How E-commerce is ruling the market?
Either it’s a need of buying something or transferring fund, internet has served the accord services to its users, and now it is not only the trend but a crucial need of day to day life and almost none of us can afford its absence for any reason. As per report by Web Designing Company in Ghaziabad with an ongoing advancement of technology ecommerce sites have made the lives smooth and easier where anyone can place online order for a small to giant size goods or services via mobile phone and desktops.
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E –commerce solution is a way to accommodate the online availability of a business and aid to escalate it beyond geographical barriers. The advantageous feature of such a solution is- being a businessman you don’t need to be present for 24 hrs. online platform do it on your behalf and internet user from anywhere and anytime can place order online and get the order at doorstep. In today’s scenario almost every business has its ecommerce site to sell online but in future it will all around the world. With advancement in the technology and busy life E-commerce sites and app will rule-out the traditional market.
Benefits of an Ecommerce platform
For business
§  Reduces factory cost
§  Reduced labor cost
§  increased sale
§  Business Expansion
§  24X7 service without physical presence
§  Easy to manage accounts
For customer
§  Place online order from anywhere and anytime
§  Compare products, rate, quality online
§  Receive goods and services at doorstep
§  Secured online payment
Since the Ecommerce is advantageous in various manners its sudden demand has been escalated and several professional expert are offering e Commerce development as per client’s requirement. ‘Start shows the end’ similarly current uses and demand shows the extreme bright future of Ecommerce in India where none will waste time in walking on the street to buy something. And businesses will reduce overhead on storage and warehouse costs that will automatically reduce the costing of the product hence less sales price higher sale resultant into profit escalation.
New rules for e-commerce
The government has  announced new e-commerce rules restricting players from selling the products of companies in which they have a stake, and capping the percentage of inventory that a vendor can sell through a marketplace entity (IT platform of an e-commerce entity) or its group companies. To curb the practice of deep discounts, the government said they cannot directly or indirectly influence the price of goods and services, and also brought in a new set of rules that bar the sale of products exclusively in one marketplace. What are the new rules, and what do they means for companies, vendors and customers?
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What has changed?
From February 1, 2019, e-commerce companies running marketplace platforms — such as Amazon and Flipkart — cannot sell products through companies, and of companies, in which they hold equity stake.
While foreign direct investment is not permitted in the inventory-based model of e-commerce, the clarification put a cap of 25% on the inventory that a marketplace entity or its group companies can buy from a vendor. “Inventory of a vendor will be deemed to be controlled by e-commerce marketplace entity if more than 25% of purchases of such vendor are from the marketplace entity or its group companies,” the statement said.
Who are the big marketplace retailers who may be impacted?
Cloudtail India Pvt Ltd is the biggest retailer operating on Amazon, while WS Retail was the biggest seller on Flipkart. Cloudtail’s ownership shows a clear link with Amazon. Incorporated in October 2011 as Sparrowhawk Sales and Marketing, its name was changed to Cloudtail India in August 2012. Prione Business Services holds 99.99% stake in Cloudtail. Prione is a joint venture between Amazon Inc. and Infosys co-founder N R Narayana Murthy’s Catamaran Advisors. Catamaran holds 51% stake in Prione, Amazon Asia Pacific Resources owns 48%, and the remaining 1% is owned by Amazon Eurasia Holdings.
Another retailer that may be impacted is Appario Retail, which is a wholly owned subsidiary of Frontizo Business Services. Frontizo is a joint venture between Amazon India Ltd and Ashok Patni, the co-founder of Patni Computer Systems. Frontizo’s latest filings with the Registrar of Companies shows that Amazon Asia Pacific Holdings owns 48% stake in the company, and Zodiac Wealth Advisors holds 51%. The remaining 1% is with Zaffre LLC, based in Delaware, United States.
Under the new rules, Cloudtail and Appario, in which Amazon holds equity stake, may not be able to sell products on Amazon’s e-commerce platform.
What else has changed?
The government has said that e-commerce entities will have to maintain a level playing field, and ensure that they do not directly or indirectly influence the sale price of goods and services. The policy mandates that no seller can sell its products exclusively on any marketplace platform, and that all vendors on the e-commerce platform should be provided services in a “fair and non-discriminatory manner”. Services include fulfilment, logistics, warehousing, advertisement, payments, and financing among others.
How are consumers and small retailers likely to be impacted?
Consumers may no longer enjoy the deep discounts offered by retailers that have a close association with marketplace entities. The absence of large retailers will, however, bring relief to small retailers selling on these platforms. Traders running traditional brick-and-mortar stores, who now find it difficult to compete with the large e-commerce retailers with deep pockets, could gain.
Kunal Bahl, co-founder of Snapdeal, welcomed the changes. “Marketplaces are meant for genuine, independent sellers, many of whom are MSMEs (Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises). These changes will enable a level playing field for all sellers, helping them leverage the reach of e-commerce,” Bahl posted on Twitter Wednesday.
Praveen Khandelwal, secretary general, Confederation of All India traders (CAIT) also welcomed the decision to tighten FDI norms and called for forming a regulatory authority to check flouting of e-commerce rules. Asking the government to come with an e-commerce policy soon, he said that small vendors should get enough chances to participate in the online business.
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What is eCommerce?
Ecommerce is everything that involves buying, selling, and making transactions online. The "e" in "eCommerce" is just like the "e" in "email." It's a prefix meaning "electronic" to represent the internet version of an offline concept. eCommerce transactions are performed through specialized websites that can take payment for products. In this article, Web Designing Company in Ghaziabad will introduce you to eCommerce and the different parts that come together to create the successful online stores we've all heard of. 
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In the past couple of decades, eCommerce has seen such exponential growth that it's truly changed the nature of business. Millions of people shop online every day, with a significant portion making purchases more than once a week. This has led to lucrative business opportunities that didn't exist in the pre-internet days. Businesses are no longer limited to customers in their immediate areas — instead, every eCommerce store has the potential to reach millions.
Moreover, eCommerce lets businesses earn while they are offline. Thus, it helps you in maintaining a work-life balance.
The eCommerce Process Flow
The eCommerce process flow describes all the steps and functionality that makes an eCommerce website work. In many ways, eCommerce works similarly to brick-and-mortar stores, except online. There's what the customer sees, and other areas that are only for employees.
Employee-only areas in eCommerce are like the management office and the space behind the registers in a brick-and-mortar store, with the difference being that they exist on a computer instead of a physical space. Likewise, the customer-facing areas are similar to the sales floor, aisles, signage, and other typical retail features, only on a website instead of inside a building.
In software, including the software that runs eCommerce websites, these two areas are described as the backend and the frontend.
  The Backend
The backend is the business-facing side of an eCommerce website. You'll often see it referred to as the dashboard, the control panel, or the admin panel, or sometimes just the admin. Some software providers use a specific name for the backend, such as the Shift4Shop Online Store Manager, but the function is the same: this is where you control all the aspects of your eCommerce website.
The backend includes tools for website setup and business management. Users can upload products, organize them into categories, and choose which payment methods to accept. Many eCommerce platforms offer online store templates to make design fast and easy. Other features can include inventory tracking and control, order processing, marketing tools, a coupon and promotion creator, customer records, and more.
 The Frontend
The frontend is the consumer side of an eCommerce website, and comprises everything the customer sees when they shop. The frontend is also called the storefront, and generally when people refer to "the website," they're speaking about the frontend. The appearance and functionality of the frontend is a direct result of the options you set up in the backend.
The frontend must be simple to use, and organized well enough that the customer can find what they're looking for with minimal effort. You can make this happen by setting up a sensible category structure for your products and implementing straightforward navigation. You should also include business information, like an "About Us" page, an FAQ (Frequently-Asked Questions), and additional pages to outline your store policies, including returns, shipping, and privacy. These latter pages are considered a requirement for any business, and in any case, the more transparent information you provide, the more the customer will trust your store.
You can enhance the frontend with other features, like product reviews and Q&As, security logos and other trust badges, the ability for customers to view, edit, and save their cart, and more. Your store's checkout should operate smoothly and use a clear layout that helps prevent mistakes. Remember that the quality of your website's frontend has a powerful effect on your conversion rate.
 How to Start Your Own eCommerce Business
Breaking into the world of eCommerce isn't anywhere near as difficult as it used to be. In the older days, you needed to make a large initial investment, hire developers to make your website, and much more. It's much better today: anyone can start an eCommerce business as long as they have a computer (or mobile device) and the will to learn and work hard.
 Find a Product
Your choice of products to sell should be based on a few factors. You may already know what you want to sell — perhaps you make crafts at home, or maybe you want to use a print-on-demand service to start a line of T-shirts. Or, maybe you have a longstanding interest in a particular industry and you want to start selling products of that type. It's important to have a sincere passion for the industry in which you do business, as this makes your job easier and lends authenticity to your brand.
No matter what, your first step is to identify your niche. What market do you want to serve, and what are the benefits of your products to that market? What problems are your products going to solve, if any? Do you have any special advantages over your competition, like the ability to offer lower prices without losing quality? Whatever niche you choose, market research is essential for testing its validity and determining if it's a space you can do well and compete in.
Product Sourcing
Product sourcing refers to where and how you get the products you're going to sell on your website. The best method for sourcing depends on the details of your business. You can make products yourself, get them from a wholesale supplier, buy directly from a manufacturer, or even have products manufactured to your own specifications — whichever is right for you.
Dropshipping is a product sourcing model in which you don't hold any inventory in stock. Instead, you list products for sale and orders are then fulfilled directly by the distributor. Dropshipping is often the easiest way to start selling online, and since you don't need to spend money up front on inventory or pay for warehousing space and packing materials, it's extremely cost-effective. You simply choose the products from a dropshipping supplier, add them to your store with a markup, and keep the difference between your markup and the supplier's price.
Like any other business model, dropshipping works best when you have a solid strategy. You can't just load up your website with tons of random products and wait for profits to roll in. You still need to pick a niche in which you can offer strong value and become an authority.
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 Build a Website
Once you've laid out the plans for your business and you're ready to get going, it's time to build your website. You can start work on the site at any point in the process as long as it will be ready to launch on time according to the schedule you've set. Before you start, however, it's best if your business is far enough along in development that you have a solid idea of your branding. This will help you with your template choice and other design decisions.
