vojtalukes · 7 years
Outdoor Media Production // Making of Media product #2
For the second Media product of the 2017 Outdoor Media Production course we were given a task of promoting a certain place. Specifically, we were told to make a movie while visiting the area around Patchellhytta near Slogen and make it more visible in the online world.
The trip took place between 25. and 27. of September 2017. We started on Monday by hiking up from Myrsaetra close to Urke and the famous Hjørundfjorden. The hiking itself took a few hours, we hiked around 8 kilometers to get to Patchellhytta - our place to sleep, rest and share all the recently gained perceptions with others. After we’d reached the cabin in the early afternoon we decided to spice things up a bit and went for a sunset hike to a mountain peak sticking to the sky right above Patchellhytta.
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Hiking in such an amazing environment and weather (we got really lucky) led to a numerous situation worth to capture. Especially during the sunset we really struggled to put our cameras down. Light conditions were just amazing and the surrounding of the fjord and mountain peaks all around even more.
To be frank I hadn’t been really sure about my concept in the beginning. All my ideas I’d prepared back in Volda didn’t really work. Thus I was more like taking a bit random images, although trying to keep the visual quality as high as possible.
The only little concept I had was seeing the trip and the area around through a viewfinder of an old camera. It gives a movie natural feeling and by doing that I was aiming to get a bit closer to a viewer, moreover to get an audience involved in a way. In postproduction that little concept evolved into the final idea.  
I decided to go for a concept of making the area around Patchellhytta look as a completely different planet. The main reason to do that were my feelings out there. I really felt like a in a foreign planet with all those harsh mountains around a almost no vegetation. To transfer those feelings I used the technique observing the surrounding with an astronaut’s camera as I’ve described above. I added a voiceover, a viewer can hear a communication between the astronaut up there on Patchell planet and mission control back on the Earth in Houston. There is also a trick shot involved in the end of the film when the camera pans to the sky and we could see the Earth there.
Apart from the film I’ve also contributed with a written astronaut’s journal, 360 video and a few photos to illustrate the mood of the “the mission” even more. In the end I’m satisfied with the results and more importantly with the whole trip which was an amazing time up in the mountains surrounded by pristine nature and wonderful people.    
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vojtalukes · 7 years
09.2017x Mission Patchellhytta
Astronaut’s 14C journal 25. 9. 2017 9:43 UTC
“First rays of Artarae 72 pass the thick layer of clouds lying at a horizon. The module reached the final phase of the descent to planet Patchell. Engines are roaring fighting planet’s gravity, almost the same strength as on our beloved Earth. Pretty much all the environmental aspects are similar. Atmosphere thick enough to provide shelter from dangerous radiation, breathable air, drinkable water. One would say better conditions than on some places on Earth. 3, 2, 1, touchdown. The module has successfully landed on Planet Patchell. The core of Mission Patchellhytta 2017 is just about to happen. Our exploration has started.”
// video journal from Mission Patchellhytta conducted successfully between 25. and 27. september 2017 by astronauts from Outdoor Media Production course at HVO Volda 
Astronaut’s 14C journal 25. 9. 2017 21:16 UTC
“The journey started down at at the bottom of the valley. We only used transport vehicles for a couple of kilometres. The terrain became steeper then and we had to leave the comfort of our space shuttles and continue walking. We took everything with us, including research gear, stuff for capturing everything that might arise along the way and both food and liquids needed for the whole journey to the mighty Patchellhytta.
This space settlement was build by the early explorers that came to this area. Specifically speaking by the astronaut Charles W. Patchell. He had been so amazed by the nature of the place and by its magic, that he gathered enough funds to create a shelter which would provide shelter for space travelers visiting this mesmerising area around Mt. Slogen.
As I’m writing these lines we’re sitting in a spacy cabin built in between those monumental mountains around in order to provide even more space and comfort for travelers from all of the Universe’s corners.”
