warmshawarma · 3 years
Treat for the brain, torment for the eyes
Hollywood and science fiction have repeatedly tackled the idea of heroic saviors, ready to risk their lives to save someone. During the twelve-month continuous scrutinizing pain of being locked away helplessly by your self, no one came to aid us, no one to keep us sane, no one to keep reminding us that living can also be wonderful even though we are like wingless birds caged in a roofless box, day by day at the brink of despair. No ONE, at least. Because something did.
Gadgets, the savior of our sanity during this lockdown. These tiny things generated by even tinier batteries kept a humongous globe occupied.
With the global chaos emerging from all parts of the world, it alleviated our sufferings and caused sunshine on our faces. But sunshine radiates harmful waves, and so do these gadgets.
With our thin, barely-hanging, man-damaged ozone layer, the sunshine's harmful radiation can not reach us so we get to enjoy it infinitely, but on our gadgets, there's no ozone layer to protect us. Meaning, as we lose ourselves in the vast world of the internet, the waves emitted in the screen slowly burn and rots our cornea away.
Researchers from the University of Toledo say long periods of time exposed to blue light, the kind phones, tablets and televisions give off, can damage vision and generate poisonous molecules in the eye's light-sensitive cells. A terrifying idea of more delight equals more destruction.
At the tender age of 4, Dachar Nuysticker Chuayduang's daughter had to undergo surgery to correct the child's eye vision problems. He is a testament to a statement that says gadgets keep children settled down because too much would put your kid to lie down, forever, in a coffin where you can not see them, settled down, without gadgets.
Luckily, we live in a world where technological advances are just unreal that in the next decade, we will surely see floating hotels in space, flying cars in the road, and mechanical robots that take pleasure in acting as a slave. Anti-radiation glasses are made to block the harmful effects of using the gadgets, we finally made something that can resemble an ozone layer, except tinier and more manageable.
Some mobile phone companies developed blue-light filter, adding a tint of protection to the phone to curtail the process of your eyes' burning away. They developed these adjustments so people would not have to wear glasses all the time because first, it's a hassle, second, it's annoying, and third, most of the time, it makes you look like a nerdy outcast with divorced parents.
We finally granted ourselves freedom because we can venture out of the world without even leaving the house, we finally freed ourselves because we finally left the box. Only to be shocked, to find out we're still caged. Caged and enslaved inside a box called gadgets.
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warmshawarma · 3 years
THE THIN LINE BETWEEN GENDER ROLE AND A PARASITIC TOXIC MASCULINITY “Beauty and the Beast” by Dave Barry is an example how society perceives that women care more about their looks than men do. The beauty, referring to the lady as a gorgeous creature which fell in love with a male gentle unattractive beast. Traditionally, men are always considered to be the one working for women. Be it the one to feed the family, be it the one to do all harsh chores, be it the one to serve the women. If a man refuses to do these things for a woman, they will be perceived as weak or even GAY. But in my opinion, anyone can take care of themselves. This misogynistic perception about how men should be the workers is just absurd considering men and women both have the same body; a pair of legs, eyes, ears, arms, feet, and 10 fingers and toes. It should be okay for men ro refuse to do such things for a fully functional human being just because it's according to his gender role. ANOTHER example is GENDER CLOTHING. A stupid tradition WHEREAS men are expected to wear these tight jeans paired with a bland, plain, dull shirt or sometimes even a polo. Just yikes. On the other hand, women can choose between a hundred different styles of clothings with such distinct styles just because they are GIRLS. Do you know the reason why the society thinks that men should dress boringly??? IT'S BECAUSE THEY THINK IT LOOKS STUPID FOR A GUY TO DRESS FREELY. It looks stupid to wear your heart out, express your emotions through the fabrics covering your beautiful body, and be proud for once because you finally wore something you liked. Freedom of expression is almost the same as Freedom of speech. So by judging someone according to how they dress is like cutting a writer's fingers. Like a wingless bird trapped in a cage with no roof. Through my valid arguments and witty perspective, I absolutely believe Toxic Masculinity should be eradicated. An imitator that has long been associated with gender role, it must both be hard to remove and differentiate with. A parasite slowly poisoning the society's standards and prevents the community from becoming a free and prosperous one that serves as a beacon of hope for true gender equality. A stigma, a pandemic, a fungi, easy to spread, but hard to destroy. We have yet to beat it, but I believe that as wise people that only strives for love, passion, and caring, we would eventually overcome this obstacle as a 7-billion global force.
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warmshawarma · 4 years
How to be a consistent Honor student?
