vocaimagines · 2 years
I know I sent in a long request some time ago but… how about a shorter one to maybe help get the creative juices flowing since it’s been a while? You mentioned in the Gakupo headcannons about him seeing childhood SO as his rival. Well, what if he challenges them to something dumb and they end up getting injured. How does he react? Does he go in and help, playing it off as beating them, or does he show his worry, try to comfort them and call for help, or something else entirely?
Oh he is for sure calling for help. Gakupo tries to seem cooler than he actually is, but he is for sure overly protective. The second he sees you in actual pain he's calling for help and tending to your wounds as fast as possible.
Let's say it was supposed to be a small playful swords fight, *but without the sword. He was obviously going to go easy, of course, he was a *professional (take that with a grain of salt) swordsman. Who was he to straight up go in with someone with full force. You were the one who suggested it so it couldn't be that bad.
So, when you surprised him with the small amount of skill you had. He panicked for a second, accidentally pushing you into a wall, causing you to sprain your ankle as you tried to regain balance before the impact. It was so minor, but Gakupo was losing his mind. He instantly goes to you and checks up on you. He carries you to your room and lays you down. (even if you tell him over and over that it was a small sprain and that you were ok)
He is apologizing like crazy, he feels so bad. To hurt not only his rival, but his S/O in such a way was unforgivable. He's so dramatic as he's desperately looking for ways to help you recover fast. Gakupo is for sure calling all your shared friends and asking for advice. It takes so much will power for everyone involved not to burst out laughing.
It ends with him accidentally spraining his own ankle running towards you to check how you were doing. When you realize what's happened you just can't resist.
"Hm, I bet I can heal faster than you." is all it takes before Gakupo's fiery spirit kicks in full force. Who was he to deny his rival of a challenge?
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vocaimagines · 2 years
Hello! I don't know how much characters you would allow so you can just pick one/two of them; What would be the ideal date for Meiko/Gakupo/Flower headcannons? Like, how would they prefer the place to be etcs because the (GN) reader wants to prepare the things up smoothly. Thank you.
Meiko requests, I am weak for the wife…
Meiko would love to take you out somewhere, she loves spending time around the city/town and enjoying the sun/doing as much as possible! Even though Meiko loves going out to drink, if her s/o doesn't drink or wants to do anything else, she's incredibly flexible with whatever you're ok with as long as you guys can fit in as much as the day allows! The perfect ideal date for Meiko? Take her sightseeing, spoil her rotten during a shopping spree! If it's warm enough, amusement park or water park! Too cold? Send her to the movie theatre, super cold with snow? Perfect time to take her ice skating or make a couple of snow angels. She loves it all as long as she can spend time outside with you. Make sure that you're always holding onto her though, she needs the physical attention as well. The best part: you can always surprise her with it, Meiko will never say no to a good time.
You knock on the door, a large smile on your face. Meiko looks at you with a small smile as she places a kiss on your cheek. "Come on in!" She says, "I was about to head out, but I can stay home." You laugh as you grab her hand and pull her out of the door.
"If you're already heading out, then it's the perfect chance to go on a date!" You say. Meiko loops her hand into yours as she grabs her keys from her pocket and locks her door. "You ready? I heard there are a couple of new street dancers this week!"
"Of course I'm ready!" You two giggled like newlyweds, heading towards the city for a day of fun.
Flower on the other hand is a total introvert. She adores the silence, just being able to sit in a spot with her and her s/o is just more than enough. Do you want the ideal date with her? Wait till the sun sets, the world slowly becomes peaceful, and find a nice spot to watch the stars and listen to nature. If you're a talkative person, talk about your day with her, and tell her all the stories you wanted to share with her. She loves listening to your voice. You barely have enough time to tell her about how you've been doing and she finds her life too dull to ramble on about. She's always been a listener, to begin with. Play some relaxing music for her as you wish on shooting stars, hum to the music, anything that's relaxing and serene.
Flower rested her head on your lap, feeling your fingers brush through her hair. You watched in adoration as she tried to nuzzle closer towards you. "No stories to tell me this time?" She asked. You replied with a small "no" hardly audible to the world, but loud enough for her.
You continued to play with her hair, your eyes growing tired as the soft music that came from your phone was nothing but a mere lullaby for you. You wished that you could stay like this forever, together under the stars, blessed by the moon's light. But for now, you made every second count.
Gakupo is a mixed bag, you want to take him on the perfect date? You gotta watch out for his mannerisms to figure out what he's looking out for! If he's hugging you 24/7, jealous when he doesn't have your attention, or ends up pouting cause you have to head home. You're gonna have to shower that man in some of the sweetest solo time in the world. Normally, he's more of an extrovert and planner, he wants to be the one to plan all the dates. However, he doesn't mind a surprise here or there. Take him to his favorite restaurant! Make sure that no matter what, he doesn't pay for anything. He'll pout and whine that it's the right thing to do and he wants to be a gentleman! But, all you gotta do is convince him that you are able to spoil him just as much. Feed him at least once and he will be putty in your hands in no time. Don't forget to shower him with compliments, despite his facade, he sometimes needs to be validated and knows how much you love him. Finally, take him home and crash on the couch. Put on his favorite movie and just watch as he clings to you.
