we-are-the-apeiron · 1 year
Watch "That'll teach ya" on YouTube
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we-are-the-apeiron · 2 years
This is not all the wands i have ever carved but it is my current lot, that i had carved by hand. All my lathe turned wands had sold, were given away, lost, or broken over the years. And a lot of my hearlier hand carved wands were sold. This is what rwmains.
Here you can see the varieties in my designs. I can do traditional, organic pieces, but i favor semtrical 'Handle & Blade' contemporary pieces. I'll post each one individually over the next two weeks. Two a day. Just feels like a good commitment for me, two a day and eventually more content in the future.
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we-are-the-apeiron · 2 years
I ahould also point out, i am a FORMER HP fan. This will be the only time this is mentioned here. I don't agree with JK's opinions. They are a terf so i no longer support that franchise. My wands having nothing to do with her franchise, yes at one point i started making them so i could have one like in the movies, but i have always had a love for symbol and tool that is the magic wand. Tv magicians were where i first saw one, i always loved magic sets more when they had a wand. I'm also a drummer so i like twirling sticks an what not. I still make my wands with handles because theyre have been so many other represnetations of that modern contemporary style of wand and i don't believe that a single franchise can claim a tool that has been in literature and folklore for centuries.... so please don't come here with love for HP, we are done with that. I give respect to the prop people that made a much cooler looking wand than what the terf had in mind(they would literally be sticks if she had her way)
I don't make character wands, if you want that i know some independant wand makers making replica's underground, but we don't them to get sued so keep it on the down low.
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we-are-the-apeiron · 2 years
Just a few of the wands i like the most. I've been carving for around 17-18 years. Not consistently or i'd be a lot better. I do all my work by hand from wood i either find out in the wild or that i but from a craft store or lumber warehouse. Three wands here were made from drumsticks, two from dowels i bought from joanne's fabrics, the rest are from a cherry tree in my dad's backyard.
More to be posted soon.
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we-are-the-apeiron · 2 years
Also everything before these two post is trash, don't go further. I wasn't okay way back then, i'm a much better now.
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we-are-the-apeiron · 2 years
We are back. And probably staying here because the rest of the internet is a real drag. All i'm going to post is the wands i make. Not gonna re-share, might post other content created by me. I can draw on my phone now so we'll see if anything neat comes of that.
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we-are-the-apeiron · 5 years
I have clawed my way to okay and it will just have to do for now.
Rachel Wiley, from Nothing is Okay (via buttonpoetry)
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we-are-the-apeiron · 6 years
wow … she said/did that
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we-are-the-apeiron · 6 years
do you ever have like a breakdown but your logical brain is still active just thinking “ok this is annoying can we wrap this up so we can go back to bottling these feelings and like going to work or whatever” lol
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we-are-the-apeiron · 6 years
The reason I stay up late is because I don’t want my free time to end and tomorrow to start
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we-are-the-apeiron · 6 years
“Remember that the best relationship is one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other.”
— The Dalai Lama
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we-are-the-apeiron · 6 years
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Independent Comic Wallpapers
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we-are-the-apeiron · 6 years
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we-are-the-apeiron · 6 years
i always thought of a king sized bed as being a bit bigger than a queen, but now that i have one, i can tell you that a king sized bed is an absurdity. i can sprawl out, and my husband can sprawl out, and the cat can sprawl out, and none of us are touching. i reach out in the night, and find only pillows and plush walruses. i reach further and eventually find his elbow. he rolls over the comforters to try and find me. “i have crossed oceans of bed to be with you,” he says. there is a vast expanse of bed untouched, unmapped, unexplored. the cat is still trying to sleep on my face.
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we-are-the-apeiron · 6 years
*scrolls far back into my blog* oh yes…i was suffering quite vigorously here
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we-are-the-apeiron · 6 years
No one was patient. All the people that i see sharing these things are hypocrites. I've made progress over the years but it's been verry slow and sometimes i relapse to old behaviors. The only person that has been supportive and unxerstanding is my primary partner whom i love and care for more than anyone on this planet. As far as i'm concern from this day forward, it doesn't matter who is patient. I'm working on this for me, no one else.
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we-are-the-apeiron · 6 years
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‘We’ve always been equals. Love makes people so…’
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