It may seem like I'm just a third wheel here, but i promise you guys im writing something (or, atleast copy/pasting it from my inactive acct) - Sen
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DAMN YOU ZOE YOU SCARED ME (But A+ on the angst 👌) - sen
Memories (spencer smith x reader)
Pairing: Spencer Smith x reader
Warnings: oh god.. angst, death, crying, um?? pain???
Prompt/request: none
Reminders: Y/n - your name
A/n: honestly guys im ready to have 26 stab wounds but read until the end,, i promise it's worth it. also i cannot stress enough how sorry i am
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Spencer had taken you to a cute little Italian diner. He had refused to take his car from your house to the diner, claiming it was faster to walk. He loved taking you out on dates, even after a year of being together. He brought you to a booth next to a window and sat down. You seated yourself across from him, watching as he fixed the collar of his white button down shirt.
“So,” you started, “what brought on this little spur of the moment treat?”
Spencer shrugged and reached over to mess with the sleeve of your dark red sweater.
“I don't know, I haven't seen you in like a week and.. not to be a sap, but I wanted to do something romantic for you.”
You smiled at the confession and intertwined your fingers with his.
“Well, I happen to like sappy Spencer, so this might be working out in your favor,” you reassured. Spencer raised his eyebrows as a smile of his own took over his features.
“Ah, who knew?” he joked.
Soon enough, the waiter strolled up to the table to take your orders. The two of you laughed, talked, ate, and reminisced about distant childhood memories. After you had both finished eating, Spencer paid and stood up. The two of you walked hand in hand into the cold, evening air. Spencer's hands were always warm, you noticed. You shivered gently in the breeze and Spencer draped his arm over your shoulders.
“You're amazing,” you muttered, glancing up to look at the piercing blue eyes you loved so much. Spencer smiled and met your gaze, tucking a lock of hair behind your ear.
“I love you so much,” he whispered into your ear.
“I love you too.”
You arrived at your own house and you turned around to face him.
“Please stay over,” you whined. “We can watch cheesy movies and stay up until three in the morning.”
[a/n: which is what time it is right now, hi future editing zoe]
Spencer shook his head and took both of your hands in his own.
“I wish I could, love,” he stated with disappointment, “but I still have to do some recording before tomorrow.”
You nodded and glanced down at his hands with a sigh.
“I will see you tomorrow though, right?” you asked, turning your gaze up to his eyes.
“Of course you will. Give me a kiss before I leave,” he said with a smile. You let go of his hands and brought your fingers up to trace along Spencer's cheeks before leaning in. His lips met yours in a sweet kiss, his arms wrapping protectively around your waist and pulling you closer to him. He pulled away after a moment and rested his forehead against yours with a smile.
“Hey, call me when you get home,” you ordered. “It's dark, and the roads are icy, and you're way too cute to get in a car wreck.” Spencer chuckled softly and pressed a short kiss to your lips.
“I will. I'll see you tomorrow.”
He let go of your waist and you let go of him. He walked back to his car, flashing you a smile, and got in. You watched him drive away and waited until you couldn't see his taillights to enter your house. You sighed softly and trudged up to your room, kicking off your shoes and immediately flopping onto the bed. You didn't realize how tired you were until your back hit the mattress. You were out like a light in almost no time at all.
[a/n: seriously guys im literally so sorry,, please kill me quickly and painlessly]
You woke up on your own, the light filtering in from the window. You yawned and sat up, pulling your phone into your hands. The screen lit up to inform you that nothing had happened. No texts, no calls, no messages.. nothing. You furrowed your brows and opened your phone with confusion. Spencer said he would call when he got home. Here you were, eight hours later, and he hadn't called. Maybe he just forgot.
You shook the thoughts out of your head and clicked on your contact. It rang a few times before you heard Spencer's voicemail.
“Hey, Spence,” you started. “You uh, you didn't call. I hope you're okay.” You hung up and shook your head. You couldn't focus on this. You had to get ready for the day.
You changed into a pair of skinny jeans and a black sweater. You brushed through your hair and walked into the bathroom. Still no messages. You called him again.
