viomlpcreator · 1 year
Before the ascension of Queen Thorax the changeling’s hive had one goal in mind and that was their an ever constant pillage of pony settlements. They would spy, infiltrate and literally suck their resources dry before moving on to their next target. (Chrysalis was one of the few ambitious queens that sought out to conquer a whole kingdom to feed her subjects)
However it took one lone thinker, one abnormality, one reject Thorax to realize that by giving and receiving love he was no longer starved for nutrients and his whole mind and biology were forever altered upon the realization. This very realization brought on the dawn of a new era in changeling life.
The story and lesson is something I very much loved. I praised Hasbro for making such a creative redemption for the Changeling story overall.
However there are some (alot of)things in the “To Where and back Again” season finale I don’t agree on. Although the revelation of Thorax realizing that by sharing his love he was no longer dependent on violating other ponies for sustenance. However, there is another very important and very key feature expressed about Thorax that makes him so viscerally different from the other changelings. So different that he is forced to flee his only home.
Thorax is not like the others, he's not a mindless drone, nor a successful killer he’s shy, awkward, curious, emotional and meek. And that's exactly what makes him so hated by the other changelings. But it's exactly what sets him on a different path. By doing that he meets spike, is accepted by the Royal Crystal Family (of all ponies) and gets to explore and learn and grow as an individual.
And it’s because of that he comes to the realization that love can be shared and cultivated with other individuals.
His love is so bright it has no choice but to penetrate every single heart of a changeling and metamorphosis them into complete whole beings. Capable of thoughts, feelings and individuality.
Also I don’t like the designs but that's just a personal issue. My big thing is how the hive just transformed from one set of scary drones to another colorful set of drones. (though there does seem to be some variety in the changelings but I can’t really tell)
Further information about the changelings will be posted the following week
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viomlpcreator · 1 year
A couple days ago I was sitting in my classroom when all of a sudden a cute little human Cheerilee popped in my head and I just had to draw her. And oh my gawwwd she is so precious!
Then the rest of the family followed
For clarification Cheerille is black, Applejack is whiiite and the kids are mixed.
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viomlpcreator · 1 year
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viomlpcreator · 1 year
A couple days ago I was sitting in my classroom when all of a sudden a cute little human Cheerilee popped in my head and I just had to draw her. And oh my gawwwd she is so precious!
Then the rest of the family followed
For clarification Cheerille is black, Applejack is whiiite and the kids are mixed.
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viomlpcreator · 1 year
The domain of Equestria is a large and very expansive land mass to think that only 4 races were affected by the Pony migration is incredibly misleading. Recently, historians and archaeologists have begun to work tirelessly to document other lesser know races that were still affected by the arrival of the 3 tribes.  
Btw the bog ponies ideas was inspired by Vindhov amazing species artwork 
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viomlpcreator · 1 year
Before the three tribes crossed the Celestial Sea and successfully traversed through the Far Lights Cover.
Equestria (more broadly the continent of Giya)was a large and multicultural continent full of unique wildlife and creatures all living in their own culture and way of life. However there lives would forever be altered after the three tribes arrived and wrought havoc onto their homes and way of life.
Here are just a few examples (there are allllot more) of native Giyan creatures affected by the great migration. They were the biggest victims of of destruction, slavery, disease and specie-ism (aka racism).
More Lore about the animals
Buffalo: were like the Phoenicians in many ways where they cared about trading and luxury goods allot more then gaining power. At least the plains buffalo were.
Horses: had impressively massive agriculture that rival modern day farming. Except their farming practices were far more sustainable.
Deer: the deer were kinda like the Aztecs where their kingdom was so massive and gorgeous but their lust for power and wealth alienated them from other Native equestrian creatures. Their downfall was only imminent, but was accelerated by the arrival of the three tribes. Many deer to this day are still bitter.
