weiird-sciience · 2 years
“-- Right, I’ll keep that in mind. Could’ve sworn that’s how he usually talks...” the last bit was muttered under Zac’s breath, as the robot would quickly pull out a phone and use a speed-dial to call up the nearest fast-food delivery company. Putting in Oron’s large order, as well as just ordering a Quarter-Pounder meal for himself, Zac hung up with a chuckle.
“They’ll be here in about fifteen. My treat.” he simply states, before the robot would crack his neck a bit and look at Oron. “... You look like shit, by the way. And I don’t mean get-up wise, the gear’s still ass-kicking. But you look like you’ve just been spoiled about the finale of one of your soap operas.” Zac motions for Oron to have a seat in a couch. “Feel like talking, big man?”
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weiird-sciience · 2 years
“Oron might be an immense bell-end to most and any people he meet, but please; do not antagonize the man for it. Do any of for even a nano-second stop and realize just what he’s gone through?”
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weiird-sciience · 2 years
Terabyte pulls the key from the ignition as he hops out of the driver’s side, keeping the door open to let the other watch him pull the belt buckle up under his midriff, clipping onto his belt with a loud clicking sound.
In response to Zac’s worries, he’d simply chuckle and tug his belt up, nestling it snugly against the bulging synth-muscle of his gut. “Come on hun, you know it ain’t gonna go nowhere.”
Closing his door, Terabyte walks a bit ahead of the other bot, stopping at the edge of the pier to wait for him. As Zac pulls himself out of their car, he’ll look to see Terabyte stood and waiting for him, the morning sun lightly shining off of his metal face, lightly clashing with the faint blue glow of his eyes as they glanced over at him.
His hand in his pockets, he hovers his right arm out away from his body, wordlessly signifying for his lover to come up and grab it, waiting for him to do so before continuing on.
Zac quickly hops out of his side of the car as well, catching a bit of a glance at Terabyte’s midriff as he clips on the belt buckle and pulls his belt up, nestling it against the bulk of his gut, as he’d just chuckle and slowly move up to Terabyte’s side, teasingly sliding a hand over to rub along the bulging synth-muscle of that area. “Oh I don’t know hun... might not be too long before -this- big ol’ thing strains it too hard an’ pops it off~” he’d give Terabyte a cheeky grin.
But then, he’d just smile and let the sun shine along his face as well, as he’d hook his left arm around Terabyte’s right arm, and wordlessly walk along the pier with him, leaning his head onto Terabyte’s shoulder the whole way down the pier. The view was... well, he’d say ‘breathtaking’, but it could only get so ‘magical’ within a metropolitan city, after all. But he enjoyed the view regardless.
As they’d both finally reach the edge of it, he’d just turn to glance at his lover’s face. “You know... when I first began having feelings for ya, all those years ago, I... I was always fearful. That we’d never be able to fix ya. And that...” his gaze falls a bit. “That I’d never have those feelings returned. ‘Cause I’ll be honest, Big T... you are the only being in this world that’s made me feel this way.”
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weiird-sciience · 2 years
@thermonucular-inferno Continued from X
Ironclad simply stood there as Zac was talking to him about how the furnace worked and how fresher bodies meant more energy. It just looked, with zero emotion due to its inability to emote. Only when Zac was done did Oron speak up.
“Really… After months of not seeing each other, you decide to bitch about ten minute old bodies. Not even a hello? Or… how ya been?” Laughter erupted from the mech as he patted Zac on the shoulder in a friendly manner.
“Oh you ain’t changed a bit haven’t ya?! Well… except of course… all this.” He motioned up and down the now fully Robotic body. “How ya doin’ mate?”
Zac would look up to the massive mech as Oron’s voice emerged from it, only just then realizing that maybe commenting about the bodies right away could be seen as a bit ‘rude’, and was about to give a quick ‘hello’ to remedy the lack of greeting, but thankfully the big bloke did not seem to might as he laughed and patted him on the shoulder.
