white-omaha-boys · 4 years
Bringing this account back from the grave real quick to say I’m still pissed “Like That” isn’t on Spotify
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white-omaha-boys · 6 years
Oh babe, I barely use this account anymore. I haven’t posted on this for years now! I’m sorry!
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white-omaha-boys · 8 years
Secrets and Games- Jack Johnson Imagine
“Guys, come on, there’s gotta be something we can do.” Nate said. 
You were hanging in the basement of your parents house with the boys and some of your girlfriends. Everyone had come back to Omaha for your birthday but unfortunately, no one thought to check the weather beforehand. There was currently the biggest storm of the year happening outside so your parents forced everyone to stay indoors. 
You were all trying to think of something to pass the time but no one was coming up with any good ideas. Your basement wasn’t the biggest but it was big enough where you could definitely throw your own party and everyone could have breathing room. You had a couple couches in one area, a pool table in another and a bar at the back. You looked at the pool table and thought about how many games you guys had already played, which meant no one was really up for another one. You looked over at the bar and knew your dad had just restocked it so you headed over to see what you could find. You picked up three bottles; tequila, vodka and whiskey.
“Well this could be fun.” You said, placing all three bottles on the table in front of the couches. “Let’s see what secrets you all have been hiding.”
“Never have I ever...” Sam said as he thought about what he should say. “had sex in a pool.”
You watched as your best friend drank and you couldn’t help but laugh as the story ran through your mind. More and more statements were made and more and more shots were taken. You couldn’t believe some of the things the boys had done and even the things the girls had done.
“Never have I ever,” Swazz said. “Had a crush on someone in this room.”
You immediately took a shot of whiskey and watched as both your best friend and Johnson took a shot as well. You already knew who your best friend was crushing on; Sam but you so badly wanted to know who Jack had taken that shot for.
You’ve always had a massive crush on Jack ever since you met him. Your bedroom window faced his and every night during high school, the two of you would have late night conversations through the windows. He was much like the other boys but also had a sensible side that really got to you. You wondered what it would be like to be more than friends with him and be able to feel his lips on yours. You’ve never made it obvious to anyone and you knew for a fact no one knew but you didn’t think they thought it was someone else.
“(y/n) and G, sitting in a tree...” Swazz sang, like a five year old. 
“Wait, what?” You looked up from the shot glass and towards John. “You think I like G?” You looked over at him and the two of you began to laugh.
“Bro, she’s literally a sister to me; that’s so gross.” 
It’s true; G was always someone you went to for advice. He always protected you, cared for you and looked out for you in a way a brother would protect his sister. You considered him a brother just as much as he considered you a sister.
“Guys, I took that shot for Johnson.” You said laughing, not realizing what you had just done.
The room fell silent as everyone tried to replay the scene. You admitting you had a crush on Johnson was probably the worst thing you could have done.
“But it’s over with; that was like...way in the past.” You lied. Yeah, you’ve suppressed your feelings for Johnson but they would always be there.
“Okay, never have I ever...” Your best friend said, continuing on with the game.
Soon enough, everyone had run out of ideas and you were all just sitting around, waiting for the storm to pass. You stared out the slide door, watching the rain fall into your pool when you saw Johnson’s reflection beside yours.
“Is it true? You had a crush on me.”
“Yeah.” You said, not looking away from the rain. “You know, you never said who you drank for...” Since he knew who you drank for, you thought it was only fair for him to tell you who he drank for.
“You.” He said. “And I wish I could say it was in the past.” Before you could say anything, Johnson walked back to the couch.
A/N: I hope you liked it!
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white-omaha-boys · 8 years
The Runner
Chapter Seventeen (Ashley)
“Sam, I just want to go to bed.” I said as he pushed passed me. 
He went directly for the living room and ignored me. I really had no choice but to listen to him since I knew he wouldn’t leave until I did. He sat there with his hands together as he rested his arms on his thighs. He looked at the ground, took a deep breath before standing up. 