Changelings: ooooh boi dp the changelings have it rough. It is considered to be the largest fall from grace. The changelings empire is like the equivalent to Atlantis stories in equestria.btheir kingdom was as close to utopia as possible (or as the historians say) but their singular force in the sky made them incredibly vulnerable to the sudden pillage of warrior Pegasi. Modern-day changelings, even reformed changelings, pale in comparison to the beauty and splendor that old changelings looked like. Old changelings were basically complex birds of paradise
Feel free to ask any questions for clarification if the type is difficult to read.
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viomlpcreator · 1 year
after much time, thought and deliberation. I finally settled on Thorax's new redesign.
this design hopefully captures both of his queenly aura and dorky attitude.
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viomlpcreator · 1 year
I'm having a bit of trouble redesigning Thorax. I want his look to be both extravagant and fit his personality, but Im struggling on finalizing his colors.
Please comment below on what you think is the better color design!
p.s ignore the unfinished wings. they're gonna be colored the same way #3 is.
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viomlpcreator · 1 year
Believe it or not even though I ranted in my previous post how every changeling is just some mindless, feral, drone there are some different types of changelings in the hive who serve different functions but that’s because they were breed that way not by their own choice.
So anyway here we have the 3 types of changelings that function in the hiveThe Common workers descend either upon a settlement or maintain their hive.The warriors that are bred for heavy duty front line fighting. (they resemble attack doberman)And lastly the brooders who watch and care for the young. Probably the less dangerous job of the two, but don’t be fooled they deal with energetic monsters all day long and could still kick yer pony hide.
After Thorax's ascension and queenhood and blah blah share love blah. Anyway the hive changes a bit. With workers now considered to be citizens who are independent of their own thoughts, jobs and passion. A citizen (should they wish to reside in the kingdom) are now able to pursue their own needs (whether that be an architect, gov. official, craftsmen or artist)
Citizens can also become Guards and Mothers but that is a more rigorous process as those two roles are vitally important to the hive.
Notes on reformed- changelings
Although the hive roles may not look that different from the previous hive, ponies must understand that changelings are still learning how to engage in their new environment. It's gonna take awhile before they hive becomes a fully functioning kingdom. Luckily Celestia has granted their land to be an independent city-state and over a period of 100 years they will have the option to secede from her kingdom.
Hopefully in the future their economy can be more of a capitalist, parliament society but for now the hive works as an absolute monarchy.
Nowadays changelings are now able to pick their own fate. There has been a recent metamorphosis of individuals either lacking a horn or wings or both. Three distinct races are starting to pop up as citizens are learning what communities they fit into more.
Some researchers theorize that because changelings have heard from Queen Thorax’s stories on how the ponies of equestria have inspired Thorax to open this eyes about a new way of existing many changelings are now fascinated by ponies and how they live and are curiously copying many of their mannerisms and trends. Although in the show changelings seem to do a 180 on their appearance I headcanon that it takes a while for changelings to experiment more about their self-expression for now the older changelings all simply have a base color of black, or gray and two fun colors on top of that. And a lot of changelings are inspired by the lustrous Queen’s color palette. However many younger changelings are starting to experiment more vigorously about their self expression and are starting to resemble themselves closer to birds of paradise then changelings. XD
One last note the mother is just a nicer way of saying brooders and changelings don't have to be explicitly female or male (if it wasn’t portrayed earlier changelings don't really have a binary gender)it's just a term they heard ponies use and they copied it.
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viomlpcreator · 1 year
Before the ascension of Queen Thorax the changeling’s hive had one goal in mind and that was their an ever constant pillage of pony settlements. They would spy, infiltrate and literally suck their resources dry before moving on to their next target. (Chrysalis was one of the few ambitious queens that sought out to conquer a whole kingdom to feed her subjects)
However it took one lone thinker, one abnormality, one reject Thorax to realize that by giving and receiving love he was no longer starved for nutrients and his whole mind and biology were forever altered upon the realization. This very realization brought on the dawn of a new era in changeling life.
The story and lesson is something I very much loved. I praised Hasbro for making such a creative redemption for the Changeling story overall.
