wgtales · 8 years
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As he felt the shorts continue to pinch his admittedly flabby sides he bit his lip as he realised how fat he must be looking at the moment. 20 pounds in one semester and a suprise trip to a water park was not exactly what he had in mind for his first year at college. Just getting the shorts over his far more generous figure had been quite the struggle and with every momevent he knew that there was a visible jiggle partiucarly aroud his paunchy middle and lovehandles. Better get ready to suck in for the photo though, don’t want everyone knowing just how little control you have over your diet and lifestyle.
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wgtales · 8 years
Winter Weight Gain
I have always been attracted to fat men and had the desire to become one myself. I struggled throughout my college career to put on weight. I would binge for weeks and put on about ten pounds, only to become stressed and overworked resulting in me losing the weight. It was a frustrating cycle. I never had the time to truly transform my body into the jiggly ideal in my head. Once I graduated, I knew it was my time to grow. Before entering a master’s program, I decided I would take a year off to save money and gain weight. Between June and December I made a lot of progress. I gained about thirty pounds in six months, going from six foot and 150 pounds to 180 some odd pounds. It felt great. I wasn’t fat by any means, but I had filled out. I felt more in control of my body and like I had more of a presence when I entered a room. These gains were assisted by a new boyfriend I had met, Liam, on grommr. He was much fatter than me and had a well-developed paunch when we met. The combination of his encouragement and simply being around someone who ate so goddamn much really assisted in my weight gain. 
I flew home to a small town in Southern California for Thanksgiving. It was sad parting ways for a week with the boyfriend, but the prospect of a gluttonous Thanksgiving was enticing. My family was rather traditional when it came to holidays and Thanksgiving was always an expansive, fattening, home cooked affair. I had been practicing bloating for weeks before hand so I could be sure to stuff myself to maximum capacity. In addition, my family had yet to see my thirty pound weight gain. When I arrived, I received several comments about how I’d “filled out.” Most of them were compliments amounting to how I looked more like a man, and much older. When feasting began I shocked everyone with how much food I consumed. I by far was the biggest eater at the table and filled up my plate four times. My stomach was so distended by the end of the day that it almost looked like a deformity. When I returned home, Liam raved that I was noticeably fatter. The scale had only shown a two pound weight gain, but he claimed it felt like more. Still, I was definitely excited and felt like an overweight BMI was just within my reach.
Liam and I both had plans to spend December and January with our respective famillies. We decided to make a rather fattening deal. After two months, when we returned home, we both had to have gained 25 pounds. If one or both of us failed to meet this criteria, the punishment would be 7,000 calories a day for two weeks. 
After two weeks of home cooking and holiday treats, I had already packed on twelve pounds. And it was starting to get noticeable. My belly poked out above my waistline. T-shirts and sweaters clung tightly to my midsection. I was a cliche, my weight quickly rising due to holiday sweets and egg nog. No one made any comments, as I assumed they figured I would lose it all in the spring. What they didn’t know was that my gut would continue to grow and that my newfound potbelly was a source of constant eroticism. My cock grew hard at every meal, and even the slightest jiggle of my belly would leave me dripping precum. By the time Christmas day arrived I was about 15 pounds heavier than when I’d first arrived at home. I was greatly looking forward to Christmas dinner, which was typically a bigger affair than Thanksgiving in my house. My mom made a spread with all of the traditional holiday food, but went especially crazy with the desserts. There were more cakes, pies, cookies, cobblers, and loafs than our family could ever consume in a day. 
After exchanging presents, my body was ready to gorge. I was jittery with excitement at the prospect of stuffing my gut as full as I possibly could with delicious fattening food. Once dinner began, I made no attempt at hiding my gluttony. I inhaled my first plate of food within minutes. I got a couple comments about how hungry I was. I would only smile and agree as I loaded up plate after mountainous plate of food. My belly was swelling under the tight knit sweater I was wearing. After three plates of ham, turkey, rolls, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and yams all drowned in gravy I began on the dessert foods. My gut was significantly bloated. My uncle was surprised that I was still “going so strong on the food.” While my mom made a comment that I better “watch my eating” as my “midsection is growing by the day.” A few other family members remarked with supportive jokes about how I was a growing boy and that everyone gets a a little portly over the holidays. My cock was rock hard and mashed against my thigh in my skinny jeans. I eventually had a healthy serving of every dessert at the table and seconds for some. By the time I was finished, my stomach looked abnormally bloated and I was in great pain. Once everyone finished, I retired to my bedroom and immediately took a nap. 