“We tried to stop you.” He said, looking at me. 
I stood there confused as I tried to figure out what he was talking about but I couldn’t. 
“What?” I asked. 
“Well...Nate tried to stop you.”
“Stop me from what?”
Sam started pacing as he tried to find the words. If this was such a big deal, I don’t understand why Sam was even doing it. Clearly it’s something he shouldn’t be saying but it’s too late now. There’s no way I’m letting him leave without explaining.
“He tried to stop you from getting on that plane three years ago. None of us wanted you to go so Nate and I headed to the airport to stop you but by the time we got there, you had already taken off. We were too late.”
“He was there...” I said. 
I meant to say it to myself since I really needed to understand the situation. I sat at in the airport for so long, waiting for him before giving up and checking in. I needed to hear the word “Stay” come from his mouth to convince myself it was the right decision but when he didn’t show, I took that as a sign that LA was where I needed to be.
“And whatever he told you in the closet tonight, he was going to tell you in the airport three years ago but he never got the chance. Ash, Nate lo-”
“Wait,” I said, cutting Sam off. “What are you talking about? Nate didn’t know Bailey back then...”
“Okay...now I’m confused.” Sam said. “What did Nate say to you in the closet?”
“That he actually wants to make things work with Bailey...”
I watched as Sam’s eye widened and I couldn’t help but think that was how I looked when Nate told me. I didn’t think the day would come where Nate would actually want to be faithful to someone but if it was going to be anyone, I’m glad he’s doing it with my best friend. The thought of her getting hurt by him made me want to kill him.
“I’ve got to go.” Sam said, running out of the house.
I stood in my living room and didn’t know what to do. This whole situation was confusing me and I didn’t understand what I was supposed to do next. Should I let it go? Should I talk to Nate about it? I headed upstairs to get ready for bed when my phone went off. 
“It’s official! I’m dating Nate!”
If you’ve ever had your heart broken, you know exactly how I’m feeling right now.
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white-omaha-boys · 8 years
Just in Case- Jack Gilinsky Imagine
A/N: I’ve recently been obsessed with Conor Maynard so I decided to write an imagine based on his song Just in Case. Click here to listen to it: (x) I suggest you do so cause it’s amazing and so is he.
“Jack, shoot the ball!” Johnson yelled from across the beer pong table. 
The guys were having another party and Jack was more than drunk but he continued to drink. You’ve been friends with the guys for a couple of years now and you don’t understand how you went so long without them in your life. However, throughout the first year of knowing them, Jack took a romantic interest in you and you couldn’t help but return the feelings. The two of you began to date and even though you were worried it would change the atmosphere, it never did. Unfortunately, the two of you didn’t work out. Jack never appreciated you and took advantage of your trust and you put up with it for a while but eventually you knew you had to let him go.
You were now in a relationship with someone new and he really respected you. The boys approved and knew how much you cared about him so you were comfortable bringing him to hangout with all of you.
As the night went on, Jack drank more and more and soon disappeared from the party. You decided to look for him since you knew how much he had to drink and were worried he might get himself into trouble.
“What are you doing out here?” You asked, once you saw Jack sitting on the curb.
“Just needed air.” He said, emotionless.
“Are you okay?”
The conversation died but you decided to stay with him. Although he treated you like crap during your relationship, you still cared about him and would die if something were to happen to him.
“Does he treat you right?” He asked, after moments of silence.
“Yeah, he does.” You said, a smile forming on your face.
“I’ve been meaning to apologize for everything I put you through. I know I said it in the moment but I also know you didn’t believe it. (y/n), I cared about you so much but being in a serious relationship was scaring the crap out of me. So I pushed you away and I know I shouldn’t have but I did...and I’m sorry about that. I regret it every single day of my life.”
You stayed silent. You didn’t really know how to respond or if you even should. You’ve wanted to hear a real apology for so long and you honestly didn’t think you ever would.
