5 Signs your car needs an Oil Change
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Oil plays an integral part in your car’s functioning which is why it is important that you know about your car’s oil health. Clean oil ensures better performance and longer life of your car and by efficiently lubricating its parts and keeping the engine clean and healthy. Below mentioned are some warning signs that indicate your vehicle is due an oil change. [Note: The tips powered by the trusted Bentley Service Dubai Center, United Arab Emirates]
Oil change light or Engine light  
This is one of the most apparent signs that your car needs an oil change. The oil change or engine light will illuminate when your car needs an oil change. At this indication, your car needs an immediate oil change, and if not done soon, your car will be facing serious problems. Your car engine is basically at risk at this point.  
Knocking and Rumbling Sounds  
Another vital sign that your car needs an oil change is if you hear any unusual sounds from your car. It is usually a knocking or a rumbling sound due to frictional wearing caused by a lack of lubrication. Increasing noise indicate worsening of your car engine and calls for immediate action.  
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Dipstick Oil Check  
This is a less oblivious sign and only noticeable when the engine oil is checked. Engine oil is usually a translucent amber colour. As it ages, it becomes darker due to particles from the engine and needs to be changed. This check is to be done preferably every month. It is a simple check, when immersed in oil if the dipstick is visible then the oil is considered clean if not, then your car is due an oil change.  
Distance traveled and exhaust smoke
An oil change is mandatory after every 5000-10000 kilometres depending on your car’s age and condition. If you notice n unusual amount of smoke being emitted from your exhaust, it is mostly because your car is due an oil change.  
Oil or Gas smell  
Upon entering your car if you are greeted with the smell of oil or gas, it means your car has an oil leak and requires immediate maintenance. Said smell can also be due to vehicle overheating. 
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5 Ways to stay safe when driving during the corona-virus outbreak
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During this crucial period, when the spread of coronavirus is at its peak, it is necessary that we take all possible steps to help prevent the spread of this deadly virus. Although most of us are at home right now, we do occasionally go out to buy essentials. During these trips, it is important to ensure that your car which you're driving around is not carrying any deadly viruses which may put your life at risk. Here are some steps which you could take to keep your car clean and free of any germs. [Note: The tips are powered by the trusted Lexus Service Dubai Center, United Arab Emirates]
 Wash your hands before Driving 
Make sure that you wash your hands thoroughly before you start out on any journey. Wash or sanitize before touching any service of your vehicle. This will help ensure that no harmful germs are being transferred to your car or anyone who is using it. 
Regularly disinfect all highly touched surfaced 
It is important that you wipe down all surfaces that you come in contact with while driving with an effective disinfectant. Those surfaces necessarily include door handles, gear, hand brake, steering wheel, seat belt and dashboards. Don’t forget to wipe down your car keys too. While doing so do in keep in mind to use disinfectants which won’t damage any of your car’s surface. 
Air out your car between rides 
Leaving your window open for a few minutes between rides will help ensure that the air inside the vehicle is free from any illness-causing viruses.  
Vacuum the inside of your car regularly 
Vacuum thoroughly and get rid of any dust and other germs that may be present in different nooks and corners of your car. 
Minimize your number of stops and the number of people in your car 
Try to limit the number of locations that you stop at and visit places only that are absolutely necessary. Also, the fewer people that are in the car, the lesser the chances of you contracting the virus. 
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Why your Car’s Routine Maintenance is so essential?
Buying a car is a huge investment. By no standards are cars considered cheap. So, you need to make sure that your car is in its best condition for a long period. For which maintaining a routine schedule is essential, especially the one recommended by your manufacturer. Here are some reasons why you must regularly get your car serviced.  
  Increased Safety
Routinely getting your car serviced helps reduce the probability of your car suddenly breaking down or causing unnecessary problem. It would be quite dreadful to get stranded in the middle of nowhere because of a flat tire or any other kind of malfunction. By ensuring the safety of your vehicle, you're ensuring yours and others safety on the road. A properly maintained car is more for your safety than anything else.   
  Longer Life Span  
By getting your car serviced as per schedule, you also ensure that there aren't many wear and tears occurring and your vehicle is running as efficiently as it can. The more preventive measures that you take, the longer your car ought to survive. Ignoring your car maintenance will only serve in deteriorating your car's health at an earlier date. [Note: The tips are powered by the trusted BMW Repair Dubai Center, United Arab Emirates]  
  Saves Both Time & Money  
It is better to pay a small price now for your car's maintenance than a lumpsum down the line because a worse damage has occurred. Neglecting minor damages now could lead to bigger and costlier problems later. You save time too because the better the condition of your car, the lesser time it is at the service centre.   
  Below Mentioned are some parts of your vehicle, which needs to be monitored and checked regularly: 
Oil change   
Oil is a crucial lubricant for a car engine; hence the oil must be continuously kept clean to avoid the metal from corroding. Also, ensure that there is enough amount of oil in the engine to prevent any kind of frictional wear & tear.     
Tire pressure and rotation   
Right tire pressure ensures that your tires don't necessarily overheat, nor do they affect your car's cornering, braking and stability. Also, be sure to do a regular rotation to ensure even wearing of your tires.  
Check the cars fluid levels.  
Your car fluid levels must be maintained to avoid any frictional damages or wear and tear of crucial components. By doing this, you are ensuring a more prolonged survival of your car engine and its components. 
