Rules are Rules | d.d
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Disclaimer: This is my first story, ever. For the sake of the story David’s allergies can be controlled by medicine.
“David you know I feel about that.” I can’t believe that after seven months of dating he would still try this same stunt.
“Aww come on Chrissy, all you have to do is lay down. It’ll just take two seconds,” I just looked at him with amusement drawn on my face.
“David, you know the deal. I’m not gonna lay down for free. I’ll do it but I get to shoot you the the paintball gun. It’s always been that way.” I knew he would never go for it. So imagine my shock when he laughed and nodded his head.
“Fine.” I was dumbfounded.
“Really? You want me to do this so bad that you’re willing to let me shoot you?” I asked in pure shock.
“Okay, no turning back now.” I take the blind fold off and make sure to lay down on his carpet in hopes he would change his mind, not wanting to mess it up. As soon as the blindfold was on anxiety was coursing through my veins. “David I change my mind, I don’t think I can do it.” I was panicking.
“Shut up Chrissy. You know I wouldn’t let anything hurt you, take a deep breath and relax. You’re over thinking this. I even got Kristan and Lorraine to do it.” He said all of this in his ‘Camera Voice’ as I liked to call it, so I knew he was already recording.
“David Julian Dobrik, I swear to God that I will never talk to you again if this is a spider or any other type of bug. Deadass. So unless you’re ready to be single I would suggest rethinking what you’re about to do.” I heard a few people say ‘oh shit.’ They knew I wasn’t playing around. I said Deadass.
“I’ve thought about it long and hard Chrissy.”
“Okay cool, so you’ll let me up then?”
“ Nope.” God damn it. I knew it was to good to be true.
“David.....” He placed something heavy on my stomach so it wasn’t a bug.
“Okay Chrissy, I want you to guess what it is but you can’t touch it yet and you can’t take off your blind fold.” The thing keeps moving, so it’s some kind of animal.
“Is it a bear? A monkey?” I’m completely going off of previous ‘surprises’, but everyone is laughing now so I know they’re incorrect. “David please tell me it’s a puppy.”
“Yeah,” I could hear the smile in his voice and I turned my head in his direction.
“No! David, no way!”
“Take your blindfold off.”
“No, because if I do you’re gonna take him away, cause the bit will be over. But as long as I keep it on he stays!” Logic.
“Baby, take it off. There’s more.” I feel his hand on my shoulder to help me sit up. Once I’m situated and the puppy is on my lap now and not my stomach I take the blind fold off but keep my eyes closed.”
“Okay, open your eyes in 3, 2, 1..... Go!” The sight before me was amazing. I’m my lap was a beautiful Doberman puppy with a sticky note on his forehead that said ‘Hi mommy, my name is blank.’
“Oh haha. Very funny David. I’m not stupid, you’re allergic to dogs. You wouldn’t buy me a puppy.” I was giving him the stink eye and he was still recording. This was footage he couldn’t pass up. “I already know the clickbait ‘BUYING MY GIRLFRIEND HER DREAM DOG?!’”
“Yeah you’re right, I wouldn’t buy you a dog.... But I’d adopt one for you.” He gave me his shy smile and did that little laugh, the one he does when he hands someone the keys to their new car. And the presented the adoption papers to me.
“Shut up. David this isn’t funny anymore.” I was crying. Because my heart was saying “Oh my God he got you a puppy!” But my brain knew better.
“Look at the papers Chrissy. He’s yours.” He was still smiling.
“Deadass. You can’t lie on deadass, David.” This was it. The moment of truth.
“Dead. Ass.” It was done. David has gotten me a puppy. The puppy of my dreams no less. And I was a nasty snotty mess from crying so hard.
“But you’re allergic? It doesn’t make sense. David.” I was still confused. “My brain doesn’t know how to take all this excitement.”
“Well he doesn’t have a lot of hair, and I went to the doctor and got medicine. I started taking it like two weeks ago so that it would be in my system by the time he was ready to be brought home. So I’m fine as long as I don’t forget a day. And I have an alarm in my phone, Natalie has an alarm in her phone, Jason and Josh both have alarms in their phones and I added the alarm to your phone this morning. There’s literally no excuse for me to forget.” He was still smiling but the camera was away now and all of our friends had wandered off. This moment was just between us now. And I loved it.
“I love him, and I love you. Thank you David. Now he needs a name!” He pilled the camera up again but this time handed it to Natalie, who had walked over to watch us play with him.
“I think I’ll name him Cassian.”
“No. Absolutely not. He’s not getting a Star Wars name.” The lack of amusement was funny.
“Yup. That’s his name. And later tonight we can go to PetSmart and get him some things that he’ll need. Also imagine how funny it would be if we only talked to him in Slovak.” That’s how David and I met. Our parents are best friends and moved to America together when we were little. It’s fun being with my best friend all the time. And when the cameras are off we communicate that way. To make sure we don’t lose it because it’s who we are.
“That would be pretty funny. Oh gosh can we please? He would be a good guard dog that way too. That’s another reason I got a Doberman. To keep you safe when I’m out late filming. And why not just go to PetSmart right now?”
“Oh no, I don’t think so. I still get to shoot you remember? That’s the rules.” I knew he was trying to get out of it. But rules are rules.
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