How to Build a Site
As you can imagine, eCommerce websites are extremely complicated. We covered the various frontend and backend functions earlier, such as checkout, inventory management, customer lists, product creation, and much more. That's a lot of features, and it's not even close to the full complexity. It's fair to imagine an eCommerce website as a machine full of moving parts that must all remain perfectly synchronized.
It's difficult to get all these elements working together unless you have the proper tools. The best way to build an eCommerce website is to use software that brings all those tools under one umbrella, ensuring that your finished website will include all the functionality you need and that it will all work together smoothly. This software is called an eCommerce platform, and it's the superior choice when you want to build a website for selling online. Affordably-priced, scalable eCommerce platforms have evened the playing field so that even the smallest business can start a website and successfully sell online, as opposed to earlier days when only the giants could afford the necessary tools.
Choosing an eCommerce Platform
The eCommerce platform you choose determines the capabilities of your website, on both the frontend and backend. There's a wide range of platforms available today, and some have more features than others. Sometimes these limitations are by design, as with platforms intended only for businesses on the smallest end of the scale, such as sole proprietors selling very few items to a relatively tiny customer base. Generally, these types of businesses don't need some of the higher-end features geared toward management of a larger company.
However, smaller-scale platforms quickly become insufficient when your business starts to grow. Scalability is vital to your business's long-term future, so look for a platform that grows with you. Just because you don't need certain features now doesn't mean you won't need them later. If your software lacks features for a larger business, you'll be stuck, and the only choice will be to switch to another platform. This process can be time-consuming and expensive, especially if you lose work while transferring to different software.
Likewise, it's also a mistake to start off with an enterprise-grade eCommerce platform when your business doesn't need it yet. This is just a huge increase in expenses with no immediate benefit. The best choice is always to use a platform that will work equally well for businesses of any size and budget.
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In this world nobody wants to be unsuccessful so in order to be successful every business and industry needs to have a website. The most important reason behind this is that attractive website design attracts visitors. It converts them into customers but it is not simple to get as you might think. Nowadays, any business has to be present on the Internet more than ever, and that makes the web development service highly-demanded. However, most customers still completely misinterpret this area. Admit that it is difficult to achieve a positive result if your own ideas about something mismatch the reality. That is why we are going to tell you about some of the most popular customers’ myths about web app development and explain why you should never believe in them.
There are several myths about web development that are not true. To help you to avoid these misconceptions, here are five of the most widespread myths given below about web development. Web Designing Company in Ghaziabad provides best web development services.
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  The Main Thing Is to Start — We Can Come Up With Functionality Later
Customers often think that the initial development stage can do without delving into details, thinking over the functionality, and creating a thorough technical specifications list. They believe they will be able to add or change something during the development process. Moreover, they usually think that such changes will not affect the project deadlines and budget.
This is wrong. Each change, be it some additional functionality or it’s modification, will require more time to be implemented, and therefore, will increase the development cost. Consequently, customers should clearly see what tasks their website is to solve well before technical specifications are created for developers. This approach will save time and money.
  You Do Not Need Website, Social Networks Are Enough
Many people thinks that they have a Facebook page for their activity and they may also have good comments about their business. So it is enough to promote their business online but this is not true. However, this strategy poses some problems. But if you have website, you are in control of your content and your messages. Trends are changing as well. Today your all customers are on Facebook but, who know, tomorrow they will adapt instead Snapchat or Yoodeeoo. Despite people’s preferences for a particular tool, your website will act as an online business card.
All Computer Code Is The Same
In web development not only single language is require but many different languages is required like HTML, JavaScript, CSS and Bootstrap etc. And every web developer need not known every language. While a web developer might know multiple languages, it does not mean they can build software such as Photoshop or Microsoft world. To understand it simply lets take an example, a car and a jet are both vehicles. But that doesn’t mean that a car mechanic can fix a jet. Web developers choose few languages that are necessary and which they enjoy. They spend years honing their craft and mastering these languages. 
  Developing a Website Is Simple As Baking a Pie
There are many website which looks simple like Facebook and Craiglist, but the process of their development that happens on the back end is time-consuming and complicated. But those people who don’t work in this field did not know that the simpler the design, often the more expensive the site is. Yes, cheap website can be made, but if you want to convert your site visitors into paying customers, you need to find a group of developers who will understand your business and help you manage your goals and budget.
Your Website Doesn’t Need To Change
One of the most common mistake that every people assumes that web development projects always have a start, middle and an end. This theory is not correct its like saying that the window of your store must constantly remain the same. The process of creating a website should be ongoing; you need to keep updating, innovating, and expanding. With the launch of your website, you should monitor what works and what doesn’t work for your target audience. Only when will you be able to turn your website into a powerful sales tool.
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You Are Ruin Yourself To Create A Website
There are many people who thinks that creating a website is overpriced until they realize that there are offers. Yes, offers, and discounts for you. Why you complicate your life by ruining yourself? You can set a budget and then you can discuss the rest with the team and they will take care of all the technical details so you can focus on the creative side of your website.
Responsive web design is optional
Absolutely not optional. Having a responsive website isn't a novelty anymore, but a must due to the modern use of multiple sized screens. If your website isn't mobile-friendly, your rank will start to drop within Google's mobile search results.
  It Is Best to Hire s Company from Your City
This stereotype is more inherent to those customers who are not used to modern technologies and who feel uncomfortable in new online realities.
Even though the developers are based in an office on a neighboring street, there is no guarantee your budget will be used efficiently. At the same time, if the contractors have sufficient expertise and offer their services at a reasonable cost, thousands of kilometers should not become an obstacle for the customer to start cooperating with them.
You Can Rest on Laurels After Your Website Is Launched
You can compare the process with some business — it is much easier to create a company than to make it profitable and achieve steady growth. For the same reason, it is often easier to create a website than to ensure its further quality maintenance and promotion.
It Is Necessary to Develop CMS from Scratch
It is a common practice to try and make something unique rather than use a ready-made solution. The developer company will surely benefit from this approach, not the customer. Moreover, some CMS designed from scratch may often be behind ready-made solutions or even open-source systems in several parameters.
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Google’s new Algorithm Update for Page Experience
The usability of your website speaks volumes about the type of experience you offer to customers. A smooth user experience gives a positive impression on users and immediately reflects on higher customer satisfaction.
What is the new Page experience?
Google’s new algorithm update for page experience is a signal that measures how users perceive the experience of interacting with a web page. It focuses on making websites evolve towards user expectations on mobile and optimizing factors that made the web more delightful for users across all web browsers and surfaces. This ensures business success on the web as users become engaged and transact with less friction.
The new algorithm is keen on ensuring that users do not face hassles and are not driven to the point of taking action that is desirable for the business due to a sheer accident. For example, take a user who is visiting an e-commerce website and adding items to the shopping cart. He happens to change his mind and decides to leave the site when a prompt to abandon the cart or proceed to the checkout option pops up. He/she proceeds to click the abandon the cart option, but just as he is about to click on it, the cursor automatically moves to the proceed to checkout button, and the user clicks on it inadvertently. Websites that offer such experiences are usually a big hassle for users, so Google’s update ensures that such troublesome sites do not rank at the top of the search results. The most important catch is that this new page experience update ranks websites on the basis of their user-friendly nature. If you're looking for more details on this topic, take a look at the Web Designing Company in Ghaziabad.
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Six signals in new page experience ranking factor
There are three important metrics that influence ranking in new page experience. Perform a quick check on the user experience using these three metrics.
Largest     Contentful Paint (LCP)–     You can measure the loading performance and providing a good user     experience to users. LCP has to occur 2.5 seconds of when the page begins     loading.
Cumulative     Layout Shift (CLS)–     Measure the visual stability of your page with CLS. Make sure that your     page maintains a CLS of 0.1 or less for optimum visual stability.
First     Input Delay (FID) –     You can measure the nature of the interaction of your website with FID.     Ensure that your pages have an FID of 100 milliseconds or less.
LCP, FID and CLS are three vital metrics that help you gauge your page experience and remain on top of the search results. Make sure that you adhere to the recommended target for most users. The recommended targets have to be met at the 75th percentile for all three metrics.
Prepare your Website for the Google Page Experience update
Stay on track with the latest Google Page experience update by adhering to these simple rules. Another important part is that users need to be assured that they are visiting a secure website. With increasing malware attacks and safe-browsing issues, check whether your website is vulnerable to attacks through security issues report and other relevant tools online.
HTTPS: Secure your website with     HTTPS for an added layer of security and establish a secure site     connection.
Alt     text on images:     Apply alt text on your images to ensure a better user experience and earn     both explicit and implicit SEO benefits, this contributes to image SEO.
AMP: Accelerate your webpage load     time with Accelerating Mobile Pages (AMP), which is an open-source     framework designed to speed up the load time of mobile internet users.
Mobile     friendly:     Make sure that your web pages are optimized to remain mobile-friendly as     most internet users rely on mobile devices. Take a mobile-friendly of your     website that helps you to stay on track.
CTA     button: Add     relevant call to action buttons and direct users to your latest content or     a registration page. Guide users, help them navigate better, and get     closer to achieving your conversion goals.
Safe     browsing:     With increasing malware attacks and safe-browsing issues, check whether     your website is vulnerable to attacks through security issues report and     other relevant tools online.
How Page Experience affects your website?
Google understands the hardships faced by users while performing online purchase or other operations. Certain businesses use clever tactics and practices that help them gain clicks and drive conversions. The page experience algorithm puts a full stop to such practices by ranking pages that users love the most. Google clearly emphasizes the change of the page experience in its algorithm that is focussed on a page-level basis. If many pages on your website provide a great engaging user experience compared to your competition, Google is bound to rank your website higher in the search results.
Businesses with websites that have a poor user experience have to bucker up and leverage methods to improve the UI and reduce bugs on your website. Emulate designs and UX from renowned businesses known for high customer satisfaction and translate them into a unique UI tailored to fit the business requirements.
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GTmetrix: How fast does your website load?
One of the prime reasons for a high bounce rate and poor lead generation is slow loading. Make sure that your website loads faster to ensure a fluid user experience and increased customer satisfaction. GTmetrix ensures that your website loads quickly, gauges its performance, and optimizes website performance, and ensures increased speed. For an online business to run efficiently, the website has to remain fast and fluid from any location. GTmetrix tests your webpage in different countries, browsers, and connection speeds to ensure consistency.