Ring.. ring.. ring.. and back to voicemail. You shook your head.
“Hey, it's me. I guess you're still not awake yet. Call me back.”
You sighed and continued your morning routine before making your way into the kitchen for something to eat. Still nothing. One more time, you thought.
The ringing was like a bomb ticking in the back of your mind. Spencer's voicemail was the countdown.
“Hey, it's me still. Are you okay? Call me back. I know you're a heavy sleeper, but damn.”
You put your phone down and made breakfast for yourself. You ate in silence, your thoughts consuming you from the inside. The noise of your phone ringing made you jump almost out of your skin. You picked up your phone. It was Brendon. You furrowed your eyebrows and answered the call.
“Hey, what's..”
He sniffed on the other line. And then he sobbed.
“Brendon, talk to me, man. What's wrong?”
The male took in a deep breath and released it shakily.
“It's Spencer,” he replied weakly. “He's not doing too hot.”
You heard the bomb explode in the back of your mind. You blinked. Surely you heard him wrong.
“What about Spencer? What happened?” you asked, your chest tightening in fear.
“He.. he got in a car wreck last night.”
Your world came crashing down around you. Brendon continued.
“We've been here at the hospital all night- me and Dallon. The doctors kept telling us he'd get better, but I don't think he's gonna make it.” His voice broke at the end and your heart broke with it.
“Please promise me you won't come down here, Y/n, because I know it'll just make you more upset. Please don't come until we say it's okay, just please-”
You weren't listening. You couldn't hear him over the sound of your heart racing. The bitter taste of adrenaline filled your senses. You hung up on Brendon and ran out the door as fast as your legs would carry you. You drove to the hospital closest to Spencer's house, knowing that was probably where they were. You walked up to the receptionist and asked for the number of the room your boyfriend was in.
The elevators could not have moved more slowly. You got to the floor Spencer was on and all but ran through the hallway, trying to find the number the receptionist gave you. You felt like your feet weren't even touching the ground. You pushed your way into Spencer's room and you were immediately greeted by the sight of Brendon and Dallon clutching each other and sobbing. You walked further into the room until you saw Spencer laying on the white hospital bed. He looked so still and lifeless. You would've hoped never to see him so frozen. You turned to the two musicians in the room. Brendon had his face buried in Dallon's shirt. You turned your gaze up to Dallon's face, searching for any sign of reassurance. Dallon met your eyes with his bloodshot ones and shook his head slowly, a drained expression on his face.
This couldn't be happening. You felt your eyes burn and you turned around to face Spencer. Warm tears slipped down your cheeks as you walked over to the bed. You slipped your hand into his. He was ice cold to the touch. You remembered vividly not twelve hours ago how warm his hands had been. They always were. His warm hands were now freezing. His joyful expression was still and emotionless. His rosy lips were pale.
Your heart stopped beating and your vision flooded with tears. This couldn't be real.
“They announced his death ten minutes ago,” Dallon stated, his voice low and dry, “but they think he's been gone for the past hour.” You nodded, your gaze still cast to Spencer's figure.
“I told you not to come,” Brendon pointed out.
You couldn't take it anymore. You took a knee beside Spencer's bed and fell hopelessly apart. So many memories were flying through your head. So many emotions. It all made you feel like you were suffocating. You almost didn't realize when the other musicians came to either side of you protectively. Every memory was being replaced with the present. Spencer's cold hand still in your shaking hand. The two helped you stand up and Dallon wrapped his fingers around your wrist.
“I know it hurts,” he said sympathetically, “but you have to let go.” You sobbed silently and let go of his hand, watching it drop to his side. You turned and latched on to Dallon, burying your face in his chest. He hugged you tightly and rested his chin on your head.
It was all too much. You were drowning in your thoughts.
Oh memories, where'd you go? You were all I've ever known. How I miss yesterday, and how I let it fade away. Don't fade away.
[a/n: it's 4:20 am ayy im so mature :)) and good god this fic is long]
You jolted awake, tears streaming down your face. You felt like you could scream. Your husband of three years sat up after you, his eyes wide with concern. You scanned the room frantically until your eyes landed on him. You practically jumped into his arms and sobbed into his shirt.
