waterbearertwins · 6 years
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Mune x Glim
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waterbearertwins · 6 years
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Soleil / Lune
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waterbearertwins · 6 years
Happy National Coming Out of Your Cage Day
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waterbearertwins · 6 years
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waterbearertwins · 6 years
This has an extra cool vibe when your name is Star
The Girl Made of Starlight
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The Girl Made of Starlight
Beast!Adam x Reader
Prompt: What do you think of an imagine where the reader is Adam’s favorite character in a book, who he asks to see in the mirror at least once a day, slowly falling in love with her?
Note: Aaaaaaaah! <3 C U T E
Edit: I think I’m going to make this into a series? Someone please give me feedback? Thanks!
“It’s getting late, my little prince.” The kind queen chided her son as he sat upright in the bed. “I’m afraid it’s time for you to sleep now.”
“One more story! Please!” The young boy begged eagerly. After thinking for a long moment, the queen met the prince’s gaze. His eyes were sweet and blue, full on innocence. She sighed.
“All right, one more. And then, you must sleep. You have a big day ahead, you know.” Her smile was soft as she searched the small shelf in Adam’s room. What was there here that she hadn’t read to him yet? And then she found it.
It was an old book. One she hadn’t laid eyes on since she was at least a teenager. It had been a favorite of hers. The Girl Made of Starlight.
“Here’s one.” The queen sat down in the chair beside Adam’s bed. “I haven’t seen this book in a very long time.”
“Where was it?”
“Hiding, I suppose. Waiting for the right moment to make itself known. But nevertheless, the sooner we finish, the sooner you’ll be asleep.” She took a breath and opened the front cover. “Once, in the Kingdom of the Sun, there was a girl. To everyone around her, she appeared ordinary, boring and quaint. And as she grew up surrounded people who thought of her as nothing but standard, she began to believe that ordinary was all she ever was, all she could ever be. But that was not the case.”
“What was she?” Adam practically bounced with enthusiasm.
“Eager tonight, are we?” the queen smiled. “(Y/N) was truly more than just the daughter of the miller. She was a child of the stars.”
After reading a large portion of the book, the queen decided that it was getting far too late for her little prince to be awake given the events waiting for him the following day. So, despite his many, many protests, the queen placed a bookmark in her treasured favorite and put it on the shelf for another night.
But the queen never got to finish her story.
She soon fell to illness and became too sick to read. Soon after, she was gone. And as the kingdom grieved, the king became twisted. Her death was the end of him. And so was it the end of the Adam that was hopeful, the Adam that was kind.
Years later, when Adam had reached adulthood, came the curse that twisted him into an enormous, fearsome beast. The story of the star girl was long-forgotten. Adam spent years in isolation, wallowing in his misery. His selfishness had done this, his vanity. He had taken so much pride in his looks, in the beauty of the things he owned, and now that it was gone, he felt as though he had nothing.
As time passed, Adam ventured from his West Wing more and more. He didn’t want to gaze upon the cursed rose any more than he had to. It was only a reminder of his mistakes, of the grim deadline that hung over his head. The library became a refuge, a place where he could escape. The book the Enchantress had given him sat idle on his shelf, and instead, he found a home in literature. As he searched the shelf, something fell and hit the floor with a soft thud. He looked down, and there it was: The Girl Made of Starlight.
Adam slowly bent down and picked up the book with his massive paws. He brushed off the cover, and his blue eyes widened. Thoughts of his mother came rushing back to the surface. He was tempted to put the book back, to forget he had ever found it, but instead, he carried it over to the couch and began to read it.
Inside the pages of the book waited the story of (Y/N), the miller’s daughter, who was just about to discover she was not as normal as she had been raised to believe.
~Losing her mother had changed (Y/N). Every day, the glimmering star that hung around her neck only served as a reminder of the magnificent woman that had left her daughter behind. Her mother’s words were ingrained in her mind. With her last dying breaths, she had put the necklace around (Y/N)’s neck.
“Remember that there is light in everybody.” Her lips pulled into a frail smile as her husband and daughter sat beside her in tears. “And there is light in you. You don’t know it yet, but you will. No matter where you go, no matter how far you travel, I will always be with you.”
Iridessa squeezed (Y/N)’s hand as the life in her began to fade.
“You are a child of the stars. A beautiful girl with more power than you know.” She pressed a finger to the center of her chest and whispered a final goodbye as the life left her eyes. “I believe in you.”~
Adam took a deep breath and adjusted himself on the soft couch that sat beside the hearth. He had a feeling he would be there for a while.