It is often difficult to trace the reason why a website is slow or inconsistent in performance. GTmetrix breaks down the performance of a webpage and summarizes it through a thorough assessment. Businesses can also track the website performance through scheduled testing and get notified whenever the page is slow. They can also get a better idea of how a webpage loads on different devices and how the performance is at different parts of the world. GTmetrix enables businesses to analyze the performance of a webpage under different conditions, geographic locations and suggests optimizations that help reduce setbacks to a great extent.
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Whitespace in web design, in a very simple language, is the empty space on the website. In a more technical web design and development language, those are your margins and padding, that separate each website content, such as titles and paragraphs, images and videos.
Crowded and very busy websites are very difficult to read, making the users feel frustrated trying to find the right part of the page they’re interested in. It has been long understood that people are mostly scanning the content before they decide to read it. Whitespaces take a big part in making content scannable, which makes it more engaging. Web Designing Company in Ghaziabad want to show you more on  a tool so vital that it may amaze you as a designer. 
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  Improves readability
According to Google, it takes visitors just 50 milliseconds to form an opinion about a website.White space is one of the best ways to make a good first impression as it improves the readability and scannability of a website.Used well it can increase readability by up to 20%. That’s because the blank areas around blocks of text help guide the visitor through the flow of the site and encourage them to keep reading.
 Creates balance
Once you know what content (text and images) you want on your website, white space can be used to organise everything into a balanced design for an improved user experience.
White space helps give visitors visual clues as to how to process the information. For example, elements that are positioned closely together are considered to be related, whereas elements separated by a lot of white space are believed to be unrelated. Your use of white space may depend on your brand goals:
§  Macro white space: This refers to the blank spaces between bigger elements (such as images and blocks of text). Sites with lots of macros white space are seen as minimalist and luxurious.
§  Micro white space: This refers to the blank spaces between smaller elements (such as icons, buttons and lines of text). Sites with lots of micro white space are seen as informative.
   Highlights what’s important
White space lets your content breathe and helps clearly communicate your core messaging. A de-cluttered interface helps eliminate potential confusion by highlighting what’s important.
White space around important content elements helps increase their prominence and increase comprehension by almost 20%. This is particularly important for call to actions (CTAs) where surrounding the element with white space can make it stand out as effectively as making the CTA bigger.
 Aesthetically pleasing
White space doesn’t just make a website more enjoyable to use, it also helps make it more enjoyable to look at. For example, high-end brands use a generous amount of white space online to create a feeling of sophistication and luxury. It’s a simple yet effective way of exuding class.
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  Encourages interaction
One of the issues with a cluttered web design is that it makes it tricky for visitors to know where to start. The abundance of content can be so overwhelming visitors are prompted to leave rather than try and de-code what to do next. And, as we know from point 1, you’ve not got long to impress visitors.
White space encourages visitor interaction by drawing their eye to what’s important, eliminating any distractions, and providing a clear user journey so they know what to do to achieve the goal that brought them to the website. 
 Improves focus
There’s no denying that design matters. One study into the reasons why visitors felt wary of websites found that 94% said it was due to the web design.8 White space is a design magnet. It attracts visitors and keeps them on a site by removing distractions and giving visual clues as to which content is most important. By organising the content so there’s a clear focus of how to use the website, you’ll improve the user experience and we all know what that leads to…
   Increased conversions
The majority of visitors make judgements about a brand’s credibility based on their website design. Research has shown that first impressions are design-related and one of the best ways to build online trust is through the use of white space. In fact, elements that inspire trust can double conversions.
All of the benefits of white space we’ve discussed above – such as removing distractions, making it easier to focus on what’s important, and highlighting the call to actions – have one common result: they improve the overall user experience. And improvements to the UX journey can boost conversion rates by up to 75%. If you’re ever in doubt about the effectiveness of white space, just think Google. Their excellent use of white space helped make it the most visited website in 2019 with over 63 billion visits with over 3.5 billion searches each day.White space isn’t empty space. It’s web design’s most powerful tool.
Things to Consider When Using Whitespace
With all of these great benefits, we also need to understand that even with the best intentions, whitespace can often be crowded out of a design. In order to prevent this, we need to understand why it happens and how to resolve it.
Designer vs. Developer: Imagine this all-too-common scenario: A designer creates a wonderful layout. The layout is passed on to the developer who hands it back to the designer, although now the layout looks totally different compared to what the designer originally intended. Before development even starts, I believe it is important for the designer and developer to collaborate and discuss layout concepts/wireframes, highlight and emphasize padding, plan out margins and line heights and all the other design details of your site to avoid any misunderstandings and confusion.
The Fold: Whitespace is often ignored and pushed out of a design because someone within the organization insists on squeezing as much content as possible high on the page, thus sucking any whitespace from the design. It is important to remember that we do not know the point where users have to start scrolling. Where the fold lies on a viewer’s screen is impossible to know, so in the end, the fold is not worth worrying about.
Explaining Your Design: Talking to your client and explaining your motive and principle is vital. As designers, we have to answer in terms that clients can understand rather than make fluffy generalizations. We need to back up the choices we make and stay clear of vague arguments that make little sense to others. Knowing the facts is crucial, as is explaining them.
Whitespace not only creates harmony, balance, and helps to brand a design, it can also be used to lead a reader from one element to another. Our main goals are to make the website look simple and uncluttered and to deliver information that our readers will enjoy and appreciate. Whitespace should not be considered merely “blank” space — it is the element of design that enables the objects on the page to exist. It is the space that balances things out and reminds us that designs are beautiful. We don’t need to create a layout overcrowded with text and images to deliver a clear message.
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Is Having A Website For Startups Are Mandatory?
Folks!!!Be genuine. What would be the first thing you look for if you hear about a business startup? 90% of you may answer it as “official website”, isn’t it? In this digital dominating world, a business is lost if it doesn’t have a website and it is the most frequent question now, “Does my startup really need a website”?
It is much simpler to answer this question; yes your startup definitely needs a website as it drives more customers. How can we say in a diplomatic way? This is not the echo of everyone as we are living in the computerized world, but all these are proven facts based on the census. Out of 2.42 billion users of internet per day, 2.18 billion have searched for something to buy online, 0.96 billion users have purchased in last month, more than 1.78 billion might check up your new business before ending up in a business with you, 1.24 billion users expect their half buy to be completed by next year.
So just imagine how important to start a website for your business based on these facts as given by Web Designing Company in Ghaziabad.
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1. Pull your ideas into action
Unlike the conventional method of starting up a business without a website, a startup with a website helps you to know the response of your potential customers towards your service, products or latest idea. The first and foremost thing a customer checks is your website, so make it all attractive with your creativity or just approach someone who can really help you in this. Once finances are in place, employees are fixed for work and there you go is to spread the word. Showcasing your ideas doesn’t mean than you focus all your budget and time in selling online. Instead you can actively trade from your store-front but having a website will drive business partners, potential customers, employees for your future business.
    2. Markets your products than ever before
Marketing is an important tool for every business, but it is inevitable for startups. As said earlier about the approximate number of users who depend on internet, it is also been noted and publicized how business must include SEO, SMO and email marketing to their marketing strategies. Anyhow, before reaching in front of your customers, you must have something to market before them to drive potential customers and clients to website. It won’t be exaggerating if we say even big deals of business has signed contract just through a website and their new ideas into actions. Make it yours next!!
  3. Increases your brand visibility and awareness
A business website is an online shop front to show your brand among new customers and all that what you provide and offer. Marketing ideas and results are driven in same manner as in conventional marketing but instead of people walking to you store, they are browsing web and they stumble upon your website. Having a website will promote your organization less expensive. Many offline advertisements are free sometimes.
4. Improved SEO rankings-Improved sales
It is not just a website that drives potential customers but the search engine rankings that makes it the most. Having a good SEO service provider to boost website ranking in search engine results can result in quick and increased sales and higher profits. As time is one of the factors that rule us, a website which is not responsive will never be the best sales driver among internet users even if it is through traditional means. A website that supports multi-device users with a proper SEO on it can doubly increase your ROI within no time.
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5. Satisfaction through increased customers
Choosing your marketing strategies through a website will be the perfect choice if you need more   customers and leads. Website makes it easy to purchase or avail a service from you. Many will be simply inspecting what you offer rather than buying in the first go. It is better if they don’t have to ask anything. They can find it in your online store and if it satisfies them, they will turn to be your customers. Increased customers have increased popularity as a website takes your brand not among locales but worldwide.
6. Accessibility
Being startup you main objective will be to drive sales by working hard day and night. But, if you have a website, your job is half done as it has any time accessibility without a closing time and can be visited at any time. People will see through website instead of going to shop more as it is more accessible. All you need to do is to update about products and services. You can even track on whatever is happening on your website. You will have a clear idea on how many people visited your site, how many messaged you or emailed you. Without any expense like a printed material, you can even update your new thoughts anytime.
  7. Website builds relationships
A website can build better relationships with your customers. You can respond to your customer’s messages and emails instantly and they can review your products online and provide feedback to your business. Sending messages will build a good relationship and you can update them with more information on your business. More visitors to a website can lead to more sales. That’s how your website helps you. Update and promote contents on your site and customers will come to you. The more informative content on website, the more sales!!
8. Credibility through website
Even though every business needs a website, it is vital for a startup business as it is the opportunity to prove the credibility. It is customers’ trust through your website makes it a big challenge of success. If you could win it you can earn positive feedback on your products and services.
9. Long term clients
For every business to be successful, it is not the customers who buy for onetime and never visits again. But it is the client who is a regular customer makes it successful. Long term clients are an organizations’ support and evidence that the company is quite running smoothly.
May be as a startup you lack clients or customers. It is not the reflection of your business, instead they are not aware of your existence. Let’s see in a nutshell why websites are important for a startup:
·         Let people know about your business, who you are and what you do?
·         Website is the only place where they can get recent updates on products, offers and services at any time any place.
·         Website reflects a company and in turn reflects a business. A startup with professional website can be as much successful as larger company.
·         It is a blank paper where you can show your credibility, brand awareness and to showcase your seriousness on your business.
 Well!! So now you have decided to own a website. But make sure your website is unique and reflects your business objectives, it must be responsive, fully branded with your logo and colors, informative, creative and engaging, frequently updated with news and promo offers etc.
 Websites are future business and with more people heading online even the smallest ventures are the biggest players. It is the foundation of all digital marketing to create strong and sturdy marketing strategies.