“Hm... yeah, not really changed too much, Ironclad. Physically, yes. Mentally? Not by much. Good to see you’re pretty much the same, too.” when the comment was made on his body, Zac just shrugs. “My old body was just not good anymore. I had to get a new one. Luckily, me and Terabyte managed to make a new one. It feels... weird, yes. But I’ve gotten used to it.”
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weiird-sciience · 2 years
A couple of bodies were thrown in front of Zac, at least five. Behind them was the all too familiar mech, Ironclad. It had been a while since the pair saw each other. "Got some more bodies for your furnace. Local gang decided to attack some folk." - Musesbykai
The thermonucular physicist robot would just glance down at the five thug corpses dumped in front of him, then back up at Ironclad as he knew the person within the mech could well enough hear him, as he'd just sigh and rub his forehead a bit. "Oron..." he mutters softly, before he speaks aloud;
"You DO realize that the bodies I receive for fuel to my furnace are USUALLY still alive before the deed is done, right?" regardless, he snaps his fingers as a myriad of football-sized drones begin to swarm out of the facility, arms extending from their bodies as they'd pick up the bodies one by one, as Zac begins examining them with a quick glance. "The body has to be as fresh as possible during the small pre-euthanasia period given to them, otherwise the decomposition process can drastically change the amount of bio-fuel produced during cremation. Yes, it varies from patient to patient, but it's still crucial not to lose it."
He'd just give a bit of a huff once he was done. These bodies were MIRACULOUSLY somehow relatively fresh, still. He'd just nod up at Ironclad. "Well, these should suffice regardless."
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weiird-sciience · 2 years
Terabyte keeps his hand firmly grasped into his lover’s, steering the car with the other. He continued to keep glancing over to him occasionally, hoping that his words would be enough to calm Zac’s worries.
The car slows down, as it begins to turn into an opening on the right, into the parking area to a small park and pier along the lakefront. Parking the car in one of the many open spaces in the lot, he relaxes back into his seat, turning now to fully look at the other bot, just as he’d look to him and smile.
He smiles back, holding their metallic fingers tighter. He opens his mouth to speak, but cuts himself off as he’d see Zac lift something from his pocket, and drop it into his hand. Lifting it, he reveals a very familiar sight; A silver belt buckle.
The low, morning sunlight gently glared off of it, better revealing the thunderbird engraving; matching the same one that was still plastered onto the back of his own neck, meant to signify the mark of his original manufacturing distinction. 
He’d worn such a belt buckle for quite some time, having originally been gifted it by his creator some decades ago, but that one had grown battered and tarnished. He knew before Zac could tell him, this one was very much a recreation, but it had been done very well.
He smiles nostalgically at it, having clearly missed this link to his past. Granted, it wasn’t the same one, but he cared more for what it stood for. Running his finger across the engraving, he lifts his other hand to gently stroke the other bot’s cheek. 
“Of course it’s okay, hun. It looks flawless, and I love it just as much as the original. Just as I do for you.” He leans in, gently planting a kiss on Zac’s lips before pulling back, giving his cheek a couple light pats.
“How ‘bout a little morning walk on the pier?” He smiles as he holds up the buckle. “Gimme a chance to break it in?”
Zac was a bit worried of course, whether or not Terabyte would realize why they could not fully restore the old belt buckle, and if he’d feel hurt that this was not the old one. He pensively waited for his answer, but the fingers gliding across his cheek, along with the kiss to his lips was more than enough to reassure him, as he’d just smile wider at the other ‘bot.
“... Glad ya like it, T.” he hums gently, leaning in to peck Terabyte’s cheek in return as he’d look to the belt buckle as well. “I figured it was more the symbolism and all that, but I just hoped you wouldn’t feel hurt that this wasn��t the oldie.” he chuckles a little, realizing how dumb his worries might’ve seemed, but that was soon forgotten with Tera’s offer for a walk on the pier.
“Yeah, sure. Been a while since I got to look out towards the river.” he’d nod, before him and Terabyte would get out of the car. “Just try and not to drop that thing, alright! It kinda cost a lot of credits!”