I woke up groggy and with an intense boner. I looked at the clock and it was 1 AM. I’d slept for several hours. I went outside and smoked a bowl then proceeded to watch A Christmas Story. Soon enough, the munchies began to set in, and the massive food baby that was working its way through my system, suddenly seemed to vanish. I was ravenously hungry. I began to storm the leftovers, eating pieces of pie and cake so large that I was shocked at my own gluttony. I was stuffing my face with everything I could get my hands on. I began to get enormously turned on and decided to bring the food to my room so I could eat and jerk off. I covered my bed with plates of delicious sweets and began eating with no hands like the hungry hog I was. Meanwhile, I stroked my cock and massaged my belly fat. I was getting food all over my fattening body, which I would lick and scrape off. I was determined to consume everything that I brought. I tried fucking the cobbler and then eating the filling off my dick. I was swallowing so much food that I hardly even recognized what was going into my mouth. Whatever I could get my hands on was swallowed. I cleaned all the plates in what seemed like no time at all. I finally let myself cum and shot my load across the room in moans of ecstasy. I  passed out sticky and bloated.
A few weeks passed and New Year’s came and went. I had gained 4 pounds just on Christmas day alone and continued to pack on the weight like I was an animal going into hibernation. I could barely fit into the outfit I had planned for New Year’s Eve festivities, which was slightly embarrassing, but still incredibly hot. Hungover the next morning, I looked through the photos on my phone and on Facebook of the night before. I had gotten completely wasted and didn’t remember much. I was shocked to see just how far my belly protruded out of my denim jacket. In several photos my shirt was riding up to reveal a swollen and hairy abdomen. Even my face looked a little fatter. A slight double chin appeared in certain angles. This was the first time I had a good look at all the weight I had gained and was truly shocked. I looked fat. 
I went to the bathroom and began examining myself in the mirror. My gut was on the verge of an overhang, ten more pounds and it would happen. I had even started to develop a fat pad. I knew my thighs had gotten thicker, but looking in the mirror I realized they were almost touching. I squeezed and jiggled my ass cheeks, Liam was going to love playing with those. Slight love handles were apparent from behind. I wanted them to grow. I got inches from the mirror to examine my neck fat. If I looked down or tucked my chin in, I developed a definite double chin. To top it all off, my entire body looked a tad bit hairier. I’d always had a decent patch of chest hair, but now it was spreading from shoulder to shoulder. I wondered if weight gain sparked hair growth.
I’d stopped tracking my weight since Christmas because I was confident I would meet, and likely surpass, the 25 pounds I promised Liam. The trip home had come to an end, and I was noticeably larger than when I’d arrived. Barely any of my clothes fit. I couldn’t wait for Liam to see. When I arrived at our apartment, he was sitting on the couch. I could tell he’d gained weight but not merely as much as me. We embraced and began fooling around. He was shocked and amorous of my newly formed love handles and jiggly beer gut. He squeezed handfuls of both and asked how much I’d gained. I told him I didn’t know and had stopped weighing myself. Liam revealed he had only gained 15 pounds. At first I was disappointed, but the prospect of the next week of gluttony was going to be amazing for Liam. We had wild sex exploring the new curves of each other’s bodies. 
Later that night, Liam coaxed me out of bed and onto the scale. I was shocked at the number that appeared. No way was I that fat now. 223 pounds. I had gained over forty pounds in two months. This realization caused my cock to stiffen and rise against my newly rounded, hanging, belly.
