weirener · 3 years
How To Buy The Dog That Is Right For You
How To Buy The Dog That Is Right For You
Owning a dog or puppy gives pleasure to  long haired weimaraner millions of people, however the choice of which breed of dog to purchase deserves more thought that it typically receives.Owning a dog or puppy is a big responsibility, yet someone who has little time to exercise their pet or is away from home for long periods of time often buys a breed which is very demanding, leading to a poor relationship between them and their dog.
There are numerous breeds of dog in the world so the choice of which breed to purchase can be extremely daunting. One of the best methods of seeing which breeds of dog are available is to visit a large dog show, where you can see the dogs up close and ask questions to existing owners.Find out as much as you can about the breed of dog you are interested in Can you afford to feed the dog or puppy. Can you provide the right type of housing or living environment? Will you be able to provide the correct level of exercise for the dog and at the right times.
The First Thing A Dog Owner Needs To Buy
Remember a puppy may well grow long haired weimaraner into a much larger dog and therefore need more food, larger living space and a great deal more exercise. It is a sad fact but many dogs are abandoned because they have grown too large for their owners to cope with their demands.Think about the practical aspects of owning a particular breed of dog. If it is a long haired breed then you'll need more time to groom its coat. If you buy a female dog then they will come into season twice a year and have to be kept away from male dogs to avoid mating.Many people start by buying a puppy but there are lots of adult dogs available who are looking for a good home and are often well trained and ready to fit into a loving family or home environment.
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Buying a collar and lead is probably one of the first things a new dog owner does as they are a necessity for proper control of your dog and an essential piece of equipment when training a new dog or puppy.
Dog Breeds Info - The Weimaraner
If you have a puppy then it's likely they will quickly outgrow a collar or lead, so it is perfectly acceptable to buy non expensive and lightweight equipment during this early stage of their life.Many people like their dogs to wear a collar all of the time, but some ornamental collars will not stand up to a sudden movement or constant straining. You should therefore consider having 2 collars; one for ornamental purposes and another one for training your dog or puppy.Even though puppies get plenty of exercise through play you should try and get your puppy accustomed to wearing their collar and lead at the earliest age possible.Even if you do not intend your dog or puppy to wear a collar all the time you can buckle a light collar around their neck and leave it there for a number of days until your dog or puppy ignores its presence.
The Weimaraner has a really long haired weimaraner distinctive colour, classed as silver-grey, and also shades of mouse grey or roe-grey. Ideally without any white markings, however a small white mark on the chest is allowed. Their sleek coat and colour really is of a striking silver sheen, and they can be both long haired or the more common short haired.
High Energy Dogs for Families With Teenagers
They are a large dog breed, the height range being from 57cm to 70cm to the withers, with an average weight range of 25kg to 40kg, bitches tend to be at the smaller end of the spectrum and dogs at the larger end.As a puppy his eyes are an incredible blue colour, but as he matures they generally turn more to amber coloured. Another lovely feature of the Weimaraner are his ears, they are long and floppy, but have a slight fold too.
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