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weiird-sciience · 2 years
The car lurches back into motion as the light turns green. Terabyte keeps his hand clasped firmly against Zac’s, steering with the other as his eyes dart back and forth between the road and the other bot. He does his best to give occasional glances of acknowledgement and support, beginning to rub the back of his hand gently, his thumb brushing against the metal plating.
He couldn’t help but feel a little guilt about this himself. Even though Zac had told him plenty of times how much he wanted to do it, he still couldn’t help but feel like he may have rushed things along too quickly. It was a lot easier for him to speak on the benefits of inhabiting a robotic body, after all, when it’s all he’d ever known.
As Zac goes quiet, he remains silent for a moment more, composing his thoughts. Tossing the now-used cigarette butt from the window, he begins to speak.
“Listen, Zac. If there’s anything, anything at all I can do to help you start feeling more comfortable in your new form, you know I’ll do it. I’ll go back to the workshop, and help you make any modification, adjustment, or redesign you need. I want you… to feel the same way that you make me feel about myself. But I never want you to feel guilty, or wrong for your choice, especially for me. ”
His thumb slides up to the other bot’s ring finger, rubbing along the engraving upon it. He looks at his own hand as it clutches the wheel, and at the matching graving on that as well.
“You know full well, hun, that I didn’t fall in love with just your face. I fell in love with your heart. And I don’t care whether the flesh it beats with is organic or synthetic, so long as it beats in time with mine.”
He turns his face to make direct eye contact with him.
“Even if there ever came a day, Zac, that we had to leave our bodies behind, and scatter ourselves as faceless entities onto the net, I’d still love you with every line of my code.”
The lurch in motion from the car causes Zac to sink into his seat a little bit, as his confession had drained him slightly. He didn’t exactly want to confess it to Terabyte, but he knew he couldn’t just sit on it forever. But at the same time, he did not want to have Terabyte constantly worrying about him. Truth be told, he knew this was the better choice. There was no question about it. But the pesky thing about ‘humanity’ is that once someone loses touch with it... it causes great distress.
Distress that Zac had been feeling for a while. But now, as Terabyte spoke to him, offering him chances upon chances to improve his current body, to make it more comfortable for him... it made him feel slightly better, at least. He’d sigh as he felt the thumb slide up along his ring finger, rubbing the engraving upon it. He fully grabs onto Terabyte’s hand again, as he lets out a soft; “I know.” before he’d turn to look back at him, a weak smile plastered on his face, but it grew bigger and more genuine the longer he looked at his lover.
“Just... fuck, thanks for being you, Terabyte... I might’ve said it before, but you’re a genuine fucking anchor sometimes, y’know? Always managing to keep me stationary, so I just don’t drift off...” he then lifts his other hand up, which he had kept in his coat-pocket for a while, as he clasps both hands around Terabyte’s one vacant hand, holding it firm... and did he just drop something into it?
When Terabyte would investigate what was in his hand now, he’d realize that it was the old belt-buckle that they had found. Or, well... it was the same type, but it looked a lot newer, more polished, but it still had the thunderbird engraving on it.
“I tried talking them into just polishing it up and what-not... but they said it required such a deep polishing that the engraving would go with it, so I just said ‘fuck it’ and got a new one, with the same engraving... I hope that’s... okay?”
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weiird-sciience · 2 years
He gives a slow intake of breath, stoking the flame deeper into the cigarette as Zac lights it. Exhaling the smoke from his nose, he leans back into his seat. “Thanks babe.” He smiles to the bot beside him, rolling the cigarette to the other side of his mouth, letting the smoke trail out of the open window.
“Hey, we lived though, didn’t we?” He chuckles, he himself reminiscing on the many times he had to steer the party through literal bulletstorms. “’Course, can’t say the same about the wheels. If there were a world record for ‘most bullets in a car frame’, we’d’ve probably won it.” He sighs, taking about drag from the cigarette. “And that’s a record I hope I’ll never have to beat again.”