"You should have let me pay for dinner…" He mutters under his breath, his head laid comfortably on your chest as you playfully patted his back. The two of you barely fit on your couch, but, if he's not complaining there's no harm in it. "You spoil this old man too much, how will I ever repay you?"
"Well…." You start, you point towards your lips with a smile and he quickly dives in for a small kiss. Gakupo presses another kiss to your cheek before going for your forehead and then to your other cheek. You're attacked by a burst of kisses before Gakupo finally pulls away.
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vocaimagines · 2 years
so i might have forgotten about this blog a little bit ... ; ̄ロ ̄)
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vocaimagines · 2 years
pairings: LukaMei + FukaFlower+ IARuby
Story #1: Never Ending Battle
Luka grabbed onto Meiko's chin, lifting it for her blue eyes to meet red. She giggled as the angel huffed at anger towards her, yet she stood there motionless. They had a constant fight that never ended, a never-ending game that neither wanted to stop playing.
Luka pulled Meiko in closer, watching as the angel slowly closed her eyes and leaned her lips forward. "Little angel, don't you think you should be killing me?" Luka asked as she pulled away from her. Meiko nearly screamed as she tried to pull the demon back into her arms. "Such a cute little angel, always chasing demons like me," Meiko said nothing as she watched the demon banter on. "My little angel who has slain hundreds, maybe even thousands of demons. Yet, struggles with a demon like me." "You should consider yourself lucky that you haven't met my blade." Meiko finally said. She took a step forward as Luka followed suit, the pink-haired woman smiled. Her teeth were razor-sharp, her stature took one that seemed aggressive as she took another step forward. "You say that, but still no attempt." Luka closed the space once more, her towering form made Meiko so small. A snack that was too easy in the situation, her neck was right there to rip to shreds with her teeth and claws but she did nothing. Instead, those sharp deadly nails traced the woman's wings gently. Careful not to tear or accidentally rip any of the pure white feathers as she played with them. It was silent, save for their rhythmic breathing.
Meiko reached up as she placed her cold hand against Luka's warm face. The two's lips nearly touched once more as they both leaned towards one another. Their bodies sparked in pain and pleasure as they finally met, they stayed there for what seemed to be an eternity before Meiko pulled away. Luka's eyes stared at her with desire as she tried to pull the brunette back in. Meiko simply smirked before taking flight. "My lovely demon, who has slain hundreds, maybe even thousands of angels. Yet who struggles with an angel like me. Don't you think you should be killing me?" Luka snapped out of it before taking flight herself, but, Meiko had already flown off. Leaving the demon alone with just a single feather and rose. Her face slowly turned red as she realized how quickly her charming angel had turned her dull tricks against her. "Miss Megurine? Is that you over there, are you ok?" She heard a young voice called out. Luka stashed the feather into her shirt and placed the flower into her hair, right next to her right ear. "Yes Mayu, I'll be with you in just a second." Luka swore that she would get Meiko back. Hoping that one day she would fall and they would never be lonely again.
Story #2: Rainy Nights:
IA always seemed to be the odd one out of the group. From her mannerisms to the way she would speak- to even how she would walk. She never really cared what the others thought in the end. She lived for herself and cared for what she loved. So, here she stood, alone in the studio, watching the rain pour down as her fellow singers all left together. The singer had forgotten to bring an umbrella, let alone anything to keep her warm against the winds and heavy rain. IA considered just staying here for the night if the rain refused to let up. It had everything she could need, there was food, the couch was comfortable enough, and she could use her phone if she got bored enough. As much as she loved being in her bed, she loved not being sick from the rain just as much. "IA, what are you still doing here?" A voice came behind her said. She slowly turned around as she came face to face with Ruby. "Cold. I didn't bring an umbrella." IA said. Ruby raised an eyebrow before turning to their shared closet and pulling out a spare jacket. She handed it to IA who looked at her questionably.