“I know he makes you smile and appreciates you, but if he ever treats you the way I did and doesn’t understand what he’s done, promise me you won’t put up with it for as long as you did with me. If he ever does anything to hurt you, know that you deserve more. I don’t want to get involved or anything but remember that I’m here; no matter what.”
You continued to stay silent and still had trouble figuring out what to say. Before you knew it, Jack headed back inside and you were left to think about the conversation. Would Jack be there in a friend-way or a romantic-way? You didn’t understand what he meant by it and the fact that you wouldn’t know would drive you crazy.
A/N: If you guys have never listened to Conor Maynard, PLEASE do! He’s absolutely amazing and cute as hell. This song is definitely one of my favourites so check him out! I hope you liked the imagine!
Check out my MASTERLIST for all my other imagines: (x)
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white-omaha-boys · 8 years
The Runner
Chapter Sixteen (Johnson)
So it’s been a couple of days since the boys and I decided we were going to do something about Ash and Nate. We’re still struggling on what to do but I think I’ve come up with a decently...bad but good idea. So hopefully, it goes to plan.
I know we were acting as if this was life or death but it kind of feels that way. Ash is a member of the crew and obviously so is Nate so the fact that they’re not in a good place really affects the rest of the crew. It splits us up no matter how hard we try to avoid it. We have to fix this...for the sake of everyone else.
I got fake people showin’ fake love to me
Drake blasted through the apartment as people tried their best to sound like him. Everyone was dancing and drinking; it was a typical night at the house. Ash was dancing with Colt while Nate was sitting on the couch, whispering in Bailey’s ear. The guys and I knew the plan and were set on it. It’s a pretty bad plan but it’s the only way we know they’ll be forced to address the fact that there’s a problem.
“Alright!” Swazz yelled through the house. “Let’s play a game.” 
I’m not sure how this will work but something needs to be done.
“I nominate Nate and Ash to head into the closet for 10 minutes.” Sam chimed in. “And then two other people will head in afterwards.”
“Are we back in grade 7?” Ash asked, sarcastically. 
I knew it would be hard to convince the two of them to play along but I’ve been working hard all night just to get her drunk, hoping that would help. A couple of minutes of debating, Ash finally agreed. I looked over at the boys and we all shared a look of fear...hopefully this will have a good ending.
10 minutes. It really isn’t that long but when you want to know how those 10 minutes will end, it seems like forever. Everyone had gone back to their conversations but I sat there looking at the guys. Bailey was sitting uncomfortable while Colt had no idea what was happening. The poor guy. He has no idea what he’s walking into. As the two of them emerged from the closet, my heart started racing. I’m so invested in this situation and I hate it.
“So? What happened?” I asked, smirking. 
“Obviously nothing.” Ash said, heading to sit next to Colt again. 
Nate sat next to Bailey but stayed quiet. He took a sip of his beer before starting a conversation with her. I looked over at Johnson and wondered if we did the right thing. The party continued but Ash and Nate never said a word to each other. They went back to ignoring one another and I knew we didn’t help the situation. 
As I entered my house later that night, I couldn’t get the conversation with Nate out of my head. I couldn’t believe what he said and I couldn’t believe it had taken this long for it to happen. I had so much to think about and I didn’t know how I was going to handle this situation. As I started heading towards the stairs to get ready for bed, someone knocked at my door.
“We have to talk.” He said.
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white-omaha-boys · 8 years
The Runner
Chapter Fifteen (Nate)
I laid there in bed and I couldn’t figure out how I got here. The party wasn’t too crowded but the boys and I always go hard no matter what. Everything became a blur the second I saw Ash with Colt. She deserves better...
The only thing I can’t understand is why I think we would be good together. Colt is a good guy, I don’t think he’d cheat on her but I can’t stand the thought of her being with him in the way she should be with me. But I know I won’t treat her the way she deserves and it kills me.
“Nate...” She said as she walked out of the bathroom. “What are you thinking about?” 
