whatwedoinvolterra · 14 hours
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whatwedoinvolterra · 2 days
Stephenie Meyer's sci-fi novel The Host is like. it's almost so much. the alien bodysnatchers at the center of the plot are like Animorph's yeerks if they got really into cottagecore. no, they don't want intergalactic war and domination! they want intergalactic peace and domination! they make every planet they visit a peaceful socialist utopia and like, okay, yes, they have to violently take over the bodies of a planet's native inhabitants to do it. yes, they have to suppress the unwilling minds of their host bodies. yes they are for all intents and purposes committing a genocide of their chosen planets' initial inhabitants and then puppeting their husks around playing at homogeneous, sanitized versions of the cultures they destroyed. the alien main character mentions that even episodes of the Brady Bunch were scrubbed because they were deemed too violent. and they call themselves souls, which is so loaded on so many levels. impossible not to read into the spiritual connotations, especially when written by an author coming from the mormon church which so highly values mission trips. just by sympathizing with humans who don't want to be possessed, by helping them hide out and stay free, our protagonist becomes a pariah, an outlaw from her own society. peace is valued above all else but not peace for the colonized, who are meat to be processed. it's better this way. they had so much potential but squandered it with foolish violence so now we have the right to overtake them and make them live correctly. isn't it beautiful now? isn't everything perfect? there's like almost so much happening in this story except Stephenie's a fucking mormon so she never draws any meaningful connections to anything and the happy ending is that the alien brain parasite protag is gifted the body of a beautiful coma patient that she can "ethically" puppet around, easy peasy problem solved. also there's a fucking love triangle.
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whatwedoinvolterra · 4 days
I’m mostly obsessed with Twilight cause the potential haunts the fuck out of me
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whatwedoinvolterra · 17 days
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Did you know Twilight was getting an animated series on Netflix? Anyway, I had to make my own take on character designs for an animated show
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whatwedoinvolterra · 19 days
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Headcanon where Esme offers to tag along w Rosalie to her revenge appointment as moral support. She brings cleaning supplies just in case things accidentally turn messy. 🩸
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whatwedoinvolterra · 23 days
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"My second reaction was horror.
Who was she? At first glance, I couldn’t find my face anywhere in the smooth, perfect planes of her features.
And her eyes! Though I’d known to expect them, her eyes still sent a thrill of terror through me.
All the while I studied and reacted, her face was perfectly composed, a carving of a goddess, showing nothing of the turmoil roiling inside me. And then her full lips moved.
“The eyes?” I whispered, unwilling to say my eyes. “How long?""
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whatwedoinvolterra · 1 month
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Edward and Bella in the meadow 💜
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whatwedoinvolterra · 1 month
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Edward and Bella in the meadow 💜
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whatwedoinvolterra · 1 month
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twilight boyz
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whatwedoinvolterra · 1 month
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twilight girlies
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whatwedoinvolterra · 1 month
Can you imagine if Bella didn't have a nightmare pregnancy and her being turned into a vampire was actually romantic?
Edward learns how to make her favorite food for her last human meal, they have it picnic style in their meadow before running back to Edward's house. All the Cullen's are gone for privacy (Carlisle is close by in case of emergency) but Edward takes Bella up to his room and lays her on the bed in her favorite comfy clothes, they hold each other and he whispers reassurances in her ear while leaving little kisses all over her face. When Bella's ready, Edward holds her in his arms and pulls back her hair, he bites her neck softly before licking the mark, sealing it closed with his venom. He bites her wrists, gently licking and kissing until he's sure she's got enough of his venom in her system. Edward holds Bella for three days while she burns. He recites her favorite books, poems, hums her lullaby, tells her stories about his long life until at last she starts to twitch in his arms. He looks into the face of the most beautiful girl in his universe and she opens her eyes to stare back at him in absolute wonder.
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whatwedoinvolterra · 1 month
Hello tumblr, have a Rosalie in casual clothing
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whatwedoinvolterra · 2 months
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The cutest lil’ Twilight companions for any surface you slap your stickers - collect all 3 mini characters (Alice, Bella & Rosalie) for your tiny vampire adventures 🌲 now on Etsy!
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whatwedoinvolterra · 2 months
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Hi Bella! I'm Alice 💖 Alice Cullen by me ⭐
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whatwedoinvolterra · 2 months
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‘We can’t be friends anymore’ - Bella x Jacob
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whatwedoinvolterra · 2 months
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Edward and Bella in the meadow 💜
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whatwedoinvolterra · 3 months
I just need you to know your Rosalie design from forever ago does things to me. I love her so so much.
thank you! she’s so fun to draw and there will definitely be more of her - i’m also selling little stickers of her on etsy starting next week :)
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