waitinguntilforever · 5 years
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waitinguntilforever · 5 years
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waitinguntilforever · 5 years
i am finally... that bitch.
trust me i wanna be That Bitch that moisturizes every night and journals regularly and drinks 5 bathtubs worth of water daily 
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waitinguntilforever · 5 years
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they had us in the first half, not gonna lie.
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waitinguntilforever · 5 years
i’m disgusting
hi i just ate so much random food and i feel like absolute shit. I threw some of it up but it was not working well. I don’t think i could’ve eaten more than 1000 cals total but i’m freaking out. I ate some chocolate chips, a nutrigrain bar, some sweet potato chips, a graham cracker, kit kat, 2 mini hershey bars, strawberry pop tarts, apple juice, caesar salad with chicken, one of those packaged cakes can’t think of brand, and fruit snacks..... i just did the math and I ate about 1500 calories. holy shit. i’m literally the worst I probably threw up like 300-500 calories. and the only thing i’ve eaten today other wise is like 400 calories so I guess i’m fine but definitely not at a deficit. i’m disgusted in myself i’m so disgusting.
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waitinguntilforever · 5 years
when kosinski wrote “i’m sure there are aspects of my personality buried within me that will surface as soon as i know i am completely loved.”
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waitinguntilforever · 5 years
“If you date me, you’re dating my loud laugh. You’re dating my constant nervousness. You’re dating my happiness for little things like flowers or drawings of dogs. My 2 AM sadness. My once a month period pains. My overwhelming thoughts that make me panic. If you date me, you’re dating everything about me. And if you can’t deal with everything about me, don’t even bother.”
— sick of heartbreak (via starcrossed-lives)
(via caitlinelizabeth232)
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waitinguntilforever · 5 years
I feel so alone.
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waitinguntilforever · 5 years
praying i weigh less in the morning
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waitinguntilforever · 5 years
tomorrow is my first day back at the gym! need all the good vibes and encouragement
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waitinguntilforever · 5 years
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waitinguntilforever · 5 years
I was never good at this body. 
There was always something in me so anxious to crawl out.
— kiki nicole, from NOBODY’S DAUGHTER
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waitinguntilforever · 5 years
lost 10lbs in 1 week!!
I lost two pounds last night!! thank god!! do y’all want me to do a post about what I’ve been eating and my fasting schedule? I lost 10 pounds in a week!
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waitinguntilforever · 5 years
I'm so empty inside and the only thing that fills me up is seeing the numbers on the scale drop
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waitinguntilforever · 5 years
I made myself FAT
I can make myself SKINNY
I made myself FAT
I can make myself SKINNY
I made myself FAT
I can make myself SKINNY
I made myself FAT
I can make myself SKINNY
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waitinguntilforever · 5 years
Does anyone use the LIFE app for fasting?? I want to add people on there to keep me motivated
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waitinguntilforever · 5 years
I’m back!!!
so it’s time for a BIG restart because I gained 6 pounds and have to get this under control. I am starting keto and daily exercise so that I will be looking great by Christmas. tell the best accounts to follow in the comments!!
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