victoriahollow · 5 years
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victoriahollow · 5 years
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victoriahollow · 6 years
Sorry for the lack of posting, but considering the Tumblr drama that happened, I did shy away. My hubby @dvgallery does art that isn't approved of my this site's guidelines anymore. If you wanna follow him on Twitter, he goes by DamianVertigo. I'm on there, too, somewhat active with more of a casual stance, Victoria_Hollow.
As for writing, I'm being honest when I'm saying the writing has progressed but work is FUCKING STRESSFUL. I'm currently working on Vivian, a Code Lyoko fan fic I'm currently naming Decoded (I know, original), Alternative. I got some bios of Decoded and Alternative done, first chapter of Vivian is almost done, but to submit it will be more time.
Tbh, I'll be occasionally updating. With work and some personal life coming into play, I'm not gonna be as active. But feel free to send questions or comment! I'm happy I still have people following me and I dont want to make it seem like I just abandoned ship. Having a number of people interested in my work does inspire me to continue.
I did make a fanfiction account, I'll post that soon as I get the first chapter of Decoded out (give that a minute, lol)
Again, thank you all for following or just passing by and reading. I appreciate it
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victoriahollow · 6 years
I don’t think people born into privilege realize how HARD it is for some to break a vicious cycle of generational poverty/wealth. As an product of immigrant parents and also being a dark skinned BLACK gay man.. Unfortunately, Ive realized that I have SO so much to overcome. I spend my little free time doing endless research on investments, stocks, and potential future business opportunities, trying to fill my brain with all the life and financial knowledges of the upper/middle class that my parents are not able to pass down to me. I’m determined to not only be the first person in my immediate family to get an bachelors degree but also the first in my extended family to see six figures or more. Minorities, especially those of intersectionality (like myself) that come from humble beginnings, have to literally move mountains to break the glass ceiling of generational wealth and power placed above them. I just want anyone reading this that is in an similar position and working out of it to know that it IS indeed possible and to not give up no matter how hard the journey becomes. You’re capable of overcoming it all and you will in time.
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victoriahollow · 6 years
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Nickname: Viv
Age: 19-23
Height: 5’9”
Hair: Waist length, black, dyed royal blue (fading)
Eyes: Light green
Description: Born from a strict, well off family, it took a lot of courage to tell her parents that a financing career was not for her. Immediately after confessing to them about her dreams and aspirations of becoming an artist, they cut her funding and refused to pay her tuition for her new degree. This came with a lot of money stretching and creativity for Viv, as she almost always had the funds to meet basic needs. With the help of her close friend, Ken, she learns multiple ways of making and saving money through artistry.
Vivian is a realistic optimist, learning from her countless mistakes and making a few on the way. She has always had a creative side; her first time with crafting was her grandmother teaching her to knit a scarf for her stuffed animal. Her parents saw it as more of a hobby, but Viv’s love for it grew more. After pressuring her into a degree she didn’t want, Vivian realised her parents only cared about image. They wanted her in financing to fit into what they deemed appropriate. Because of this, and cutting her off from not only income but also contact, she feels no remorse telling them off when they attempt to chastise her. She proves them wrong on several occasions; staying in school while working multiple jobs and gaining notoriety from peers and fans alike. Viv believes this is not all because of her; her long-distance friend gave her endless support to start her off.
Works: Part-time barista at Wiccan Beans; sells clothes, cosplay items, and jewelry through online store (named Vivid Vision), relatively popular video blogger (mainly makeup tutorials or everyday life), and also takes commissions for cosplay outfits.
Pets: Dark blue remora fish named Velcro
Likes: Knitting, sculpting, baking, making clothes, drinking coffee, hiding treats for Velcro, talking to/texting Ken (they go to different universities)
Dislikes: Her parents visiting (they constantly berate about her choices), people haggling prices, pulling week-long all-nighters, debt
Miscellaneous: Known in her coffee shop for making incredibly delicious lemon bars; wants to learn how to weld; hopes to rekindle her relationship with her parents
Thank you so much, @damianvertigo ; you the best hubby ever!
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victoriahollow · 6 years
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Got goofy on Snapchat (at Austin, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bra732OlHAY/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=g38n0fkppio0
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victoriahollow · 6 years
So how is this vivian chatacter like?
I'd say Vivian is someone who never gives up. She's pretty much the struggling artist in college trying to prove her parents wrong. She has her doubts, but has great support from friends and teachers that help give her that backbone. The plot that I have given her and the journey that she is going to be taking is definitely a coming of age story.
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victoriahollow · 6 years
I Had A Nightmare and Now I Can't Sleep
I just... I can't wrap my head around it. The fear of falling asleep and going through what I saw and experienced again is paranoia. I actually screamed myself awake and my husband had to comfort me. I never had a nightmare like this. I feel the best way for me to at least have a normal rest of my day is to explain my nightmare. And while its fresh in my mind plus I haven't been able to write anything for the past week, here we go!
There's nothing necessarily triggering I'm about to explain, but I will give a warning for slight gore.
It looked as though the sun was setting. There was little to no color, but dreams are weird in a sense that you just know what the time and place is despite very few clues. Aside from that, I was talking to another woman. Description on her is pretty vague, as she was barely in focus (first half of the nightmare was POV). All I can say is she fair/olive skin and her hair was dark. The conversation...wasn't even legible, as it was us mumbling short phrases like "How are you?" and "It sure is chilly!". That was the okay part, thinking back on it. I mean, so far it's rather mundane.
But then...
