whoismiaaa · 5 months
Thank you for a great semester and all the support through my different projects. I definitely felt pushed, which allowed me to create things I didn't think I could do before, like the toys and the scrapbook. I enjoyed working on an extended project and learning more about my word and the different ways of healing, as well as sharing that with my peers! I also loved all the feedback, inspiration and discussion with my classmates, who really helped me with both craft and concept throughout the entire semester, so thank you all!
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whoismiaaa · 5 months
Writing Initiative #8
What have you learned about yourself doing this self-directed assignment?
I have learned what it is like to work on one concept for an extended period of time. I have also learned about the importance of not limiting myself once I have chosen a concept. When it evolved, I had an even stronger idea of healing through time, rather than just healing through nature, which felt very restricting.
What did you find to be the most difficult aspect of your chosen assignment? Creativity? Research? Connecting design to research? Craft? Organizational skills? Time management? Something else entirely?
What I found most difficult was connecting my ideas to design. I really enjoy making crafts, so things like the toys that I made felt really disconnected from traditional design. Also, something that surprised me with this is how important it was to connect projects to each other, as it ended up feeling like a cohesive body of work. This was a struggle early on that was really difficult to overcome, but I ended up solving pretty early on with feedback from my classmates.
What did you enjoy about this opportunity?
I enjoyed the flexibility in being supported when making what I wanted. I also enjoyed the flexibility with time. Rather than staying for a 6-hour class, I was able to engage in shorter discussions and then work on my projects at home or at my own pace, which was good because a lot of my supplies were already at home, so it was easier to do it that way.
How would you rate your performance over the course of the semester?
I'm proud of the quality of work and craft that I produced and my concept and research, which connects everything together, so I would rate that highly. I was also engaged in discussions, but I did miss a few classes, so that could have been better. I had also updated my Tumblr a lot to show my process work and thoughts, which is something that I want to continue to do for future projects, just maybe not on Tumblr, but collecting everything I do, which I found is helpful to look back on. Overall though, I was very engaged which I think is seen in my posts and in my final pieces.
Hindsight is 20/20. What would you do differently, now that you've had this opportunity to work this way?
I think that it would have been good to think about all of my projects from the beginning of the class. From the first class, I was only focused on the 2D project for a while and didn't even consider the other ones. I think if I had brainstormed for the next ones, the 2D could have felt more connected to the other ones aesthetically, as its cool colors don't really match my next projects, which are primarily warmer. I know this isn't that big of a problem, but thinking ahead to the other projects as well could have saved me some stress later on as I tried to come up with a concept that would allow me to keep my 2D project and be connected to the other ones also.
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whoismiaaa · 5 months
Final work
My 3D piece involves creating needle-felt toys, highlighting how toys can assist children in healing from trauma. It is enclosed in a wooden box, symbolizing the memories and mementos stored in an overflowing container, evoking the notion that scars are the echoes of memories.
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My experimental piece is a scrapbook containing photos, drawings, journal notes, and more, demonstrating how creativity can serve as an outlet for healing through trauma, particularly for teenagers. Practices such as journaling and scrapbooking are often recommended for teens as methods of self-reflection and expression. Flipping through this book feels like glimpsing someone's experiences and memories, emphasizing the connection between trauma and memory, and exploring ways to heal through that process.
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My 2D piece is an accordion book printed on transparent paper, accompanied by poetry. It features a series of photos, with one side of the transparent paper displaying close-up portraits and the other showcasing nature. This arrangement creates an overlapping effect, which relates to how adults can find solace in connecting with nature as a means of healing through trauma. The fading of images within the book symbolizes the ephemeral nature of memory and underscores the strong connection between trauma and memory.
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My 4D piece is a stop-motion video exploring the transformative power of ordinary objects throughout a lifetime's evolution, showcasing how they mirror the journey of healing through trauma. It delves into finding beauty and joy in the mundane as a pathway to restoration and growth, while also emphasizing the significance of connections to objects and experiences. Each object depicted represents a unique journey, reflecting various interests and experiences, and highlighting the profound impact they have on memory and healing.
My reflective piece is titled “Letters to Your Future Self”.  It adopts a hopeful tone, aiming to facilitate continued healing through trauma. The piece involves writing and reading letters that include personal notes, hopes, aspirations, questions, and quotes. These letters accompany a general reflection on each project.