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Importance of QR Code
A QR code is a two-dimensional barcode. QR codes often contain data for a locator, identifier. A QR code consists of black squares arranged in a square grid on a white background, which can be read by an imaging device such as a camera. It was designed to allow for fast decoding speeds hence the name quick response code.
Before diving into concept of QR Code, Web Designing Company in Ghaziabad introduces you to  some basics of it.
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The QR code system was invented in 1994 by Denso Wave. Initially it was used to track the vehicles.
Daily Uses:
·         Direct landing to website
·         view business locations
·         Send a message
·         Send an email
·         Social media
·         Downloading apps
·         Payments
Industrial uses:
·         Advertising and Marketing: Advertisers and marketers were one of the very first adopters of QR Code. Remember those ugly looking black images in the storefront grabbing your attention. Usually, they would use the QR code to embed a URL link and direct you to the website for a video or to fill out a form for a contest or survey.
·          Banking Account Statements, Cheque books, Trade Finance Documents: QR codes are now very commonly used in the financial services industry/banking. A QR Code embedded in bank documents helps capture the data for easy tracking and verification. You can download your free banking white paper here.
·         Education University Degrees and Transcripts: One of the best uses of the QR code is to have QR code based transcripts and degrees (both the physical and electronic versions) to enable verifiers to quickly & easily authenticate educational credentials of the candidate.
·         Government and General ID Cards, Passports, Visas, Driving Licence, Aadhaar card, Tax IDs: The adoption of QR code in Government IDs has seen some progress. However, the same has not been the case for visas and passports. In all cases, the level of security embedded in these is currently such that they can’t be checked easily by all concerned. Hence there is scope for misuse and tampering. Secure QR codes can help in this regard.
·         Insurance Policy Documents, Membership Cards, Medical Claims: Policy documents today have a QR code link that takes the customer to the website that will help them download the policy details. So is the case with membership cards. However the use can be expanded with secure QR codes to cover premium payments and other transactions for better customer experience and satisfaction.
·         Invoices, Billing: It is a common practice today, to see invoices and bills with a QR code. This helps in logistics hubs and delivery agents to scan the details. What used to be simple barcode earlier, has slowly transformed into QR codes that carry more information than any regular barcode can have.
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 Error correction
Some serious algebra that happens in background when the QR code is created. The original data in the QR code is converted into a polynomial, the number of unique points required to uniquely define that polynomial is determined, and this point set is added back into the QR code so that it then also contains the original data expressed as a polynomial .if that description threatened to make your head explode, just call it “mathematically adding backup data to the QR code”.
·         The lower the error correction level, the less dense the QR code image is, which improves minimum printing size.
·         The higher the error correction level, the more damage it can sustain before it becomes unreadabale.
·         Level L or Level M represent the best compromise between density and ruggedness for general marketing use.
·         Level Q and Level H are generally recommended for industrial environments where keeping the QR code clean or un-damaged will be a challenge.
 Here’s 5 more reasons why QR codes are still relevant
1.The continued growth of mobile usage means more opportunities to use a QR Code. A recent survey report states that of all world-wide internet users, 80% will access it from a smartphone. Another survey states that there was a 11% increase in the number of QR Codes generated from 2019-2020.
2. QR Codes provide as easy way to download an app, which can be extremely beneficial for a retail business that has frequent customer engagement and can promote the benefits of downloading the app in-store at the point of purchase. IKEA has started a program in France that will aallow customers to scan all their items via a QR code on each product, then pay by one code at checkout, thus speeding up check-out times.
3. The rise of popularity of video as a content marketing format means people want more ways to engage with video. Accoring to a survey, in 2017 online video will account for 74% of all web traffic, and 28% of smaretphone usres watch avideo on their devices at least once a day. QR codes provide a great way to connect to a video from a non-digital medium, like displaying movie previews from a poster, food prep steps from a recipe, or a video introduction from a resume.
4. Direct mail still delivers the best ROI for business  to consumer acquisition of customers  and with QR codes you can link a smartphone user to a personalized URL on your website. A QR/PURL delivers visitors to a microsite that is personalized to that visitor, which can increase conversion rates. This in turn allows you to track the ROI of an individual printed piece sent to a  specific recipient.
5. QR Code on direct mail pieces can also help marketers gain useful information from their campaigns. The scans can tell you which offers are working best and which geographical areas are responding the most.This knowledge  helps to refine your next campaign . For QR codes to continue to be successful, however, it is incumbent on marketers to create a great experience and give their target audience guidelines on the proper useage . Easy –to understand directions can go a long way to increase the number of participants in the campaign and conversions. And it is equally important that if you are going to move your customers to download the QR Code app, scan your code, and deliver them to a URL, then the offer needs to be worth their time . Delivering true value will be rewarded with increased web traffic and conversions.  
·         The main advantage of QR codes is versatility
·         Low cost and easy to implement
·         It does not require an understanding of writing code
·         Provide quick access to additional information
·         QR codes do not require any light to be generated or be received as done during barcode scamming.
·         Lack of familiarity with the QR code among people.
·         The user is not too familiar with this technology.
·         It requires 3G/wifi/internet connection if the QR code is URL QR code
·         The whole concept of QR code is based on smart phones , if the consumer does not have the smart phone at that time , then the qr code is not beneficial to them.
How to create QR code:
·         Select a QR code generator.
·         Choose the type of content you're promoting.
·         Enter your data.
·         Consider downloading a dynamic QR code.
·         Customize it.
·         Test the QR code to make sure it scans.
·         Share your QR code.
·         Track the performance.
 QR codes at present:
They have expanded beyond automobiles in recent years due to its high speed and large storage capacity of data
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What are the 3 different types of web developers and what do they do?
The impact on digital usage due to COVID has increased by 70%. From online shopping to booking for medical consultation, people put their trust in online platforms. No doubt, it is also a relief that we don’t have to go outside and within clicks, we can get a hold of anything we want. Now, here we are talking about the Web developers whose effort and skills help us to navigate through the website and find what we want. 
For many outside the field of web development, it is not commonly known that there are several different types of web developers that exist. Within the developer world, we literally have dozens of titles that distinguish us from the rest based on our skillset and what we can create with it. Web Designing Company in Ghaziabad talks in this article about three general types of web developers with each one fulfilling a unique need in the process of creating websites for the whole world to see.
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Before continuing, it is important to note that web development and web design are two different fields. Web design focuses on the designing the visual and look of a website using design software while web development focuses on creating it by writing code (programming) and other development methods.
Frontend and backend are two of the most used terms in the computer industry; in a way, they became buzzwords. They dictate the type of job you do as a software developer, the technologies you use and how much you get paid. Full-stack developers can create sites and web applications that render both on the client-side (frontend) and the server-side (backend).
 The Front-End Developer (aka Front-End Engineer aka “Web Developer / Designer”)
The front-end developer is responsible for creating the look, feel, and interactive components of a website. They are often mistaken as the only role in web development as well as confused with the role of a web designer. How text, images, and colors are displayed on a website when you view them on a phone, tablet, or computer is what the front-end developer creates. Ever see a button change color when you hover over it or a popup appear when you click on something on a page? That’s what the front-end developer creates. They make sure everything you see is organized, aesthetically pleasing, and functional.
To accomplish all this, the front-end developer generally writes in (but not limited to) the following programming languages:
 The Back-End Developer (aka the person no one really knows about)
The back-end developer has one of the most crucial roles in web development. They create and maintain what’s under the hood to keep your website running and functioning properly. A back-end developer writes what is called server-side code to make sure data flows back and forth from a website’s front-end (what the user sees and interacts with) to the back-end (the server, database etc.). The best example of this would be an online store. Prices and product images are stored on a database hosted on a server. When it comes time to update prices or initiate an automated holiday sale, product information and prices are updated on the database which then displays on the website. When you checkout and process a transaction, all that works because the back-end developer madeit so. They write the code that makes all those easy to use (most of the time) functions possible.
A back-end developer can program in a variety of programming languages depending on what needs to be done.
Typical programming languages a backend developer writes in include:
Ruby     and Ruby On Rails
Back-end developers also work with software stacks that include operating systems, web servers, frameworks, languages, programming APIs and more. The frameworks, languages and programming APIs in these stacks are used to render server-side sites and web applications and to create services that other applications can consume.
Notorious stacks include .NET, MEAN and LAMP, but there are many more, and each includes a programming language of choice, such as C#, JavaScript, Java, Go, Python or PHP.
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 The Full-Stack Developer (aka the Superman / Superwoman)
The full-stack developer is a unique developer type as they can program and work on both front-end and back-end parts of a website. They can literally create an entire functioning, dynamic website themselves (if they choose) as they understand both ends of web development. Full-stack developers tend to have prowess in coding in multiple programming languages and their knowledge and experience tend to be a mile-wide. Because of this, they generally work well with both the front-end and back-end developer during the development process.
While they understand and can do the job of both front-end and back-end developers, many full-stack developers typically do not have mastery in either role. Some usually are better at either front or back-end development. There are full-stack developers that have mastery over both ends of development but they are rare and hard to come by. The diverse knowledge of a full-stack developer helps speed up the web development process and troubleshoot any problems that may occur on the front or back-end of a site.
By now, the difference between the frontend and backend should be more evident, as well as the different activities carried by developers that work on both ends of the wire. In practical terms, the frontend means the browser and the backend, the server or, more recently, the cloud.
If you like user interfaces, are keen on sound design and like the visual aspects of creating apps, then perhaps you would be most interested in becoming a front end software developer. The frontend is exciting not only visually, but also from a programming standpoint; you will spend endless hours writing logic that will make your site look and behave the way the designers intended.
If you like to spend your time solving business problems, writing algorithms, working in the cloud, and creating services and APIs, then backend development is for you.
If you enjoy both and feel equally excited and comfortable with all aspects of web application creation, then a career as a full-stack developer is what you want.
Whatever path you choose, there has never been a better time to be a software developer.
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When faced with the necessity to implement technology or software solutions to thrive in an increasingly complicated and dynamic industry, freight forwarding companies of all sizes are challenged to decide between two approaches: buy or develop.
The first option is to purchase software or technology from a third-party provider and customize it to the company’s needs. The second alternative entails developing this tool in-house, reflecting its personality, and responding precisely to its requirements.
So, which is the better option: buying or developing? Both options are valid in principle; each company determines the most appropriate one. Top freight forwarding companies in India assesses herein this article which factors must be considered.