Which matters the most: Honorable Medal or Fulfilled Knowledge
Medals, certificates, and trophies. These things had been the inspiration for most of us to strive harder because getting this resemblances success and triumph and it also represents the result we've been working for all year round. Many dreams to get these things but doesn't exert enough effort to meet the expectations. Too much negativity. Let's focus on the brighter side. Some works hard and exerts enough or sometimes, more than enough effort to meet the line. Well, the hardwork was paid well. The reward they get benefits for a thousand uses. They can show it off, they can display it, or maybe even sell it. It's up to the receiver. Working your ass off sounds so good, right? Maybe this time, you have been irking to know, "How do I get one?" Simple. Be an Honor Student.
"Many wants the product but only few are willing to pay the price." Some people wanted to have all these shining gold medals, those towering trophies, and the splendid cerificates. Having one earns you not only the prize but also the respect of your colleagues. As a student, I've also worked hard in order to bring my family my own medal: a medal that will make myself and my parents proud, a medal that will whisper the success of my blood, sweat, and tears. It's hard, considering all the challenges and obstacles you will face to get that medal but believe me, it's worth the wait. All the scorching trials, endless nights and lesson archives: it will congratulate you with the gold you have earned.
I'm here to help students like me that also dreams to be an honor student but lacks the dedication to do so. Let's start by:
•Prioritizing the most important things in your life. It was like a bucketlist. Go arrange the important things in your life then put the most important thing for you. Is it discipleship, family, or education? In this sense, you get to use your time efficiently with the most important ones. Not on just those slumpy gadgets that hacks your brain and isolates you as if you are moved a thousand feet away.
•Make a planner. If you are doing something important do you just print random things then start making it your own way??? No. You don't. If you do it otherwise, you are a complete idiot. It's better to have a planner to macimize your time and it also gives you a reminder and deadline to make your well done and time bound project to be passed right away.
•Limit yourself into using gadgets. As a teen myself, it's so hard to put my phone out of my face. Because social media apps had been the energizer of my night. But when I really need to finish something I'll put my phone away and cram as hard as I can. One thing that I have learned and is very helping in finishing your tasks is shutting your phone down. Because shutting it down prevents the phone to vibrate or notify in a persuasive way that will make you click that luttle button and surf the social media platform for several hours.
•Avoid procrastinating. One thing that I really hate about myself is Mañana habit. It's also connected to procrastination. I'll say for example, "ugh, so many work to do, I'll just do it later." Then of course, the work will be left unfinished. I will do it the night before the deadline. Almost everyone does that. If your procrastinating inner self began to invade your brain, start thinking about how wonderful it is, passing your project on time with no one else finished other than you. It makes me proud everytime I get to pass earlier than anybody because it shows that I am independent and I am industrious. I don't wait for the deadline. Because the deadline waits for me. I might sound like a nerd or 'pabibo' but why bother listen to them when you have good grades, right??
•Pick your circle of fruends and avoid those people who tend to not care about their studies. Ofcourse, peers have a huge impact in your studies. They will influence you because you are their friend. But don't listen to them. Instead, influence them in a good way. Not in taking marijuana but in studying hard. Because it feels a relief changing a person for a better future and that change is caused by your sole influence. One day that person will thank you for changing his life for good.
•Lastly, but most importantly. DON'T JUST DREAM. BELIEVE. Teens nowadays are like, "omg I want to be a nurse." But doesn't even care for her teacher teaching the respiratory system. All this tips to be an honor student, even if you follow all of them but you dont have what they call passion and dedication, it will go into nothing. Then what are you working for? Some replaceable things? Remember, the taste of success is sweeter with perseverance and fighting through the darkness.
All this tips. I've followed them for 10 years in my education. It still works everytime. Since Kindergarten, I, myself, have been a consistent honor student in a leading section. I shated all of the to you because I want to help other people gain their own medals. Not the medal of materialism but the medal of dignity, proudness and hardwork. Students niwadays are blinded by the prize. Many sees being an honor student just for medal and certificates but little did they know that the essence of being an honor student is learning. Learning what you have learned and sharing what you could. If you aren't working for the knowledge. Then what? For those affordable and used medals??? That will soon rust and will be crippled by the course of time? Irreplaceable is wisdom. Whatever you do, to know what's the sense of it, just ask if you learn anything about it. Even if you're not an honor student, but you have well done works and you have learned so much in a school year. You are worth more than a medal and maybe an honor student.
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warmshawarma · 4 years
Hurry, that's NCoV's fury!