He glances over at the passenger’s side, watching Zac stare out into the muted sunrise. As the other bot reminisces on his past form, he leans over again to give a small elbow jab into Zac’s side. “I guess, but it’s probably nice to not be constantly smelling burning flesh anymore, eh?”
Terabyte chuckles, before his face would flash with a look of concern. “How’re you… doin’ with that, by the way? Must still be weird adjusting to having a new body and all.” He meets eyes with Zac as the car stops at a red light. 
“I know you told me like, a million times before we went through with it all, but… I can only imagine how jarring it could be to spend your whole life seeing one face in the mirror, only to start seeing a new one.”
He reaches over, placing a hand on the back on one of Zac’s. “I just wanna make sure that, you still feel like… well, you.” 
“Yeah, we lived alright.” Zac nods with a smirk over to Terabyte, just in time to see him jab into his side. “Ow, easy there ya lug of iron.” he teasingly replies, rubbing his side gently as that actually gets him to thinking a bit at Terabyte’s sudden concern. He holds his side for a bit, feeling the synth-muscle under his fingertips for a while, and giving it an experimental rub up and down.
He looks up to Terabyte as the car stops, seeing his concern and feeling his hand upon the back of his own. He sighs a little, twisting his hand to let his fingers intertwine with the other robot’s. “... I won’t lie, Tera. It feels... weird sometimes.” he confesses with a heavy sigh, looking into the rear-view mirror on his side, seeing his new, robotic features. “I know I agreed to all of it, and you know that I did not want to live in that old body any longer than necessary... it was the one thing left that reminded me of... of the incident...” he grasps onto Terabyte’s hand a bit harder at the memories.
“But... I would be lying if I said I was just 100% over it and fully accepting of this new body. It still feels... odd. Wrong, even. There are days I wake up and I just feel like... like I’m in the wrong body.” he actually shrinks into his seat a bit, looking away from Terabyte.
“And... I’m sometimes reminded that this-” he looks back to the other male ‘bot, gesturing towards his own face. “... This is not the face you first fell in love with. So it feels kind of wrong to have... switched it out to something else, y’know?”
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weiird-sciience · 2 years
The car’s electric motor springs to life as Terabyte starts to drive off, turning out of the lot and onto the road. It wouldn’t be long till they’d hit the main road, and with a quick turn, they’d start heading north, following the shore line of the river, and Lake St. Clair. 
“Pff, you’re telling me. Can’t even remember how many times I had to slam the pedal to the medal to keep us from getting shot.” Terabyte rolls down his window, letting the fresh lake breeze into the car. “Definitely don’t miss it, I’ll tell ya that much.”
Fishing into his pocket, he pulls out a small engraved cigarette case. He flips it open, pushing one up as he lifts it to his mouth, snagging it between his lips. He turns to glance into Zac’s eyes, a smile creeping onto his face. “Being out here alone with you, love, is much more preferable.”
He flicks the cigarette with his tongue, giving a wink. “Mind giving me a light, hun?”
“And every fuckin’ time, I’d clutch onto the seat for dear life. I swear if I wasn’t technically already a dead man those times, you’d give me a heart attack of the century each time.” Zac grins back at Terabyte, as he keeps looking out his window. It was dull-gray skies as usual, but they still seemed so much more... homely than back in the day. With that very thin sliver of sunlight behind the grim veneer of clouds. As if to signal that better days were ahead.
His attention was dragged back to his hubby, however, as he’d request a light for his cigarette, as Zac would just smile and wordlessly flick his thumb open, a small burst of nuclear fire emitting from it like a BIC lighter, as he’d singe the end of his cig for him. “Don’t even need to ask, love.” he’d state, before his thumb snapped shut again.
“Yeah... this is much more preferable. Still, can’t say I don’t miss some of the action back in the days. Sometimes it was kind of fun essentially being a walking dead version of the Human Torch.”