I looked over at her as she leaned against the door frame, looking as perfect as ever. Her hair was still wavy from last night and the way she looked in my t-shirt...I could stare at her all day. 
“Come on, what’s on your mind?” She said, making her way back to the bed. She straddled me and placed her hands on my chest while waiting for a response. 
But I didn’t have one. At least, not one I could share with her. I really care for Bailey but I even mentioned anything about Ash, I know she’d drop me in a second and I don’t think I could handle that.
“I’m thinking about how much I like this...right here.” I lied, placing my hands on her waist. 
She let out a smile before leaning down to kiss me. Unfortunately...all I was thinking about was Ash.
“We need to fix this.” I said as the boys and I were still hanging around the house.
Colt left to finish up some homework so I knew it was the perfect time to bring it up. We need to find a way to get Nate and Ash to at least have a conversation about how they feel. Air everything out.
“How?” Swazz asked, without even asking what I was talking about. 
Everyone knows the situation and everyone knows it’s not supposed to be like this.
“It seems like they’re pissed off with each other again anyway, what’s the point?” Jack asked. 
“The point is, they love each other. They’re meant to be and if we can help get them to realize that, I’m in.” Sam said. 
“Are we really going to do this? It might cause more damage...”
“Yeah,” I said, looking at a worried Swazz. “We’re really going to do this.”
A/N: I hope you liked it! Leave a comment in my ask if you’d like!
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white-omaha-boys · 8 years
Okay no worries! I appreciate the response 😊
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white-omaha-boys · 8 years
Hey! Are you going to finish the break that broke us? I just discovered the story today along with say with me and absolutely love it! I would love it if there would be more. Or if not to at least know how it ends!
I’m not really sure :/ I’m focusing on The Runner (Which I have been shitty at uploading with so sorry!) I don’t really like the direction The Break That Broke Us was going in so until I can figure out how to turn it around, I probably won’t finish it for a while :/ I hope you understand! I’m glad you like it though!
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white-omaha-boys · 8 years
The Runner
Chapter Fourteen (Ashley)
I woke up the next day with Colt’s arm around me on the couch. My head was pounding and my stomach felt so gross. I couldn’t believe I had let myself get so drunk. I reached for my phone that had fallen onto the floor throughout the night and looked at the time. 11:26am.
“Shit!” I yelled as I jumped from the couch. I scrambled to find my things before running out the door. 
I ran into the agency at 11:40am and saw my manager and Bailey sitting there with pissed off looks on their faces. 
“I missed it.” I said, quietly. 
Ty looked at me as he got up from the chair. “Yeah.” He left the room and I knew he was more than bothered.
Ty is an amazing manager and no matter what, he always puts Bailey and I first. It’s how we met. But his number one rule is that we have to give just as much as he does. And I completely broke that rule.
“They want to give you a spot with me.” Bailey said, getting up. “But they don’t think you’re serious enough.”
I took a deep breath and realized I may have just messed up a huge opportunity. Being able to do this with Bailey would be so beneficial for my career and the fact that I just missed the meeting for it...it definitely messes up my chances of getting the spot.
“I hope he was worth it.” Bailey said, before leaving the room.
The thing is, I don’t even remember the night. Anything after the first kiss with Colt is all a blur and it makes this situation and the way I’m feeling ten times worse.
“You and Ash, eh?” Sam asked Colt as we lounged around, trying to get over our hangovers.
“She’s a pretty cool chick.” He said, with a smile on his face. 
Colt has been friends with us ever since he moved in down the hall. He’s going to UCLA and as far as we know, he’s a good guy. Don’t get me wrong, I like him, he’s a good friend but I can’t help but feel as though Ash belongs with Nate and Colt getting in the middle of it is just going to cause a triangle that no one needs.
“She ran out of here pretty fast though, were you too interested?” I asked him, just to make sure he didn’t do anything that would make her uncomfortable.
“Nah, we didn’t really do anything. I mean, to be honest I didn’t even realize she had left until I woke up.” 