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Astronaut’s 14C journal 26. 9. 2017 19:57 UTC
“Today was a very special day. We were given the opportunity have an encounter with a few individuals form the Hikers specie. Early in the morning we’d set a suirveillance camera up in the mountains. After several hours of waiting in patince and observing the area we got lucky! The camera caught them! What a wonderful opportunity to see natural inhabitants of this area. In the end we’ve lost the camera as one of them took it, but it was a sacrifice worth taking.”
// footage from a 360 surveillance camera X2CC78 on the base of Mt. Slogen - encounter with an individual from “The hikers” tribe. The camera hasn’t been found yet.
Astronaut’s 14C journal 27. 9. 2017 13:32 UTC
“Engines are on. All systems are running. Mission control gives us thumbs up. I slowly pull the lever and the module detaches from the ground. As I see the marvelous setting of Patchellhytta area through the tiny window of our Explorer 7 module for the last time, I’m starting to plan another impressive mission to those parts of the Universe.”  
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vojtalukes · 7 years
Outdoor Media Production // Making of Media product #1
During our production trip to Standalhytta we were given the task of creating the first of three mandatory media products for the semester. The assigment was quite simple. Each of us had to create 30s long video descbring personal relation to the nature. As the icing on the cake we had to put 3 movies in the team togeher and make it work. Sounded easy, was not. 
I spent quite a while developing my concept in the magnificient surroundings of Standalhytta. The presence of mountains all around had a positive effect on my creativity and a few wild thoughts made their way to the first concept. Contrast of the rushing pace of “normal” life in town against the beauty of slow life in outdoors was the topic.
I planned to make the contrast in the video work by using timelapse technique in the town part and slowmotion shot of me running a waterfall in the second one. Unfortunately we were unlucky with weather and area around Volda was completly for all of the time given for the assigment.
Backup plan came to life, you can the result right here (the third part). ->
The shooting itself took two sleepless nights to complete. We spent the first one hiking Rotsethornet at night in order to get the shots needed for the project. Interior and road shots were made the other night.  
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vojtalukes · 7 years
Outdoor Media Production // Instagram movie backstage
During the fabulous college trip to Standalhytta with Outdoor Media Production course we got an assigment to shoot a 20s video promoting a picturesque place in the mountains. The place itself looked magnificient. Monumental mountain ridges above a little creek descending to the valley in several waterfalls, sheer sided green slopes lit by the afternoon sun and stunning reflections on the tiny lake were there only for us.    
I tried to involve a little story of a hiker getting down to a little lake and drinks its water. At the very exact moment, when her lips touches water, we get to her head and explore experinces from the mountain area we are promoting. In the last shot we are returning back to reality and seing the hiker again, standing on the edge of a waterfall. Then a little packshot comes.
Telling a story is a crucial part of communicating outdoors adventures and showing unknown places far up in the mountains. You can show beautiful images of lands never seen but nothing would it get closer to the viewer as a human experince told the right way. Viewer can sympathize with the “hero” and almost live the situation with him. Experience the same feelings, touch the rocks, taste the water. (well, almost)  
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vojtalukes · 7 years
Outdoor Media Production // Course not that ordinary
Sharp mountain ridges around, sun on the sky and a huge smile on the face. Honestly, I didn’t imagine the start of an upcoming autumn semester like this. 
On Tuesday 22. 8. we packed our cars with friends known and to be known and set our destination to Standahytta. The picturesque location right in the middle of Sunnmorealpen was our place to be for upcoming three days.
We left the comfort of cozy Standalhytta several times to gather amazing media material of the magnificient surrounding. Nature greeted us with superb weather, allowing our creativity get wild in those nicely lit locations. 
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When the night approached we switched the mountain “classroom” for spacious rooms of Standalhytta and disscused our concepts and ideas. Night lesson was ended by a little session by the fire.    
Well norwegian study system left me amazed so far. Outdoor Media Production course fullfilled the expectations more than enough. Looking forward for the next “school” adventure in classrooms like this!
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