"Wear this so I can walk you back home. I don't need you getting sick on me." Ruby grabbed IA's belongings from off the couch and handed them to her. "We should get going before it starts to get dark out there."  IA took her belongings back as she put on her jacket. The dark pink-haired woman had to hold onto a laugh as she noticed how much bigger the jacket was on the smaller woman. "Don't worry about returning the jacket. Flower barely uses it anymore after she started dating Fukase. I swear after those two started dating they stopped wearing their own clothes." "Dating?" "Yeah, they started a week ago, and I'm just glad I don't have to see those two make kissy faces all damn day," Ruby said as she pulled out her umbrella from her bag. IA walked to Ruby and grabbed onto her arm. She pulled close as the two walked out of the studio, locking it behind them as they began to walk together. "You don't have to hold onto me if you don't want to," Ruby said. She looked down at the shorter woman who had looked away in embarrassment. "Want to," IA murmured, "Warm, soft." Ruby didn't say anything else. Just allowed IA to hold onto her and walk with her. Her heart thumped with each matching step. She refused to speak, knowing that she would lose her cool. Ruby truly hoped that IA couldn't see the blush that had formed on her face.
Story #3: One of Those Days Fukase hadn't been hit this one note for a while, a good while- literally 10 minutes "awhile." He had been shaking for some time already, his already ruffled hair became more of a mess as he swiped his hand through it. Again, he repeated the song from the beginning, everything was fine so far- a bit shaky, but nothing autotune couldn't fix. Right as he sang that one line, his voice cracked as he threw his hat onto the ground. "Goddammit! I can't do it, why can't someone else do this?" He said with a stomp. Fukase's face was red with embarrassment as stormed out of the recording room. He ignored the concerned worries from the staff members as he dashed towards the break room. Fukase threw himself onto the couch with a groan, slowly hitting his head against the arm rest as he laid there. Fukase heard a door open with a slam. However, he didn't bother to check who it was. Choosing to wallow in his own sadness. An extra weight was added to his back as he turned his head to see two purple eyes staring back at him. "What's wrong with you today, dork?" Flower pulled out their phone as they opened their music app. "Rumor has it that you were struggling with finding a note." "Flower don't do this to me, I'm already so weak. Don't kick a man when he's already down." "Oh? You won't do it? I was hoping to have to ask you to cut my hair today, but...." Fukase practically shot up from the couch, causing the white-haired vocaloid to fall onto the floor with a small "oomph" "Babe, I've been wanting to save you from that bush for so long! I'll do my best to do this." Fukase said, helping the taller one up as he pressed his lips to theirs. "You're the best inspiration ever." He said as he ran out of the room and towards the studio. "Why is my boyfriend so weird? I need a refund." Flower said with a sigh.
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vocaimagines · 2 years
its the end of may and i haven’t really been able to upload anything at all and i truly apologize for that. life has been busy and ive been focusing on my physical and mental health. plus writers block is rather ....bad. i will probably end up posting old drabbles i wrote months prior to fill in some empty space until i get motivation to write once more.
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vocaimagines · 2 years
hey i’ve been really inactive and its probably going to stay this way for a bit. i apologize for this but due to physical health reason. i’ve been rather too stressed to currently write. i’m hoping to come back later in may tho! ✌️
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vocaimagines · 3 years
What about some Big Al headcannons? I don't see enough content for this dude!
🎸Big Al has SUCH dad energies. You would imagine he was actually 35+ with two kids, a wife, and a house. But, he acts more like someone who's finished college and has no idea what to do with life now (he literally is) 🎸I barely talk about body types but he totally has a dad bod too with a little bit of muscle! He works out from time to time, but he doesn't spend like every day for two hours doing it. Just a casual hobby he has, you know? 🎸He, Kiyoteru, and Dex spend a lot of time together. They spend time watching sports and actually fishing. They're close friends! with a S/O 🎸SPOILED ROTTEN. Big Al loves to spoil his S/O and being spoiled himself. He adores attention, so so much. Will he ask for it though? No. But, he'll make it clear when he picks you up and places you on his lap to cuddle. 🎸Remember when I said he's into working out? With his s/o, he's a complete show off. It's not uncommon for him to actually hurt himself trying to lift up something far too heavy. 🎸This man is 6'3 feet of pure love, please wear his clothes. It makes his heart feel tender because no matter your height, his clothes just slightly hang off you at least a little bit.
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vocaimagines · 3 years
Luka Megurine x G!N Reader word count: 2.3k
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Every time, without skipping a beat, you would always end up running into this pink-haired girl. Childhood, at the age of six years old. She was the one who pushed you off the slide, causing you to scrap your knee. Letting out the loudest and most embarrassing cry you could ever recall back to. Middle school, you met again, a hint of anger still lingering as she paid you no mind at all. After all, who would remember something as trivial as this? Well, other than you of course. So with you and your group of friends, you did your best to avoid her for as long as you could. Praying and hoping that one day she would move away so she wouldn’t remind you of your constant embarrassment.
Luck wasn’t always on your side, however. By the time high school started- you realized that in most of your classes you were with her. Either sitting right in front of you, or even worse- sitting right next to you. You cursed the God that you prayed to, wishing that whatever sick joke that she was playing on you would stop. For the most part, she was completely chill. Paying you no mind as she mindlessly scribbled sorry excuses of notes down. As the months progressed and you accepted the new girl as your classroom neighbor, your small hate of her slowly dissolved into a neutral feeling. You even finally decided to learn the name of the girl you “hated” once and for all.