“Hey, woah.. it's okay. I'm here,” Spencer cooed, stroking your back gently. He pressed a few comforting kisses to the side of your head.
“Was it the crash again?” he asked. You nodded and let out another sob. He hummed sympathetically and held you in his arms. His warm hand made contact with your arm and you sniffed softly. You had almost lost that feeling.
“I'm right here,” Spencer continued. You pulled back to look at his face, your fingertips grazing over his cheeks.
“I thought I lost you,” you whispered. The room and Spencer's movements grounded you to reality. You pressed your lips against his and he wrapped his arms around your waist. You pulled away after a moment and rested your forehead against his.
“You didn't lose me. I'm right here.”
And you believed him. For the first time in what felt like forever, you felt safe. Maybe everything would be okay.
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you: *posts pics with ur fave band*
me: You're doing amazing,,, sweetie
the other day i showed my mum the picture of Jo and me we took before the concert.
Mum: oh, look at you! you’d be such an adorable couple!
I mean, thanks for the support of the unhealthy(?) obsession i have with theses men, but wrong brother…
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left to right, me with, fabi, jo and mäx. yes, i have blue hair
the other day i showed my mum the picture of Jo and me we took before the concert.
Mum: oh, look at you! you’d be such an adorable couple!
I mean, thanks for the support of the unhealthy(?) obsession i have with theses men, but wrong brother…
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Your Writers as Classic Authors
Trish: Charles Dickens
Zoe: recently, Edgar Allen Poe
Sen: Victor Hugo
(no, i do not take criticism)
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anybody else in the club feeling this one
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This thread is the purest form of girls having girls backs.
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prompt two for the angst list please! (desolation row gerard)
hi!! sorry it took me so long. here it is!! I hope you enjoy it, I had a lot of fun with it  - zoe <3
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Meeting The Parents (Gerard Way x reader)
Request: “prompt two for the angst list please! (desolation row gerard)”
Prompt: “If you make one more pop culture reference I will skin you.”
Summary: Y/n's parents are coming over for dinner and meeting Gerard for the first time, Y/n is freaking out and Gerard calms them down
Author: Zoe
Reader: I tried to make the reader gender neutral, let me know if there are any slip ups
Word count: great question
A/n: Trish has like 64 requests on her own individual account, so she's not taking mcr (possibly emo trinity, but don't quote me on that) requests on this account. Therefore, mcr (maybe emo trinity, trish please correct me) will be my forte on here! You're stuck with me, guys, I'm sorry
(That was a joke)
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“Where are the fancy plates?”
Gerard strolled into the kitchen. Your eyes were glued to the empty cabinet in front of you.
“What fancy plates?” he asked.
“Y'know, the ones with the little roses on them. Where are they? They're not in here.”
“Really?” Gerard teased. “Maybe if you look a little harder, they'll appear. Maybe it's some sort of Neverland magic. Just believe..”
You sighed heavily and turned to face him.
“Gerard, I swear, if you don't-”
“-Relax, Doll,” he interrupted. “They're on the table.”
You stared at him blankly before walking past him to the table. Gerard followed you and leaned over the back of one of the chairs.
The truth was that you were incredibly nervous. You and Gerard had been dating for about three months and it was finally time for him to meet your parents. They were coming over for dinner and you were not prepared emotionally.
Gerard watched you fuss over the table decorations for a few moments before chiming in.
“Y'know, if you put that candle next to that one, all of this would kinda look like Aslan.”
“Gerard. Not helpful.”
“My bad.”
“Where are the knives? They were just here.”
You started frantically looking for the knives you had misplaced.
“No, I'm serious, they were right there on the-”
You looked up at him and watched him point to your hand where, lo and behold, you were already holding the knives.
Gerard shook his head, his black hair falling in front of his eyes. He straightened up and walked over to you, taking the knives out of her hand and putting them on the table. He slipped his own hands into yours.
“What's going on?” he asked.
“Nothing's going on,” you defended. “I'm just trying to get everything ready.”
“I don't wanna hear it, Y/n. I haven't seen you this nervous since our first date. What's really going on?”
