. This article was outside of this contributor’s specific area of expertise, and has since been removed.”
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