Luka Megurine. It was a pretty name for a girl you considered cute.
You scratched that thought from your head. No time for generic school crushes, after all.
By the time your second year of high school started, your classes with her drastically decreased. You only had three classes with Luka Megurine. It was fine for the most part, still a bit strange that you would turn around to work with someone- only for them to not be the pink-haired girl like usual. You did well enough in your classes, had the same group of friends, ate the same school lunches as you always did. A normal, monotonous life that you didn’t mind at all.
Well, that all changed when you had the smart idea of walking to your chorus class to talk to your teacher during lunch. You hadn’t even heard her coming behind you, the song was so loud in your ear as you fell face first into the floor. You groaned against the floor as you slowly raised your body from off the ground. You went to take a headphone out from your ear, only to realize that it had fallen out. You turned to the person who bumped into you.
“Shit, have you seen my-”
Why was Luka Megurine using your headphone?
“You listen to this song too? It’s from my favorite group!” Luka exclaimed as she looped her arm with yours. “Fall in Love Again'' is their best song. We’re best friends now.”
“Hey, you can’t just-”
“Momoi Airi is one of the best in the group to me. She has pink hair just like me! Could you believe that she’s only two years older than us too? I really wanna be like her when I get older too- I’ve been practicing guitar and singing in my free time-” Luka said, her rambling continuing on as you listened. You couldn’t deny it felt nice to know someone else who always was a fan of “More! More Jump!” You could wait to see your chorus teacher for now-
By the time the bell rang, you both had managed to end up in the class hallway sitting in front of her locker. Luka was showing you all of the photo cards and videos of the concerts she had gone to. Telling you story after story of all the times she was so close to meeting Momoi. You wouldn’t deny that she was rather weird. Bumping into a random classmate before dragging them around the school to gush about a girl group. However, you also couldn’t lie that it was all rather charming. By the second bell, she followed you to your locker as she continued on and on about the group. You listened intently, replying with your own comments here and there as you headed to your own class.  
“Ah, wait, wait! I never learned who your bias was in the group!”
“Hinomori Shizuku. I like her the most.” You replied with a smile.
“Oh, that makes a lot of sense! See you in class, tomorrow.”
The rest of the school day went in a flash. You barely could remember what your teachers bothered to teach you and all you could think about was Luka Megurine. She was cute, she had a fun personality, and really knew what she was talking about. You went home watching more dance clips of Momoi then you did before- after all, Luka had mentioned that she was one of the best dancers in the group which you just had to argue that Hanasato was a much stronger dancer.  It was an interesting back and forth that you two had, neither of you had made points, just reciting comments that you had read and taken as fact.
“Sweetie, were you able to talk to your teacher about dropping out of that group?”
Well, that was an issue for you to deal with tomorrow, before you spent another lunch talking to Luka that is.
By the third year of high school, you could officially say that you and Luka were “besties” ; the two of you were nearly inseparable. She naturally blended in with the rest of your friends as she was always there. Liting up the room with her smile and always giving you the latest news of Momoi, and sometimes Hinomori if you were lucky. It became a trend that halfway through the lunch period, she would pull you away from your friends to walk around the school together and talk alone. As if Luka wanted to honor that “special day” as much as she could. Of course, it wasn’t complete if you two didn’t listen to the same song as well. Despite listening to it everyday for 30 minutes each time. It never got old, and you enjoyed every second of it.
“I still can’t believe I made the group. Mrs.Yowane was so excited when I went to audition and she accepted me on the spot! I still can’t believe you left to begin with, this is the best thing that could happen to me.”
“Well, if I hadn’t left, I don’t think she would have another free spot. So, maybe it was just fate that it didn't work out.”
“I just hope fate lets us be together forever. I really like you, will you-” Luka stopped for a second as her face grew red. She grabbed onto your hands as she bowed. “Will you go out with me?”
You didn’t even stop for a second to think, before shouting out a “yes!”
The last year of high school was filled with the sweetest of memories. The days that were surrounded with childish glee, the more you two learned of each other. The more attached you got. Luka was growing so fast as an artist. Her guitar skills were amazing and her vocals were perfect. You even got to reconnect with your old group members: Meiko, Gumi, Lily, Flower! They were all here and you got to even watch their practice stages before anyone else. Luka and you were so happy.
So why.
Why did she just leave you without saying goodbye?
Halfway through the school year, she was just gone. No call or text-backs, no one in your friend group ever found out where she went, and her locker was now just empty. You were so scared that something had happened to her, that you even went to her house, hoping that someone would answer. You were so glad to see that her mom was there, but Luka was gone. She had moved halfway across the country with her father to pursue her dreams.