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 When we calculate the cost we take a holistic approach:-
Cost = Monetary + Opportunity Cost
You believe building your own proprietary software is easier and more customizable but is it really the actual goal of every organization? In reality, it is impossible to build software without spending a fortune and taking years to develop.
Now, imagine having 10 plants and 10 different versions of software for each of these plants because the process varies from plant to plant, if it still doesn’t scare you and you feel you have enough resources and this is a one-time expense then what will you do in case of a technological upgradation or feature enhancement?
And all of this to build out a Minimum Viable Product and next thing you know, you’ve spent literally hundreds of hours building a tool that is not core to your business.
Whereas, if you buy it from a third-party service provider they already have professionals working for them and are serving multiple customers at once because of which they have a better understanding of your needs resulting in a much more developed product that is flexible and can be applied across various industries and across various plants of the same industry.
 As the needs change over time there is a perpetual requirement to evolve and customize your software. It means that you cannot just set and forget it. You need to ensure that your support team and developers are always available in-house, and as an organization, you should only build a solution if you can ensure scalability with the increase in the magnitude of operations.
On the other hand, buying a solution from an external vendor will save you time to focus on your primary goal and you will end up with a tailor-made solution that has passed scalability tests in terms of user expansion.
Logistics Companies ensure that the product is customized to solve key industry problems as per your business rules and help you boost your customer serviceability with cutting-edge technology and solutions.
Building a custom-made solution in-house that is also scalable is going to be a monstrous task for which you may not always have the budget and management bandwidth.
How will you feel if your customers switch to competitors due to a broken experience resulting from outdated technology in the workplace?
You either end up losing your customers or reconfigure your software from scratch for each plant and bear the humongous cost associated with it.
Also on the company front, studies show working with outdated technology has a negative impact on the job satisfaction of the employees. It can limit their productivity and lead to frustration whereas if you are buying from an external vendor your tool functionality can be improved via a larger user base’s feedback, meaning you might end up with cool new features you wouldn’t have thought of on your own.
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If you are looking for a solution right away, you cannot afford to waste years on building software especially in a competitive world where time is equivalent to money. In that case, it may be best to find something that’s already on the market with close enough functionality to meet your requirements.
Moreover, if the problem at hand is common to all and there are competitors who are using third-party software to solve a similar kind of problem then choosing third-party software is a wiser option.
By partnering with a third-party vendor you can efficiently speeden up your automation journey.
The process of implementation is very simple and 100% of account setup, configuration, master creation, and training of the  transporters and internal users are done by the Logistics companies.
Detailed intelligence about the best business practices in logistics and the industry can be attained by using a third party service provider’s product which gives access to dashboard generated reports that offer a way to examine data to understand historic trends better.
An external vendor has a deep down understanding of the problems common to the industry and the same is reflected in the performance of the product whereas an in-house software is at a very nascent stage due to its limited reach and narrow vision of the company.
Business intelligence(BI) tools give a sense of the current state of the company and this can further be used for making informed decisions about the business.
Logistics Companies serve various customers from different industries across the country with our leaders having a combined experience of over 50 years in the logistics sector which has resulted in a much more mature product after a detailed SWOT analysis of the industry.
 Before we discovered accounting softwares we all will agree that the job role of an accountant was manual and tedious bookkeeping whereas, today, it has moved to strategic roles like analyzing financial performance, assessing risks, building mergers, etc.
There are so many big and small companies in the market that use third party accounting softwares to record and report a firm’s financial transaction rather than building one in-house because it doesn’t directly contribute to the revenue and it diverts their attention from the primary goal of their business.
Likewise avoid wasting time, effort, money and the most important of all i.e your peace of mind on building software that already exists in the market.
External vendors bring a solution at a justifiable price to the table and help you cross the finishing line by giving you a leg up over your competitors.
 Logistics Companies  take ownership of your KPIs and work closely beside you to deliver freight cost savings up to 9% and increase in employee productivity by 67%.
 Make sure to evaluate relevant factors like cost, scalability, customizability, product & feature enhancements, problem statement and Market Intelligence to make an informed decision for your business.
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How Does An Impressive Web Design Express Glory Of Your Business?
Business without mediated website is astonished because any client before visiting to any new workplace physically, checks its online presence. Apart from the status symbol it has become the factor of trust to examine a business’s existence as well.  In such circumstances an impressive and business mediated website professionally designed by a Web Design Company can win the client’s trust and rewardingly convert it into perspective business.
It is undoubtedly well understood that whether you are running an institute or dealing in sale of goods and service, your web presence is undoubtedly essential. Creatively unique and business mediated website plays the significant role in that.  A magnificently efficient Web design and development company considers all the aspect to design a perfect and fully functional website.
Apart from this a creative and purposeful web portal, it is an opportunity to explore the world by expanding the business beyond the geographical barriers and make it available 24X7. By accessing your business oriented website a client can do merchandise from anywhere and anytime. But it is fact that if your designing efforts get failed to impress a visitor in very first attempt or he/she fill anything strain then undoubtedly he will switch to its competitor site, in such circumstance design a website by own can be a big risk to lose the perspective business.
A Web Designing Company in Ghaziabad works on all these aspects and design a user-friendly responsive layout that can agile the screen according to screen size of internet supportive devices. Along with all these aspect, a Web designing expert wok on its search engine optimization and make the site SEO friendly as well.
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The Importance of Website Design
There are numerous factors that lead to a successful online presence. There are various ways to look at the whole standing of your website as well. But before going on any further, let’s focus first on one of the most basic elements that make up your online identity — your website design. How exactly important is it?
The design of your website can either make or break the business you are trying to deliver. It actually makes a difference on how your target audience views your business or company and potentially turn them into your customers. As such, developing a website design that has an impressive user interface will result in a much better conversion rate, which leads to better business and revenue.
How Website Design Becomes an Asset to Business
Although it can cost you a substantial amount of money, investing in a website design can generate an outstanding profit for your business. To ensure that your investment works according to your advantage, you must hire an efficient website designer who is capable of dealing with the following key points in designing a website:
1. Navigation
This is essential especially when your website has so many pages. It basically includes a well-labeled navigation bar or a menu that shows a list of the different web pages. When the website navigation is developed well, users can easily explore and understand your website. It doesn’t need to have state of the art typefaces. Settle for a simple yet intuitive navigation that can make visitors come back for more.
2. Content and Visual Elements
These also include the choice of font and other typographic details. Such aspects of web design should go along together to deliver an accurate message to the audience. In most cases, readers tend to remember the message when it is concise and something that the readers can identify with.
However, overdoing these elements won’t bring any good to your website, Web pages with too much content will look messy and can affect conversion rates. How? Visually clutter pages may be difficult to read, resulting in disinterest in visitors and making them not wanting to come back.
To avoid that from happening, it is best to streamline the content wherein website designers can easily incorporate the text in their design. Moreover, designers are able to add negative or empty spaces that let the readers’ eyes rest in the middle of their reading.
3. Brand Uniformity
Your brand is what sets you apart from your competitors, and it is usually identified through a logo. If your business/company has a unique logo that is placed on all print materials, then all the logo’s elements must be integrated into the website design for the sake of consistency.
It is very important for your target market to recognize your business brand in all types of medium. If for instance, there are slight changes in your brand and visual communication, then it can result in confusion among your customers and make them feel that there is something wrong with your business.
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4. Engagement
Web pages should have an exceptional layout so that they can appear more appealing to the users and make them want to engage with your page. It needs to feed people’s eyes because the truth is; this is where every engagement will begin. For this, the need of website design and development is an indispensable factor that should be measured carefully by every website owner.
5. Organization and Search Engine Optimization
Just like how we read a book, it is comfortable to read a web page from left to right, top to bottom. Virtuosi in web designing use the same reading pattern when they’re designing a website. Because most people read starting from the upper left area, designers put the most important information there. It increases the chances of relaying your message to the visitors who can become your customers.
Aside from the organization, utilizing the visible areas for the important website details can also improve the search engine optimization or SEO. This happens when you incorporate business-related keywords in the HTML text. When search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing can crawl into your website, it results in higher search engine placement, which means your website becomes more visible and searchable.
To Sum Up
In this digital age, most businesses have already developed their respective websites to become more accessible for their customers. With the help of website design, business owners are able to create a user-friendly and welcoming online environment where users can get useful information any time of the day.
Moreover, when you have a well-managed website, people can rely on you. It builds trust, and when visitors trust you, they won’t have doubts in getting your products and services. In effect, you will have a thriving and profitable business.
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Nowadays, to create or make a site is a need to your business on the web. The planning and advancement are the two most encouraging advances which are urgent.
 PHP programming language is most broadly utilized for the site and web application improvement. It is a broadly useful, a server-side scripting language which runs on a web server and which is intended for making dynamic pages and applications.
Utilizing PHP as its language has numerous points of interest like it bolsters Oracle, Sybase, and so forth. It is utilized for making straightforward capacities, strategies, and punctuation. It likewise bolsters database the executive’s framework and another open source database.
 Among server-side scripting dialects, PHP is among the most powerful web improvement dialects that sudden spike in demand for servers. This adaptable server-side scripting language is the thing that enables us to improve the capacities and presence of the sites and run highlights, for example, requiring a username to login, to download and transfer content, to cast a ballot in surveys and even use shopping baskets in online stores.
In the event that you are new to the web improvement programming condition and are simply searching for a spot to begin, at that point PHP isn't just an incredible decision yet in addition it is as yet commanding the server-side web advancement with well over half of the piece of the overall industry. The PHP remains at 415,934 numbers in the top programming language utilization appropriation in top 1 million destinations, which implies it is normally utilized as 41.59% of the complete dialects. This language is proficient to limit the code usage and accompanies its memory improvement work. To gather the item codes from outside isn't basic to the extent the PHP based web application is concerned. Web Designing Company in Ghaziabad entails the following as a portion of the reasons that plainly clarify concerning why PHP programming language is the best decision for web advancement as:
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Lift Simplicity
With PHP, the coding resembles composing an exposition in English for a PC to peruse, aside from the article is a bit of code which trains it to make and run site in the most productive way conceivable. To make a code in PHP is basic, and however you have once in a while heard that a few designers gripe about this doesn't fabricate the important coding propensities in them.
Works Exceptionally
The most recent patterns towards the versatile substance have made a CMS customization which is a pivotal focused requirement for the business. Versatile substance is content customized for singular guests to the site for making a balanced encounter for the guests. This is just conceivable if the site's code can be altered and coordinated with the assistance of CMS.