You sighed, bringing your gaze to the floor.
“I'm just.. I don't know. This is the first time my parents are gonna see you. I don't want them to hate you, you know?” you answered, your gaze still on the ground. Gerard was silent and his jaw clenched.
“Are you embarrassed that I'm your boyfriend?” he asked quietly. Your head snapped up to meet his gaze.
“What? No. God no. I love you so much and I want them to love you too. My dad lived under a rock for most of his life and my mom is convinced that all singers are bad influences.”
Gerard chuckled softly. “What's your dad's name? Patrick Star?” he joked.
“A metaphorical rock, you dork,” you retorted. You tried to act annoyed, but the smile on your face gave you away. Gerard returned the smile, happy you were no longer freaking out as badly as you had been before.
“I'll tell you what,” Gerard began, taking your hand and lacing his fingers together with yours. “Tonight, when your parents get here, I'll be the perfect gentleman. I'll take their coats, I'll serve drinks, I'll tell them how sweet and kind you are, I'll even call them sir and ma'am.”
You giggled at the thought of your emo icon boyfriend in his leather jacket and ripped smashing pumpkins shirt and black skinny jeans calling someone “sir.”
“Okay,” you agreed. “That would be amazing.” Gerard pressed a soft kiss to your lips which you gladly turned. He let go of your hands as there was a knock at the door. He walked over to open it.
“Wait, one more thing,” you sighed, turning around to face him at the door. He raised his eyebrows at you.
“If you make one more pop culture reference, I will skin you.”
Gerard laughed at the unexpected threat and nodded.
“I'll do my best.”
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Oooh this is the cutest! 💕 Mind posting that pic of u and jo? - hale
the other day i showed my mum the picture of Jo and me we took before the concert.
Mum: oh, look at you! you’d be such an adorable couple!
I mean, thanks for the support of the unhealthy(?) obsession i have with theses men, but wrong brother…
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Hi, so i saw you write for supernatural and it's my favorite show. could you write one where the reader is dean winchester's daughter and she and jack are bestfriends? That would be super cool 💜
Hi :) Sorry for the delay, it’s been online for a few days, but i just remembered that i maybe should answer your ask as well! I hope you enjoy this one; i haven’t written for Jack before, but i love him very much, so even if this is probably a little ooc, i hope you like it.
xo Trish
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Pancake Night - Jack Kline & Reader
Request: Hi, so i saw you write for supernatural and it's my favorite show. could you write one where the reader is dean winchester's daughter and she and jack are bestfriends? That would be super cool 💜
Summary: Jack wakes the reader up in the middle of the night to make pancakes
Author: Trish
Reader: female
Word count: 1 162
A/N: I’ve never written Jack before, so this might be a little ooc, but i hope it's not too bad and you still enjoy it
Jack's eyes were round and full, as always when he was talking about something that excited him. And to him pancakes were really exciting. Sometimes you wondered if maybe something had gotten mixed up and it was actually Jack who was Dean's kid, and not you.
"Okay, why in the world would you want to make pancakes, at-" you glanced at the clock next to your bed, "three in the morning?"
"Because..." bopping up and down on his heels, Jack tried to think of a reasonable argument, "they're delicious?"
It was not unusual for Jack to come storming into your room at the weirdest times of day. The boy seriously had no idea what time meant for the human body. Maybe it was because he was literally two years old, even though he looked and behaved (most of the time) like a young adult. Maybe it was the fact that he was a Nephilim, the child of an angel (or rather the devil), and a human, and did not have to sleep. Or maybe it was because he just thought it was funny to irritate his best friend. Throwing your blanket to the side, you got up, making Jack grin even harder.
"Do we even have all the ingredients," you wondered, shooting him a glance as you slipped into a pair of fuzzy slippers to keep your feet warm on the cold floor of the bunker.
"Yes, we do, I made sure," Jack proudly announced, as he walked to the kitchen with you.
"What do you mean, you made sure?"
"I checked, just in time before the shops would close so that if we need anything, I could go and get it."
He was seriously proud of his organization skills.
"You had this planned?"
"I knew I would want to make pancakes sometime later," he explained, "I just didn't know when."