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Choosing the Right Engine
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Choosing a car to buy can be a very difficult and tedious decision, with the amount of options, available in brands, colors, models, engine and sizes etc. Despite having a budget which narrows your options it is still a very difficult and time-consuming task. Among this, a question often arises about what size engine you should choose.
Quintessentially the 4 main engine sizes that are available are the I4, I6, V6, V8. To understand which engine is right for you, you first need to understand what makes them different.
The main difference between the types of engine is the number of cylinders it contains. Therefore, as the name suggests an I4 or V4 will have 4 cylinders whereas a V6 would essentially have 6. 4-cylinder engines usually come in 'straight' or 'inline' configurations while 6-cylinder engines are usually configured in the more compact 'V' shape.  [Note: The tips are powered by the trusted Jeep Service Dubai Center, United Arab Emirates]  
These cylinders make up the most important part of the vehicle's engine, the overall performance of the engine is based on these cylinders. Inside each cylinder is a piston, which pumps in order to turn the crankshaft which in turn propels combustion. Hence higher the number the cylinder within the engine faster the generation of power for the vehicle.
 However, more cylinders also mean higher requirement of gasoline to make combustion necessary in order to drive the vehicle. Thus, making the vehicle less efficient. It is fundamentally a battle between power and efficiency.
Most cars are usually powered by 4-6-cylinder engine whereas trucks usually use 6-8-cylinder engines. V6 engines are common among America automakers as they are both powerful and quiet. Japanese makers, however, prefer the V4 cylinders due to the turbocharging technologies which has made V4 cars more powerful. V4 vehicles also have a higher center of gravity and rigidity than both the V6 and V8 engines. In addition, its lightweight feature helps make drives much smoother.
V6, on the other hand, has also seen an increase in usage as it provides a comfortable balance between the two ie.V4 and V8 engines. It is perfect for people who don’t want vehicles which consume a lot of gas but still want some power in them.
V8 engines, although common in trucks due to their high power, are also found in many of the aspirational cars. This type is especially attractive to customers looking for high-speed cars. It is also costlier to buy and maintain than the V6 engines. 
 Although through the years the differences among the types have lessened there is still a significant number of differences among them. Therefore, while deciding between the various engines, it is important to consider your own driving habits, budget and the overall purpose of the vehicle.
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Top 10 Car Insurance Myths Debunked
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Car insurance is such a broad and often intimidating topic. It surely occurs various myths around it. These myths not only create a wrong impression of car insurance, but they may also end up causing you to spend more. Check out some important myths and truths behind the car insurance. 
Myth 1: Colors other than white or black cost more to insure    
Fact: This may have been the case in the past, but now a days it's not accurate. Insurance company do not charge you extra for insuring a red car. The insurance premium is affected by a number of factors, but the car’s color is not one of them.
Myth 2: Comprehensive insurance does not cover natural damage/caused by acts of God 
Fact: An act of God is a natural calamity which you have no control such as an earthquake, Tsunami, etc. Your insurance covers all damages under the comprehensive insurance policy. By knowing that we have no control over nature.
Myth 3: Your vehicle’s insurance is equal to the value you paid for it   
Fact: No, that's not true exactly. if you pay a higher premium for it than your car’s insurance value will be equal to the value you paid for it. But, By default, your car is insured for a lesser amount.
Myth 4: No need to inform insurer about car modifications  
Fact:  In case of modifying your vehicle, you have to inform the insurance company to cover the modification under insurance. Otherwise, you won't be able to make a claim in case your car gets damaged and your insurance will stand void.  [Note: The tips are powered by the trusted car garage near me Center, United Arab Emirates]
Myth 5: Vehicle’s use for business purposes covers Insurance  
Fact: Basically, Personal vehicle insurance is different from commercial vehicle insurance. In case of commercial vehicle, the cost is expected to be higher than the personal vehicle users. 
Myth 6: If someone else is driving your car than thepersonal damage cover can be claimed
Fact: No, it cannot be possible. Since the insurance policy is in your name, the personal damage cover will be in your name too. In such case, any injury inflicted on you in an accident will be covered by the personal damage cover of your car’s insurance.
Myth 7: Insurance cost goes up if you opts for a higher variant of a car  
Fact: You know a higher variant car brings with it additional goodies such as anti-theft systems (central locking and engine immobiliser). These features can actually help you in availing discount on insurance premium.
Myth 8: One has to pay for repairs from his own pocket even if the car is insured    
Fact: This is partially true. In case you have zero depreciation insurance, you won’t have to pay even a single penny for repairs. However, in case of regular comprehensive insurance, you will have to pay the entire cost of repairs and the insurer will reimburse its part of the total cost to you.
Myth 9: Only an insured car can be driven on public roads   
Truth: This one is partially true, too. As per the Indian law, you need to have third-party insurance if you want to drive your car on public roads. However, we advise you to insure your car as well so that if it gets damaged, it can be repaired without you having to shell out a bomb.
Myth 10: Old car insurance can be transferred to a new car    
Truth: If you are buying a new car, you can get the no claim bonus transferred from the old car to the new one. In essence, if you have not claimed insurance in the previous year on your old car, you can avail a discount on the insurance you buy for your new car. However, the insurance of the old car will be transferred to its new owner and not to you.      
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How To Select The Best Insurance Package For Your Car
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Finding the right car insurance is quite a task. You have to research a bit and then talk to the insurance agent. The back-and-forth process can be quite exhausting. However, that is where we can help you. Here are a few tips to buy the best policy package for your car: [Note – The tips are powered by Honda Service Center of United Arab Emirates]
    1. Right car/trim level       
First comes the car or its trim level. If you have chosen a car, do take a look at its variants and the respective insurance premium cost. In most cases, the higher you go up in a car's trim list, the lower goes the difference in insurance premium cost. This is because insurers see the addition of safety features – such as airbags, immobilizer, central locking, etc. – in the higher trims as factors that reduce the chance of insurance claim.      