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weiird-sciience · 2 years
As Zac gets prepared, Terabyte heads out the door and down to the parking lot of their complex, taking in the quietness of the night. There really was something special about being out at a time like this; the quietness of the night, juxtaposed against the rushing hiss of tires from the nearby highway, and the soft hum of neon lights.
How was it that the city could seem so peaceful at night? Wasn’t long ago now that he was still working in the shadows, using the cover the dark to slink through buildings and alleyways. He’d seen firsthand the brutal harshness the night would bring onto the city, and yet, he couldn’t help but feel a bit of peace as he stepped up to lean on their car.
It’s a lot easier to miss the darkness, when you’re not blinded by the light, he supposed… And then he heard the sounds of gunshots echo in the distance.
Oh right, it’s Detroit. 
He sighs, leaning up against the car to wait for the other bot to catch up. Upon seeing him approach, he smiles again, pushing himself off the car to sneak one more palm stroke across his cheek. Hearing the mention of their old means of transportation though, Terabyte couldn’t help but stifle a small chuckle too.
“That hunk of junk? I mean… I guess if you consider bullet hole patches and a shoddy nitro engine ‘character’…” He did know what he meant though. There were a lot of memories in that car; for both of them, and their old friends. “Eh, maybe one day I’ll try and fix ‘er up, if I got the time on my hands. For now though - “
Lifting up the car keys, he presses a button as the doors on their 2-seated car slid up and open, allowing for them to hop inside. “Shall we, dear?”
“Yeah, was about to say--” Zac chuckles as he gently nudges Terabyte’s shoulder. He did of course mean all the memories they had from the old car, especially during their many crazy adventures back in the days. But thankfully, those days were over. So they did not have to worry about things. He’d lean in, kissing Terabyte’s cheek before he’d hop into the passenger seat. “Way ahead of ya, baby. Let’s take this to the road.”
And as they began to drive, Zac was occupied for a moment, just gazing out of the window and watching the suburbs passing by them, as he’d let out a forlorn sigh. “Y’know... it’s kinda crazy, how we can just drive around now, and not have to worry about some crazed corpo hitman tailgating us, or a bunch of gang members taking a hit on us. Just... you and me, out in the city.”
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weiird-sciience · 2 years
He glanced at the pile once again. He really should keep going, he thought, but Zac was right. He really did need a break from this. After another moment of thought, he finally resigns with a sigh. “Alright, maybe a quick break wouldn’t hurt…”
Kicking his leg against the ground, he turns the chair in tandem with Zac, spinning to face him. He grabs the other bot’s hand, holding it firm and lifting himself out of the chair. As he stands, he lifts his shoulders a bit to stretch them, before getting caught slightly off guard again by the other’s sudden affection.
He quickly reciprocates, pressing his lips to Zac’s as they embrace. Trailing a palm down his lover’s face, he gently caresses his thumb across his metallic cheek. As the kiss splits, he gives the other bot a playful look. “Aw, come on, hun. I already said yes, no need to butter me up.” He chuckles and winks at him, turning to grab his jacket off the back of the chair.
He lifts it up, hooking the straps on the collar back to the bolts upon his breastplate, draping it off his shoulders like normal. He digs into a side pocket, fishing around before pulling out a set of car keys. Slipping his finger into the keyring, he spins it about.
“So, where to? Anywhere in particular? Or just down Jefferson Ave like usual?”
“Oh, stop it. I absolutely do need to butter ya up, hun.” Zac chuckles as he gives a wink back to Terabyte, letting him put his jacket on and fish out his car keys. “Yeah, Jefferson Ave sounds good. I just think it’d do ya good to get out of this stuffy apartment and get some fresh air.” Zac says, before he turns to walk out of their office. “I’ll join ya outside! Just got a few things to do!” he calls back to him, as he walks back into their bedroom for something.
He looks around his personal drawers for something... now where was it... ah! There. Picking something out from his drawer, he’d stealthily slip it into his inner coat pocket before he’d walk out, locking the apartment door behind him before he’d join Terabyte outside.