The latest virus; NCoV 2019 already struck thousands of people. Victims of this viral infection experienced unbearable pain and had lead people to a panic attack in the society that caused severe inflation among the prices of the masks. Virus, as one of the enemies of humanity, resurfaces again after every century since 1620. Nobody knows if it is a curse or just a mere coincidence. 2020's headstart truly deserves an Oscar for being very unpredictable. At the end of the day, the only thing we can say is "whew, what a ride." And just go on, pretending to be an unretarded student cramming for a project that's due tomorrow (sounds a lot like me lol). For some people, virus is just a pathogen, trying to hack a living human being. Virus sounds like an evil villain, isn't it????? Well, just like every other comic book you read, after encountering the villain, there's more of that, not just a mere villain but a SUPER VILLAIN. We're just quite unsure what or WHO it is.
Amidst all the controversies and backlash the government is trying to dodge. I, myself, proves to be satisfied with the government of the Philippines' actions regarding the outbreak. The youth, voicing out their opinions shows impulsive and unsure behavior and creates a demonstration effect. If only Rizal was here and alive. He would be ashamed for these young Filipinos dreams to be a role model for future generations but fail to follow the current generation of teachers and true 'inang bayan'-servants. The actions on the other hand proves to be successful and effective. As a neighboring country of China. It's a surprise why the virus hasn't spread aggressively. It might be lurking around the corner but so far, the precautions and safety measures put by us, filipinos results in an amazing fruit. The government and people works well with each other and only 3 cases are confirmed here in the Philippines. All of them are inevitable because they are foreigners and not native to our own country. Evolving preparedness is one of the main actions the government had implemented. It helps building the capacity of detecting cases and will further help more to treat people with the illness before it's too late. The 'contaminated-apocalypse' now wreaks havoc across Europe and America with hundreds of victims and under investigation but with the actions of WHO. The virus will be crushed hopefully soon.
So, the real question is, if it's not the government, who's the other villain????? It's us, we, people had taken advantage of the situation and scared people to buy masks. It's an airborne disease. Mere masks will not protect you but rather lessen the probability of you having the sickness. Panic attacks caused by us had hurt many people. Constant backlashing to the government doing their best. I wish you knew how it feels like to be in their place. After all, sympathy is what it takes. So the conclusion here is Virus never became the enemy. Living is a competition. And only the fittest wins. It's just either the Humans won or the Virus spread. Both are bad and hungry for reproduction and dominance among the surface of the earth. With my stand, having sturdy and sharp weapons. We agree on the government's course of actions through the virus outbreak and is satisfied with the implementations.
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warmshawarma · 4 years
Wear Your Heart Out
For countless centuries, fashion played a crucial role in our society. It had contributed a lot in the economy. And continue to impress the global infantry. It's easy to say styling is easy. You'll just pick a random pair of clothes and dress and KABOOM the style now represents you. But oh wait, is that the real you???? No, it's not. For me, it's still a wonder how people could wear their hearts out. How they can show their true colors without a hint of fear in their eyes that they might be judged. Nonetheless, we live in a judgmental world anyways. No one survives the judgments. The only thing you can do is ignore them. They're just gonna disappear anytime. Like an insecure wind, trying to bend you down not knowing your roots are nourished with beauty and sturdiness. They say fashion is just a showoff. But there's more of that FA-TION. Alertness and enthusiasticness is needed because everyone proves to be strong in order to rise and not stepped down by the big models with FAST-ACTION.
You could say I have a bad taste in fashion. I know that. My family knows that. Even my friends know that. The scorching stares my body begets whenever I style myself to my desired style is unbearable. My self esteem slowly fades away in the river of confidence. But, I've always known how to live that life in this world. I've always chose to be myself and to be comfortable, rather than oppressed and forced. I've always see myself as a beautiful human being without any insecurities for my heart are the clothes I wear. Judge me all they can but the fire of my confidence proves to be unfazed against there cold observations to my beloved style.
I just want to share that you can be what you want. So be it. Just stop when you are stepping others people's ego. Because fashion is something that doesn't meant to be shown off. it's something the world lacks off. The freedom. The freedom to choose your color, your style based on your sole personality. I swear humans are turning into robots. Robots that cant move because of all the armors covering them. Im saying that dress all you want because dressing according to their will proves nothing. They're gonna judge you anyways. They're judge everyone else anyways. So I'm saying, if you aren't good in expressing your feelings, fashion is a great platform to express. If you aren't allowed to do something, fashion is a great desk to express. If you aren't allowed to show your true colors, fashion is a great paper to express. Just express yourself and be brave with all the judgments. Because there's nothing that can make you feel found and loved except wearing your heart out.
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