Smiling, you shook your head. Admittedly, you had been a little suspicious when your father and uncle had brought Jack home, explaining he was Lucifer's son, and would live with you from now on. But then again, you had seen weirder things happen in this family. So suddenly having a kind of half-brother who was a supernatural being probably wouldn't be the end of it.
Sometimes it startled you how naive Jack was, but he was always trying to be nice, even if it came across as blunt or impolite sometimes. Knowing that he was lacking a lot of experience, and knowing he was trying hard to be good, made it easier to understand the way he acted, and soon, you had gotten close to the boy.
Now you were standing in the kitchen, frying the pancakes, trying to explain to Jack why generally, it wasn't a very good idea to eat batter with raw egg. But Jack was, as always, unimpressed by your worries about his health.
"One day you'll get really sick from all that sweet stuff you're munching on, and then you'll see I was right," you rolled your eyes, making him laugh.
"If that day comes, I'll apologize" he shrugged, and dipped his finger into the batter again, the usual, happy smile on his face. He really was adorable when he was being stupid.
"I like that you said 'if' and not 'when'," you rolled your eyes but laughed, and flipped the pancake over, which was already a prefect golden brown.
Sometime later you sat at the table in the coldly tiled kitchen, munching on the still hot pancakes. You had tried to convince Jack that the only topping these pancakes needed were maple syrup, but he was very insistent on the vanilla ice cream with sprinkles on top. And if you were being honest, you enjoyed it too.
It did not matter that the hours ran past you, and even though you noticed that you started to get tired, you stayed seated at the kitchen table. The dirty plates, with the little left overs of molten vanilla ice cream and colourful stains from the sprinkles had been pushed aside.
Jack had made tea for both of you, so you were leaning back in your chair, your hands wrapped around the warm cup, while your feet rested in Jack's lap, who currently was discussing, very enthusiastically, the emotional advantages colourful socks, preferably even mismatched, had over uni-coloured sock.
You were about to mention how great mixing the socks was so you would not have to get sad over having lost one, and then being unable to wear the pair, when a man walked through the doorway.
"Morning," the grumpy voice of your father greeted you, "any waffles left?"
"We made pancakes, and no," you explained, taking a look at the clock over the door. Indeed it was already past seven am.
"What do you mean there are no pancakes left," Dean asked, and took a sad look at the long cold pan.
"We ate them," Jack declared with a happy smile, "they were really good! (Y/n) is brilliant at making pancakes!"
You tried not to laugh out loud at Dean's unhappy face, but he knew Jack just as well as you did, and knew he was not being mean.
"It's too early for me to handle this puppy," Dean groaned and turned to leave the kitchen. "I'll go back to bed."
"What puppy," Jack asked confused. You raised your eyebrows at him, but even without having to say anything, he understood. "Oh, I see, because I’m so young! But even a dog would not be a puppy anymore when it’s two years old..." Again confused he stared off into the distance.
"You know what? I think it's really time for me to go back to bed too," you eventually decided.
"Oh yes, because humans need sleep," Jack remembered, "I'll bring you to bed."
Smiling at him being so cute, you got up, and left the kitchen together.
"So what are you going to do now," you asked, as you reached your bed room.
"Oh, probably do some reading. Rowena recommended me some spell books," he explained, obviously already excited about this.
Maybe Dean was not so wrong with his description of Jack as a puppy; they had about the same attention span, and were both easily excited.
"Some light reading," you joked, already on your way over to your bed.
"Oh no, the book is quite heavy," Jack disagreed.
"Then be careful you don't drop it on your foot," you laughed and curled into your soft, but now cold blanket.
"I will. Sweet dreams!"
Jack gave you a smile, and turned off the lights in your room, before pulling the door almost completely closed; only leaving a small gap so the light from the hall way would fall into your room. Smiling about how innocently Jack had woken up in the middle of the night, just to make pancakes together, you closed your eyes, and had soon fallen asleep.
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Hello!! Could i have prompt two with desolation row gerard? Pls and thanks
hi anon!! you didn't specify which list you were choosing from
2 on the angsty list is
“If you make one more pop culture reference I will skin you.”