However there are some (alot of)things in the “To Where and back Again” season finale I don’t agree on. Although the revelation of Thorax realizing that by sharing his love he was no longer dependent on violating other ponies for sustenance. However, there is another very important and very key feature expressed about Thorax that makes him so viscerally different from the other changelings. So different that he is forced to flee his only home.
Thorax is not like the others, he's not a mindless drone, nor a successful killer he’s shy, awkward, curious, emotional and meek. And that's exactly what makes him so hated by the other changelings. But it's exactly what sets him on a different path. By doing that he meets spike, is accepted by the Royal Crystal Family (of all ponies) and gets to explore and learn and grow as an individual.
And it’s because of that he comes to the realization that love can be shared and cultivated with other individuals.
His love is so bright it has no choice but to penetrate every single heart of a changeling and metamorphosis them into complete whole beings. Capable of thoughts, feelings and individuality.
Also I don’t like the designs but that's just a personal issue. My big thing is how the hive just transformed from one set of scary drones to another colorful set of drones. (though there does seem to be some variety in the changelings but I can’t really tell)
Further information about the changelings will be posted the following week
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viomlpcreator · 1 year
Before the ascension of Queen Thorax the changeling’s hive had one goal in mind and that was their an ever constant pillage of pony settlements. They would spy, infiltrate and literally suck their resources dry before moving on to their next target. (Chrysalis was one of the few ambitious queens that sought out to conquer a whole kingdom to feed her subjects)
However it took one lone thinker, one abnormality, one reject Thorax to realize that by giving and receiving love he was no longer starved for nutrients and his whole mind and biology were forever altered upon the realization. This very realization brought on the dawn of a new era in changeling life.
The story and lesson is something I very much loved. I praised Hasbro for making such a creative redemption for the Changeling story overall.
However there are some (alot of)things in the “To Where and back Again” season finale I don’t agree on. Although the revelation of Thorax realizing that by sharing his love he was no longer dependent on violating other ponies for sustenance. However, there is another very important and very key feature expressed about Thorax that makes him so viscerally different from the other changelings. So different that he is forced to flee his only home.
Thorax is not like the others, he's not a mindless drone, nor a successful killer he’s shy, awkward, curious, emotional and meek. And that's exactly what makes him so hated by the other changelings. But it's exactly what sets him on a different path. By doing that he meets spike, is accepted by the Royal Crystal Family (of all ponies) and gets to explore and learn and grow as an individual.
And it’s because of that he comes to the realization that love can be shared and cultivated with other individuals.
His love is so bright it has no choice but to penetrate every single heart of a changeling and metamorphosis them into complete whole beings. Capable of thoughts, feelings and individuality.
Also I don’t like the designs but that's just a personal issue. My big thing is how the hive just transformed from one set of scary drones to another colorful set of drones. (though there does seem to be some variety in the changelings but I can’t really tell)
Further information about the changelings will be posted the following week
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viomlpcreator · 1 year
I saw this beautiful next gen a while ago https://www.deviantart.com/jackiebloom/art/Reference-Sheet-Idunn-798805889
by the lovely JackieBloom and I just haaad to draw such an awesome oc.
Other oc is my boi Dipper.
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viomlpcreator · 1 year
These past few week have been a world wind of comments, followers, favorites and I,m incredibly grateful and have never been more motivated to draw. Thank you all so much!So Stay tuned because thee is sooo much coming down the pipeline!
With that in mind I just wanted to draw something easy and fun. Here is a number of what if's because I am a multi shipper at heart.
Fyi this is an au if Twilight, Rarity and Pinkie would of gotten together in a herd. With Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Fluttershy in the other.
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viomlpcreator · 1 year
Finally finished the all art pieceS of Big Mac's draq queen personas and heres the final one!
Anyway heres whats written btw
-Primarily a comedic act
-is a divorced wife of a business mogul. (she got the house in the end>
-4 times pageant winner
-is always trying to get her daughter into show business
-crass, loud and confident
-and also incredibly funny to laugh at
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viomlpcreator · 1 year
Please be warned as there is cursing and other various forms of adult language present!