2. Insurance type      
There are two major types of insurance that you can buy today for a new car – regular comprehensive and zero depreciation. In the case of a regular comprehensive type, you have to pay a certain part of the cost of repairs in case your car meets with an accident. The zero depreciation type ensures that your car remains unaffected by depreciation. In practice, it means that the insurance provider will cover the entire cost of repairs carried out on your car. If you use your car occasionally, opting for a regular comprehensive insurance type would be a great choice. For a car that is driven daily, a zero depreciation policy works much better.  
3. Add-on covers
Opting for the right add-on covers will increase the scope of coverage of your insurance policy. Covers such as those for water ingress in the engine (hydrostatic lock), theft and accidents that lead to scrapping (return to the invoice) ensure you are not caught off-guard by different situations. Do give these add-on covers a look and decide on the ones that best suit your requirements.    
4. Anti-theft equipment      
Insurance companies provide you a good deal on a policy if your car has features that make it difficult to steal, such as central locking, immobilizer, etc. The more difficult your car is to steal, the better the discount the insurer offers you. However, do ensure that the anti-theft equipment is ARAI-approved or you would not be eligible for this discount. [Note – The tips are powered by BMW Service Center of United Arab Emirates]
5. Discounts      
You can avail yourself of a number of discounts on your car's insurance. There is a discount for not claiming insurance for an entire year (no claim bonus), certain occupations, and opting for voluntary deductibles. These are just some of the cases in which you can claim a discount on the insurance policy of your car. Do talk to the insurance agent to know more about the different types of discounts you can get.     
6. Compare insurance policies      
Sometimes, when you use all the tricks mentioned above, you may find another insurance policy better-priced than the one you are currently negotiating the cost of. So, before you buy a policy, do check what other insurance providers are offering, as also the background of the insurance providers to know which ones have a good track record of serving customers on time. In this regard, take advice from other car owners, since you will get unbiased feedback on insurance companies.     
Alternatively, you can log on to ServiceMyCar.ae. Here, you can get the best cheap and fastest car servicing and repair, you can choose between basic service package, major service package, and full-service package.  
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Top 10 Car Insurance Myths Debunked By Jeep Service Center
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Car insurance is such a huge and sometimes intimidating topic, it inevitably develops several myths around it. These myths don’t just create a wrong impression of automobile insurance in your head, they'll also find yourself causing you to spend more. So, read on to seek out out some important myths concerning automobile insurance and therefore the truths behind them: [Note – The tips are powered by Jeep service Center of United Arab Emirates]
Myth 1: Colours aside from white or black cost more to insure
Truth: this might are the case within the past, but during this day and age it's not true. Insurance companies don't charge you additionally for insuring a red car. The premium is suffering from tons of things and therefore the car's color isn't one among them.
Myth 2: Comprehensive insurance doesn't cover damage caused by acts of god
Truth: An act of God may be a natural calamity you've got no control upon, like an earthquake. Realizing that you simply haven't any control over nature, the insurer covers damage done by such calamities under the great policy.
Myth 3: Your car's insurance is adequate to the worth you purchased it
Truth: No. Your car's insurance value will only be adequate to the worth you purchased it if you'll pay a better premium for it. By default, your car is insured for a lesser amount than you paid to get it.
Myth 4: Insurer doesn't need to be told about vehicle modifications
Truth: If you select to switch your vehicle and need the insurer to hide the modifications under insurance, you've got to tell the corporate about an equivalent. Otherwise, your insurance will stand void and you will not be ready to make a claim just in case your car gets damaged.
Myth 5: Insurance covers the vehicle's use for business purposes
Truth: Insurance covers the utilization of a vehicle for private use unless one opts specifically for commercial vehicle insurance. within the case of a billboard user, the value is additionally expected to be above that of a private user.
Myth 6: Personal damage cover is often claimed if somebody else is driving your car
Truth: Since the policy is in your name, the private damage cover is going to be in your name too. In such a case, any injury inflicted on you in an accident is going to be covered by the private damage cover of your car's insurance but not if the damage has been inflicted on another person.
Myth 7: Insurance cost goes up if one opts for a better variant of a car
Truth: a better variant of a car brings with it additional goodies like anti-theft systems (think of central locking and engine immobilizer). These features assist you in availing discounts on insurance premiums. So, there's no impact on the car's insurance cost supported the variant one buys.
Myth 8: One has got to buy repairs from his pocket albeit the car is insured
Truth: this is often partially true. just in case you've got zero depreciation insurance, you won’t need to pay even one penny for repairs. Just in case of normal comprehensive insurance, you'll need to pay the whole cost of repairs and therefore the insurer will reimburse its a part of the entire cost to you.
Myth 9: Only an insured car are often driven on public roads
Truth: This one is partially true, too. As per the law, you would like to possess third-party insurance if you would like to drive your car on public roads. However, we advise you to ensure your car also so that if it gets damaged, they are often repaired without you having to distribute a bomb.
Myth 10: Old automobile insurance are often transferred to a replacement car
Truth: If you're buying a replacement car, you'll get the no claim bonus transferred from the old car to the new one. In essence, if you've got not claimed insurance within the previous year in your old car, you'll avail of a reduction on the insurance you purchase for your new car. However, the insurance of the old car is going to be transferred to its new owner and to not you.
