voltedyoongi · 5 years
lee minho- neighbour au
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(listen i’m imagining the apartments from big bang theory coz i’m binging it rn so if you dk what that looks like get on google)
-so you’d been looking for a place to live for a while now since your best friend had announced she was going to move in with her boyfriend leaving you high and dry
-after a month of searching, you’d finally found the perfect place and today was moving day
-said best friend was currently on holiday with said boyfriend and you didn’t want any of your other friends getting too close to all your stuff so you were all on your on
-you couldn’t afford a moving truck so you were spending the day driving as many boxes as you can fit into your car to the new apartment taking them up the stairs one by one before going back to your old apartment to repeat the process
-you had reached the third box moving escapade of the day when you bumped box first (literally) into a group of guys as you went up the stairs
-‘oh, shit sorry’ you apologise, ‘didn’t see you over the box’ you laugh lightly.
-‘it’s okay’ one of the two guys says, ‘where are you going to? can we help you?’
-‘4B, and it’s fine really if i put my back out i’ll have an excuse to lie in bed all day’
-the two boys smile at your comment, nodding, ‘well we’re across the hall if you need us’ the second one says, ‘just knock if you need any help, those boxes seem heavy. i’m ‪jisung by the way, and this is jeongin’
-you smile gratefully, secretly relieved you wouldn’t have to lug boxes all day if you really didn’t want to.
-and that’s what it came to, you were tired and moody when you packed the last round of boxes into your car and got to your new apartment block. you grumpily hauled a box of pillows up the stairs to your apartment before glancing at 4A nervously, where jisung had said he and jeongin would be.
-it wasn’t that you found them particularly intimidating, they’d seemed lovely, it was more the notion of interrupting the evening of people you barely knew to ask them for strenuous help.
-alas, you really couldn’t be fucked to drag up the remaining five boxes, one of which was filled with books.
-so you reluctantly skulked across the hall and prepared yourself to have to socialise.
-you knock on the door, your nerves on fire, only nulled by the fact you were constantly reminding yourself jeongin and jisung seemed like really sweet guys who wouldn’t make a fuss of carrying some boxes.
-the door swings open and you internally freeze.
-a handsome man had answered with cute dark hair and a loose white t-shirt.
-‘shit shit shit’ you think, had you gotten the wrong apartment? were you about to completely embarrass yourself searching for two random men who didn’t even live here? no, surely not...they had said they lived across the hall from you...
-he looks at you expectantly and you kick into action
-‘erm sorry i’m looking for jisung and jeongin, they said they’d help me move some boxes upstairs from my car and to come across the hall...’
-‘oooh’ he chuckles, ‘sorry they’re not in right now, jisung doesn’t even live here’ he scoffs.
-‘oh sorry’ you mumble, ready to trudge down to your car and break your body with the last of those boxes
-but before you can turn he’s marching out his apartment to the stairs, he stops short of the third step and looks at you expectantly.
-‘you coming?’ he asks, as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world
-‘where are you going?’ you answer cluelessly, it not quite clicking in your head
-‘downstairs to your car, that’s where the boxes are right? unless you’ve parked on the roof.’
-‘ye right’ you retort, matching his tone dripped in sarcasm ‘i can park my flying car on the roof but i can’t carry five boxes.’
-he grins at you, before walking down the stairs prompting you to follow in his wake
-you don’t get a chance to interact with him on the way down as he’s marched ahead so the next conversation you share is once you reach the pavement outside your block.
-‘which one’s yours?’ he asks, eyeing the cars around.
-you point to your small red car across the street and he grins
-‘why are you smiling?’ you tease him defensively, he shrugs still looking at your car ‘it’s cute, but i don’t think you could fly to the roof with it.’
-‘nah not quite,’ you grin back ‘maybe just the fifth floor’
-‘i admire your ambition�� he plays along, but before you can reply he’s halfway across the road to your car and you’re trudging after him.
-you press the button on your keys and unlock the boot to reveal the boxes.
-‘here we are’ you sigh ‘if you could help me on two trips, we can both take two up and then i’ll run down and grab the last, that would be great.’
-he nods, looking down at the boxes before taking the heaviest one, the one filled with all your books.
-but he doesn’t seem phased at all by it’s weight when it’s in his arms, he’s either very strong or very good at pretending not to be in pain at the hands of your literary collection
-you grab another, lighter, box and put it on the ground to close the boot. you pick it up and then to see that minho stayed and watched you do so rather than striding ahead again.
-‘not so fast this time?’ you ask, as you two walk across the road back to your building.