2 on the fluff list is
“Aww, you’re making me blush.” “That might just be the cold.”
I'm not sure which one you mean
- zoe
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Send me a character and i might write this -hale
Big feral monsters who get protective over their tiny human mates are my absolute favorite thing.
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Big feral monsters who get protective over their tiny human mates are my absolute favorite thing.
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zoe here reblogging this on this account
Dialogue Prompts
Courtesy of @baldristhesnaccthatsmilesbacc, thanks for thinking of these beauties
Angsty Prompts
“How did you get tied to my ceiling??”
“If you make one more pop culture reference I will skin you.”
“I will kiss you to death.” “That makes no sense but I welcome it.”
“Woah, okay, tone down the edge there, buddy.”
“Aww, you're adorable.” “You should fear me.” “Cute.”
“Are you writing fanfiction... about me?” “Maybe?”
“I don't understand. How are you so HAPPY all of the time?” “Because I get to see you..”
“Of course!! You have every single person in the town gawking over you and OF COURSE you want the ONLY one you can't get!”
“Tell me, how does EVERYONE like you!?” “Well, first of all, I don't threaten them with knives.”
“I didn't know you would be so upset-” “You just ignored me for 5 days straight, how could I NOT be upset!?!”
“Did you just ask me out with a meme?”
“Ah now look at this. THIS is a masterpiece.” “It's just a mirror-OH!”
“WHAT THE HELL?!” “Um... Happy Birthday..?”
“Wow, you're hot.” “Uh. what?” “Did I stutter?”
“You wanna try that again, Sweetheart?”
“You should be running from the real threat here.” “And what is that?” “Me.”
“Please just give me a chance! I can be better!” “But even then, you still wouldn't be good enough.”
“I'm not going to help you.” “Well that's too bad because you don't have a choice.”
“I know you better than you think.” “Prove it.”
“Why did you come here?” “To talk to you, of course.”
“Don’t ever save me again.” “Why not? I could’ve have just left you there!” “I deserve to die.... you and I both know that...”
“I will break you” “Oh, no, sweetheart. You can’t break what’s already broken.”
“Why won’t you just leave!?” “Because if I leave, you’ll die.”
“Why won’t you kill me..?” “Killing you was never my intention. Saving you was”
“I-I’m sorry-” “No you’re not. You never were.”
“Glad to see you here.” “Why...?” “Because I have some things I need to take care of.”
“I never thought it could get worse...” “Yet, here we are.”
“Do, tell me, how many times would you like to die?”
“You’re dying!” “Really? Because this is the first time I’ve felt alive”
“You just threw me away like I was nothing!” “Then you must have misheard. When I said you were one in a million, I didn’t mean you were special.”
“You’re going to get what you deserve.” “If you spent your time giving me what I deserved, we’d be here for an eternity.”
“B-But you’re dead! How can you be...” “Let’s just say, I was too stubborn to stop living.”
“If I wanted to kill you, I would’ve done it a long time ago.”
“I love you...” “You’ve made some bad decisions in your life, but by far that’s the worst one.”
“Why are you like this..?!” “Trust me, if I could change myself, I would be a completely different person.”
“How long have you been doing this?” “Long enough to not look like a failure at it.”
“Why would you choose to stay with me... of all people?” “I had some pity left for you.”
“We’re not so different.” “No, because the difference between us is that you’re sane.”
“How often do you do this?” “Often enough to be ashamed of it.”
“I miss our talks... why won’t you come back?” “I wish I could... I really do..” “Why don’t you, then?” “Because I want to keep you as far away from danger as possible.”
“Are you expecting some tragic backstory as to why I’m like this? Huh? You should know better. I chose to be this way. You should’ve have pity for that” “I have pity because I’m the one who let you make that choice.”
“Listen to me very, very carefully. You need to run, and don’t stop. Don’t stop until your feet bleed.”
Fluffy Prompts
“Please don’t ever leave me.” “Darling, nothing on Earth could ever tempt me to leave you.”
“Aww, you’re making me blush.” “That might just be the cold.”
“You ever just see someone you love so much and you can’t take your eyes off of them?” “Yep, and I’m looking at them right now.”