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wgtales · 8 years
make your own gaining adventure
A couple of weeks ago I started creating a make your own adventure story for gainers, (here) I found out that maybe I bet on more than I could chew because it takes a long time to come up with different scenarios and keep it fun and sexy. 
so I am asking if there are people out there who like to write to send me their contributions to add to the story. you don’t have to write the whole thing maybe each person could write fully or partially what happens behind one door and I’ll try to mash it up into one coherent story. and of course credit will be accredited to the writers (as we always do here in the fat zone) 
make sure that the story is made from short paragraphs (one for each interaction with the protagonist) and at the end of it leaves options for new interaction or going back out when you hit a dead end. 
let’s make it a collective story 
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wgtales · 8 years
A Little Hungry
I stretch and catch my breath before I walk into the mall. My clothes are pretty sweaty due to my four mile jog, but I don’t really care. I always stop in at the coffee shop here after my morning jog. My house is pretty close by, so I’ll be able to leisurely walk home once I’ve got my coffee. The place at the mall has pretty good coffee, but that’s got nothing to do with the reason I come here for my morning joe. My favorite barista is behind the counter. He’s so cute—a little scruffy, bright, twinkling eyes, and a bit of muscle that shows under his shirt. “Hey big guy,” he greets me familiarly. He always calls me that even though I’m a bit leaner and shorter than him. I’m pretty proud of my muscle definition, but I don’t have any bulk. I love this physique, and I jog to make sure I can keep it.
“The usual?” barista boy asks. I grin and say of course. Then he gets this weird look in his eye, mischievous, like he knows something I don’t. “You’re looking a little hungry today.” A weird shiver runs through my body.
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wgtales · 8 years
The Workout
Written by First Time For the first time in two months John stepped on the change room scale. “Don’t freak out. You can lose it,” he told himself as he moved the weight across the bar. It had been eight weeks since his last workout. And even then he was getting chubby. It had been four months since he’d quit working out regularly. Looking down at the gut hanging over his waistband he knew he was a long way from that 32" waist and washboard stomach. From a washboard stomach to… this, John grabbed a roll, “I am fat.” Four months of letting go. Four months of eating and drinking whatever he wanted, when he wanted. He smiled when he thought of the doughnut box sitting on the car outside. Half a dozen gone in the car ride to the gym, it wasn’t the first time. It showed. He patted the gut that pushed out the waistband of his shorts. “Let’s check the damage." 
Moving the weight across the bar he added fifteen pounds to his summer weight of 175. The bar didn’t budge. 195, 197, 200, 205. Was that a little jiggle? 208. The bar started to swing. 209, 210. It settled on 211, "Holy fuck. I’ve never weighed more than 190. This is getting serious.” 211 pounds on his 5!10" frame. John checked the mirror behind him. He caught sight of the thick love handles that nestled above the bulging round melons of his ass. His shorts dung to his thick, still muscular thighs. They were at least two sizes too small. Turning, he took his first good look in four months,. He could still see the jock of four months ago. Barely, His pecs were rounder now and his belly had blossomed into a big round gut that rolled over his shorts. He was sporting a double chin and his whole body had that overfed ex-jock look. “Hey fatten!” John’s old workout partner Bill swatted his ass sending a ripple John could fee! right through to his gut, “It’s not hard to tell what you’ve been doing with your down time. That’s a lot of beers to build that belly. You’ll never lose that.” Bill pinched a love handle. John pushed his buddy away. “Gimme a break. I might’ve put on a few pounds but I’ll lose it.’ "A few!. Looks like two or three dozen to me. Look at those shorts. They’re painted on. And what’s that in them. You must like the new look.” John covered his hard-on with his towel and reached for his Levi’s. Quickly, he pulled them on. They’d been new two months ago. 34’s, up from his regular 32’s. But now he could just barely wriggle his ass into them now. After tugging for a minute he left the top button undone. “Dude, you are a lard ass.” Bill smiled Look, you want a ride? John stuttered. “Sure, and let’s grab a bite on the way. It must be an hour since you’ve eaten” Getting in the car, Bill caught sight of the doughnut box.