“Had she not told you dear?”
No, no she hadn’t. You choked on the tears that fell down as you cried into the older woman. You tried to hold back the pain that you were holding onto. To pretend that you were just happy that she was able to do this! She was going to accomplish everything she wanted to do. The cry was the loudest you ever sobbed. When you went home, you couldn’t eat for days as you cried yourself to sleep.
That was five years ago. For the most part you were doing much better now! You managed to get a pretty decent job working in journaling and your roommate, Yuezheng Longya, was a generously well-off man who didn’t mind paying for most of the rent. As long as you made sure not to make the apartment a complete pigsty like his previous roommate. You couldn’t deny that you were slowly harboring feelings for him. He was handsome, straight forward, quiet. The opposite of the person who had broken your heart years ago. You could tell him eventually how you felt when you were more certain of your emotions, for now, you were content with having a close friend.
Of course, all things from your past always come back to haunt you. As you scrolled through your phone, a certain face came back. The same long pink hair and blue eyes that were once full of life, looked dull and empty in the photo. She would be returning back to this old city for a concert before going on hiatus.
“Oh, so she can tell others where she’ll be going, but she couldn’t even bother telling me?” You said out loud. Anger lingered in your voice as you shut your phone off. The pain nearly threatened to return as you got up off the couch and headed to your room. You slammed the door as you tried to sleep it off.
You heard a knock on your door.
“Hn, you alright in there?”
“I’m just pissed off, Longya. I just need to sleep it off.”
“I’ll make you dinner, rest up now.”
“Thank you.”
You finally passed out that afternoon, waking up at 8pm. Panic almost overtook you before you realized that it was still the same day and that you didn’t miss work. On top of that, it was your day off. You checked your phone, noticing that you had three missed calls. One of them being from your own mother. Before you called her back, you saw that you had a text that simply read: ‘come over, it’s important.’ without any more questions. You got dressed and dashed out of your room.
“Oi, dinner will be ready soon. Don’t stay out too late.”
“I shouldn’t be long.” You said as you grabbed the door and slammed the door on your way out.
“I really need them to stop slamming my door.”
You didn’t live too far from your mother’s house, it was a 30 minute walk from yours to hers. 25 minutes if you speed walk, and currently, 20 minutes if you straight up run. You were exhausted and had to catch your breath when you finally arrived. You looked up slowly, shock filled your body as you noticed a familiar figure who sat on your old stairs.
“Why the hell are you here?”
“I’m sorry.”
“Why the hell are you here?” You said again, not letting up your feelings.
“I really messed up big time, and I’m so sorry. I just want to go back to what things used to be.”
“Do you really think that you can just walk back into my life? Think a “sorry” is just going to cut it? You walked away from everyone, all of your friends. Without even bothering to say goodbye.” You tried to steady your breathing as you continued. “Even when you were gone, you couldn’t even bother to contact any of us and you just think coming back with that is enough?”
“I- I was wrong, I was so scared to tell anyone. I couldn’t even have the courage to contact you guys to tell you what happened. I was a coward during all of this.”
“Coward is an understatement.”
“Mo-Momoi, I talked to her,”
Wow, congratulations. She accomplished all her dreams after abandoning everyone.
“She told me how wrong I was and that if I wanted to keep being an idol I had to set things straight. B-but, I realized that I didn’t want to be an idol if it meant that I could never meet you again. I just wish I did things differently, I’m so sorry. I wish I wasn’t selfish towards you and treated you better.”
You didn’t say anything else. You sat next to her and leaned your head against her shoulder. You pulled out your earphones, placing one in your ear, one in her own. She was confused but relaxed as an old song played.
“I don’t think we can ever go back to the way things used to be, but.” You started. Her apology was genuine, but you didn’t trust her yet. Not after what she did. “I really want you to prove that you really mean it.”
She looped her arm around yours, just like she did before.
“I promise.”
You both stayed quiet, letting the song play.
Tonight the stars out, lights flash. Thinking I was gonna dance, but rewind, playback. Now you got me in a trance.
Sometimes you wish you weren’t so hopeful and naive when it came to Luka. Your heart pounded a familiar beat as you placed your hand on hers.
Tonight we, tonight we Fall In Love Again.
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vocaimagines · 3 years
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hello, my name is mimi and this is my self-ship side blog! i’m pretty new to this community so i’m hoping to meet a lot of new people and have fun!
my main f/o’s atm are: kai (y/ttd) + eve (ns/r) !! but my mains usually change every couple of months. (i’m also ok with sharing!)
for more info feel free to check out my carrd!
i follow from my main blog vocaimagines! (which is where i write all my voca x readers!!)
please no pr*shippers and adults who self ship with minors
thank you for reading and have a wonderful day!!
credit for sticker~
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vocaimagines · 3 years
How about this for a meiko x reader scenario. They both have crushes on the other and try confessing but the other always misinterprets it or the confession just goes wrong so neither figures out the other's feelings, and their mutual friend Kaito is just doing his best to help them get together to no success so far. Some silly fun fluff I suppose? I hope this makes sense.
