vidacolectiva · 1 month
December 12, 2016 4:31 am I love this feeling of solitude. i don’t care how selfish this sounds; i am extremely exhausted from feeling held back by anyone. I love the silence and i love the seclusion. Sometimes these moments are needed in life to realize how much you really don’t know yourself as well as you thought. 
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vidacolectiva · 1 month
Nobody Loves You Like You
June 10, 2018 I’m doing that thing again where I tweet a million things all at once because I feel like no one is listening. Thus leads me to make a post on this account explaining my existential crisis. So yeah, I’m back to square one on this race to feeling good enough -again. I know it’s not ridiculous to feel urges to know you are loved, but it is irrational. I don’t need it; I want it. I…
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vidacolectiva · 1 month
(I) love you
May 29, 2018 It is the times I feel so defeated and inevitably depleted of any form of comfort left in me to look up and say ‘I forgive you’. Because these are also the times I feel broken from the knives that pierce me; you know the ones that lay ready set between the hollow lines of every text and every sigh. So tell me now….what is love without passion?
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vidacolectiva · 1 month
safe space
April 16, 2018 When you begin to learn who a person is, you should always start with the sad truths. Of course, when you are meeting someone for the first time that may seem a bit rash because this is a complete stranger and why on earth would you want to start on the wrong foot, thus making a terrible first impression? But that is not what I mean; you see when meeting somebody for the first…
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vidacolectiva · 1 month
March 6, 2018 9:27pm If I had a choice between omniscience or omnipotence, I would go with the all knowing bit. I choose obtaining ultimate knowledge over anything, really. Day by day I survive through the subtle voices talking in my head and pointing at things my eyes didn’t quite catch as my focus hones in onto a person or incident. I pray to be ignorant I pray to receive life at face value…
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vidacolectiva · 1 month
am i 'me' enough for you?
January 30, 2018 It’s no coincidence that the topic on language barrier keeps coming up in my day to day life. I personally struggle with the fluency of being bilingual as an individual who comes from a culturally diverse background. A very common problem others share with me who were raised on the border of Mexico and the United States. Since I turned eighteen and moved out of my parents place…
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vidacolectiva · 1 month
nice to meet me
March 30, 2018 2:59pm Ain’t it just crazy how the world paints people who are passionate? They paint us mad and absurd, or psychotic with a pinch of lunacy…and for what? Because i know what i want? I really am tired of it….I’m tired of people calling me dramatic and extra when I’m just being me in my most me state.  I used to hide behind sheer curtains that gave dishonest impressions, allowing…
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vidacolectiva · 1 month
little hell
March 14, 2018 All I remember from my last period was that it was excruciatingly painful and I was alone and pretty much neglected. This time doesn’t feel much different. It’s my little fucking hell. Cheers for the anxiety that will return and cheers to the loneliness that has no face.
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vidacolectiva · 1 month
liar liar
December 18, 2017 Something I find so comforting is the stories shared on a podcast I love to listen in on occasionally while I get dressed for the day or just can’t possibly find a way to close my eyes to rest. The podcast is called ‘Dear Sugars’ and the episode that led me to share this to you was their Dec 9 “Just Say It” episode. The first story shared was about a secret that needed to be…
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vidacolectiva · 1 month
forever kept
November 8, 2017 Music is so peculiar to me; how it transports you to a specific time and place in your life that is forever attached to this rhythm and sound. Even in times that I feel music resurfaces long and forgotten memories that I no longer wish to hold, it brings a sense of closure to me knowing it will stay there. In a song-in a sound-there, it will stay. For whenever I choose to…
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vidacolectiva · 1 month
by definition
December 2, 2017 Care isn’t about a half ass sorry. It isn’t about compensating for the sake of the tension in the room. Care is respect. Care is being aware and always considering others before you. Love should be unconditional but never loose. It is a bond shared and a conscious kept. Do you know what a partnership is? It most certainly isn’t retaliating because you felt triggered. Now you’re…
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vidacolectiva · 1 month
no if, ands, or buts
October 25, 2017 How do we truly know what we want in our lives when it’s still so difficult to understand our own emotions? Or is that just me? I made a promise to myself that from this point on I would make better choices, not Right choices, just Better choices. I want to stop leaning on what looks good and right to everyone else in my life. I tend to second guess myself alot and that…
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vidacolectiva · 1 month
How To Keep From Falling Out Of This High I Call Happiness
October 11, 2017 I want to be able to maintain happiness without having to try so hard to achieve it again. This summer really changed my life and introduced me to a new perspective on perhaps what it means to do what you want and know that it’s okay. The summer is gone and fall is approaching; and I cannot help but feel that my happiness is declining. I do not feel it is because of a certain…
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vidacolectiva · 1 month
left foot right
October 13, 2017 I believe in fate and the choices we make are all a part of a grand destiny. The people we meet, the tragedies we endure, and the emotions we feel. If I can remember, I was about 17 when I first saw the film “The Truth About Emanuel” on a summer evening in a open living space with friends. Everyone was gathered around but no one was really paying any sort of attention -but I…
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vidacolectiva · 1 month
Smoke & mirrors
October 9, 2017 I read these letters of love over and over again because it’s so hard to believe. Why don’t I feel it in other forms of expression. Why do words fool me so easy? It’s enough for me to swoon over. Then I zoom out and I’m back to reality and back to what is only intangible.
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vidacolectiva · 2 years
Hey (with the intention of staying all day at home while it's raining, reading and writing in my room)
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vidacolectiva · 2 years
Tumblr media
Data Exchange / Glitch Black IG: @glitch_black
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