“She didn’t say goodbye?” Sam asked, surprised and Colt shook his head. “Sounds like someone else we know.”
“Speaking of Nate, where is he?” Jack asked and honestly, it was a fair question.
Who knew which girl he’d be with; Bailey, Ash, Mikayla or someone else.
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white-omaha-boys · 8 years
The Runner
Chapter Thirteen (Nate)
I looked at Ash and all I could think about was kissing her. We were having another moment and I was scared it would be the last one. I looked into the green eyes that I’ve been in love with for years and all I wanted was to be able to look at them for the rest of my life. I placed my right hand on Ash’s waist as my left hand brushed the hair out of her face. 
“Ash,” I started to say but I decided this moment would be best without words. There were no words I could even say. 
I kept my left hand on her cheek as I took a step forward, forcing her to remove her hand from my chest. She let it fall to her side as I started to close the gap between us. My lips brushed hers and I couldn’t believe we were about to finally have our moment.
“Bailey.” Ash said, before pushing me away and just like that, the moment was gone. “And this is why you don’t deserve her.” She said. 
As the front door closed, I was left standing on my own to relive that moment over and over again. Another wasted moment. We’re running out of chances and I can’t help but think it’s the universe telling us we’re not meant to be.
I ran out of Nate’s apartment and I couldn’t believe what almost happened. How could I do that to Bailey? How could I let him get that close? I decided I needed to talk to Jack about it since he would be the only one to give me mature advice and tell me whether or not I should tell Bailey about it.
“Jack,” I said, entering his apartment later that evening after a couple of meetings with my manager. “I need-” I stopped talking as I entered the living room. It was around 7pm and it looked the party had already begun. “Sorry...” I said awkwardly to the room of people. 
“Hey,” Jack said, coming up to me. “Are you okay?” 
I looked around the room and only recognized three people; Jack, Jack and Sam. There rest were completely new and they were all ready for a party so I decided to join them.
“Get me a drink and I will be.” I said to Jack with a smirk. It’s probably not the best time to be drinking but I need to forget about what almost happened.
A couple of hours later and more people had shown up, including Nate and Bailey. I have yet to even make eye contact with Nate and honestly, I’m trying to avoid doing so for as long as possible.
“Last cup!” Rupp yelled from across the pong table. 
“Come on, Colt. We have to get this.” I said to my partner. 
I met Colt when he randomly asked me to be his beer pong partner after my first drink and we’ve been playing ever since. He was definitely my type and we had been flirting the whole time. He was slightly taller than me, with dark brown hair and light brown eyes, he definitely worked out and had a smile to die for.
“If I get this,” He whispered in my ear. “You’ve got to kiss me.” He said, with a cheeky smile. 
“And if you miss?” I asked. 
He leaned in closer to me before raising his hand and shooting the pong ball into the last solo cup. I was pleasantly surprised. He never took his eyes off me during that shot and honestly, whether or not he got it in, I was going to kiss him. He let out a smile before I closed the gap between our lips.
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white-omaha-boys · 8 years
Battlefield- Sam Wilkinson Imagine
The memories of that night filled Sam’s mind as he walked through the door. No matter where he looked, everything reminded him of you and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t help but feel as if he was entering a battlefield. He looked in the living room and watched as flashes of you two fighting appeared before his eyes. He followed you two into the kitchen and watched as the fight progressed before flashes of the kitchen being destroyed appeared. Broken glass and torn up pictures laid on the ground and Sam couldn’t help but feel as if his future had been ripped up and broken; just like the glass and photos. He followed you two towards your bedroom and watched as you broke down in tears. Sam was reliving the fight and there was nothing he could do but stand there and watch.
The house felt cold and deserted and if a stranger had walked into the house, he couldn’t help but feel as though they would think no one had ever lived here. It was now filled with pain, sorrow and regret since every good event that ever happened disappeared the day you left him.