-he shrugs, but you don’t miss the way he flinches slightly at the weight. ‘didn’t want you left behind unable to carry your stuff’
-‘hey!’ you exclaim playfully, ‘i’m not that weak’
-‘alright sure, you’re strong as the hulk, just stop pouting’
-‘i never pout’ you pout- prompting him to scoff, but smile.
-you’ve made it to your building's entrance now, meaning you’ll have to conquer the stairs next. there’s not enough room for you to walk side by side with the boxes, so you opt to go in front of him.
-‘don’t you want you falling on me when you collapse under the weight of the box’
-he doesn’t answer so you turn around to look at him as you walk up, he looks back up at you like a deer caught in the headlights.
-you gasp jokingly, ‘did you just check my ass out?’
-he sees red, and looks down at the box in his arms, ‘no’ he mumbles, but you can the tips of ears are tomato coloured
-‘you totally checked out my ass’ you grin, stopping walking to make him look at you
-‘so what if i did?’ he says in a tone yk he wants you to take as a sarcastic quip, ‘take it as a compliment and keep walking’
-you do as he says, changing the subject but grinning from ear to ear.
-you put the boxes in your apartment and then go back down, friendly banter bouncing between the two of you the entire time, he even goes down alone to get the last box to let you start unpacking earlier.
-you’ve opened up your box of books when minho brings your box in, he places it on the floor before coming over to you and the box of books
-‘let’s see what was so worth me almost breaking my arms to get up here’
-you chuckle and let him lean forward to inspect your collection, ‘hmm...’ he muses ‘i approve.’
-your first instinct is to make a sarcastic comment but instead you hold back
-‘thanks’ you smile
-‘that’s okay’ he smiles back ‘i need to go set up i have some friends coming over, but i’ll catch up with you soon yeah?’
-‘yeah...thanks for all your help minho’
-‘that’s okay y/n’
-surprisingly you were doing a very good job unpacking, normally you'd procrastinate doing anything till you absolutely had to or until you died...whichever came first
-but today you were oddly eager to see how your new apartment would look all finished, and it was going well
- a pile of empty cardboard boxes had cultivated on your floor so you decided now was a good time to take them downstairs to the bins.
-you were on your way down the stairs when you bumped into none other than jisung and jeongin
-’hey!’ they grinned at you, prompting you to grin back, in a good mood having unpacked so well 
-’i see you managed to unpack’ commented jisung, nodding towards the collapsed boxes in your clutches
-’yep’ you smile, and im almost all done unpacking my stuff too, i’ve done well’
-’maybe you deserve a treat?’ jeongin says playfully, to which you raise your eyebrows
-’i like treats’ you reply, pushing him to tell you what he had in mind 
-’we’re having a little get together in our apartment right now, once you've gotten rid of those old boxes you should join us’
-you ponder the idea before eventually nodding, ‘that would actually be really nice...i’ll be right up’
-you ran across to your apartment to change into something a bit more appropriate, a tank top and shorts weren't going to quite cut it today
-you slid on some comfy yet sleek jeans with a white crop top that highlighted you figure oh-so-casually
-you brushed your hair quickly and then made your way across the hall for the second time in a day 
-you knocked but before you could pull your hand away the door had swung open and you were met with an overjoyed jisung
-he grabs you by the arm and pulls you in shouting happily about your arrival, had he somehow managed to get drunk in the short time it took for you to change?
-he wraps his arm around your shoulder, a beer in his hand
-’guys meet y/n! y/n meet the guys’
-you glance around nervously, there were 8 other guys including jeongin and minho and a few had girls sitting on their laps who you assumed were there girlfriends
-there was a chorus of ‘heys and his’ in response to your introduction but you couldn’t help but notice that minho hadn’t said anything, instead sifting through the takeout container on his lap
-jisung’s breath stunk of beer as he howled out at the silent boy ‘minhooooOoooo say hello to my new frienddd’
-you stand there awkwardly before minho looks up smirking ‘oh, we've already met.’
-’you guys know each other?!’ questions jeongin, to which you nod
-minho pats the arm of the big armchair he was sitting on, still smirking at you, ‘come sit with me y/n, everyone else here is a little bit drunk’ he playfully whispers loudly, nodding towards jisung.
-you smile back at him, the banterous connection you guys had shared earlier rising to the surface. you awkwardly perch on the arm of his chair and he begins to quietly tell you everyone’s names so you don't feel too lost.
-as the night continued the boys and girls around you got more and more drunk, leaving only you and minho as the sober ones. normally you'd be drinking alongside with them but you felt weird getting drunk with people you barely knew, and it didn't really matter minho was there to be sober with you.