“ I think the fat man needs a new box. This one’s empty.” John blushed. “It’s been there a while.” “Looks pretty fresh to me. I’d say this morning. Don’t worry I was just teasing.” Bill grabbed a roll. “The gut looks good on you. And, so does that” Bill winked at John’s hard cock outlined against his thigh in his skintight Levi’s, “Hey, Let’s pull in here.” Calorie corner. Thai was John’s name for the strip with the burger stand, pizza and doughnut shops lined up one after another. You could put on a couple of pounds just breathing the air around here. Over the last few months John had done a lot more that breathe the air. He was a regular. At first it was a burger and fries on his way home. Then it was a couple of burgers, the fries, maybe a milkshake. Then he added a half dozen doughnuts,, in case he needed a snack later. Three nights ago he’d added a third burger, to the regular orders and picked up a pizza to go. He’d finished it all and remembered lying dazed in his boxers, his belly jutting out six inches over his waistband. That’s when he decided to get back to the gym. Bill came back with a huge bag. “Hold these.. I’ll be back in a minute/’ "Where ya going,” But Bill was gone, John took a peek. He was starving, inside the bag were six double cheeseburgers. “Who’s he kidding? We can’t eat all these.” But John had downed the first burger before Bill got back with two bags of doughnuts and two large pizzas. “I didn’t think you’d wait. I got some desert and appetizers.” “This is a joke, right?, I can’t eat all of that.” John was half way through the second burger. He reached for a doughnut. Bill poked John’s growing gut. “At the rate you’re going it may not survive the ride back to your place.” “I had a tough workout,” John said defensively, swallowing the last of the fries. “Who am ! kidding,” he thought. “I didn’t get out of the steam room and all ! could think of was getting some lunch after I was done,” All thoughts of dieting and a new regimen vanished as the smell of the food filled the car. By the time they reached John’s apartment, there was one burger left. Bill had to beg John to save it for him. Getting out of the car, the second button of John’s Levi’s popped and the gap spread five inches to accommodate John’s bulging gut. Going up the stairs behind John, Bill’s eyes trailed over the meaty ex-jock in front of him, John’s ass stretched his jeans to the bursting point. And his gut pulled at the front of his T-shirt revealing the deepening bowl of his belly button. As they crossed the threshold with the pizzas, doughnuts and remaining burger, Bill pulled at John’s waistband and the last buttons popped . John kicked off his jeans in the hallway and wandered over to the fridge in his boxers, his ass and thighs pulling them skin tight. His T-shirt, too small for his pumped belly, revealed 4 inches of gut, “Better get some new clothes if I’m going to have many more days like this. !’!! get us a couple of beers,” When he brought them into the living room, Bill was down to his Calvin’s. His toned body didn’t have an ounce of fat on it. “You should try this,” John grabbed a roll on his gut. “You should try this.” Bill reached for John’s cock and kissed him hard, John’s fat belly, pooched out by the burgers, pressed against Bill’s flat stomach. Each man felt the contrast of the other’s body. Bill slipped his hand under the tight material of John’s shorts. “Hold on. Let me get you some pizza.” One pie later it was doughnut time. John felt Bill’s hard, hot cock rock against his belly as he swallowed six, oozing jelly doughnuts. Rolling him over Bill buried the head in John’s wide ass and came in great stuttering spurts, “Let’s get that other pie.” As John plowed through the last pizza, Bill sucked his cock and massaged John’s stuffed belly. Food., tongue, mouth, gut; it all flowed together as Bill’s tongue worked John’s cock. A shudder ripped through John’s belly and he shot fat gobs of cum. “You have anything else to do this weekend?” John sat propped against the couch, his robe draped loosely around his ballooning belly. He was so stuffed he couldn’t get anything else on. “Go out for more pizza and maybe a little ice cream?” Bill slipped his hand under the robe and John’s cock came to attention, “Sounds like a plan..”