[Note – Thank you so much for giving your precious time to read this, Jeep Service Dubai Center thanks you and suggest you apply above tips by today and at Jeep Service, Dubai Center get complete trademarks of fca group, pentastar logo are registered, logo are registered trademarks, trail rated badge, chrysler dodge jeep ram mopar and srt are registered trademarks of fca us llc, fca group marketing spa, mopar and the pentastar, systems lets you find, incomparable range of sophisticated, sophisticated 4x4 systems, alfa romeo and fiat are registered trademarks of fca us llc, range of sophisticated 4x4, authorized dealer.
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Do You Drive Late In The Night? Then You Must Read This
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For some people, driving is all about freedom and exploration. for a few others, it's purely a matter of getting from one place to the opposite comfortably and safely. However, out on the road, every driver is just about left to tackle any unforeseen situation on his own which is often a challenge, especially during the night or if you’re traveling outstation.
Imagine a scenario once you are taking a road trip on a hilly terrain late within the night and you run into a flat. Or what if the car suddenly develops a mechanical fault and refuses to start? We aren't trying to scare you but such scenarios are often encountered by anyone. All it takes maybe a snag and you'll be left stranded – no matter whether you're driving out of town or within the city, night or day!
Of course, such unwanted scenarios are beyond your control but there’s no got to panic. we've got your back, regardless of where you're headed and at what time – Car Service Center Roadside Assistance is with you 24X7. So, say goodbye to night-driving hassles as all you would like to try to do is make maybe a call and that we will confirm to urge you back on the road as quickly as possible. Our Dubai network of Roadside Assistance ensures you're never alone, be it any terrain. By choosing a convenient plan, you gain access to many facilities that are tailor-made for your comfort. Facilities include:
24X7 road assistance: Our team of fully trained representatives is there to assist with on-the-spot assistance and repair anytime, anywhere!
All-time call support: As stated earlier, we are always watching your back. Our in-house expert representatives are available on phone 24X7 to guide you through any common issues.
Flat tire problem solved: Don’t skills to urge the love handle on? Or ran out of love handle (s)? to not worry, our technicians can get that fixed and may even get you the love handle.
The towing advantage: If your car can't be fixed at the location, don’t worry, we provide to tow facility to the closest workshop as per your Roadside Assistance plan.
Jumpstart dead battery: just in case you encounter a discharged or dead battery, and you're driving alone, our technicians offer a hand to jumpstart your car so you'll chase away without a sweat.
Fuelling solution: within the event, you're unable to locate any fuelling station nearby, you'll believe us for the immediate refilling of 5 liters of fuel (charged separately). you'll avail of this facility anytime and anywhere.
Cab support: If your car isn't during a condition to be fixed on the spot, we'll arrange for a cab to require you to a convenient spot.
Hotel Booking: This one especially for road-trippers. If you're driving out of town and your car breaks down, we'll help locate a close-by hotel and make suitable arrangements for you.
Medical help: If there's any medical emergency during your car breakdown, we'll get in-tuned with the closest clinic/hospital to rearrange medical support.
With the above-listed benefits, you'll say goodbye to ‘night-driving’ hassles and drive comfortably without fear about the time and place of travel.
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Why Choosing The Right Engine Oil Is Most Important For Your Car’s Health
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Most people don't skill the engine runs smoothly inside a car – it’s the engine oil that keeps your engine running smoothly and reduces friction by lubricating parts like pistons that rub against cylinder walls and removing the debris caused by an equivalent. within the process, the engine oil also takes away the warmth from areas inside the engine where the coolant cannot reach. thanks to this, your vehicle can return the amazing acceleration, top speed and fuel economy that you chose it over other cars (well, most of you did!).
Having said that, changing the engine oil on a routine basis ensures your car's engine keeps running smoothly. it's not all about when to vary the engine oil. What matters equally is that the sort of engine oil that must enter a place of the used engine oil. [Note – The tips are powered by Toyota Service Dubai Center of United Arab Emirates]
Choosing the proper engine oil
This bit is crucial for your vehicle's engine's safety. If you are doing not change the prevailing engine oil with the proper type, it can cause catastrophic damage to your vehicle’s engine. There are three sorts of engine oils – synthetic, semi-synthetic and mineral. Mineral ones are supported by petroleum products and have predominantly been the selection of engine oil for many vehicle makers. Synthetic oils are purpose-built oils that are utilized in vehicles meant for high-performance applications (like racing) but have slowly replaced their mineral counterparts in most cars. Semi-synthetic oils draw a compromise between the mineral and artificial types, offering the simplest of both worlds without incorporating drawbacks of either. Then comes the second determinant which is identifying the engine oil's viscosity which refers to how readily it flows when subjected to extreme temperatures. The numbers like 15W-40 are often found on the engine oil container. W stands for winter and therefore the number before it tells you its viscosity when subjected to 0 degrees Fahrenheit. the amount after it talks about oil’s viscosity at 212 degrees Fahrenheit. The engine oil's viscosity, as recommended by the OEM, is often found during a car's owner manual too and has got to be strictly adhered to. Here's a video to assist you to select the proper engine oil. 
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When to replace/flush engine oil?