I get this feeling. Like a little itch around my eye. I think nothing of it at first, I rub the spot and we continue our random conversation. Then, slowly, it becomes increasingly difficult to ignore. I start seeing black lines drifting into my vision. Not like in the sky, but in my eye. The itch becomes irritation and its obvious that whatever is going on not only distracting but painful.
Then the girl screams (or I think she does, because her mouth is agape and she's pointing at me). The scene goes from POV to directly at me and it is horrifying. At first, I look like myself only with my hair straightened and in a ponytail. My eyes were a little bigger than normal, but it was what was coming out of them that ultimately broke me from my slumber.
Two maybe three legs thick as pins were grasping onto my left temple, pushing themselves out of my eye socket. Surprisingly, there was no blood. It was kind of like a terribly outdated CGI effect; no blood and the left side of my face was jittering like it was breaking frames. I was screaming not because of the pain, but because of what this creature was and how it got in me. I don't know if it was because of this distorted world becoming too much for me or my brain ran out of plot, but it just stayed that shot of me screaming while this black and brown creature continued to push itself out.
And then I felt something touching me in the real world and I screamed myself awake. Paranoia at best, it seems. I'm flailing while screaming, so my husband @dvgallery had to grab my arm and comfort me back to normal. It worked temporarily, because sleeping at this point was NOT an option.
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victoriahollow · 6 years
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so tumblr is ust gonna nuke everything now so it best that we all hold hands and face the inferno together 
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ooooor~ We jump ship and ride off into the sunset to a new horizon!!!
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in others words…
We’ve been together for the longest haul, so let's keep it going, and if you are a fan of my work, download what you can from here before it gets nuked. i have no idea how long this thing is gonna stay up before they start looking for me, so do what you can to keep the art alive. 
I’ll see you all on the other side. thank you so much for your support and love, and to the friends i’ve made along the why i’m gonna post your links here too. 
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victoriahollow · 6 years
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it’s that time of month again people, 15% off all commission types, no slot limitation this time around. 
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commission info and rules here 
also adding Chibi and emotes for $5 [not affected by the sale]
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victoriahollow · 6 years
god, imagine sharing a bed with the person you love. chatting about dumb things! just sleeping! it’s like a sleepover but every night how sweet is that!!!!
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victoriahollow · 6 years
Making Progress!
Just finished the fight between Vivian and her mother! Weirdest thing to be happy about, but carrying on. I'm now working on the second part of the chapter, where you'll be introduced to her best friend, Ken.
Ken has been by Vivian's side since she first started college, way before her parents cut her off. They often studied together, since they shared a class, but that obviously didn't last when she switched majors. Ken was there when Vivian was left practically homeless with little money and no support from family. She is forever grateful for Ken giving her a chance and helping her flourish in her livelihood.
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victoriahollow · 6 years
streaming: Wicksire don’t tell Doodlewill [nsfw]
jump into the pit
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victoriahollow · 6 years
A Much Needed Update
I wanted to give everyone an update and a peek into my life. There’s been so much going on and the only way I can think about telling you all is with a list (how fun).
Work - I work a lot; about 10-12 hours a day depending if my boss’s boss is thinking we’re doing a shit job with collections. Yep! You heard right! I’m an accountant...but it’s not terrible to be completely honest. My job is basically nagging man-children to make payments on stuff they claim to have no problem paying (sorry, I’m venting). I literally work open to close, five days a week, but no complaints. Good money, good co-workers and boss, and decent enough customers.
Vivid Visions - I want to thank you guys for showing such massive support for this officially titled series. I am slowly working on it; given my work schedule, development is slow. That doesn’t bother me, though. When it comes to writing, I’m a very slow patient one. I don’t like rushing a project I care about. Of course, there’s going to be moments where I have a burst of energy and motivation, but I’m normally analyzing every sentence I create. She’s coming along well though; I just finished a rather relatable scene between Vivian and her mother.
Alternative - For those of you who were curious about who Izumi Hokoru was, she is one of the main characters of my other main project. At the moment it is titled “Alternative”; I haven’t been able to come up with a more stand out title, this one hardly is. This series has been on continuous development, with new characters and settings. Even the plot has drastically changed to something more serious. The only reason why I am just beginning to showcase the main characters is not only hesitance, but fear. See, whenever I have a project I really, really like I begin to over-analyze more than I normally do and start to hate my creation. That is something I DO NOT want to happen with this. I put so much of myself, adding touches of my personal life and thoughts into everything. Every character, even the villains, has some amount of my personality within them and to see them disappear just because I have a case of Writer’s Block would destroy me. But I have come to a conclusion that I need to move on from that and put my creations out there to the world.
100 Followers - Okay...how did this happen? How did y’all manage to find and gain interest in me?? Like why??? Seriously this kinda confuses me, but Imma roll with it. Thank you all for your support and love for what I have created. It means a lot for me. I’ve been through an awful lot the past few years and this is one of the few things that been making me push further into what I want to do. Expect more from me and continue with the support!
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victoriahollow · 6 years
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fuck fuck fUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!!
SO, tumblr’s flipping it’s shit again! which probably means this blog and others are on the chopping block, please do your part as a fan and follower your favorite artist’s social media and other platforms; just because it’s NSFW content doesn’t mean their work and time should be lesser than anyone else’s. 
 Meanwhile I’m gonna be moving a lot of my old stuff on twitter, let me know if there’s other sites I should checkout, I’d Pixiv is good. 
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victoriahollow · 6 years
streaming: Snake lesbian boss mom, sfw...ish
jump into the pit
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victoriahollow · 6 years
one of the first things I ever saw when i joined this site was a video of the noise beeheyem made in the pokemon anime but it was deleted and i could never find the episode ever again until today
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