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wgtales · 8 years
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When you get a job at a pizza place as a delivery boy and you get fat. (Submission)
Submissions can be sent via the “Submit” tab, by sending me a message on KIK “thedk159″ or by e-mail at: [email protected]/
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wgtales · 8 years
Double Point of View
A Story about Obsessions from Two Different Points of View I At the end of the summer of 1992, I came back to school early. I wanted to find an apartment, and I wanted to hang-out with my friends before the beginning of my sophomore year. The first thing I did upon hitting town was to drop off my things at a friend’s place and go with him to the local gay hangout where several of my friends had already gathered. “Jason, this is Peter; he’s just transferred in from State.” Shaking my hand was a tall slender guy with long blond hair, piercing blue eyes, and a winning smile. It was a moment after which nothing would be the same. Beyond his smooth skinned good looks, there was some ineffable quality that riveted my attention. Throughout that afternoon, I could scarcely take my eyes off him. As if by reflex, I abandoned my usual cautious reserve and focused all my efforts on charming him. In this, I seemed to have had some success, since he smiled in all the right places at my stories and his attention didn’t seem to lag. I even managed it so that my swimsuit modeling for the advertisements of a local sporting goods store the previous spring was brought up. To my disappointment, however, he excused himself and left just before the party broke up. I tried to connect with Peter again and again over the course of the next semester. Peter for his part was always charming, but never responded to my obvious displays of more than casual interest. I don’t know why I didn’t just accept it and move on, but, despite the irrationality of it, I found myself falling in love. There was something about his pale blue eyes and the way he used his large hands when he talked, gesticulating with his long tapered fingers. Peter, for his part, remained a mystery. It wasn’t as if there was any doubt that he was gay. He was very open. It wasn’t just me, however, in whom he had no interest. He didn’t seem to have any interest in anyone. I was having to content myself by being his friend and listening to him talk about what was evidently his passion, the finer points of abstruse 19th century political events. I not only knew what the Schlesswig-Holstein Question was about; I thought that I actually understood it.
You’d think I’d count myself lucky to have Jason throwing himself at me. Most guys would kill to have the best lucking guy on campus interested in them. And I’ve been told that more than once, too. “He’s just not my type,” I say, and that’s no lie. True, with that shock of thick black hair, those big brown eyes, the smooth skin, and full lips, it’s a face I could kiss. It’s his body that’s the problem. That six-pack he keeps making sure that I see is like a bucket of cold water. I guess I could ask him to feed on super-size-me meals and ice cream for a couple of months, but when I tried that with my old boyfriend, he called me a freak and made such a stink that I had to transfer out. No way I’d want to go through that again. I hoped that maybe I would get lucky here, but, just like everywhere else, all the cute guys with a little flesh on them were straight
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wgtales · 8 years
Blind Date
One of the biggest problems with online dating, at least according to Michael, was the complete unreliability of photos.  Guys lied.  They lied all the time through outdated photos and misrepresented numbers.  Men posted photos from six years ago, listed their weight as twenty pounds lighter, or used completely stolen photos of someone else and hoped when real life meetings occurred that nothing would be said.  Not with Michael. Having one too many dates expecting a jock and getting a pudgier version, Michael’s profile was explicit and direct.
“No fat guys. Period. If you have gained weight, put on a gut, lost your six pack, don’t lie and pretend you still have it.  I’ll call you a fat ass and bail on the first date.”
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wgtales · 8 years
Awesome new gainer book that might interest you. 
This link was submitted to me. Check it out. 
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wgtales · 8 years
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This fit just fine just a few months ago… How did this happen?? (Submission) Looks like someone couldn’t stop themselves from overeating all the damn time. Carrying the result of that around your belly it would seem. 
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wgtales · 8 years
Back of the Field
It was hard to believe that just four years ago Chad stood on this very field a champion. He remembered the day like it was yesterday. Chad was an 18 year old track and field star that beat out kids from 16 different high schools from around the state. He paced the stony barrier surrounding the track thinking about how his high school years were the best of his life. He remembered how great it felt to run with the wind at his back, his tank tops rustling against his rock hard abs and 130 lbs. of lean runner’s muscle. He thought of the way his girlfriend would twirl his wavy brown hair and stare deeply into his eyes. He remembered how much sense it all made. She didn’t make him feel complete or give him butterflies or anything, but he felt normal. And isn’t that what you want through your formative years, to feel normal? On that fateful day as Chad held his trophy and tried to navigate a sea of parents, friends and the local paper congratulating him, he thought to himself: “This is my life. This is what it’s all going to be like. My hard work is finally paying off!” He knew college scouts were watching, and he knew he would probably get a full ride with all of his athletic achievements. It was only a matter of time!
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wgtales · 8 years
Too Fat to Fight
fixed it
Part 1
I was just discharged from my National Guard unit last week. It was kind of of hard for me–I joined the Guard right after Don’t Ask Don’t tell was repealed when I was 18 and a half and a senior in high school, and now at age 24 I had been with these guys for more than 5 years, one weekend a month and for two weeks each summer. If it was left to me, I wouldn’t have left the Guard, but I had no choice. Regulations, they said. Yeah, right.