Rainbow Dash walked into her bedroom. The sound of the door creaking followed her as she walked to the corner of the room. The corner that had a round window that the full moon would often directly shine through.
Like right now, granted it’s behemoth beauty was covered by a bunch of large clouds. Damn. She wished she could dive into them right now. Probably beat her own bed by a thousand percent.
The sound of 2 small hooves (and an even quieter pair of paws also) hitting the floor made Rainbow peek back and see a tiny wide eyed youngster.
"Mama?" little Thunderclap asked.
"Uhm, what're you doing here Clap? I thought you were still opening presents? With Fifo and the other griffons.”
“Ahhhh....Trey and Fifo was....picked up annnd-"
RD chuckled at her sons struggle to make a sentence. Poor boi wasn't as fast as the other griffons. Those griffon kids grew like weed much too fast for a poor philly (or filly hybrid in this case) to catch up.
"Well it is a little late slick why don't you go to bed"
All at once Thunder Claps eyes narrowed and his chest puffed up in defiance.
Rainbow chuckled at her son’s display. She lifted a hoof and gave his head a light noogie
"Easy there sargeant” Rainbow Dash chuckled “...tell you what, how about you go to sleep without a bath.”
Thunderclap eyes lit up and he chirped in happiness and his fur and feather rose up to form one big adorable poof ball. He looked like a cat with static shook.
Rainbow had to fight the urge not to just laugh out loud at her little boy
"Settle down, settle down kid " Rainbow said now how in the Celestia was she supposed to calm him down now?
Sometime later Rainbow managed to wrassle Clap to sleep. The kid was tough, but once he put his head down he fell into an instant coma. Rainbow smirked and stepped back admiring her handy work. The boi slept like a cat, his paws hidden underneath him with his tail curled around his feet, his ears slightly twitching.
A well of love and pride swelled in Rainbow’s soul. Celestia, the love and passion she held for the wonderbolts at the time, paled in comparison to how much she loved ThunderClap
The Clouds must have parted because ThunderClap's whole body was suddenly washed in the moonlight. He paid no mind though with nary an ear twitch indicating any disturbance.
Rainbow laughed but as much as it looked like Thunderclap had been basked by Luna's hair it would probably eventually wake the little tike up sooner then later so she closed the curtains and left the room, closing the door behind her.
She stared at the now empty living room. Man the room was destroyed. Literally everything was shredded, The Balloons were shredded, the streamers were shredded the decorations were shredded everything was shredded. And rainbow could only laugh because she knew she had been 100% okay of what she’d herself gotten into. Correction she thought she knew what she had been getting herself into when she invited all the baby griffons down the street to celebrate Thunderclaps 3rd birthday but it still caught her by surprise to see the true destruction those little tikes could cause.
Rainbow groaned loudly at the mess she had to clean and proceeded to grab the broom with her wing and started dusting the floor. After 40 minutes she managed to get everything in the trash bags, but there was still loose paper and ripped balloon material hidden in various corners peeking out.
She threw the trash bags onto the balcony too tired to head out to the larger trash can down the street. She was about to tuck into the night when the familiar footsteps entered her ears.
Its was Gilda
For a griffon Gilda was unusually loud in her trots. Tonight, just like the thousands of nights before, were clumsy and managed to haphazardly shove in the key and enter the house. Her abrasive whistling pierced the home. Gilda walked in like nothing was the wiser and with her obnoxious whistling headed straight into the kitchen doing a little jig along the way.
Rainbow Dash didn’t even turn around " you know it’s late" she said
Gilda kept whistling as she grabbed a coke and opened it with her claws.
"It’s late Gilda" Rainbow repeated
"It’s late and Thunderclap is sleeping. And your annoying ass whistling is gonna wake him up"
"Geez can I at least hum?"
Rainbow didn't even answer, her face was still on the door. The silence was palpable but usually Gilda pretended to pay no mind. She continued to finagle in the kitchen getting out food and eating what little rations they had left after the party.
"Your late" Rainbow said again, this time demanding whatever excuse Gilda could muster up. Like an old infuriating routine.