Another tricky bit is to work out when to vary the engine oil. Normally, every routine service of your vehicle has engine car care as a task. With prolonged use, the engine oil starts losing its viscosity and lubrication properties. In essence, it starts becoming useless. However, there are certain exceptions to the rule. one among them is driving habits. If you drive smoothly with fewer speed changes, the vehicle service intervals are spaced nicely enough for the engine oil to get replaced. Needless to mention, those that drive at different speeds and are generally abusive of the car may have to urge the engine oil replaced before needed. Storage is yet one more exception. If you plan to let your vehicle represent a while and not use it in the least, then consider replacing the engine oil before you stop using it. If that has not been done, before you start using your vehicle actively, do get its engine oil changed at the earliest.
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5 Ways To Keep Your New Car In Top Condition
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For many, it’s a dream come faithful buy a replacement car and a few folks keep our cars as prized possessions for several years. If you would like to form the foremost of your car, here are a couple of guidelines that will not only help increase the lifespan of your new car but also will invariably end in lower maintenance costs and better resale value.[Note – The following tips are powered by Car Service Center of United Arab Emirates]
Take it easy
The first thing to recollect is that each new car features a prescribed ‘Running-In’ period. this is often basically the advisable number of kilometers a replacement car must run without stressing the engine. For the primary 1,000-1,200km, it's advised to stay the engine revving under 2000rpm within the case of diesel and between 2500-2700 rpm for a petroleum car.
It is also advisable to stay the engine on idle for a moment after starting the motor and also before turning off the ignition.
The first service is crucial
Manufacturers recommend a prescribed service schedule for a replacement car. most frequently, the primary service interval is about 1,000km. During this service, the mechanics usually re-tune the engine which also lifts all restrictions. you'll also notice a marked improvement within the way your car performs after this.
Thereafter, make sure that you don’t skip the prescribed service schedules. Modern cars just like the Suzuki Baleno, Ford Figo have a service light indicator that tells you if the car is due for a service.
Check engine oil level and air cleaner regularly
It is important that you simply keep an eye fixed on the engine oil level, especially during the primary few service intervals. If there's a leak or if the oil level is basically low, confirm you top it up first, then take the car to the closest service center as soon as possible. Also, confirm you clean the air cleaner every 5,000km to get rid of dust particles that may have accumulated over the course of your time. In ideal conditions, the air cleaner must get replaced every 10,000km.
The importance of tire pressure
Tires are perhaps the foremost important component during a car as they're the only element that's in touch with the road. One should confirm that the tire pressure is ideally set consistent with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Otherwise, it'll cause inconsistent handling and lower fuel efficiency.
Additionally, filling nitrogen rather than air minimizes the leakage and heating from tires within the summer.
Cleanliness is absolute
Keeping your car clean is usually a task in itself. One must not ever wipe the car with a dry cloth because it leaves behind swirl marks. Always use a sufficient amount of water to wipe off the dust or use a wet microfiber cloth. Polish your car with car wax once a month otherwise you could even get a paint protection film or an anti-rust coating is done to retain that new-car shine.
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Get Your Car Ready For Summer!
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We all discuss, at length, about the way to keep your car fit different seasons of the year, especially when it's pouring down with rain or during the ice-cold days of winters. We don’t, however, lay much importance on driving in the scorching summer heat. Most folks take it without any consideration that the car will lookout of itself, counting on the conditions. Honestly, that’s not true. Yes, the cars are tested in extreme climate conditions to ensure they keep on working, but most of the time, those testing conditions are no match to what the real world throws at you.
Summers, especially in India, are often tons more cruel to your car than winters. Since we are on the brink of summers in some regions of the country or in it within the rest, it'll be ideal to stay your car and yourself ready for any journeys that you plan. Like yourself, your car must be properly taken care of for various weather.[Note – The following tips are powered by Toyota Service Dubai Center of United Arab Emirates]
Car’s Cooling System:
Get the radiator checked for any clogged cooling tubes. These tubes act like veins for the car’s coolant to run throughout the system. If anyone of them is choked, the engine is ought to overheat and suffer a stroke. And the chances of this increase if you haven’t got the radiator flushed in over a year. One standout symptom of this problem is when the engine gets heated beyond its normal limit at sustained high speeds.
Visually inspect the belts and hoses which are connected to the cooling system. Look for small cracks within the rubber of the belt and confirm the hoses are tight. You can check the latter by grabbing the hose near the clamp and make sure that it doesn’t rotate.
Top-up the coolant. 
What’s more, you can add anti-freeze fluid along with it. Why you'll ask, can we need anti-freeze in summers? Well, it’s a game of simple chemistry. Mix two liquids together and the boiling temperature shoots up for the end product. That result is definitely welcome thanks to the extreme temperatures in our country.
Check whether the cooling fan is functioning as it is supposed to. It activates when the temperature of the coolant rises a predefined threshold. You can check whether it's working fine by just turning the air con on. Pop the hood and therefore the fan should be working. If it isn’t, it won’t, under any other circumstances. Get it checked. Another possibility is that the coolant temperature sensor is faulty.
Once you are done checking the cooling system, it is time to get yourself acquainted with the science of how summers can be torturous to the tires of your beloved wagon. We know that it is friction between the tires and the ground that enables the car to move in the intended direction. But friction also results in the production of a lot of heat and you can feel that heat radiating from the wheels of your car after you’ve finished a meaningful journey. To further add to the cruelty, the temperatures in summer shoot up much quicker and that can wear a tire down much faster than usual. 