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wgtales · 8 years
story: College Softmore
College Softmore original weight gain fiction by kyaada
“Well, Mike, are ya gettin’ hungry yet?” Clay asked, his focus fixed on Mike’s fattened bulge.
An acknowledging smile curled onto the college sophomore’s plump cherry lips.  “I’m always hungry anymore, dude.”
Sam reached over and gently patted Mike’s rotund belly, pleased with the ample amount of fat that bounced predictably and precisely as his enthusiastic hand made repeated contact.  “Always hungry?  I guess!  Sure looks like you got a lot more space there to fill since high school and your burgerbellied days at Hardee’s, huh, college boy?”
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wgtales · 8 years
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My friend who has put on some serious chub after freshman year lol.Submission) Jeez this guy is getting seriously soggy around the tummy, look at that flabby gut he’s packing on. Definitely a skinny guy with a broken metabolism packing on lots of extra chub. Love that his face still seems to be kinda slim but then the shirt comes off and you see the jiggling torso. That bellybutton is getting pretty wide set there and those shorts look old and pretty tight. Skinny kid is definitely on his way to getting fat with the extra 15 pounds or so he’s carrying around his once toned middle. Freshman year can change a boys waistline from fit to pudgy pretty easily and it looks like your friend was not immune and hasn’t been able to resist stuffing his face with junk. The kinda extra weight that obviously is pure fat and just jiggles around is really soft, bet he looks really pudgy sitting down with that rolling over his shorts. Gone past skinny fat as I’m sure that belly is visible through a lot of his clothes
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wgtales · 8 years
Don’t Suck it In!
“Urp…well, this isn’t good. Looks like you kind of overdid it,” Manny chided himself as he lightly tapped his chest with his fist, quietly releasing more gas. He had to be careful. There would be no sexual adventures tonight if his secret was revealed this prematurely in the game. He had already downed his seventh beer and his once-loose pants were already becoming uncomfortable. Never had he imagined himself being the guy sitting at the bar drinking beer and awkwardly checking his cell phone every few seconds, though there was nary a text or app notification to be found. He watched several slim, muscle-cut twinks dancing in the club without a care in the world, their short-tailored shirts blatantly showing off their six packs. Around here, this was common. If you couldn’t grate cheese against a washboard stomach, guys in this city wouldn’t spare you a second glance. Manny himself wore an extra-large tank top that hid the spare tire he had been developing over the past few weeks. His arms and pecs, however, were jacked and swollen from his daily gym routine, poking out of the top’s armholes. Too bad he no longer had the V-shape taper to complete the overall effect. Was he being mistaken for bear territory now?
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wgtales · 8 years
Some years back, I was on my way to a job interview when something happened that changed my life…
Some years back, I was on my way to a job interview when something happened that changed my life…
An out-of-town job that I was interested in getting became available and I took the drive out of state to apply in person. I knew the trip would take me all day and I wanted to be rested before my interview so I planned on stopping late in the afternoon at a reasonably cheap motel to rest for the evening. I found a perfect place that afternoon. It was late summer and the drive was a warm one. My car didn’t have working air conditioning and I welcomed the climate controlled motel room. It didn’t take me long to find my room around back of the motel, on the second floor. I parked right below my room near the foot of the outdoor staircase. I dragged my one overnight suitcase upstairs and looked forward to sprawling out on the bed and watching free cable.
Hours of driving gave me that too-tired-to-sleep feeling. I was kind of dizzy and kind of hungry. I laid on the bed anyway and tried to decide what to do about eating or resting first. Or maybe down a couple of cold beers. I couldn’t make up my mind what was the most important thing I wanted. I couldn’t get comfortable. something happened that changed my life
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wgtales · 8 years
Santa’s Sweets
    Colin is one of those guys that never seemed to grow up. He was goofy and acted silly all the time. He’d eat sweets like a child and have the same crazy metabolism as one. His friends loved him for it; he was just a big kid. He even still secretly believed in Santa Claus, but he would never tell anyone that Colin managed to make create a few of the most popular games and toys in the market, so he didn’t really have to work anymore. He would just relax most of the time. Watching TV, playing video games, and hanging out with his friends when they weren’t busy. Colin enjoyed his life.
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