vargnir · 3 years
hwen will my fenrir muse return from the war,,
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vargnir · 3 years
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thinking about fenrir be like
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vargnir · 3 years
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surprise, i bet you thought you’d seen the last of me
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vargnir · 4 years
tfw craving interaction but not knowing how to
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vargnir · 4 years
i’ll be on here more.
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vargnir · 4 years
i can’t update fenrirs .doc but his height is updated to 9ft in human form & 53ft in wolf form.
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vargnir · 4 years
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fenrir, who looks bored 99.97% of the time, unironically: this is so interesting
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vargnir · 4 years
werewolves are such a funny concept to fenrir because to him they’re much like him &. yet so completely different &. basically he thinks they’re babies for no reason other than he doesn’t understand them so he just randomly decided they’re baby
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vargnir · 4 years
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                                    HATED BY LIFE ITSELF.
                                       independent  original  character.                                        mythology  &   fairytale  inspired.                                        created     by     richard    /    len.
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vargnir · 4 years
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art by: Isnyr
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vargnir · 4 years
fenrir never transforms quite like a werewolf does; his skin doesn't tear, his wolf doesn't come out. it consumes him, his skin burns off, drops to the ground like it was made of wax all along, like he was icarus flying too close to the sun, or in fenrir's case, the fires of hell.
it burns off and it leaves him with new scars every time, it burns and it hurts and it brands his mind with the rage of a wounded animal anew every single time.
and it's why he stays in one form for a longer period of time before he shifts; because the pain is too great, takes too much of a toll on him even with his speedy recoveries. it's because the curse tries to ward of the magic that transforms him but ultimately fails because fenrir subdues his curse as well as he can.
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vargnir · 4 years
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I had this old concept sketch lying around for ages, so I finally put some details on it and used it as practice for lighting and forest painting. This is for an original story of mine, but everybody loves giant wolves!
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vargnir · 4 years
world & lore masterpost.
here’s a whole drop of lore, monsters, magic, humans & various other things in fenrirs main canon for those interested. mostly it just serves as a guide for me to orient on.
all art here was created on artbreeder and doesn’t belond to me because while i can generate i definitely can’t draw.
the world itself is split into four different continents; anvel, halmel, nimdal & mucuri.
whereas anvel and nimdal prosper, halmel has been ravaged by war and famine and mucuri struggles against a neverending influx of darkness & monsters terrorizing it’s people. 
anvel lies on the northern parts of the world and is filled with plentiful rivers & seas, water plays a major key in the continent and it’s countries have unified to form the northern kingdoms. it’s people know all there is to possibly know about water and its inhabitants, they live with the sea and prefer to worship water-related gods. the northern kingdoms are more secluded from the rest of the world and prefer to live their lives privately. though certain countries within their unions are slowly starting to open trades with other nations across the world more and more.
nimdal lies southern of the world, its kingdoms have the most varying climates; countries like stanlow and aynor are plagued by heat and deserts but rare and sought after plants and animals that enables them to afford wells and water supplies. countries like claethor, tranmere or strathmore are rich of vegetation, filled with large forests and jungles alike, a plentiful fauna enriching their nations. northern countries like wolfden and glenarm are filled with snow; cold and ruthless but bringing mountains over mountains filled to the brim with minerals and precious materials and gems with them. 
halmel lacks population and resources across the formerly glorious continent in total; a war between itself and a long since vanished fifth continent left it in ruins all across its formerly rich environments. its countries have long ceased to exist and halmel at this point is considered one big kingdom in itself. bandits have easy play here and terrorize poor village people. to top it off monsters from mucuri have slowly begun finding their ways over and have begun making the vast, empty lands of halmel their homes. halmels general climate is a foggy, almost ceaselessly rainy and gloomy one.
mucuri used to be the most prosperous continent amongst them all, as well as the centre of all of rotwelsch. though it is unsure of what happened all that is known is that once, a long time ago, a man who called himself the harbinger of the gods stepped foot onto mucurian land and eventually monsters began flooding from everywhere, creatures of such malevolence and hatred that ever since the world has only called the man, who revealed himself to be a cursed wolf, tortured by cruel humans and craving to bring forth the end of the world, demise. ever since the cities and nations have been living in fear, trying to live a somewhat normal life at daytime and locking themselves closed and in at nighttime, praying to whichever god will hear them that they survive another night of slaughter around them.
humans are the primary race of rotwelsch, though certain nations or even continents live peacefully amongst other people ( such as anvelians live peacefully with certain oceanic inhabitants ) whereas others live in fear of creatures not humanoid in nature. humans born under special circumstances may have an affinity for magic whereas others may have a special connection to nature. those born with special abilities oftentimes are shunned by their kin and live in villages or towns of their own amongst their kind.
a humanoid race of fish originated creatures adapting to life further away from deepsea. having made a deal with humans tiefsea are usually found lurking near port towns and occasionally even found sitting in bars. they are capable of surviving short amounts of time without water ( when trained up to a week ) but will dry out over time. they take on differing forms inspired by several animals found in the oceans. their appearance usually resembles fish more than humans in skin and facial features, though their body structure usually is more human. imagine zoras from legend of zelda but a tad more monstrous.
former mortals corrupted by darkness and turned into husks of their former self and forced into submission by demise. while groups of them will attack villages and towns singular ones will target homes on the outskirts to either kill or find more suitable subjects for demise. some of them retain a sense of self somewhere deep within and it is not a rare occurance to hear the desperate cry of a broken fighting against its own instincts and mind. their appearane usually is vaguely humanoid with their bones and skin growing and hardening into sort of an armor.