 Expanded Programming Talent
This programming language is regularly used to make an enormous pool of ability to browse for changes and building and bringing down the expense every hour for those administrations. To refresh your site later on, it would be a superior decision to choose and hiring staff part for the undertaking or work with a substitute supplier than the person who manufactured your site.
 Insert capacity
The ongoing pattern in versatile substance has made the responsive site and liquid matrix frameworks significantly increasingly appropriate for the associations. HTML5 is the unchallenged business to grow profoundly powerful and responsive site. This is the place PHP surfaces as the language which enables its code to be effectively implanted into HTML language.
Standard library
The degree of its standard library just makes the separation between the great programming dialects from an incredible one. Libraries assume a significant job to improve and speeding the information preparing capacity of the language. It offers broad help for HTTP bringing, customary articulations, URL parsing, and database drivers. It is totally obvious that the library is indiscernible; however the network's on it.
These are not many of the focal points and advantages of making a site for your business. Do you are aware of different favorable circumstances to be picked up by having a site? Don't hesitate to tell us your musings by remarking on our Face book Page.
These days, the majority of the clients forsake the site which takes over 3 seconds to stack. Henceforth, the designers need to investigate approaches to keep the guests connected by picking up the site stacking speed. It accompanies JIT (Just in Time) motor which accumulates the PHP code into machine language for better captivating outcomes.
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It is one of the most adaptable web programming dialects. It additionally empowers the software engineers for making changes to the code during various phases of advancement. They can undoubtedly add new highlights or usefulness to the site much subsequent to composing the code. Changes should likewise be possible in existing code and can likewise be adjusted to add new highlights to the site.
Open Source
These days, huge, little and medium-sized business selects open source advances to shorten the activities overheads. As an open source innovation, PHP can be utilized by the associations without paying any charges for the permit. The software engineers can additionally lessen the ideal opportunity for advancement altogether by taking the benefits of a few open source PHP structures.
The PHP software engineers still need to carefully record an additional time and endeavors the web application in PHP. They need to profit the assets which are given by different structures and substance the board framework for decreasing the advancement time altogether. Picking PHP language for site improvement administrations will without a doubt give you incredible outcomes to manufacture a site for your association.
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Insights Of Mobile App Development Stages And Different Lifecycle
Developing Mobile App is a very common scenario in today’s world. Having witnessed several advantages like increased sales, brand awareness, increased Return on Investment, without any clashes mobile app development has become the essentiality of every business today. Moreover, when we further look at the development of application it requires great planning and searches for developing a flawless and high-efficient Mobile Apps.
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As Mobile Application is satisfying the individual need in every possible way, it helps them to accomplish every set of task on the go right from Online shopping, money transactions, social media interactions, track, orders everything with one tap and get anything anywhere through App. 
Moreover, hundreds of apps are making their debut in the mobility market and several hundred types of Mobile Application getting diminished from the market without making a mark. So while developing your Mobile App, it is always good to stick with the basic development approach of the application and which is why experts developers insist to serve always fresh and realistic ideas. 
Small elements like App design, App functionality, App features when overlooked carefully can create a major impact of attracting immeasurable crowd benefitting your business in the long run. Already App store or play store is crowned by a huge number of Apps, it is necessary for your app to be spot-on the first and that you don’t leave any stone unturned.
At Web Designing Company in Ghaziabad, we understand the importance of creating a well-defined and effective mobile app development process. With over a decade of industry experience, we know what it takes to survive in this competitive market. So, here is the detailed discussion of various lifecycle and stages of Mobile App development that will help you to craft the result-determined and unmatchable Mobile App. Which will gradually gain credibility from customers and become the most wanted and downloaded Apps in the App store. Whether it is Android or iPhone App development this agile development phase will make your app travel a long way over the pace of time.
The first step is very crucial as it is the foundational layer for gathering the development requirements and knowing about the clear vision of the client and the feasibility of the development. It lays the groundwork for your next step. At this stage itself, all your research and brainstorming should be completed before proceeding the next step. 
You must ask yourself the question and become clear on the points like objective, aim, target audience, the platform you want to develop your App, your app should be paid or free. Only this planning or gathering phase helps you to estimate the actual time that would be required to develop the App. The factors such as competition, the plethora of app in the same niche of your business, features, kind of service, are important to analyze within this stage itself such that to make unique and well-defined App. The cost estimation of the App development and other factors is clearly defined at this stage as per the competition. 
This stage is full of paperwork which is clearly writing your idea onto paper or a whiteboard. After a detailed analysis of cost-estimation and requirement gathering, this stage you should start adding details to your app. You should take a move to clear the design structure of the Mobile App which helps you to collect large ideas that will help you create the Mobile App in an amazing & flawless manner.
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Building a Prototype
Before moving to the actual development of the Mobile App, you must make a prototype of your App. Only then you will get a clear preview of how your final Mobile App will appear after its launch. In this process, you will be able to know what your app would feel when it is touched, its interface appearance, navigation between screen by screen and all other features that you will optimize on your design. This will at the most help your design to be very flawless without leaving any loopholes. 
Designing of Apps comes a long way before the actual development. For making your App design in an alluring & professional manner, you can hire the highest rated and highly experienced Mobile App designer that can give you cool insights over UI/UX of your application. So, you will be able to create the beautiful and stunning application with user-friendly and rich Mobile App Interface. This way you can come up with the awesome design that will grab the attention of the user. 
Mobile App Development
Next comes the actual development of the Mobile Application which is the primary stage of the entire development process. It is where taking the input from the designing phase, you will develop the entire mobile application. Here the actual coding and connectivity with the database are shown. You can add features, use advanced technologies which are required to develop your mobile application as per the requirements of the client. 
Application Testing
The next phase of the Mobile App development is the Testing Phase. On completing your Mobile Application development the next comes the testing phase. In this testing phase, the Mobile App is completely tested for the bugs ensuring the App runs smoothly without any disruption and gives the best experience for the users. When your user finds your App very interesting and finds it impressive, then your app may gain more users and popularity in the Play store or App store. There are two types of testing that are usually done on your App.
UAT Testing 
This is an important testing process which determines the App user experience level in which the App is tested for the target audience discernment. This helps you to know your App has the potential to capture the marketplace and make its reach in the play store or App store.
Beta Testing
This Beta testing is done for your App to determine the functionality of your App features and how they work in the real world environment. This Beta testing also allows the users to participate in the trialing process of Mobile App.
The Application testing phase is the significant stage to make sure your App runs with full functionality of all features after its launch.
Launching your Application
Once your Mobile App is developed and optimized totally and ready for the launch stage, you can submit your App to the App Store or Play store for getting the approval from the respective App store. Once the App is launched, it is not the end case. After the launch, the App requires regular updates and addition of functionality of new features throughout the application lifecycle. While this update may indulge a whole new cycle of starts after the launch of the first version of the App.
Wrapping Up
When you want your Mobile App to not go diminished in the App store and visible to the users and gradually earn popularity, you need to follow a well-structured development process that allows you to craft Mobile App without leaving loopholes, and also the drawbacks of your application. 
The above well-planned Mobile App development lifecycle is obtained after in-depth research of Mobile App strategies and which elements of the App worked really well.
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Important Factors That Will Impact Cost of Dynamic Website Design In 2022
In the digital era, we don’t judge something from its cover anymore, but we review businesses by their web portal. Meanwhile, a web portal with inadequate features, low-quality content, and obsolete design can never symbolize a business in positive energy. Can it? Openly speaking, there should not be any reason for a poor website design. And, as we rise at the cusp of 2022, spending in Dynamic website designing & development turns important for the success of the online business.
The time business owner are familiar with the broad cost range for website design & development, they feel uncertain about appointing expert services. How about doing some research despite being in haste? To share a good idea, Web Designing Company in Ghaziabad call for the important list of factors directly at the fingertips.
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Domain Name
Domain Name in easy terms, the name of the domain assists to set up an online/digital individuality for a business. Not just does it confirm the brand identity, but a domain name also takes traffic to the website, your planned destination despite allowing it to drift away elsewhere, speak social media. Additionally, the domain name directs great importance as it will forever stay with you, even if you look for hosting change.
You may call one-stop shops like Go Daddy or HostGator to select a domain name that remains suitable for your budget and taste. Are you choosing the .com extension? Or do you wish to try .net or .org for a lower cost?  Are you searching for a creative name with the X facor?Always keep in mind that the cost of the domain will change as per the choices you create. So, be watchful of your choice from the beginning.
Website Hosting
● The important factor varies for the cost of Dynamic web design in India; website hosting is when the host gives a space for your web portal on its server. due to it influences the ease with which internet users can access your website, you have to be cautious about choosing the appropriate website hosting service provider.
● However, selecting a shared hosting service can be the cheapest; it might make your website slow due to sharing the server with clients. Moreover, you may connect cost-effective hosting services from website builders, which work wonders for the small or mid-sized trader. Without attempting the cut corners, you can select a Virtual Private Server (VPS) I which you split the server with others aalong with access to the resource of the servers. You should think wisely before creating a call.
 SSL Certificate
●As we reside in a world where internet threats are a concern, finding an SSL certificate is essential for the survival of the business. The logic is straightforward. An SSL certificate assists to confirm the website\'s credibility by showing HTTPS in the URL. At the same time, they feel secure in information sharing while getting services or buying products from the website.
●Now, it is important which is better? Do you choose paid free SSL certificates? Being professionals, we will speak in the latter favor. The reason is, when you choose for paid certifications, you find benefits similar to a higher warranty, greater lifespan, dedicated technical support, and identity verification, etc. Once again, youll discover lots of vendors that present SSL certifications, but we advise you to stick to the renowned ones. The SSL certificate even assists in getting better the SEO ranking.
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Website Design Theme
Perhaps the most influential component in the dynamic website development! The hype is justified because 75% of users judge a business based on the aesthetics of its website. Then again, a dynamic website is not just about its visual but also the usability. From the navigation to the user interface and loading speed, a quality web design should be able to get your leads hooked to it.
Generally, the rule of thumb is that a simple design calls for a lower price. If budget is a constraint for you, choose a decent theme that works for your brand and connects with the audience. However, responsive design is one area you must not compromise. Believe us when we say it is going to add to the bottom line of your business. Cannot figure out how many web pages you should add? You can talk to the web design team and get an accurate page count! Just remember – the higher the number of pages, the greater the pricing.
