vradpublisher-com · 5 years
Turn Your VR Content to VR Marketing Campaigns
do you have VR content and wanna launch a marketing campaign within minutes Omni ver turns your VR content into a large-scale marketing campaign that can run anywhere on the web and in VR headsets I'd like to introduce you to Omni vert ad campaigns let me show you how it works Here I am on the Huffington Post website nothing special no special app as I scroll through the article I come across an ad from Infiniti in an existing display ad unit showing me what it's like to be in the car the ad is actually responsive to the movement in my phone one tap and I'm immediately transported to an immersive 360 video we stream the video up to 8k seamlessly and when the user is ready they can jump into VR mode now you can insert your mobile phone into cardboard for a full 3d VR experience in addition to display ads Omni vert ad campaign supports 360 vr is in video inventory here you can see Bloomberg's website on Weaver powering 360 video pre-roll users can click and drag on desktop or move their phone for a magic window into the virtual world and when the ad is done the standard 2d video begins Omni vert ad campaigns also powers 360 VR distribution across social channels like snapchat Instagram stories and Twitter Here I am in the discovery section of snapchat right from an ad I am delivered the message to swipe up for 360 video with Ani verdad campaigns you can bring your view our content to a massive audience through digital advertising now do you also want to power your view our experience on your website or in your app let me introduce you to Omni vert VR player the Omni vert VR player is the best cross-platform dr player in the market we support all browsers and platforms the web iOS Android and more here chick-fil-a for their cows VR campaign use the Omni vert player to easily embed the VR experience on their cows VR comm website the Omni vert VR player lives on your own website where your audience can continue to watch your VR content at any time now if you want to launch of your app you can use the Omni vert VR player as well for iOS Google Play daydream Samsung gear and desktop VR with one upload to Omni vert you can be live with the Omni vert VR player across all of your platforms in minutes if you've made it this far then you're probably interested in how Omni vert can help you with your viewer marketing so email us or you can sign up yourself and get started today
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vradpublisher-com · 5 years
The 10 Best Uses of Virtual Reality VR Marketing
hi and today I want to present to you the 10 best uses of virtual reality in marketing this is one of the most fast-paced emerging markets and we've seen some incredible products demos videos all using VR that engage you in completely new ways on number 10 is the coca-cola VR sleigh ride that was done in Poland now this was good for three reasons one they used really good animation of Santa Claus flowing over the country two they engaged hundreds of children and really played with their imagination and three they showed coke as a modern company by using VR and that's why this got number ten at number nine we have something else for you it's a very innovative product by McDonald and it's called happy goggles basically what they've done and I love this is that they've they were able to transform the Happy Meal box into their very own Google cardboard but like the McDonald's version of it they're reusing the current product and pushing their VR app in Sweden right now now this is a trial run but we might just see this all over the UK in the US a number eight we have Michelle Obama's VR video now this was a video done by The Verge and it was done by the verge to show how much she's accomplished now that Obama is on his way out and this is the very first and I am not exaggerating here the very first infographic using VR and I've never seen anything like this but it just captures your attention so well because the problem with 360 videos is that you sort of look everywhere but this directs your attention and highlights really key points of her campaign in social media which is why this got number eight at number seven we have the New York Times displays so this was their big highlight piece what happened was that New York Times distributed over 1 million Google car borge for free to all their subscribers and displays was their highlight story about the 30 million children who were driven from their home because of war a very good story and the 360 really does a great job of showing you the devastation that these children live in at number 6 we have bull sized sensorium a very innovative 360 experience especially because it's a cheese company they got more than 70 K views they won the masters of marketing award 2015 for this and this went on a six city tour basically they would put this up in shopping malls and have people come and sit down and shares and go through this experience and it got really great results at number five we have top shops catwalk experience now this is one of the first VR experiences out there for retail Topshop offered its members a unique front-row experience of their exclusive fashion runway show during London Fashion Week and you basically get to sit down and be right there the experience one project of the year by BT Retail Week technology Awards and best virtual event by the event tech awards they got hand hundreds of attendees and they got so much press from this it was insane why are the times everyone wrote about this very good publicity at number four we have the xc90 test drive video by Volvo this is a VR app that puts you inside of their new car to get you familiar and comfortable with it and you can even go driving on beautiful scenic country roads now what this is a good job is that it gets you familiar with the car and that's exactly what Volvo once they want people to be comfortable in their new cars so they can help sell more and so it was a very good marketing tactic in that sense they got a lot of views on YouTube a lot of press and very good reviews on the app at number three we have Petron the art of patron experience now this is a tequila company that did a virtual reality experience showcasing how their product is made and how it gets to you so using a mix of live-action and computer graphics they created a 360 journey following the product life cycle they get a lot of views and they bring this out on trade shows to show audiences potential buyers how deep the history is at patron so very very good and it's really cool to all one shot I highly recommend you watch us number two we have Morel trail skate now this was innovative it was the first commercial use of the walk around virtual reality so you actually have it's about the size of a medium-sized room and you walk around as if you're hiking on a mountain and it's they have rocks falling down so you get to experience the adventure and the excitement that is climbing dangerous mountains it was showcased in 2015 at the Sundance Film Festival and number one we have Marriott's the teleporter imagine being able to transport yourself to a beach paradise whenever you want it well that's exactly what they did with the transporter basically it's a little almost telephone booth like a structure that you go in you put the headset on and they teleport you to a beach in Hawaii on to cliffs to London anywhere this did an eight city tour in the USA and it's around a hundred seconds the Marriott did this because they wanted something to work with their brand they want something to showcase that they've got locations all over the world and wherever you go on vacation the Marriott is there for you and this is exactly what the teleporter does it puts you anywhere in the world and subtly reminds you that oh yeah by the way we have a hotel there so I think this is a brilliant move they're one of the first people to really jump on the VR bandwagon and that's why I put them as number one also subscribe to the YouTube channel because this is where we post all our videos leave a comment and like because it helps us grow so if you want to learn more about how people are using VR in the industry about how they're getting more customers about how they're creating engagement check out our site embryonic calm we've got way more stuff thank you for watching
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vradpublisher-com · 5 years
VR Ad Server Integration For Publishers
welcome to Omni Berks tutorial on how we can help you monetize your VR app experiences Omni vert integrates in with your existing ad servers for example here we are in double-click for publishers just one ad server that we integrate him with here you can see how you upload 2d video ads in this example ow d or in this example coca-cola to your DFP from there simply visit Omni vert you can create a count it's free to get started just click on your avatar and select monetize create a new ad space here ad space one arm eevr can source campaigns for you but if you have your own campaigns it's easy to get started simply take ad space ID number one and integrate it into your iOS android or our embed player here I have in my 360 vr experience and now you can see the coca-cola campaign from DFP running elegantly inside of the VR app now to get started testing simply look at our SDK documentation here you can test your ad space ID inside of our web player here you can see 2d video ice supported we also support 360 vr advertising inside of our ad player as well if you want to get started testing inside of your VR app we have a sample emiru task for you to test with as well once your campaigns are lies we have an easy dashboard where you can see impressions and revenue generated we look forward to supporting all of your 360 VR needs so contact us at Omni Burke and we're looking forward to working with you
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