Childhood friend!MEIKO x G!N Reader
word count: 1.5k
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You and Meiko had been basically friends since birth, being neighbors with each other- your parents would often allow the two of you to hang out constantly. You’re not sure when it happened, but something clicked so wonderfully with the two of you. She was your best friend and she meant the world to you. As the two of you grew older, your bond only grew stronger. By the time you were both teenagers. You realized that you had a crush on Meiko, the way you would fluster up, your words stuttering when she would smile at you, how pretty she was even when she laughed. You were basically on cloud 9 just being with your friend, so, like a coward. You kept your feelings a secret for years, hoping that these feelings would pass away.
Somehow, by a miracle- you two managed to end up in the same college. By another miracle, you two also ended up sharing the same dorm, together. And by life’s cruel choices, your crush on your childhood friend never faded. So here you sat in your room with Meiko, watching as the brown locks of hair fell onto the floor on her side of the room.
“Ah, Meiko, do you really think this is a wise idea?” You asked, Meiko had always been the clumsier and risker of the two of you. You didn’t want an accident where she ended up- you quickly swiped the thought away before cringing at the feeling that still clogged your brain.
Meiko put the scissors down, before she combed through her hair with her fingers. Her eyes half-lidded as she stared back at you. Your heart raced as you looked away in embarrassment. “If anything were to happen you were here to see it! Besides, I’m already done. How do I look?”
You were already down bad, but you couldn’t resist looking at her at all. The cut was mediocre at best, some parts were uneven, some parts seemed to just be hanging by a strand. Yet, it fit her so perfectly. So, Meiko.
“You look beautiful.”
“Beautiful?” Meiko snickered before she grabbed her bag and rushed towards the door, “I’ll totally look way better after I get this trimmed, I totally saved at least 10 bucks! Bye, honey!” With that, the door slammed behind her, leaving you alone with a bunch of brown hair on the floor.
You barely had time to process everything, but you knew one thing for sure. Being called honey felt nice….really nice. You placed a hand on your warm cheek as you headed out the door. You needed help from someone, and you had an idea on who could solve your issue once and for all.
“Why don’t you tell her how you feel instead of bottling up your emotions?”
Well you were wrong, incredibly wrong.
“What’s wrong with telling her how you feel? If she rejects you, go back to just being friends without having to keep bottling your feelings like this. It’s actually pretty simple- ”
Kaito was one of your friends at the college, he was one of the only people you could turn to when you felt stressed or had questions. However, right now you wished that you had just straight up turned your brain off instead.
“What if it ends up ruining my friendship with Meiko? Then what do I do?”
“That’s not going to happen, Meiko has never, ever done that to anyone she considered a friend. It’s going to be ok, just trust me on this.”
“Kaito,” you dragged out, “how would I even do that? Just go up to her like ‘Hey, Meiko, my best friend since forever. I’m super into you, wanna go out?’”
“Yeah, just like that actually.”
“Kaito, I’m not sure about this.”
“Trust me, like I said, it’s going to be ok.”
“If you say so, thank you Kaito.”
Your first attempt was messy, you struggled against your words as you held out a bouquet of flowers to her. Surely, this was obvious enough. The signs were all there- the blushing, the gift, the stumbling of words. Everything was set up perfectly for the average joe to catch the hint!
“Oh? Flowers in celebration of me cutting my hair? You shouldn’t have!”
You only blame yourself for that one, you forgot once again that Meiko isn’t the average joe. It wasn’t a complete loss as she pulled you into an embrace. You wish you could go back to the days when her hugs didn’t fluster you at all, but for now, you hugged her back. Your heart beating rapidly as you listened to her.
“I’ve always adored how well you treated me, honey.”
Oh how this woman would be the death of you.
The second attempt was actually by chance, Meiko called you over to have lunch with her at a little shop. It used to be your favorite back then, but you actually hadn’t gone there for a while. The perfect scenario: a beautiful day, with a beautiful woman- the perfect time to just sit across from her and go “I love you”
And by some miracle, it still managed to go so poorly. “I love you'' turned into “I love your outfit.” Then into “I love this place.” And to finally end it, you somehow managed to end it with, “I love your mom.”
You wish you could go back in time, the second before her mom called to ask her how she was doing. Somehow both fate and yourself were so driven to ruin this as much as humanly possible. At the very least, you got a laugh out of Meiko and the soft “I love you too, sweetie” from the charming older woman. At least, if push comes to shove, you and her mom could be sewing buddies.