"Awww tsk Rainbow you know…. ah Emerald and I had a late night meeting. Working out the configurations of"
"Oh let me guess about a late night meeting, was it because of contracts, campaigning, negotiating or was it because you guys wanted to pat each other on the backs again.” Rainbow said this time turning around and facing her partner.
Gilda finally stopped dead in her tracks. Her makeshift sandwich inches from her beak. She put it down.
"Ah, I guess I might of been busy lately"
"For six months busy" Rainbow said with dripping sarcasm
Now she had Gilda’s full attention. The griffon was no spouting a freshly “oh I been caught in my own trap”
"What is it?" Gilda said trying to play it cool
"Whats what"
"You know,” Gilda moaned “whats..what's with this cold wing"
"It's been six months, Gilda. I haven’t seen your sorry ass for 6 months!” Her hooves stomped against the hardwood floor. But she managed to maintain her voice at a lower volume.
“Thunderclap, your own son if you remember, barely even knows what you look like. You know how many times he stands by the entrance with his little ears twitching just waiting to see a glimpse of his other mommy! Just for a chance. "
"Look listen I admit I’ve been a bit busy lately-"
“You already fucking said that”
“ Look griffons just always need to see me. Either for my opinion or my approval. You don’t understand Rainbow I get thousands of calls at my front office everyday to settle some dispute or to right something off or to-”
"Yeah I know. All of griffonstone gets to see and talk to the mayor except her own wife . I walk into the main office and it's like they don’t even know me. I have to jump through a hundred hurdles just to see your goddamn feathery face"
"Well we had a change in management and-"
"Do they even know you have a partner and kid because everytime I come to their office I'm quickly escorted out or I'm stuck in the waiting room and----what's with that face?"
Rainbow asked and she watched as Gildas whole body tensed within a millimeter of her life. Her eyes zeroed into pinpricks and her claws dug into the floor leaving visible indents on the ground.
And it hit Dash
Her words come out like heavy slats of granite "Are.... you...fucking KIDDING ME!?
"Look, look, look look it’s not what it seems"
"What do you mean its not what it seems it’s as plain as your fucking claw marks! You’ve been lying to me this whole time!!”
"Babe your gonna wake up the baby"
Rainbow clenched her jaw tighter then a jar cap "ThunderClap his name is Thunderclap now tell why the fuck doesn’t your precious pr team know about me and Clap"
"Well listen. Now don't get upset.”
"I been upset for a long time im fucking furious now tell me"
"Listen, listen you know how griffon stone is really different from ponyville like worlds apart like equestria is here and griffonstone is here."
"I’ve been living here for 5 years Gilda I know how different it is. What I don’t know is why after 5 years of helping you, volunteering, campaigning and all of Stone Claw Street knowing my name, age and what food I like. Why you decide all creatures to just PRETEND Thunderclap and I DONT EXIST!
"Well it wasn't my idea okay Emerald just thought it could, you know, fix my image"
"Fix it!? FIX WHAT!"
" Well you see. Griffonstone isn’t exactly open to new changes really and this new independent state thingy is allot of new changes. Mayors,legislature, streets, infrastructure. You know this is all new. So my pr team didn't want to further alienate the public so we figured that a single me would be more palatable. Families aren't exactly a sign of strength let alone a mixed-"
Rainbow Dash snapped her eyes up. Her two burgundy orbs nothing short of raging fury.
"What" those words were short and cold. The room felt like ice underneath Gildas feet and she started backpedaling. She had done fucked up.
Her words which were swift before came out in a lightning garbled speed
"Well-wwell you know- you know<'/i>! M-most of griffonstone isn’t ex- exaclty welcoming towards pony folk" she kept backpedaling further "Besides Stone Claw I m-mean! Most of griffonstone are hardcore speciests annnd Emerald said this would significantly boost my ratings you kno-”
“Do you care about your image so much you’d rather sacrifice your family then risk dirtying your ass!"
"Well ah' "
" don't you 'well ah' me! I have been here from the fucking beginning I was there for you when this street was just a bunch of straw and gravel! I was here for you! I didn't care about everyone’s racist remarks, I cared about you! I cared about having a future with you!