Here’s what you need to keep in check:
Get all five tires filled up with correct tire pressure. What is the correct tire pressure? That’s mentioned in your car’s manual. Just don’t mix it up with the utmost tire pressure reading that's mentioned on the side-wall of the tire. Ensure that you get the tires inflated to the recommended limit before you start your journey as friction also adds up to the tire pressure. That means if you measure the PSI (Pounds per Square Inch) pressure reading before you begin your journey and after you've got been on the choose a short time, they both are going to be different with the latter being on the upper side.
Check the tread on all the tires.
 If you were planning to get a new set after summers, we’d recommend you get them before. Due to the high temperatures, tire-wear is higher in summers than in any other season of the year. So, if you think you got through spring without any hiccups and will push through summers likewise, that might just be a bigger gamble for you than you actually anticipated.
Engine, Brake And Transmission Fluids:
It is all about shedding the surplus heat that each one the most components of the car withstand during summers. With temperatures easily crossing the 40-degree mark in most of the country, the engine, transmission, and brakes can use all the lubrication that they will get. It is highly recommended that these are topped-up and checked for any leakages before you set off on your journey. In the case of transmission fluid, make sure that it's clean and doesn’t have any unwanted residue. Even the littlest piece of dirt can create a recipe for the failure of the gearbox.
Air Conditioning:
The last but by no means, the smallest amount of important aspect is air con. Driving with a broken air conditioning system can be as bothersome in summers as driving with it on in full-blow mode in the sub-zero January temperatures in Ladakh. Quite a contrast but the sensation is equally disturbing! So, before the sun drenches you in your sweat, get the AC checked for any leakages or a top-up for refrigerant gas. While you are at it, ask the mechanic to check the compressor’s health and that how well or unwell it is.
All that is for your car. But you, as a driver need to note of a few things as well.
Pack the proper stuff. 
Carrying the additional load, which you will not be using during your trip should be tossed out before you start. This not only helps in returning better fuel economy but also reduces the load on the car’s engine.
Drive at cruising speed. 
This doesn’t mean you ought to break the enforced speed limits. What it actually means is that you simply should attempt to change gears at lower rpm and avoid working the engine beyond its comfort-range.
Plan the route wisely. 
If you're heading out for an extended journey, it's best that you simply compute the simplest route possible. It doesn’t necessarily mean that it's the shortest one. Ideally, it should be the simplest possible combination of excellent tarmac, availability of fuel-stations and rest stops and isn’t disturbingly deserted.
Take regular rest stops. 
This again holds true for extended journeys. albeit you stop for half an hour to stretch your legs and gulp a pint of caffeine, it'll assist you to concentrate at your job of driving far better.
So there you've got it. A consolidated list to stay you and your car healthy during those searing summer days. At the top of the day, everything revolves around one basic mantra - you're taking off your car and your car takes care of you!
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9 Things To Keep In Mind When Buying A Used Car Online
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It’s a highly digitized world where what is often done online is being done online. The added convenience of online shopping extends to purchasing cars also, especially used cars. Sure you'll configure and pre-order a replacement car from a manufacturer’s website but when you’re looking to shop for a second-hand car, it’s a touch more complicated. While there are reliable sites for locating reliable used cars at good prices, tons of individuals visit other websites also to seek out certain sorts of deals which leave them hospitable risk.
Here are a number of the foremost important things powered by Car AC Service Center to stay in mind when looking to shop for a second-hand car online:
Don’t Get Baited
Like with many things on the web today, you would like to be wary of misrepresentation. this is applicable within the case of shopping for a pre-owned car also. don't plan to purchase solely on the idea of images provided by the vendor. Also, when you’re meeting the potential seller or buyer, do so during a public place like a mall, a park, inside a gated society, etc.
If the vendor doesn't wish to speak or meet face to face and only communicates via text or email, consider this a red flag. Another sign of possible risk is that if the vendor mentions that they don’t have the car with them.
Personal Inspection
Make sure you perform your own checks to verify that it's an equivalent model that's advertised and doesn’t have any hidden damage. you'll also consult an external car expert before finalizing the acquisition to assist verify the condition of the car. make certain to personally inspect the car in question as sometimes even an expert may overlook a user-oriented concern.
Impostors & Fraudsters
Sometimes the false claims transcend the vehicle as people online may falsely advertise who they're and their profession so as to extort money from you. A seller may pretend to be an NRI/ex-pat or maybe a diplomat who has left the country and claims that the car is parked at an airport cargo-hold or parking lot. Therefore, the impostor would ask the customer to pay airport cargo charges beforehand so as to ascertain the car or have it delivered.
Another common fraud to gather advance payments for non-existent charges is when a seller may pose as a member of the soldiers, aka, Army, Navy or Air Force. The impostor may even share a service ID card with rank and post to return across as a legitimate seller and invite an advance to urge entry into the military camp or another fabricated expense.
In any case, don't make advance payments without asset delivery, especially since cars aren't immovable property and bonafide logistic charges are often cross-verified by you also.
Document Verification
The transfer of ownership of a car may be a well-documented process if done legitimately. As such, you want to always check all necessary documents to form sure they're so as before completing the transaction. However, watch out for false documents as they will be convincingly real, so exercise extra caution or seek counsel from a trusted expert.
Also, to reiterate from a point, don't make advance payments until you're satisfied with the authenticity of the car, the vendor and therefore the purchase.
Ask for Identification
It is a standard enough occurrence wherein a buyer meets a seller who isn't the particular owner of the vehicle. so as to be sure, you ought to check for documents and ID that verify that the vendor you’re meeting does indeed own the vehicle that's on sale. Of course, exercise this step with a particular degree of social tact so as to not risk offending a real seller. within the event that the person posing because the individual seller isn't the listed owner of the car on sale, abort the transaction and walk off.