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creatures of unknown origin, some more humanoid than others. there are vast differences within plagues, some are small and fast while others are hulking brutes with raw power. the only similarity is that they seem to be able to communicate with each other and that each time they get cut their limbs and wounds can regenerate. their blood is acidic in nature and can burn through human flesh like it is nothing; because of that they are more feared than the broken. it is not uncommon to find a giant plague accompanied by a smaller, fast plague which turns them into deadly duos you have to be on the lookout for at the same time.
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predators are a deadly kind; humans who are still completely capable of thinking but have lost all will of their own, incapable of making decisions for themselves they have been turned into deadly assassins by the darkness and make formidable foes. while it is assumed that their appearance is largely unchanged they are covered from head to toe in what appears to be dark coloured robes made completely out of void mass and pure corruption. one touch from them can prove poisonous to most, should they choose a quick death for their victims. their ability to think makes most of them unpredictable and causes them to be the most feared out of all the races in rotwelsch.
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the cursed are beings like fenrir who have been wounded by magic and whose animalistic nature was meant to be subdued in favor of a humanoid nature. their appearance is mostly human though part of their animal origins is retained; for fenrir it is his ears and tail, for certain others it could be their antlers or even fins. the cursed are rare, incredibly so to the point they are mostly considered legends. but a handful of them exist, and while not all of them possess demonic blood like fenrir they still possess more abilities than the average human, all granted by their origin nature. cursed will usually live in isolation, though very few select ones will live among humans as their own, disguising their animal traits with magic in order to fit in.
there is a vast amount of races within rotwelsch that have yet to be known by the majority of the world; even the tiefsea have only recently created contact with humans and with the current abundance in magic there is no telling what other beings are out there.
magic is highly frowned upon in rotwelsch; it is considered the origin of demise and the reason darkness has befallen the world. people born with magic abilities are often abandoned at birth or taught from an early age to suppress their nature. fearing the power it bears most of humanity has dedicated itself to eradicating all magic from their lives whereas others, more powerhungry, cruel beings have taken it upon themselves to seek out people with magical properties to turn them into a part of their armies. 
with all different kinds of magic it is almost impossible to keep track of all of them, and yet the gods know. they give and take magical abilities as they see fit and design the powers as they wish. in certain areas in the world humans with magic and cursed live together in peace, both shunned by a world too fearful to see the beauty in their existence. 
from prophecies long foretold three children will bring the end of times upon the world; 
one cursed from birth, meant to grow until it can swallow the sun from the sky and devor the king of kings before it releases eternal darkness upon the world.
one born from death, meant to command the forces of the dead to end the lives of all creatures wandering the earth.
one born from betrayal, whose rage will be the catalyst to the worlds end until it swallows everything that is left to destroy.
fenrir is known in his world / his main verse. a fourty feet wolf that devours monsters big and small while keeping most humans relatively unharmed? yeah, that’s a pretty big conversation topic around the world he lives in, especially given he travels everywhere.
but it is not necessarily a good thing; even if he leaves humans unharmed he is a monstrosity; a beast. most people fear him and those who see the form he uses to walk among people for what it is in it’s entirety usually shun him.
fenrir doesn’t like interacting with people in any verse; he’s so used to being mistreated that he’d rather help silently and disappear without talking to anyone
he hates being thanked; he doesn’t think he deserves it and he generally dislikes the thought of people thinking that what he did to help them was anything but natural.
usually the only words he does speak to people are actually “don’t thank me.” before they even open their mouth
his voice is hoarse and rough because he barely talks. the most he can do without his throat burning is a short sentence, so never expect him to be very engaging in conversation.
because of that he’s made up his own little sign language --- most people don’t really get it unless they know him a bit better
there is a special guild trying to hunt him down because they know more about his curse than fenrir himself does
one of their “members” (he’s pretty much independent but relies on them for information) is a young man from the village fenrir saved when he lost his arm. he doesn’t necessarily want to kill fenrir but he does want to stop his curse from breaking free
he tries to befriend wildlife and smaller animals but they’re usually scared of him, except for one bird that follows him everywhere because he saved its life once.
it’s a robin!
he doesn’t keep food on his person other than some bread slices so he can feed his little bird companion
he thinks he’s not a good person --- nor even a person at all; it’s why he tries so hard to better himself, why he helps everyone.
he’s very harsh on himself, too
while his human form has a metallic prosthetic for his lost arm his wolf form actually has black matter to replace it; it’s more slimy in texture and practically radiates bad energy --- it comes from his curse
he’s ashamed of his ears and tails
he’s also ashamed of his scars
he gets flustered and embarrassed by even the most vague compliments
if you ever manage to break through his shell he’s very soft.
this is a wip and will be reworked over time to come !
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vargnir · 4 years
sometimes i think about the fact fenrir is merely a shell of a former person that was drained of almost all his humanity and compassion before it even had a chance to develop, both by the world and the people around him. 
fenrir died the night his mother did --- what happened in that cell over the weeks they were held captive only served to smother and sever the tenuous emotions he may have retained after watching his own mother die. perhaps the bulk of his death happened in one fell swoop the moment she breathed her last breath, or maybe it was a slow death marked by forcibly committing atrocities that compromised whatever sense of integrity he may have developed at such a point in his life. whatever the case may be, the sensation of losing one’s soul may seem terrifying when viewed from a distance, but is much easier to deny when one ceases to think of themselves as a person and instead follows a slow but sure decline into functioning solely on instinct.
eventually, someones kind nature might revive a very primitive sense of loyalty and empathy, at its most basic levels, within him. he might enjoy their company and compaionship despite his quiet stoicism juxtaposed with the bouts of bravado to mask what he viewed --- internally --- as weakness.
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