Third attempt you straight up just went for it. You and Meiko were studying in your shared dorm together. Sitting right next to each other, pretending to be reading and taking notes on a topic that just didn’t matter right now. You turned to her, determination filled your soul as you prepared to finally tell her how you feel-!
“I love you.”
You blinked, before clearing your mind and responding back. “I love you too,” You were shocked to say the least, not expecting that sudden declaration, but this was Meiko after all so maybe she just meant- “you are my best friend after all.”
“Oh really now?”
At this point, you were just confused. Neither of you pressed the matter even further as you went back to “studying” You barely even remembered the notes or chapters even as you read each word. The air felt dense, you felt like you did something wrong as you glanced over to your friend. Meiko looked distracted, eyes hovering over the book and her phone as she tapped her fingers obsessively against the book.
You took that as another loss in your book- three attempts turned into seven, which turned into nine, which finally ended with fifteen different attempts in just a month. At this point, you just wanted to give up.
Kaito, without missing a beat, would always sit in the college’s garden. 1:00pm, right next to the third tree furthest from the campus. Usually by himself, and never on the bench that was always right next to him. So, you headed there- hoping that after he hears about all your failed attempts he gives you some sort of advice for this to just end already.
This time he wasn’t alone- Meiko actually sat across from him. That same face that she made during your study two weeks ago haunted you now. Kaito noticed you before you could even turn to leave and motioned you over. You reluctantly followed, but you knew that you were part of the reason she might have been upset.
You sat down in front of her, the two of you feeling too anxious to look at each other for too long. She was the first one to speak, her voice low and almost hard for you to understand her. “I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry too.” You continued, “I probably made you really uncomfortable, and I should have realized you wanted to just be friends without making it weird.”
Meiko’s eyes shot up as she crawled towards you and held your hands. “Wait, you love me back? Like that? But I thought-”
“I thought maybe I could tell you by taking you on a date or being upfront. So, all those gifts were you trying to tell me you loved me?”
Oh my God.
You could only laugh at this point. In a rush of adrenaline you did what your heart just wanted for the longest time. You pulled her into a kiss and you both fell into the grass. Those few seconds felt like heaven as you pulled away and stared into her eyes.
“I love you.”
“I love you too, honey.”
Meiko turned her attention back to Kaito as she helped you stand up. A huge smile on her face as she gave him the thumbs up.
“You both are actually the two dumbest couple I’ve ever gotten together in my life.”
Couple. You liked how that sounded- not only was she your girlfriend, but your darling Meiko was also your best friend in the entire world.
You wouldn’t have it any other way.
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vocaimagines · 3 years
Update. Sorry for the inactivity! Gonna try to post something on either Monday or Tuesday. I’ve been either busy or just hit with a really bad writers block. However, I do have something halfway done
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vocaimagines · 3 years
Imagine Meiko taking you out on a date. She always keeps you close and is constantly showing you with compliments- but she accidentally ends up shoving your face into her boobs because she’s hugging you so tightly.
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vocaimagines · 3 years
im rather tempted to fully step my foot into the self-shipping community. it looks like a rather friendly community, and it looks like fun!
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vocaimagines · 3 years
I’d imagine Kaito would be someone who would forget his own birthday. He wakes up incredibly late into the day, realizes that he’s been bombarded with messages and calls and ends up being rather confused. He calls someone back, let’s say Gakupo for this, and his old pal is just screaming “Happy birthday, Bakaito!” And it finally clicks with Kaito. “Oh, today’s my birthday. Thank you!” After he spends basically an hour calling people back and responding to messages. He’s content for the day, he doesn’t need to remember his birthday- he has amazing friends who remind that for him.
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vocaimagines · 3 years
i truly forgot tomorrow was kaitos birthday, i was wondering why i was in such a kaito mood!! one more headcanon post for him and i promise to do other ‘loids  😭  
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vocaimagines · 3 years
May I request Kaito x stressed Reader, like they don't know what they want to do for work/their life, they've been told to do what makes them happy but what if by making their passions their job it's not fun anymore. Kaito seems happy and passionate about singing and there they are, simply watching him and wishing they had what he has silently. A hurt/comfort scenario in simpler terms I suppose.
KAITO x G!N stressed!Reader
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You always tried to listen to the advice others had given to you. Follow your dreams, do what’s best for you, and be driven to work by passion. You did all of that and more, yet, no matter what you did. It never made you feel happy. Still, you had to keep pushing through because you barely had time to feel sad. You had a life that you had to focus on and there were no times for breaks.
So, like a robot, you would wake up. Force yourself to get out of bed, and get ready for work each day. It was fine, it was always just fine. Even if your coworkers were steadily getting more concerned for your health, your boss not caring in the slightest that your once burning light was dimming to ash. You smiled through it all because this is what you wanted to do in the first place, shouldn’t you be happy?
He was always happy at least.