Over the course of the week Adam had read the book at least twice a day, only taking brief breaks for meals and sleep. He was a man obsessed. He didn’t know why, but of all of the books in the library, this one had captured his attention better than anything he had ever read.
After finishing it for the tenth time, a strange idea occurred to him as he brushed past the enchanted rose that had doomed him to this fate, the wretched timer, an eternal reminder that his day was coming. Then, he would be stuck like this forever. Beside the rose sat the Enchantress’ mirror. The moment his eyes settled on it, he reached out for it.
He took a deep breath. This was stupid. This was a dumb idea. It would never work.
But what if?
“Show me…show me the girl made of starlight.”  
The surface of the mirror rippled, and then there she was, just as the book had described. Her hair had flooded with white, and her silver eyes shone like stars. Her cloak of the sky was wrapped around her shoulders, and the necklace her mother had given her hung around her neck.
She was running. From what, he didn’t know, but at the sight of her, after watching her and realizing she was real…or at least, she was real somewhere, he almost dropped the mirror. He took a long, labored breath. She was real. She was actually real. And she needed help.
Days passed. Adam tried not to watch her too often, but it was hard not to. She was real. She existed, and he couldn’t shake the feeling that there was someone or something after her. She always seemed to be rushed. She had quick meals in little taverns, and took cautious sleeps at haphazard inns. She carried very little and showed her face to very few, most often keeping hidden in her large cloak of the sky.
With her, she kept very few things. Aside from her cloak and necklace, all she had with her was a map, a worn leather book of stories, and a pouch of coins. There was something about the book with her. Adam knew it was important to her, but he didn’t know why.
Perhaps it was why someone was chasing her.
Again, I kind of want to do a series on this, so feedback would be awesome. I love you guys <3 
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waterbearertwins · 6 years
The Signs As Shit My Friend Scott Said
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Part 2
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waterbearertwins · 6 years
Heat index was 110 degrees so we offered him a cold drink. He went for a full body soak instead
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waterbearertwins · 6 years
   I want to see you. Not just for a day or a weekend. I want to see you everyday. I want to wake up to your sleeping face and think about how lucky I am to have met you. I want to see you get ready to leave for work and listen to you telling me how you wish you could stay. I want to see your smile when you return home to me and see me waiting for you so impatiently.
   I want to hear your voice everyday. I want you to tell me things no other ear has heard before. I want to hear your small breaths as you sleep and hear you dreaming. I want to hear you tell me you love me whenever you see me. Whenever I am sad or insecure or happy or just content with life, I want to hear those three words that make me melt every single time. I want to hear you walk through the door and tell me you're home and hear about your day.
   I want to feel you touching me. I want to feel your arms wrapped around me so tightly that it feels like you'll never see me again. I want to feel your lips brush against mine as much as possible. I want to feel your hands touching my body. I want to feel your love more than I have ever felt love before. I want to feel you lay next to me in bed and cuddle close to me. I want to feel your lips kiss my forehead as I lay against your strong chest.
   What I want more than anything is you. Your emotions, your aura, your love. I want your laughter and your conversation. I want my future with you and only you. I want you.
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waterbearertwins · 6 years
My Love For You
   My love for you is more than I could have ever imagined. When we met you were just someone who I thought would be for a season or even just a month. I felt like you could never love me for me. Even though the love I felt for you was more powerful than any wave in my life previously.
   My love for you has grown stronger. It's grown quickly and I feel it course through my every vein. Your smile, your scent, the dumb jokes you make, the way you look at me, this all adds up to make me need you forever. I feel this deep in my heart as we talk about nothing and everything all at once.
   My love for you is beautiful, yet fearful. I fear you will find one better than I. I fear your love will run drier than the desert while mine still flows like a raging river in spring. I fear your sweet words are lies and your actions are false. But even with all of these possibilities, I love you. That's that. And I will always love you. Forever and always.
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waterbearertwins · 6 years
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indigo moon
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waterbearertwins · 6 years
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🐢| ig: aquamike23
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waterbearertwins · 6 years
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waterbearertwins · 6 years
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I love the moon
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waterbearertwins · 6 years
“Maybe that’s worse, not letting ourselves be loved. Because we’re too afraid of giving ourselves to someone we might lose.”
Mitch Albom
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waterbearertwins · 6 years
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Requested! Gryffindor + Spring + music + Waterparks Mood Board
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waterbearertwins · 6 years
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Screen - Twenty One Pilots
Have you guys heard the news? Apparently tøp are expected to return between today and Friday
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waterbearertwins · 6 years
“I dreamt about you nearly every night this week.”
— Arctic Monkeys, Do I Wanna Know?
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