It’s not enough to own a visually appealing website – it also has to support several functionalities. So, in this regard, some service providers may offer packages available at fixed rates and contain a limited number of functionalities. You can check whether any of such packages meet your needs and budget. If it does not, then you can realise your custom requirements by paying higher prices.
In most cases, fixed-price packages may include a CMS platform support, design concepts, a fixed set of webpages, image gallery, social media integration, SEO-complaint features, and responsive layout. Should you need additional features, you’ll have to pay extra. To understand how website functionality cost varies, you can consult with the top companies offering dynamic website design services and decide your case accordingly.
Choice of Service Provider
Thought we would not touch this point? Well, we are here. Now, there is no shortage of web design & development companies in the market today, but finding a professional team that can strike a balance between quality and affordability is a challenge. Some may charge you more under the pretence of top-notch assistance, while others can offer that same quality of service but at a fairer price deal.
To choose the right service provider, you can gather quotes from top companies, and decide who meets your requirements the best. Make sure to check experience, accreditations, previous works & portfolio, and then decide if you are about to partner with the right team.
So, you see, it is impractical to estimate website design & development cost in a snap of fingers. Yes, it is not so simple. You may have to fine-tune your goals to address both your business needs and budgetary constraints. But, since you have learnt the factors involved in determining the cost, we are sure you will make smart decisions and drive great results for your business. Hope you get the best value for your investment in the upcoming year! 
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Wix Vs WordPress Development – Which One to Choose For Your Business Website?
Planning to choose the best development platform for your business website like Wix or WordPress?
There are a lot of platforms that you can use to design and develop your business website but Wix and WordPress are best to develop custom designs and yet cost-effective as well. WordPress comes with a lot of additional features on advanced level along with its CMS feature and it’s a prior choice of almost developers and business owners. And Wix is also good enough to offer custom development services to their clients. But the question is that which one is best to get your business website?
Web Designing Company in Ghaziabad discusses in brief in this article for better understanding about these platforms.
WordPress is a CMS platform that were founded to build business blogs on high scale but now it’s good enough to develop business websites and ecommerce websites as well. And Wix is a website builder that helps to develop an easy website using inbuilt modules.
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 Wix Vs WordPress Development Platform Features:
Wix and WordPress both are the best and reliable platforms along with their own strength and features as some of them listed below:
·         Friendly nature especially for beginners
·         Full control over the website’s structure
·         Ecommerce flexibility
·         Full ownership about data
·         Full time maintenance
·         Cost-effective solution
·         Better SEO score
Ease of Use: Is Wix easier to use than Word Press?
Wix is actually one of the easiest website builders to build a website with. Why? You don’t have to install any software, and you edit everything in your browser. Their editor is completely drag and drop, and super intuitive , especially for complete beginners. If you want to add more functionalities, you also have their App Market that lets you add features in one click.
And then there’s even the ADI editor, which leads you through a Q&A set up process. After only a few minutes you’ll get to see a first draft of your website based on your business.You will be more limited in your choices but for someone with a very narrow time budget, this can actually be a decent- enough solution.
Word Press is also known for its extensions and plugins, but they’re not always that easy to install or implement. Similarly, the whole software requires a tiny bit of technical knowledge, or at least the ability to follow some tutorials. And when things go wrong (not if), finding the fix can also become a bit of an issue. WordPress is doing its best to move into a more user-friendly direction with the Gutenberg update that added a building block editor. But it’s still far away from being as easy as Wix.
 Designs & Flexibility: Pros and Cons
 Wix’s template library comes with close to 1,000 (yes, 1,000!) free templates. They are slick, modern, and segmented into categories (photographers, restaurants, blogs, etc…). But don’t worry, Wix creates a separate mobile version. This is perfectly fine for Google, but you may need to re-arrange some elements (using drag and drop) to make your site look good on phones.
With WordPress, if you know CSS and HTML, or if you don’t mind spending a few hours working out how to modify your template’s code – you can get exactly the website you want. Plus, you will find tons of responsive WordPress themes online. They usually cost between $30 & $60 (have a quick look at Elegant Themes or Themeforest), and most of them are responsive.
There’s one potential gamechanger on the horizon, though. While the Gutenberg drag-and-drop editor is currently only available for pages and blog posts, WordPress plans to roll this out to entire websites during the year. That means that WordPress users will soon be able to easily edit any part of their site, without the need for any additional code or plugins. This will make the editing experience more on par with Wix’s in terms of ease of use, although it’s likely that some coding will still be needed to get your designs exactly as you want them.
 Apps & Plugins: Enhance your site’s functionality
 Wix has got an App Market where you can find, amongst 300 free and paid apps, tons of ways to expand your industry-specific website. This is excellent news for things like hotel booking systems, photographer image galleries or business invoicing for instance. It’s worth noting that some of these apps are created by Wix themselves (such as Wix’s suite of business tools, Ascend by Wix), others by unofficial developers.
Apart from the App Market there is also Wix Velo , which lets you add JavaScript and APIs to your site. This way experienced users can add custom interactions, for example.
Unfortunately Wix doesn’t provide a good solution for everything. WebsiteToolTester, for example, is a multilingual website in 7 languages. While Wix offers a feature for multilingual sites, it’s not SEO-friendly and is cumbersome to use. Again, it might be good enough for smaller sites – in our case though, we couldn’t use Wix.
WordPress is actually known for their plugins (e.g. social media, contact form, SEO, etc.). We’ve mentioned WooCommerce earlier, but it’s just one of the thousands and thousands of ways in which you can completely transform a WordPress theme to fit your needs. Just like with Wix, some WordPress plugins are free and some can cost a small fortune.
Once again, you might need a tiny bit of technical knowledge to update/install them. For example: WPML is our plugin to manage multiple languages. It’s complicated and every once in a while it creates conflicts with other plugins we use. But it’s also very powerful.
What’s more: if the plugin you need doesn’t exist yet, you can just hire a developer to create it for you as WordPress gives you full access to the code.
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 How WordPress is better than Wix Platform?
Development of a website with WordPress is not as easy with Wix but still it’s a good option to start with a business website as it’s a friendly platform for beginners.
Let’s discuss about its benefits for beginners:
·         Complete control over website’s design & Functionality
·         Feature to include ecommerce functionality using plugins
·         Complete ownership of data
·         High rate of security and full maintenance
·         Cost-effective platform
·         SEO friendly platform
Wix vs Word Press: Our Final Thoughts
The perfect website builder, it goes without saying, depends on the website you need. If you want a powerful solution that will scale over the years, you should probably go for WordPress. Moreover, if you need complex features straight away, it’s really your only option for creating powerful blogging, directories, multilingual sites, complex databases and FTP access.
However, Wix is much better suited to smaller, informative websites (like the Tooltester.net site). By that we mean anything that describes your industry, what you do and how to get in touch. The business-focused apps also make it a particularly good solution for bookings-based services (e.g. yoga studios, salons, online exercise classes), hotels, restaurants and event-based services such as photography or wedding companies. Small online stores can also be run completely out of Wix.
And it’s also much better for complete beginners, offering drag and drop tools and dedicated support, small details that can really save you a lot of time and headaches in the long term.
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10 Things You Need To Know Before You Construct Your Website
There are millions of websites nowadays. If you are thinking of building your website, there are many things you should be aware of. This ranges from having a friendly SEO to attractive designs.
Web Designing Company in Ghaziabad in this article is gathering insightful information for starters by setting forth important initial steps  like, you should place yourself in the shoes of the customer and make a list of what you would have wanted. You should think about the security issues regarding your website and much more.
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Domain name
It’s the initial step of web designing. It’s a name of your website. You have to pay certain fee to register for the right to use that name. However, getting a name doesn’t mean you will get a website. It’s just registering a business name.
The domain name must be short, easy and memorable. In addition, branding strategy should also be applied while choosing a domain. In other words, your domain name should represent your brand. However, you should be careful not to violate any copyrights with your domain name as you don’t want to be on the bad side of the law.
When you design your web page, you do so with a specific group of users in your mind. You must appeal to those users’ wants and needs to have a popular website. Otherwise, your website will be just another website in a world of millions of websites.
How can you know what your user’s need is? There are hundreds of analytic tools to answer that question. You can make use of one of those analytic apps to sort that out. These apps will help to get a data in your user, which will ultimately lead to the success in your undertakings.
Social media integration
In this age of social media, there is hardly anyone who hasn’t heard about social media. Social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and many others have millions of users, which will provide a great platform to market your website.
If you are thinking of building your website, you should make sure that your website has an option to share the contents of your website in social media. Most of the top website builders provide support for this.
There are many analytic tools that cab track the ways and locations from which people are finding your website. This is vital for a successful website.
Security is the biggest concern in the 21st century, even more so for the Internet. Technological advancements have led to different malwares, viruses and many malicious applications compromising the website integrity. Add the threat of hackers and you have your hands full.
To be more specific, if you are into e-commerce and require sensitive information such as personal information and credit card numbers of your clients, you need to ensure the security of your website.
These threats should be assessed in the beginning of webpage designing. Webpages must have SSL certificates and security checks must be conducted regularly.
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You have a website with phenomenal design, interesting content and fast-loading speed. Great, but what good will it do if it has no viewers or just a few users? Therefore, search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the most important part of webpage development. It will make sure that the targeted user will be able to access it.
Hence, it is crucial to have a clean and SEO friendly code. For this, you can use certain CMS services. While some CMS services require you to have a technical knowledge in coding, some services like WordPress require little technical knowledge.
Compatibility is one of the important aspects of a website. A website page must be able to run in any browser from Firefox, Safari to Internet Explorer. Even the older browsers must not be exempt from reaching this webpage. If it doesn’t, we will lose a large number of a customers, which will be very detrimental to the webpage in its infancy.
Moreover, the site should be supported on mobile devices as well. According to one study, 95 percent of mobile users actually use their mobile devices for online searching rather than their computer or laptop. This means a large chunk of your webpage viewers will be mobile users. Hence, webpage must be supported in all types of devices and across all the browsers.
How your website looks is an essential thing to consider if you want it to stand out. Since it is the basic element to attract or distract the user, it is one of the important things to keep in mind before building the design.
For instance, if a design of any webpage is eye catching, users will be more likely to spend their time surfing for the content in a page. Good design also affects SEO of a webpage.
