weirdkinkstuff · 8 hours
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it’s 3 am and i’ve just raided the fridge because i can’t get enough food to fill up this massive belly anymore
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weirdkinkstuff · 8 hours
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so ready to be morbidly obese… i can almost feel all the fat pinning me down
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weirdkinkstuff · 8 hours
Do you wanna see me eat pizza??? Again?? Lmao
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weirdkinkstuff · 1 day
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Again because of her beauty and her gain
What a beauty!
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Once a feedee (2018), forever a feedee
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Wish the witch will get fatter...
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weirdkinkstuff · 1 day
god I love hearing the phrase "what's happening to me" a close second is "look what you've done to me"
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weirdkinkstuff · 2 days
Ur gonna be as big as that fridge one day
Doing my walk to the fridge 🍑🙈
Maybe just maybe a waddle is starting? 👀
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weirdkinkstuff · 2 days
Doing my walk to the fridge 🍑🙈
Maybe just maybe a waddle is starting? 👀
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weirdkinkstuff · 2 days
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weirdkinkstuff · 3 days
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kbbq <333
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weirdkinkstuff · 3 days
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good girls bury themselves in fat 🫢😳
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weirdkinkstuff · 3 days
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Vacation has been treating me well 🫶
don’t click here
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weirdkinkstuff · 3 days
A Journey into Your Future
One day, you decide to try out the whole feedism thing. You are young, in your early 20s, and your metabolism is fast. The perceived "risk" feels very low; you wonder if you even manage to gain 5 pounds. After 3 months of experimenting with eating more caloric food, you almost give up - the effects are hardly noticeable. But that's when a curious thing happens.
"Don't get discouraged," a strange voice says to you. You spin around, only to see a genie-like creature sitting in your chair. Their skin has a blue hue to it, and even as they sit, they seem partly transparent.
"Who are you?" you ask.
They smile. "An admirer and an encourager. That's all you need to know."
"But how-" you start, but don't manage to finish the sentence before the stranger snaps their fingers and the reality changes before you.
You are somehow still in your room, but you are watching it from above. On your bed, you see... yourself. Except, your belly is softer and is starting to sit plumply in your lap. The other you is sitting on the bed and watching something on your laptop, while mindlessly snacking from an XL package of chips.
"This is a year from now," the strange genie whispers to your ear. "You see, the problem with your little feedist experiment is that while you started eating more, you still also moved a lot. But 3 months from now, you are going to break your leg. You will become completely sedentary for a couple of months, and you will continue to eat. And when your leg is okay again... well, there will be a little more to you. You will have broken your fast metabolism."
"I look like I'm at least 20 pounds heavier," you say, feeling yourself blush. This is all you dreamed of: to be chubby, maybe a little fat. This excites you.
"25 pounds, to be exact," the genie says and smiles slightly dangerously. The words about broken metabolism echo in your head. Once you entered this path, can you ever go back...?
The genie snaps their fingers again.
You are on the back porch of your house. The alternative you is splayed in a chair, sipping on some smoothie... or is it a weight gain shake? In shock, you take in your new physique: your belly, spilling in your lap and entirely covering your crotch. Fat thighs smashed together. Love handles digging into the armrests of your chair, making you wonder if you're getting stuck. You peer at your own face, only to see a permanent double chin hugging you. Chubby cheeks made even larger as you sip your drink.
"This is three years from now," the genie says. "You just entered obesity."
You feel panic course through you. You will become obese at 25. Is this a good idea? Is there any way to go back? At the same time as you're thinking this, the other part of you doesn't want to stop. Heavy, heady thrill courses through your body. In three years, you will be at least 70 pounds heavier. All rolls. A fatty.
You barely suppress a moan.
The next scene makes your head spin. You are in your room again, on your bed, only, your bed is now king-sized. Propelled on a mountain of pillows, you are watching something on your laptop again, except this time, it balances precariously on the top of your gelatinous belly which spills over and in between your trunk thighs. You are snacking again, and your upper arm rolls hang and quiver as you bring full Oreos to your mouth and down them in one go. Your neck has disappeared under a fat roll. Your lips form a permanent pucker, squeezed by your cheeks. Your facial features have changed completely due to all the fat. You look like a different person.
"Five years from now," the genie whispers. "150 pounds heavier."
You don't even have the time to process what you've just seen before you are transported again. Below you, on the bed, spills... you. You are in a half-sitting position, but you're quite sure it would be rather difficult for you to even sit on your own. Each of your limbs sports rolls so thick that they look like small bellies on their own. And your proper belly... well, it almost covers your knees. Your triple chin quivers as you slowly swallow, your plump lips closed around a funnel hose. You are watching something on a TV that hangs on the opposite wall - and no wonder. Your fingers are now so plump that using a laptop must be quite impossible.
"Congratulations," the genie whispers into your ear. "You are 30 now. Eight years from now, and 300 pounds heavier."
You gulp, but have no time to respond before you see the door to your future room open and an unknown person enter. You look at them in disbelief - their facial features are that of the genie, except the blueish hue and the semi-transparency are gone. All in all, they look like a regular human being. They are carrying a tray filled to the brim with burgers.
"I brought you your breakfast," they say, and the future you makes some effort to smile through the funnel hose.
"Who are you?" you whisper to the genie.
They smile wide. "Your feeder, of course. I'm so glad I accessed the magic that allowed me to reach you before I actually met you. And right at the moment when you almost gave up on gaining!"
Your head spins. How are these time paradoxes even possible? What's going to happen now...?