Kaito had been dating you for a long time now, he was the one who always encouraged you to do your best and follow your dreams. You always made time to watch his shows and performances when you got a chance. Seeing him smile on that stage with practically thousands who were excited to see an upcoming star. He was your inspiration to keep pushing through it all, and you loved him for that. He loved you too, so why, why did the painful sting of jealousy have to plague your heart like this?
Days slowly turned into weeks, the same old schedule with the small moments of life where you got to finally talk to your amazing boyfriend. The one who always held a smile for the both of you and kept pushing forward despite all the struggles. Today was the day, he would finally have time to come visit, and your heart thumped in excitement. Fingers shaked as you mentally and physically prepared yourself to look decent enough in front of Kaito. By the time the clock struck 12, he was there just as promised. You opened the door and embraced him, the tightness in the hug far too demanding than you would have done so in the past.
“How have you been, love?” Kaito asked as he pressed a kiss to your head. His fingers played softly with your hair as you finally let him go.
You let out a cough, trying to shake off any lingering negativity. “It’s been alright, but enough about me. Come inside, I want to hear about your new pop star life.”
Before he could continue, you pushed him towards the living room as you locked your door. Your head laid against Kaito’s shoulder on the couch as you listened to him talk about the newest adventures and his manager told him how much potential he has to be one of the “greatest pop stars of this generation.” Although his voice seemed uninterested, his eyes shined with a light so bright- you questioned if you should have just closed your eyes already.
He was happy at least, happy enough for the both of you.
Eventually all of his words turned into radio silence. He watched his lips move, but nothing really clicked with you there. Here he was, taking time out of his busy schedule, out of his dreams, out of his life to talk to you. You should have been happy, you had the perfect boyfriend who was achieving more than enough for the both of you. While you woke up each morning to the same, boring life-draining job you wanted to impress him with.
The first tear fell in that moment, you tried to hold them in, but after so long. Your mind had reached its limit and you broke down. Your rambles of “sorrys” and “I’m so selfish” were the only words you could muster. You felt him pull you into a hug. He rubbed your back as he tried to calm you down.
“Love, what’s wrong? Please, tell me what’s wrong.”
“I’m-” you stopped for a second, forcing yourself to muster the only courage left in your body, “I’m not happy anymore. Everyday, I wake up to a job I hate. I wake up to a life that feels so empty. I wake up to see a boyfriend who could be with anyone else, a boyfriend who can wake up in the morning to a dream that keeps him going. A boyfriend who could do better, a boyfriend with a drive. A boyfriend who got stuck with someone who is jealous of his success. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.”
He pulled you in tighter, his own tears slowly falling down his face as well. “No, I’m the one who should be sorry. I ignored all the signs because I thought it would stress you out. I thought if I pressed you on it, I would make you more upset than you were.” Kaito hiccuped through his tears as he continued. “I let you hurt alone for so long, I’m so sorry.”
“Kaito, it’s ok, it’s my fault-”
“Please, let’s just take a week off together. We need to talk about everything, I know it’s not enough time to fix all of the issues. But, I want to be here for you. I thought the issue was that I was distracting you for work, but you need someone right now. So please, will you let me be there for you?”
You nuzzled into him, the tears slowing down as you felt safe in his arms. “A week is more than enough, Kaito, thank you.”
“I love you so much.”
“I love you too, Kaito.”
You two sat there for an hour, neither of you talking. Finally releasing the paints and worries that were overtaking your mind- it would take longer than a week to fix anything at all. You had problems that needed more time to fix, so did he- but, for now, you were happy. You smiled.
You two were happy together, more than enough for the both of you.
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vocaimagines · 3 years
Kaito as your S/O on Valentines!
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🍦 Kaito had always been an introverted person. Choosing to be by himself or with you whenever he was feeling stressed or overwhelmed, but after preparing for this day for an entire month. He’s finally ready to go all out! 🍦 He takes you EVERYWHERE. The amusement park, movie theater, bowling alley, you name it. He’s taking you there. Kaito has more than enough money to spoil you today and he wants to spoil you as much as possible. 🍦 Kaito isn’t much of a talker, but he’s a great listener. He just loves hearing your voice. Hearing you laugh and watching you smile as he takes you places makes his heart soar. 🍦 Want to make Kaito just go completely soft? Linking arms with him or even holding his hands in public just makes him wanna melt! Knowing you’re so comfortable with showing others that you’re ok with being with him like this, just makes him feel so special and loved. 🍦 Taking it a step further and even giving him a kiss? He’s already planning the wedding, he’s down bad. 🍦 As the night sky finally takes over, he takes back to the park to look at the stars. His hand gently placed on yours as he sings you a love song. It’s soft, it’s welcoming, and just feels like home. 🍦Just as Kaito finishes singing. He places one last kiss on your lips, his eyes filled with nothing but love and adoration.
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