Check the Car’s History
When buying a second-hand car online, check to form sure you're on a verified site which also features a detailed history of the cars on sale. It should include information like total mileage, number of previous owners, any involvement during a major accident and more.
Check the Warranty Report
If you’re buying from an internet site that focuses on the trading of pre-owned cars, check for certified listings. as an example, ServiceMyCar trained and qualified engineers do a 217-point inspection before giving the car a TrustMark warranty. it's a handy thanks to allaying your doubts about the condition of the car.
Beware of Escrow Scams
When you send money to an authentic escrow company and it seems to be a fake website, that’s an escrow scam. a simple thanks to identifying these sorts of sites is once they have cars listed for prices that are too good to be real and are amid a believable back story for why the vendor is looking to urge obviate it fast. the vendor would ask you to send the cash to an escrow company and by the time you realize its fake, they’ve disappeared without a trace.
Compare Prices Across Sites
Just like buying anything online, you’d check multiple sites to ascertain where you'll get the simplest deal. But when it involves pre-owned cars, comparing prices also can assist you to identify potential frauds once you encounter a deal that looks like an excellent steal. don't concede to the temptation of saving much money and in most cases, you ought to stop considering it altogether.
It is a standard occurrence that if you get in-tuned with a seller where the car is obtainable for an incredibly low price, they're going to say that the deal is not any longer available and invite a better price than advertised. The low prices can also be a touch of the car affected by mechanical problems which will not be visible on the surface. within the case of false list pricing, you'll attempt to report these sellers to the relevant authorities.
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After the Brake - Brake, and Maintenance
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Driving a car is fun during monsoon as you enjoy the rain outside without getting wet. But the monsoons also bring alongside them a better rate of accidents and stopping the car on time becomes more crucial. Keeping the brakes healthy is a method of assuring your safety and cars.
Braking causes friction and warmth resulting in wear and tear. In our country’s stop and go traffic conditions, the brakes lose their ability sooner. it's important to regularly check the restraint and shoes for wear and tear. Symptoms for uneven brake wear include vibration of wheel, vehicle veering off during a direction and pulsing pedal while braking.
Braking systems use braking fluids to use pressure on the brakes once you press the pedal. The brake fluid will degrade just in case of overheating, contamination or when moisture is absorbed. Changing brake oil regularly helps in better braking performance.
When driving in rain, the brakes are moistened by the rainwater thus decreasing their stopping efficiency. And if the brakes aren't maintained properly, this increases the probabilities of breakdown. [Note the ideas are powered by the favored Kia Service Center of Dubai, UAE]
Maintenance of the braking system:
Keep an eye fixed on the extent of brake fluid. Let’s keep the brakes well fed and not leave them high and dry. Check the brake fluids often and replace them every two years or 50,000 km or as requested by your car manual.
Healthy restraint is a requirement to make sure effective braking. It’s better to review each brake pad frequently. While their average life is around 25.000 km, they will become blunt due to our stop and go traffic lifestyle easily before their recommended expiry date. Keep an eye fixed on them and alter them if necessary. Brake shoes should even be checked and altered regularly.
Ensure your brake lights are working fine. The failure of brake lights is one of the most reasons for accidents. Check them regularly and replace them unless you would like to urge back-footed within the car.
Do not make any modifications to the first brakes. Always follow the car manual for instructions and guidelines given by the manufacturer.
Verify whenever possible the facility of braking of every one of the four wheels with a brake meter/brake tester. do not forget to see the effectiveness of the circuit.
Symptoms that something is wrong:
While braking, if your car isn't slowing down the maximum amount because it is meant to, it's going to be due to decreased levels of brake fluid.
If the car leaks any fluid while slowing down, meaning the brake pump is in poor condition and on its answer. Check and replace them before it grows into a much bigger problem.
Regularly check the wear and tear and alignment of the tires. Bad tires or badly aligned tires cause brake discs that are badly located making the brake adjustment uneven.
During monsoons, clean the restraint regularly because the brakes will absorb water becoming inefficient while braking thanks to soft damping. Look out for soft pedal, which could mean that air has entered the circuit or that the brake liquid level is a smaller amount.
One of the apparent indications that your brakes got to be changed is that the squealing sound once you come to a stop. This happens when the brake pad wears right down to almost 1 / 4 of its size and therefore the metal indicator that has been included begins to touch the rotor. it's also possible that the metal indicator may have worn off or might not be there in the least. In these cases, there are other signs to verify the brake pad change when it takes longer to prevent or if the pedal travel is longer than usual.
Also confine mind to go away a healthy distance between yourself and therefore the vehicle before you, look out for puddles and don’t drive fast. Drive Safe!
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The Wheels of Balance - Wheel alignment and balancing
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Tires are alleged to spin accurately on their axis otherwise it'll cause uneven decline tires thus decreasing their life. and through the monsoon, the danger just multiplies. one of the first reasons for an improper wheel alignment is when a car is driven through potholes or broken patches of roads. These patches are further enhanced by monsoon rains as water fills in deep holes, and drivers tend to drive through them without realizing how deep they're. [Note - the tips are powered by Audi Service Center Al Quoz UAE]
If the tires of your car run on steel rims, another parameter coming to play are wheel weight balancing. Notice the tiny weights stuck on your rims edges. These are wheel weights and are necessary for the edges to spin accurately on their axis. If you've got alloy wheels equipped on your vehicle then you would like not to worry as they are doing away with wheel weights.