A snap of the fingers.
You are in your room, and there is no one beside you. You had a strange dream. Something about rolls and heaviness and being stuck in the bed. You feel a little aroused, and you blush.
You eye a packet of cookies you brought in your last attempt to gain weight before you decided that it wasn't working out.
Come on. Eat them all. There's no harm.
Was that your own voice...? You can't say.
Eat them, and skip the gym today.
Almost on autopilot, you reach for the packet.
Oh well, what's the worst that can happen? You probably won't gain more than 5 pounds, anyway.
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weirdkinkstuff · 3 days
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I've put on a bit of weight over the years 🤣
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weirdkinkstuff · 3 days
Day 1: eat double of everything you want today 
Day 2: 2 liter bloat + pizza stuffing 
Day 3: burger binge
Day 4: 4 liters of liquid 
5. Extra 2.5k calories before noon
6. Dessert for dinner 
7. Big breakfast
8. No turning down food the whole day
9. Foot long sub + 2L + 2k shake
Chocolate stuffing + 2k shake
11.grazing day + 3k shake
12. 4 Fast food meals
13. Go to an all you can eat buffet 
14. Stuff yourself at a bar
15. 500 calories every hour
16. Giant fruit salad + 2 pints of ice cream
17. Eat a whole cake 
18. Italian stuffing
19.  4 fast food meals 
20. Add 3k extra calories
21. No turning down food
22. Be as lazy as humanly possible today 
23. Eat 6k calories 
24. Go through multiple fast food places in one sitting 
25. 4 liters of liquid
26. 500 calories every hour
27. Drink a shake with every meal
28. 4 liters of liquid + at least 5k calories 
29. Be as lazy as humanly possible + whole cake 
Day 30.  9k calorie day
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weirdkinkstuff · 3 days
The Signs As Feeders
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Won’t mince words: loves to tell you straight up exactly how fat you’re getting
Dominant af
“I don’t care how much you’ve already eaten today, you’ll eat what I tell you to”
Aggressive teasing as a love language
Secretly a softie who would do anything for you
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Wants to stay in and stuff you at every opportunity
Bougie so will either cook huge, fancy meals for you or splurge for high quality take out
Stubborn and practical so will probably make you do absolutely minimal exercise to keep healthy
Super versatile and can be as soft or rough as you want
The second-most likely to accidentally gain some weight with you
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
One of the best at dirty talk and teasing
Will drill you for everything you’re into because they’re endlessly curious
Loves to play innocent. “Oh, I just wasn’t sure if you’d eaten yet today.” “I mean, you didn’t have to finish it all.” “Didn’t we just get you that shirt? Oh, sweetie, it looks a little snug.”
Extremely into size differences
Could give a TED talk about feedism with zero preparation
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
The type to do anything and everything for you so you don’t have to lift a finger
vvv protective, will literally fight anyone who tries to fat shame you
Into hand feeding
Will want to discuss your boundaries and limits because they want you to be as happy and comfortable as possible (but discussing their own will make them squirm)
The most likely to accidentally gain some weight with you
Leo (July 23 - August 22)
Absolutely cannot keep their hands off your belly (or like, you in general)
Seems like they’d be dominant but prob just wants you to sit on them
Has no problems paying for all your food/preparing all your food as long as you finish all of it
Creative af and always thinking of new stuff to do in the bedroom
Will have you trying on all your old clothes so they can see how well they fattened you up
Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
The type to keep a log of all your measurements and your weight
Knows the exact calorie count of everything they’re feeding you for maximum efficiency
Acts bossy but loves when you take control or use your weight to push them around
A little shy with the really kinky stuff, gets flustered easily from teasing
Libra (September 23 - October 22)
Down to try anything you’re into, no judgement
The best at sweet talking: will coo into your ear while you’re eating about how big and sexy you’re getting
Mostly just wants you to be happy and content in your own skin
But is also absolute horny mess for you, gets worked up by the little things, dtf just about always
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
DARK FEEDISM - will probably say or do something that goes too far if boundaries aren’t set
Will get you more stuffed than you have ever been in your entire life
Will turn you on to things you didn’t know you were into
Hopefully your libido can keep up with theirs
Will resort to murder if someone even comes close to being rude about your body
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
The type to make you wear tight clothes in public
Always thinking up fun games and different ways to feed you
Their favorite nicknames are “piggy” and “fatass”
Loves to take you out and show you off
Their friends probably know they’re into feedism because they’re absolutely not ashamed
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
You better not complain when they tell you to eat because it’ll just make them feed you more
Makes a mental note of all your favorite foods because they’re meticulous like that and have to be the best feeder you’ve ever had
Quietly loves to dote on you and take care of you but will probably deny it if you point it out
Makes you take a multivitamin because, “your fat ass doesn’t eat anything that’s not fried.”
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
Likely to be into more extreme parts of the kink but probably won’t admit it till you’ve been at it for a while
Probably needs you to take the lead because they can be awkward with romantic stuff
Will verbally eviscerate someone who is judging/being rude about your weight
The most well-read on the subject on fatphobia and the ethics of feedism
Will try to act like they’re not that affected by your bod, but will vibrate through the roof if you stretch and your shirt rides up
Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
Intuitive af - can always tell if something’s too much or not enough
The definition of soft feedism
Their fav part is discussing boundaries, goals & feelings
Can gush for hours about how beautiful and perfect your body is
The type to bring you snacks literally constantly without even thinking about it
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weirdkinkstuff · 3 days
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weirdkinkstuff · 3 days
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