Sam’s mind was now taking him back to the night things changed. He watched as he stumbled through the bedroom door with another girl and that’s when the drunk, meaningless sex started. Suddenly you appeared with tears in your eyes and immediately, Sam knew he lost you. One stupid choice and it cost him everything he had ever wanted.
Suddenly, the flashes stopped and there was a noise coming from the bottom of the stairs. Sam headed out of the bedroom and saw as you stood there...in real life.
“(y/n)...” He said, surprised. He didn’t think you’d ever come back here. He was certain you would just leave everything in the hopes it would help you forget about him.
“I just came for my clothes.” You said, emotionless.
You walked up the stairs but stopped before you entered the bedroom. It was the first time you would enter the room since that night and you were unsure of how you would feel. You took a deep breath and headed straight for the closet. You took as much as you could, placed it in your bag and headed for the stairs once again.
“I’m sorry.” Sam said, quietly as you walked past him. 
“Sorry?” You turned to face him and he instantly knew another war would soon begin. “You slept with another girl! In my bed! What the hell Sam!?” You didn’t realize how much you had been keeping in since that night. You’ve been crying yourself to sleep every day so you thought all your anger was gone but seeing Sam resurfaced everything.
“It didn’t mean anything, I swear.” He said, coming closer to you. He tried to place his hands in yours but you pushed him away.
“That makes it worse! You threw away everything we’ve ever had for someone who meant shit to you!”
Sam felt as if he was in a bubble of regret and no matter what he said or did, nothing was strong enough to pop it. He would forever stay in this state of regret and pain.
“I almost wish she did mean something to you.” You said, quietly. 
You headed down the stairs and took one last look at the life you thought you’d always have. You will never have another cuddle session with Sam in the living room. You will never cook dinner together again. You will never look at him in the same light ever again. You turned to face Sam, who looked as if his heart had been ripped out but you didn’t care enough to fix it. Your heart had been ripped out a long time ago and he was the one who did it. You picked up your car keys from the hallway table and left your life with Sam behind.
A/N: I LOVE this! Definitely my favourite imagine that I’ve ever written! I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I do! Let me know what you think!
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white-omaha-boys · 8 years
Hey Lovely, please can you make a part two of Pictureless Picture Frames? I really loved it. Thanks xx
I’m glad you liked it babe! If I can think of a storyline, I’ll definitely do another part. I’ve thought about doing it but I’m still trying to figure out how I want it to all play out. Thanks again! :)
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white-omaha-boys · 8 years
Just made a twitter so I can do all my fangirling! Y’all should follow me and I’ll follow you back!
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white-omaha-boys · 8 years
Outlaw- Jack Gilinsky Imagine
You rolled over in your bed as soon as you heard your ringtone. You knew it must be important since everyone knows to never call you when you’re sleeping. You picked up your phone and saw Jack on the screen. 
“Hello?” You said into the phone. You sat up in your bed and waited for the emergency.
“Can you come pick me up...” Jack said, quietly.
“Jack, seriously.” You said, annoyed. You didn’t understand why he couldn’t call a taxi or an uber.
“(y/n), please.” You let out a sigh but agreed anyway; you were already awake.
“Where are you?” You got out of bed and started putting on decent clothes when Jack spoke.
“WHAT!” You yelled into the phone. 
You immediately hung up and ran towards your car. It felt as if every Sunday driver was out in the middle of the night and it was taking you forever to get to your destination. Halfway there you realized Why am I rushing? It’s not like he’s going anywhere. 
You walked into the building and saw Jack sitting there in a holding cell. You went up to the officer, paid the bail and waited for Jack to be released. You two walked towards your car but before you unlocked it, you needed to know what happened.
“How the hell did you end up here?”
“Some guy started a fight with me at the bar and when we got kicked out, he still wouldn’t leave me alone so it escalated and here we are.”