“Good morning” “No it’s not..” “Well, I can make it better.”
“Your hand is sweaty.” “Uhm.. is it really??”
“Well, I mean, I didn’t start dating you just so you could do my homework”
“No, I’m smelly.” “I don’t care, I want a kiss.”
“D-Did I just say that out loud..?” “Yes, and I’m so glad you did.”
“They have no idea what they’re talking about. You’re perfect just the way you are.”
“This is like a sappy romance novel.” “I don’t see anything wrong with that.”
“This kid is the best thing that’s ever happened to me and nobody can change my mind.”
“I love it when you talk all smart.” “It’s literally just Pythagorean Theorem.”
“Y’know, I know we’re trapped in here and all, but if I’m gonna be trapped with you, I’m not totally sure I want to be saved.”
“I wrote you a song, but I can’t sing, so just read it like a poem.”
“Why do you look so surprised?” “Because you haven’t rejected me yet.”
“There’s a reason I chose you.” “Because I can bake sugar cookies?” “Well... that’s one of them.”
“Is this a sundress?” “That’s an apron.” “Oh, well, you still look cute in it.”
“You’re soooo pretty~” “And you’re drunk.”
“Finally, someone gets my references!!”
“You look cute with your hair like that.” “You think so?”
“Sweetheart, I did the lovestruck fool thing all by myself.”
“Give me your best pickup line.” “Hey, are you a.. wait. No. Hold on I messed it all up-”
“Y’know, chapstick tastes best when it’s on your lips.”
“What do you want, a kiss on the cheek?” “That would be nice...”
“Say sksksk again and I will skskskin you.”
“C’mon, it’ll be fun.” “Sorry, I have morals.”
“Sorry I’m stuttering, you just took my breath away.”
“You really think I would leave you because of something like that?”
“You’re an idiot.” “Yeah, you think I’d know that by now.”
“Have you been crying?” “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Don’t look at me like that.”
“Well, I know you tried, but you still failed.”
“Are you trying to make me look stupid?” “I’m not trying, it’s just happening.”
“If you keep smiling so much your lip will keep bleeding.”
Alright cool so send some of these my way and add a person or character for me to write for and please specify from which list you're referencing!!
I can write for teens from Stranger Things, any addition of p!atd, iDKHOW, pretty much anyone from the MCU, all of the teens from DEH, and probably others that I can't think of right now
Send me an ask with a person or character and I'll tell you if I'm comfortable writing for them
I love all of you angels and I'll see you soon <3
Here's my masterlist
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At the Beach - Alec Hardy x Reader
Summary: During an afternoon stroll along the beach you meet your boss Alec Hardy Author: Trish Word count: 1 290
The salty wind blew in your face, and carried the tiniest droplets of water to your skin. Today the weather was especially harsh, the waves of the ocean carrying crowns of white foam, the sand blowing across the floor, and you knew that it was only thanks to your trousers that your shins were not red already.
You had planned on turning right at the end of the path that connected the town of Broadchurch with the seaside, in your mind you had wandered down the beach, past the caravans and over the hills, and back to your home many times this past week. Dearly had you missed the wind in your hair and the salt on your skin, but with the ongoing leagal process of Joe Miller you had not found the time. Now that you took the first steps into the sand, you noticed a figure sitting by the cliffs, close to the water. The waves licked up the sand, but never quite reached the feet of the person, who you quickly recognised as Alec Hardy.
It had been almost two weeks now since he had randomly asked you to join him for dinner one evening, and you were still not sure where you were standing with him. Sure, he was your boss, and a dinner did not have to mean anything at all, except that you had gotten the feeling he had shown somewhat more interest in you that evening than a friend would.
Of course you had wondered what was going on between the two of you, if it had been a date, if it had been the test run for a date, or just dinner as colleagues, but then the chaos of the Latimer case and Alec's old case had broken in over you, and neither of you had found the time to talk about it. But now he was sitting there, knees pulled up comfortably, brown hair being dishevelled from the wind and face turned towards the ocean.