“There, all primed and ready!” he gives Terabyte a wide smile once he steps out, before eyeing up their car. A brief flash of nostalgia seems to streak across his optics. “... You know, I do still sort of miss ANUSTART. It had character, don’t you think?” he’d ask, but couldn’t hold in a chuckle at the end.
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weiird-sciience · 2 years
Having been focused on the paperwork in his hand, Terabyte wouldn’t hear the sound of the door opening, so it took him a bit by surprise to suddenly hear the other’s voice, and feel his fingertips upon his shoulders. He’d easily recognize them though; his Phoenix.
Letting the tension in his shoulders rest, he exhales and leans back against the chair, finally glancing away from the paperwork to look at the clock on his desk; it was just past 2 am now.  He tilts his head up, looking at the other bot with an apologetic smile. “I’ve done it again, haven’t I?”
It definitely wasn’t the first time he’d done this in the past months. The bot had a tendency to overwork himself. Seems even after everything, he still had a bit of trouble keeping his own well-being a priority. Granted, not like he needed sleep, what with his body in full function again. But he definitely could benefit from some.
Thankfully, he’d have Zac to help him with that. Tilting his cheek against the soft kiss, he sighs and sets the bundle of papers in his hand back on the desk with a light thud. “I’m sorry, hun. Just got a lot ‘a shit to sort out. Pretty sure a couple ‘of these even got deadlines for next week too…” He looks over the messy stacks with a bit of unease. “Can’t even remember which ones, now…”
“No need to be sorry, babe.” Zac coos softly, nuzzling cheeks with the other bot for a while before he’d look over at the stack of papers as well, shaking his head gently. “Well, sounds to me like it’s a good time to pause then. Come back later and sort through all of it then, yeah? I’ll even help if you want me to.” but for now, he needed a break from his work.
Grabbing the back of Terabyte’s chair, he’d swirl it around so that his lover would face him, as he’d reach his hand out to offer to pull Terabyte up on his feet. And once he had pulled him up, he’d quickly move forward to embrace Terabyte, pressing his lips up to the other robot’s mouth, giving him a deep, passionate kiss once he was fully stood up.
He just couldn’t help himself. It was as if he was addicted to the other robot, and he needed to show him all the physical love possible. Finally, however, he’d break the kiss, smiling softly at his lover as he’d playfully slide a hand down along his front, stopping at his synthetic gut to give it a little rub.
“Now c’mon Big T, get the car keys. We’re going for a bit of a road trip.”
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weiird-sciience · 2 years
Tired Eyes // Closed
God, I hate bureaucracy.
The thought crossed Terabyte’s mind for what must’ve been the millionth time that night. He figured it had to’ve been at least 4 hours since he’d started reading through all this crap, though the late moonlight coming through the window of his office gave a bit longer of an estimate.
Papers were strewn about his desk in a few messy piles; some read, some not. Most of it [ if not all ] was long, complicated contracts and proposals, filled to the brim with legal jargon. He hated having to do dealings with corpos like this, much preferring a more direct, violent method, but it was going to be a necessity to secure the resources they’d need to fully rebuild and revitalize the city.
And at this point, he could swear the unread pile somehow got even bigger than when he started…
And it was in this moment that Terabyte would hear the creaking of his office door slowly pushing open, followed by an almost immediate sensation of synthetic fingers sliding up along his shoulders, giving him a slow, gentle massage. Had Terabyte literally stayed up for this long, just to slave over a bunch of papers? Naturally, Zac knew the importance of all of the proposals and requests they’ve made... but this was just ridiculous.
He needed some time-off.
“C’mon now, Big T...” Zac speaks softly as he leans in to kiss Terabyte’s cheek, his hands still massaging the other ‘bot’s shoulders. “Can’t some of this wait for tomorrow? You’ve worked your ass of for 4 hours straight now. At this rate, I’m surprised you aren’t as hot to the touch as I am, what with your CPU running as much as it probably is.” he’d tease the robot, nudging his shoulder a bit. “Come now, get out of that chair. I got the perfect idea.”
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