Jack had been going through a lot lately. The boys had been killing themselves trying to make new music and would constantly pull all-nighters at the studio. On top of that, during the day, they were always in meetings or photoshoots or interviews and you knew it was wearing them out. They coped by partying because they thought that was the way to let loose and have some fun but you knew what they really needed was a nice simple night in where they could truly relax.
“How about,” You said, wrapping your arms around him and pulling him closer. “We go home, I’ll light some candles and we can take a nice hot bubble bath.”
“Babe, it’s 4 in the morning.”
“Oh, I’m sorry...do you have plans?” You asked sarcastically.
“No.” He said, laughing. “That sounds perfect.” He said before walking to the passengers side. 
“I can’t believe I’m sleeping with a criminal.” You said, with a cheeky smile as you opened the car door. Jack let out a laugh and the two of you headed home.
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white-omaha-boys · 8 years
The Runner
Chapter Twelve (Ashley)
“Bailey?” I called as I entered her apartment the next morning. 
After fighting with Nate, I immediately went home and tried to get everything off my mind. I know I hurt him by not keeping in touch but I didn’t think it would ever result in this. I didn’t think I wouldn’t be able to talk to him ever again.
“Ashley,” She said, coming around the corner. “You’re never going to believe what the agency just offered me.”
We sat down on the couch as she explained. Her face lit up with every word and I knew she was beyond excited about it. 
“Bailey, that’s amazing!” 
“I know.” She said, smiling. “I think I’m going to ask Nate to do it with me.”
“Seriously?” I asked, surprised. 
The two of them only just started seeing each other and this is a big step for any relationship. I don’t think they’re ready for it.
“Yeah, I mean, by the time this all happens, we’ll be seeing each other for about a month or so and I think this will really bring us closer. Ashley, I really like him.”
I sat there in silence and thought about it. I know Bailey really likes Nate, I mean I can see it on her face whenever she talks about him but I don’t know if Nate really likes Bailey. Knowing Nate, he probably has three other girls in mind and I don’t want Bailey to get caught up in this fairytale and not have it turn out the way she thinks it will.
Later that day, I decided I would figure it out for myself. I had to protect Bailey.
“Nate!” I yelled as I knocked on his door. 
“I have neighbours, Ash.” He said, opening the door and pulling me inside. 
“Are you serious about her? Cause she’s my best friend and I’m not going to have you fuck her around. Give me your phone.” 
I walked into his bedroom and searched for his phone. I had to make sure he wasn’t talking to other girls. He’s the same old Nate that he was in high school; there was always more than one girl. As I searched the room, I ended up finding way more than I bargained for.
“Ash, stop!” He said, trying to stop me from searching but by that time, I already stopped.
I stared at the jar of sand on his desk and my mind traveled back in time. We were on a beach and everything seemed so careless and free. We had no responsibilities and that was always the best part of Summer. The two of us had taken a road trip to the closest but farthest beach so we weren’t too far but far enough where we didn’t know anyone.
We spent all day there and it all just felt right. That was when I knew I had feelings for Nate. So I packed up some sand and placed it in a bag and when I got home I put it in a jar. I never told anyone the story behind it and when I moved to LA...just like Nate; I left it behind.
“Why do you have this?” I asked, picking up the jar. 
“Your mom gave it to me; she didn’t understand why you had it in the first place.”
“And you kept it...all this time?”
“I remember that day like it was yesterday. You were so happy to be at the beach and I swear no matter what, nothing could have bothered you that day. I love that version of you; the carefree...happy version of you. That’s why I kept that sand. It reminds me of you.”
“I’m not that person anymore.” I said, placing the jar down and heading towards the door.
“Ash, come on.” Nate said, grabbing my arm and turning me around.
My free hand landed on his chest and I could feel his heart beating through it. If there was ever going to be a moment that I’d kiss him...it’d be this moment. But I can’t...because he’s dating my best friend.
A/N: I hope you liked it! Leave a comment in my ask if you’d like!
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white-omaha-boys · 8 years
Hi can I have a link to all the parts of the runner please
There’s always a link at the end of the chapters! :) 
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