-the two of you stayed perched on the armchair together, chatting between yourselves happily and pretty much ignoring everyone else
-at one point one of the boys had knocked into you sending you toppling onto minho’s lap, 
-’changbin!’ he hissed at the raven-haired giggly boy who was tripping and giggling away from you two already 
-’sorry’ minho apologised, rolling his eyes but moving up on the chair so that you didn't have to get off. instead you had your bum on the cushion of the chair with your legs over his lap, and the conversation continued.
-eventually, the party died down, the guys with girlfriends were stumbling around with their mouths attached to each other most definitely pursuing something further
-’well’ you sighed, rising from minho’s lap ‘i’m gonna go back before babies start to be conceived.’
-he stands up with you, smiling at your comment. ‘not a bad plan, i’ll walk you to my door’
-you make your way through the pairs of people either making out or having ‘single person banter’
-’well’ you finish as you get to minho’s front door ‘it was very nice being the only sober one with you’
-’ditto’ he grins back, nodding along.
-’bye...’ you say happily, before walking across the hall to your apartment
-you were alone in your apartment for approximately half an hour before there was another knock 
-you trudge tiredly to open the door but wake up as soon as you see who it is 
-’minho? what’s up?’ 
-he stands there nonchalantly, but there’s hints of nervousness in hs demeanour
-’erm...’ he smiles half heartedly ‘you know how you said people in there were gonna be making babies? well they’ve kind of already started in my room...think i could crash on your couch for tonight?’
-’hmmm’ you muse playfully to which he grins and rolls his eyes, sticking his tongue into the side of his cheek to convey his annoyance. ‘of course you can’ you laugh opening the door and nodding him in ‘but only because you carried my books upstairs’
-’ah of course’ he plays along, walking inside ‘we’re even now’
-’well...i don't know, i think you still owe me one really’ you cheek, closing the door behind him.
-‘oh yeah?’ he quips
-’yeah.’ you reply defiantly 
-and then he’s kissing you.
-he’s clearly had something to drink since you left because you can taste the alcohol on his lips, but something tells you this isn't some tipsy fluke
-when you pull away he grins, nuzzling his nose against yours. ‘now we’re even’ he chuckles.
-he give you another quick peck before pulling away and walking to the door
-’wha- where are you going?’
-’oh, i lied about my bedroom i don't need the couch. i’ll see you tomorrow y/n’ he smirks before leaving
-and with that he was gone and you were alone with your thoughts and the taste of alcohol from his lips on yours.
it was getting a bit longgg but i can write a part two if y’all want lmao just tell me
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voltedyoongi · 5 years
Namjoon: I wish you’d just admit when you’ve made a mistake
Yoongi: *stirring his coffee serenely* I prefer it with salt
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voltedyoongi · 5 years
Yoongi: I’d like to apologize for my partner
Yoongi: his parents didn’t give him enough attention as a child
Hoseok from the table he’s standing on: excUSe me
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voltedyoongi · 5 years
beomgyu: im not allowed to walk my pet out in public anymore because apparently it’s “scaring people” and “a crocodile”
jimin, squinting his eyes: you can kinda tell he’s from daegu
yoongi, from another room: YOU SHUT YOUR BUSAN MOUTH RIGHT NOW
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voltedyoongi · 5 years
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This is so freaking cute, I can’t look at my pinky without thinking of Jimin 💜💜
Cr: joonsrightdimpl
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voltedyoongi · 5 years
Incorrect Bangtan #76
taehyung : FOUR MONTHS
hoseok : what’s he talking about
yoongi : don’t worry about it
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voltedyoongi · 5 years
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BTS fake subs 13/?
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voltedyoongi · 5 years
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`·.¸ 𝐿𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑙𝑒 𝑏𝑎𝑏𝑦¸.·´
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voltedyoongi · 5 years
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voltedyoongi · 5 years
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voltedyoongi · 5 years
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yoonmin moodboard
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voltedyoongi · 5 years
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— yoonkook
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voltedyoongi · 5 years
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— 𝒚𝒐𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒊 𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑘 𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑘𝑙𝑒𝑠 𝑥 𝟫𝟢𝑠 𝘩𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑡𝘩𝑟𝑜𝑏 𝒎𝒐𝒐𝒅𝒃𝒐𝒂𝒓𝒅
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voltedyoongi · 5 years
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jennie · • · moodboard
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voltedyoongi · 5 years
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handsome ♡.♡
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voltedyoongi · 5 years
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changkyun moodboard ꧂ soft boyfriend material
⋆ like or reblog; changkyun hacker!au
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voltedyoongi · 5 years
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lee minho lockscreens ; crackhead boyfriend edition  ™
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