visitorno18 · 4 years
ALSO MY FAVORITE COUPLE SINCE ADAMS FAMILY VALUES. :D Then again during the Musical. Just! Grade A love right there! XD
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morticia and gomez are my favorite couple…..cara mia ❤️
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visitorno18 · 4 years
The Reference!!! Was this in the Original Novel? (((I think it is- actually))) XD
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visitorno18 · 4 years
Ah, so much emotion!!! Where’s the high aloof Peak Lord I was promised?! XD 
Okay, but can we please talk about how dramatic SQQ is here? I just can’t get over this scene 🤣
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visitorno18 · 4 years
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visitorno18 · 4 years
It’s actually more complicated than that. Victor was going thru Mid Life Crisis, being single and an athlete on top of growing old (and getting a bald spot somewhere). And he suddenly sees the drunk dude that danced with him, skate his piece with a lot of finess (and what looks like love and dedication he put into perfecting it) and boom! There’s an idea. XD And the whole plot was Victor just trying to get a lover and a sucessor to his career. XD
the plot to yoi is genuinely so fucking funny like. this dude got drunk and danced with me and i was so haunted by his beauty all year that i quit my job as a world famous athlete and flew to japan. turns out he doesn't remember our first meeting and thought i was just a lunatic who showed up at his door and decided i was his boyfriend and he went along with it because im hot. we're engaged now
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visitorno18 · 4 years
Yup, and even when you try to exercise with friends or family, they would give an off handed comment that its fun to excercise with you because you jiggle like jello when you move, and change colors when you're tired. It's funny for them but irritating! DX
Growing up fat, you get made fun of for everything you do, even basic shit like eating and laughing and breathing are funny when you do it because youre fat! And its so hard to not carry that with you as you get older, like I’m still embarassed to eat or dance in front of people or smile in pictures and its ridiculous and I hate it and I wish I was treated with more humanity
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visitorno18 · 4 years
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visitorno18 · 4 years
This is so awesome! -Like, Documentary type Ducktales!!! XD I LOVE IT!!! XD Goldie is a Billionaire in her own right! XD
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A documentary film :)
You can find my drawings on instagram if anyone is interested:
I hope you have a good day!
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visitorno18 · 4 years
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Really Big Coin Skrekkøgle
This is our Really Big Coin. It is big because it makes other things look small when photographed next to it. Actually, it is a 20:1 replica of the EUR 50-cent, you see it being milled out here. We needed to do quite a bit of sanding, lacquering and smudging to obtain the desired look and some climbing to get into required shooting position (you need to get up real high to take good pictures). The result is a short series of photographs, attempting to visually scale down real-sized objects.
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Images and text via
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visitorno18 · 4 years
Uh,,, so you might want to try going Incognito for paid articles with free trials. Sometimes it works, sometimes it don’t.
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visitorno18 · 4 years
OMG!!! The Amber Lead, WG, Doflamingo and Luffy!!!! XD XD XD
You’ve asked for more so I’ve delivered! Here’s the second One Piece TikTok compilation I made.
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visitorno18 · 4 years
highest squeak
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visitorno18 · 4 years
True Hypnosis Mic Prompts
So the True Hyp Mic is a prototype that can really hypnotize the person as long as the user sacrifices their life/sanity.
Then I thought... If the characters got their hands on it, what would they do?
Yamada Bros.: ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Jiro would give it to Ichi-nii, Saburo would give it to Ichi-nii, and Ichirou would break it into pieces. That’s how young and rightous these kids are.
Samatoki: Reverse Hypnotize Nemu. Yes, even at the cost of his life, he would definitely do that for his sister.
Rio: Re-group his team and break out their leader from Chuuoku. Likely going to sacrifice himself to brainwash one Chuuoku officer to infitrate for them. Something like that.
Jyuuto: Isn’t a fool and will not trade his career for his life. Because his goal involves him being alive.
Ramuda: Will probably sacrifice an Amemura clone to make him think he’s a real boy. :/ Who knows. Pysche over Physio. ?
Gentaro: Probably gonna get Jakurai to use it to heal his brother/friend in a coma.
Dice: Sells it for cash. $$$
Jakurai: Use it to wake Yotsusuji from his coma. On that thought, maybe do a whole room of waking and healing people from their comas. :) And use the collected data for others to study should he die upon using the THM.
Hifumi: Would use it on Doppo to make him optimistic so he can live a life without Hifumi. (Finally get married, excel in work and have a family like all normal people.- So he can finally be happy.)
Doppo: Would use it on Hifumi to cure him from his gynophobia so he can live a normal life without Doppo. (So he can find love, work someplace else without pushing himself and have a family like all regular people.- So he can go on living peacefully.)
Sasara: Would use it on Rosho to make him confident on stage, so that he can teach his students properly.
Rosho: Save it for a rainy day, or when his students/friends would need it.
Kuko: Haha, like he would ever need to hypnotize people when he’s already enlightned by Buddah and knows everything can be solved by training and conditioning.
Jyushi: This 17 y.o. doesn’t need it. He’s a narcist, he knows it. He don’t wanna change anything and he don’t wanna die. He’s perfect!
Hitoya: Doesn’t need it. He’s got justice and $money$. Coffe and Whiskey. Life is perfect! If anything, he’ll probaly sell it to Jakurai just to get money from him. XP
Just thinking about this made me realize how much more twists the creators of Hyp Mic could add on the characters. I mean, I can’t even grasp how much Rosho cares for Sasara just yet, and what Rosho’s part-time job is. Even the ones that don’t need the mic could have another side story added to their characters. Especially DICE. Like, I’m just guessing what he’ll do, but if Dice had half a brain to realize Chuuoku let out one THM for some random bum to use, they must be planning something sinister. :/ 
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visitorno18 · 4 years
If you guys haven’t noticed,,, his face is so expressive I could literally place speech bubbles on every expression.
How Things are Made 🎨
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visitorno18 · 4 years
Oh Glob! Thick MerMAY!!!! XD XD XD I LOVE IT!!!! XD XD XD 
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♡ MERMAY! Part 2 ♡ I had a great time exploring negative shapes this Mermay. All originals are up for sale on my new site: ♡ JIJI.storenvy.com ♡ •Mermay Part 1 •Tattoos?
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visitorno18 · 4 years
brain: it seems like problems are happening. would you like to pretend they’re not and think about fictional characters instead?
me: yes please
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visitorno18 · 4 years
I cut my own hair! XD
What Really Happened: I hacked my hair with a pair of craft scissors, got bangs that looks Zenitsu’s chopped-off hair... oh, and decided to tie it back with a pony tail instead because it looks terrible.
I am ashamed... but
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