Changing your plans you turned left, slowly approaching him. Sometimes you wondered just how much the monumental height of the cliffs changed your perception of space, here at the beach. Alec had seemed not to sit very far away, yet it took you a good while to finally reach him.
You made sure to walk up to him in an angle that allowed him to spot you, and when you finally were only a few meters away, you spoke up.
"Need company?"
Your voice got carried away by the wind and the roaring of the waves drowned you out, and for a moment you feared he would not have heard you.
"Not need, want."
His voice sounded far away, even though only a couple of meters were separating you. He did not even look up at you.
Smiling to yourself, you walked over the rest, and sat down half a foot next to him. The wet sand shifted under your body weight until you had found a comfortable position.
From here you had a great view across the seemingly endless sea. Roaring loud and deep, wave after wave came running against the shore never reaching further than a couple of feet away from where your feet were propped into the sand. The wind screamed deafening in your ears, but you could not help but find peace in it. You had grown up by the seaside. This amount of wind was nothing compared to some of the winter storms you had experienced.
For a good while there was silence between Hardy and you. There was nothing to say really, and those questions that were swimming around in the back of your mind, had time for later, for when neither of you was occupied by listening to the sound of nature around you.
Your eyes followed a small boat with red sails along the horizon before it disappeared out of your view. If you would stand up, you could probably still see it heading further away from you.
“Trying to take your mind off things too?”
Alec’s question startled you, and it took you a moment to find a proper answer.
“I just like the seaside. It feels… so organic, in a way, you know? And with the sterile courtrooms all day long…”
From the corner of your eyes you saw Alec nodding.
“Change of wallpaper, so to say,” he mumbled, hardly understandable over the loud wind.
Again silence fell over you, and you watched the waves, not reaching quite as far up on the sand anymore. Ebb tide was starting to set in, slowly but surely pulling the water out into the ocean.
A few seagulls circled over your heads, soon heading away to where the fish and chips shops would open up for lunch time in a few minutes.
In the distance you heard a couple of kids cheering happily.
Tearing your gaze away from the beautiful water, you turned to Alec. His brown curls were dishevelled from the wind, his dark eyes fixed on the ocean, a gloomy expression on his face.
Embarrassedly you turned away again, not having thought he would register your glance at him.
“Nothing, just… nothing,” you replied awkwardly.
He was quiet for a couple of heart beats, and for a moment you believed he would drop the subject, but then he spoke again.
“About that dinner a while back…”
Curiously you looked up at him again. Truth be told, you were not sure what you wanted him to say. If he said it was just between colleagues, then you’d probably be disappointed and if he said it had been more, you would probably have to worry about how dating worked; it had been a while since your last relationship.
“I had a great time, just couldn’t find a right moment to properly tell you,” he admitted, his eyes still fixed on a point in the distance.
You smiled slightly, although you could feel the nervousness creep in. Now the metaphorical ball was in your side of the court.
“We should do that again some time,” you casually suggested, a feeling of triumph in your veins as Alec turned to you, and smiled slightly.
“I’d like that,” he told you, his eyes soft and never leaving yours.
For a long while you just looked at each other. Through the thick clouds a few beams of sunlight had fought their way, lighting up parts of the waves that now glimmered like thousands of diamonds, but a few beams also hit your faces, allowing you to admire Alec’s eyes. The deep brown was dotted with almost black spots, fine lines of lighter shades leading away from the pupils and the irises circled with a fine ring of the darkest whisky brown.
The gleeful scream of some children distracted both of you, and you turned to find out the kids you had heard earlier had launched themselves into the cold water, splashing around and laughing.
“Want to go grab some tea, maybe lunch?” Alec’s voice hardly gave away any emotions, but knowing him by now, you were able to make out the slight excitement yet nervousness.
“I’d love to,” you smiled.
Alec was the first one back on his feet. Offering you his hand, he pulled you up. His hand was dry and warm, even though you had been sitting in the cold for ages. When you were standing, his fingers hesitantly wrapped around yours, and you could not help but smile again, tightening your grip on his hand a little, signalling him you did not want to let go either.
Shooting you a short, but very happy smile, Alec began leading you back over the beach, along the waterline, back to Broadchurch.
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