Wheel alignment and wheel balancing are often confused with one another. aside from the very fact that both of them affect the ride quality and handling of your car, the 2 don't have anything to try to to with one another. On one side if a wheel is out of balance, it causes vibration at highway speeds, which may be felt through the wheel or the seats. If the wheel alignment is out, it causes excessive tire wear and steering or tracking problems.
A wheel alignment consists of adjusting the angles of the wheels. The wheels are adjusted to be perpendicular to the bottom and parallel to every other. Wheels alignment’s purpose is to get maximum tire life and to stay the vehicle tracking straight and true when driving along a straight and level road.
The wheel alignment process involves three main measurements - caster, camber, and toe.
Toe is that the commonest angle that's adjusted. Toe-in or positive toe is when the front of the wheel pointing in towards the middle of the vehicle and toe-out or negative toe is that the front of the wheel pointing faraway from the middle of the vehicle.
Caster is the movement of a wheel forwards or backward. If wheels have uneven caster, the wheel with the foremost caster will attempt to steer the vehicle faraway from that side, which causes a pulling effect.
Camber angle is that the tilt of the front wheels, inwards or outwards and is noticeable when viewed from the front of the vehicle. Positive camber is that if the highest of the wheel is tilted out and negative camber is that if the highest of the wheel is tilted in. Uneven camber angles cause the vehicle to steer towards the side with more camber.
Symptoms that tell your car is out of alignment:
Uneven or rapid tire wear
Drifting or pulling faraway from a line
Wandering on a straight level road
Spokes of the wheel off to at least one side while driving on a straight and level road.
Wheel balancing prevents the tires and wheels to spin with no vibrations and is completed by checking for any heavy spots on the wheel-tire combination. The heavy spots are compensated by placing measured lead weights on the other side of the wheel from where the heavy spots are. If a wheel is out of balance, the car will vibrate at highway speeds, which may be felt through the wheel or the seats.
Symptoms that tell your car’s wheels are out of balance:
Vibration within the wheel at certain highway speeds
Vibration within the seat or floorboard at certain highway speeds
The scalloped or cupped wear pattern on the tires
Wheel alignment and balancing are two important factors to stay your car healthy through the wheels and tires. Regularly check your car and be safe.
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Wipe away the troubles - Car Wipers and Maintenance
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Did you recognize that a lot of accidents during monsoons happen because the driving force couldn’t see properly through the water on the windshield at what was ahead on the road? And most of the time, causing them have wiped out wipers that ought to are replaced months or miles before. Here’s a fast showdown on the issues, tips, and advice by Lexus Service Center on the way to maintain your wipers.
Common Wiper Problems
Streaking - this happens when the rubber squeegee loses the power to wash efficiently when it dries, hardens or cracks. The streaking also can be caused when foreign substances like dirt and other particles get accumulated either within the squeegees or the glass.
Wearing - you can't ignore it but with extensive use, the wiper blades tend to wear out. And when the rubber edges are rounded rather than squared, you recognize it’s time for a change.
Skipping - While overuse of the wipers can cause wear and tear, leave them unused and this is often what you get. The wiper blades will develop a curvature from thanks to the shortage of use and left in their default parked position for long periods of your time.
Splitting - it's always sunny in our country and when the sun’s ultraviolet rays penetrate the rubber squeegee, it breaks down and separates from the frame making way for splitting.
Bent Frames also cause streaking or skipping thanks to the inconsistent contact with the glass surface.
Inspecting the wiper blades? note of those.
Corrosion - Where there’s metal, corrosion is to follow, especially at the joints and claws.
Cracks - Look out for visible cracks, wear and tear or the rubber squeegee missing any pieces.
Aged squeegee - Check the rubber squeegee to ascertain if it's still flexible. adulthood squeegees will have lost the power to be flexible thus their ability to wash.
Round-edged Squeegees - Check the wiping fringe of the squeegees for rounded edges. The rounded edge prevents the squeegees from making strong contact with the windshield for efficient cleaning. Also, tug to make sure the windshield wiper is securely installed on the wiper.
Broken frame - The frame arms at the joints and connection points of the wiper tend to detach or break thanks to wearing and tear.
How to change the wipers?
While it's advisable to see and alter the wipers when leaving your car for service, learning to vary them yourself is going to be beneficial just in case of emergencies. But before replacing the wipers, first, you've got to understand which part you've got to exchange. Generally, wipers are made with three basic parts - lower wiper that extends from the bottom of the windshield, the metal blade attached to the lower arm and therefore the rubber blade or squeegee that really wipes the windshield. And most of the time you'll be -changing only the rubber blades that get worn down by water and weather. Second, you've got to understand the precise size of the wiper blades. Measure and buy the precise length. Don’t make the error of shopping for an equivalent size blade for each side together side is usually shorter than the opposite.
Now, here’s the way to change the wiper blades:
First, let’s get obviate the old windshield wiper. a little plastic stopper is what holds the rubber blade to the metal arm. Press the stopper and unhook the old windshield wiper to urge it off the metal arm. Some wipers may have pins. Also, confirm the wiper is held faraway from the windshield during the whole process.
Then, insert the new wiper by sliding it into an equivalent end of the arm where you pulled out the older one. Gently push it until the hook snaps into place to secure it and lay down the wiper back in its position.
Now, repeat an equivalent procedure with the second wiper but confirm you employ the right size for every side.
Make sure you check your wipers once a month and obtain them replaced every six months. Drive safe.
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