“Lll-loook Look look I'm sorry Im sor-” Gilda’s speech halted when her rear hit the table that bolted to the floor.
And that's when Rainbow Dash shot after her. Her lightning speed zoomed her across the living room to dining/kitchen area in point five seconds as she collided into Gildas chest and landed a solid punch onto her face. The sound makes a sizable crack in the room. A visible crack could be seen on Gildas beak and a red welt quickly started forming on her cheek.
She could only lie breathless as her body collapsed onto the table.
Seeing that GIldas was in no position to retaliate, Rainbow lay onto her fallen partner as tears streamed down her face. However she couldn’t lay there and cry.
As if on cue a timid creak could be heard. But before Thunder Clap could poke his head out Rainbow Dash galloped over and blocked his gaze.
“Get your things ThunderClap”
“Whu Huh?”
“We're going on a little trip. Thunder get your blanket and my satchel.”
And her tone must have said it all because ThunderClap proceeded to scamper inside to grab his things.
Rainbow Dash closed the door quietly.
The room was in stark contrast of what she felt inside, still and quiet, while she boiled on the inside.
But one small question still finagled her mind. A question she was quickly realizing was pointless to ask.
"Do you always listen to your secretary"
"Uungh, Wha?" Gilda managed to only groan out a pained answer. She must've broken a rib because Gilda’s body lay their unmoving.
"I said," Do you always listen to pretty little Emerald. Do you” A small hiccup escaped her wrung throat but Rainbow Dash managed to clamp herself and through clenched teeth she asked. “Dddid you cheat with her.”
Silence thats last a fortnight followed… then a broken singh expelled from Gilda.
A sob escaped Rainbow, but before she could crumble she swung the door open, grabbed Thunderclap and her satchel and flew out in a flurry of feathers.
The cold, crisp air a relief on her body
Phew Finally finished writing this piece! Not gonna lie I procrastinated haaaaard on this but just a couple days ago I was hit with inspiration and managed to finally finish writing the first draft! After that was a series of rewrites and corrections n' stuff, but I finally finished!!
Btw feel free to comment and critique my writing if you think so. I know I probably misspelled some words. But do you guys think this was a good enough reason for rainbow dash to leave? Was the buildup okay? Did I manage to capture her personality ?
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viomlpcreator · 1 year
I’m going to gush a bit about dogs so if you’re not in the mood to hear yet another dog lover ramble on please just move long. I just want to talk about something that gives me warm fuzzy feelings.
Most people know that dogs who haven’t had much (if any) contact with humans are still a lot quicker to trust humans than other animals which makes sense because studies have shown that dogs seem to read human faces the same way humans do so there’s some deep seeded biological part of them that “knows” humans.
But what’s really crazy is that it seems to go the other way too. There are accounts from Europeans who contacted people who lived in remote parts of the world who had never seen a dog in their life but somehow just knew this wolf-looking creature could be trusted. I forget the names of the people involved but there was this one islander who was kidnapped by Europeans. He was terrified and confused but when he saw the ship dog he immediately hugged it. The island he came from had nothing that even remotely looked like a dog and yet some part of him “knew” this creature.
And yeah yeah, people can give examples of angry dogs and people who don’t like dogs but even in those cases it’s usually because there were negative experiences between humans and dogs beforehand. I’m talking about humans and dogs who had no prior knowledge of each other.
And how crazy is that? That’s the kind of stuff we think only happens in fantasy stories where elves have a special connection with dragons or whatever. We actually have that in real life. We lived so long with these creatures that we’ve become connected to them on a biological level. That’s so cool!
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viomlpcreator · 1 year
Big Mac's second drag persona. ( I imagine he goes through a couple rehashes before one name finally sticks)
Heres Whats Written btw
Miz Shugar is a sheltered plantation wife
She's a bit rebellious and strives for something new an exciting
Shes a low an sultry thick country accent
She's a sultry baritione singer
Is an all around flirt
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