If a site has a very slow loading rate, people are not going to wait unless it is a must. Since there are many webpages to choose from, there is no alternative for good hosting.
In addition to that, poor hosting is bad for the search engine ranking of a webpage. You should test your website and resolve hosting issues prior to the official release of your website.
If you are thinking of building a website, let’s be clear that there is no substitute for good navigation. If a customer finds it difficult to navigate your page, they are going to lose interest and may never access it twice.
For a good navigable site, you can use dropdown in navigation menu. This will ensure, there is no confusion for a client while viewing your webpage.
After all the considerations, things eventually boil down to the ‘cost’. Building a website requires money. You need to spend money to get a domain name. You will also need money, if you are employing a web designer to design your webpage.
Furthermore, monthly maintenance must be done, which is also costly. Therefore, one should estimate all the associated costs before starting the project.
A website can play many roles depending on the needs you have and what you expect to achieve once it’s designed and fully operational. However, designing a website comes with its own challenges, and if you don’t have a plan in place or a reliable developer or agency available to help make your dream come true, a lot of things can go astray. You can be able to achieve all your needs and to do that, you need to know about the important or essential aspects one should have on their mind and list before building a website.
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For many businesses, a website is the most priority to target the customers and boost sales. In this digital era, your website must include user interface and easily reachable to all. It acts as a branding purpose as well as marketing tools. Of course, web development will enhance a proper perspective and know its prime importance.
Website design and development would do something better to gain more audiences. Within a few minutes, your business will reach globally by availing web development in Noida. A business owner will never ignore web development services. It will help them to enhance the company at the top level. So, the platform needs to be integrated carefully before entering the digital market.
Why is web development significant?
 Web Designing Company in Ghaziabad creates a website that will judge your business and how they enter into the market. As a business owner, you must get help from a professional web development company. For your convenience, many companies are helping you to get a successful business. Your website must have functional visual elements, graphics, and texts to judge the site.
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Creating and developing compelling websites gives a cutting edge solution to your competitors. This is why professional web developers are closely working for many business owners. As a result, web development truly enhances the company's reputation, type, and target the audience quickly.
This is a real asset to your business and improves overall profitability. Choosing the right web development company must depend on your budget. Before choosing the web development company, you must know how it helps to grow business effectively.
 Grow your internet presence
 Every brand must have an online presence. Likewise, web development services help to attract potential clients and grow internet presence. It rapidly boosts the sales by having targeted audiences to the brand or services. As a result, web development must be convenient and gets a personalized experience.
So, this is a crucial point in developing the business website. Targeting the internet presence is what every business owner should keep in mind. It is how it portraits your website and reaches the clients. Professional web development in Noida will help you to save time as well as increase sales.
 Branding and social media influence
 Building a successful brand is what every business owner thinks. So, web development will be a part of the right publicity. A company must focus on the content posted on its site. As a result, web development will reach height and get it closer. Hence, the business owner must get help from professional web developers. Brands will collaborate easily in the digital market.
Using social media influence is also a boon to many business owners. Therefore, web development takes place to target the audience as quickly as possible. You must know the significant benefits of choosing web development. It is essential for marketing strategies and the most effective solution.
 Marketing and sales
To enhance sales, web development service is essential. You must promote your brands via online platforms. It meets a consistent presence by posting your business brands or services. Targeting the marketing value is what every development takes place.
It is the biggest asset for your business and targets the audiences. The design must be robust and creates an impact on the viewers. From marketing to branding, web development takes place naturally. It is mainly targeting a group of audience and become the best asset for your business.
 Appealing graphics and visuals
 When you hire a dynamic website development in Noida, they will design the sites with excellent graphics and visuals. It plays a vital role in boosting the business with colorful designs. Depend on your budget; get the best designs with user interface and beautiful visuals. With additional features, it gives the same design for advertising accessories.
Web developers integrate visual graphics and other features for business. A business owner will get comprehensive assistance and boost sales. As a result, customers can easily browse the site without any risks. Web developers will design site with good graphic visuals and meet the requirements clearly.
 More customer engagement
 The web development page must design according to user requirements. It must attract customers and see how the website is intended. They must engage well with services and give ultimate features. Your business will achieve targeted audiences by having a good interface option. Customers are the backbone of your business.
So, the customers are always a boon for your business and target the business. Customer engagement is the most crucial thing, and boosts sales quickly. Web development will handle your business and reach customers smoothly. You can utilize a user-friendly website to increase transactions without any hassles. It builds trust and customers are a backbone to your business.
 Reliability and transparency
 Dynamic web development in Noida emphasizes the reliability of the brands. It usually has better growth and steady outcome as well. You will get a convenient solution after hiring a web development company. Customers get a personalized experience and useful for small businesses. Web development services would help you to meet the audience soon.
It offers reliability and transparency to your business. A new user takes time to get a website and consider value proportion to meet the requirements. The site must be informative and polite. It helps them to access everything related to the requirements.  The business operations are carried out smoothly by availing the top-notch features. A new user takes time to evaluate the website.
 A consistent and attractive logo
 Web development gives compatible and beautiful logo designs. With integrated features and services, your site will almost reach the top level. By this time, it has personalized highlights and targets the visitors. It strengthens the personality of the branding and considers the best visuals at the same time. The company logo is essential and boosts sales smoothly.
To improve branding, web development is a boon for business owners. This is the most prominent marketing strategies and useful purpose. It considers practical ideas to boost sales and perform business operations. It plays a primary role in for branding marketing and focuses on web development projects.
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How to use Typography in UI Design?
Typography is more than just choosing the right words or fonts for your web or mobile UI, the text hierarchy, font scales, white space, color contrasts and other visuals in your typography also help deliver specific messages about your brand.
It is of the utmost importance to any design and that's why designers invest much time and energy in creating a better typography to improve the readability and legibility of their UI, driving their businesses to a new level.
In this article, Web Designing Company in Ghaziabad will go over typography design in UI to give you a strong foundational understanding. Typography and fonts can change how your messages come across and so we have included typography basics, examples, tools and resources to help enhance your UI designs.
What is typography in web or mobile UI design?
In web and mobile UI design, typography is the art of organizing typefaces on the interface to make all copy readable, legible and scalable to the audience. Visually appealing typography sometimes even catches the users' attention and increases the interface conversation rate effectively.
Designing good typography is not just choosing a beautiful font for your app. The decision depends on many visual aspects of your UI.
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Basic typography elements
Fonts ,Typefaces ,Letter and line spacing, Font weight, height and size are some of the basic elements that should always be considered when designing typography for your project.
What role does typography play in UI design?
Typography in UI design works just like a visual communication tool to engage users and convince them to stay longer or buy something.
When users visit a website or mobile app, instead of reading texts line by line, they often  first scan the entire page to see whether there is data they need. At this moment, a scannable and well-organized typography will impress and engage potential customers or users.
Once users stay on a page, a clear or informative typography design is also required to deliver product or service information precisely and encourage them to place an order.
Never ignore the role of typography when designing UI.
Why do you need good typography?
When designing a website or mobile app, typography does not only work as a visual communication tool. It also brings many benefits:
·         Enhance UI readability, legibility and accessibility ·         Set a consistent tone and mood ·         Make your app stand out from others ·         Boost product sales ·         Best practices you should follow for good typography design
However, do you know how you can design good typography for your app project? Here are 10 of the core principles that you should follow:
Choose the right typeface and font
Different typefaces and fonts have their own features, giving users completely different feels. The visual experiences they offer can vary as well. So, you should always choose the right typeface and font that best suits your design theme and style, delivering the page content in the right mood and tone.
Do not use too many typefaces and fonts
To create a comfortable reading experience without distractions, you should use a maximum of two typefaces in an app or website. Too many typefaces will conflict with the user's vision and won’t allow a natural reading experience due to too much noise on the screen.
Pay attention to space
The next principle you should follow is to balance the space and element on the interface. About the space, here we are talking about two types of spaces:
·         White space
White space, also referred to as negative space, is the empty space between different elements and graphics. A website with proper white space creates a clear layout and  makes the webpage content easy to read.
·         Text space
Apart from the space around the elements or block of texts, you should also pay attention to space around the individual text itself, including the letter and line spacings so you can create a
Create a clear visual hierarchy
A website with a great visual hierarchy will also help users find their information fast. So, for better typography design, you should also try to create a clear visual hierarchy.
In general, apart from the common elements like grid layouts, tables and card designs, you can use the following elements to create a better visual hierarchy:
·         Headings and titles
·         Space and size
·         Colors
Make your typography scalable
To create the best user experience, designers are always asked to create a website app that works well both on desktop and mobile devices. This requires designers to design typography that scales well on different screen sizes.
It is vital when designing a website to define a scale from the outset for all fonts and typefaces.. Also do not forget to share the scale guidelines for all platforms, like Android, iOS and Web platforms, with your team members, so they can know which platform or situation a font or typeface scale should be used.
Use visual contrast wisely
Applying visual contrast wisely will also make your UI more legible and friendly to everyone. When designing the typography for your project, you can try to create strong visual contrast by trying the following:
·         Color contrasts
·         Upper and lowercase combinations
·         Italic and bold copy
Keep your text simple and short
No matter whether you are designing a minimalist website or not, you should always try to make your UI text as simple and short as possible. "Never make your users think" is always the final goal that you should keep in mind.
Text that is too short or simple  can sometimes confuse users and create a bad result. You should always try to create short and simple, but informative text on your website or app.
Never forget consistency
When trying to design the best possible user experience, visual consistency should always be at the top of the list. Striving for consistency in typography is one of the basic principles of using typography in design, use consistent colors, font sizes and font types, so the user is not distracted by the font or text or feel confused when visiting the website. 
Animate your copy
To engage users as soon as they visit your website, try to add lightweight animations and interactions to your banners and subtitles that grasp their attention right away. Interactive text engages the user and gives you more time to make your pitch.
Prototyping and testing
No matter what type of website or mobile apps you are trying to design, to save time and money, amazing typography or UI design should always be fully tested before being moved to the development process.
No matter which prototyping tool you choose, you should always remember to:
·         test the type scales to see whether your typography works on all types of devices;
·         test the animations and interactions to see whether they work as you think;
·         test the colors, white spaces and sizes to see whether they get the desired results;
If possible, you may also invite some real users to test the details and collect their feedback to improve the app functions and user experience.
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