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whoismiaaa · 6 months
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How i want everything to be displayed. The letters on top woth the books and toys on the table. The video would be projected ontop of the table onto the fabric.
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whoismiaaa · 6 months
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I also finished workikg on the reflective piece. I made stamps fpr the letters and got postcard stickers to complete the feeling of a letter being sent. The stamp i made, says "dear future me, love me," whiich is hiw each letter starts and ends.
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whoismiaaa · 6 months
I worked on adding sound to this video. Each chord that i played became equivalent to the type of object. So for example a tpy was a c chord, and books were em chords. And then i played around with how the chords were played to match the pace of the video. But i think that the piano is too overwhelming next to the visuals which also has alot going on, so i think i want the final to be without the audio.
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whoismiaaa · 6 months
more trials for hte video. i made the different parts speed up and slow down to add more rhythm. i also added the black bars on the side because it would look better with the projector and the size of the fabric that i had, so it could actually be larger when presenting.
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whoismiaaa · 6 months
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I continued working on the installation.
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Also worked on finishing the letters and would like to put them up like the photo.
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whoismiaaa · 6 months
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When i cut the fabric, i need so.ething to be revealed behind it. I got these poststamps for the letters, and was thinking about creating a background for the letters using them also.
This is my initla process.
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I am nkt very happy with this, so i will be revising it. I just think that itll be too distracting from everything else thats going on in the installation.
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whoismiaaa · 6 months
Writing Initiative #7 p.2
Finally, you have now had a chance to present each of your projects (2D, 3D, 4D, Experimental, Reflective) in process to the class. Produce an image of each one and describe how an aspect of your word is manifested in each piece.
key points across all projects:
-memory is the ghost of trauma
-healing through trauma (emotional scars), shown through a lifetime
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my 3d piece was making needle felt toys. it is about how toys can help children heal through trauma. it is kept in a wooden box, reflecting on memory and mementoes kept in an overflowing box.
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my experimental piece is a scrapbook. it includes photos, drawings, journal notes, and more, showcasing how all creativity can be an outlet to heal through trauma, mainly for teens as it is often what is recommended for them to self-reflect and express themselves. flipping through this book fells like viewing someones experiences and memories.
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my 2d piece is an accordion book, printed on transparent paper with some poetry to accompany it. it is a series of photos, where one said of the transparent paper shows close up portraits, and the other nature. this creates an overlapping effect, which connects to how adults can find connecting to nature as something that can be healing through trauma. the fading of images relates to memory.
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my 4d piece is a stop motion video about how the transformative power of ordinary objects, depicted through a lifetime's evolution, mirrors the journey of healing through trauma, finding beauty and joy in the mundane as a pathway to restoration and growth. it also touches on memory.
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my reflective piece is "letters to your future self". it is looking to the future in a hopeful tone, to continue to heal through trauma both through writing and reading the letters which include some personal notes, hopes, aspirations, questions, and quotes, alongside the general reflection on each project.
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I want the installation to be interactive and cohesive so everything works together. I am sort of treating it like a separate project, of how to curate everything. Relating to healing through trauma, the installation piece, centred around the theme of "scars," aims for interactivity and cohesion. The setup includes a small corner with a table showcasing various objects, symbolizing memories and experiences. Positioned behind the table is a fabric onto which the video is projected, mirroring the scenes filmed on the same table. This arrangement reinforces the thematic essence of the video. Moreover, a deliberate rip in the fabric reveals envelopes hidden behind, symbolizing scars, adding depth to the interactive experience and reinforcing the overarching narrative of healing and resilience.
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whoismiaaa · 6 months
Writing Initiative #7
In today's class, I presented my 4D video piece. This work is an extension of my previous projects, focusing on memories associated with objects in familiar settings, their evolution over time, and the emotional connections they evoke. It explores how our relationships with objects transform as we progress through different stages of life. Unlike my previous projects, which typically center on specific moments in time, this video format allows for a comprehensive portrayal of an entire lifetime. Additionally, I drew inspiration from an article discussing the challenges of finding love and meaning after experiencing trauma. Through the lens of this article, I realized the profound role that objects can play in our healing journey. Despite being in a state of survival mode post-trauma, these ordinary objects often serve as conduits for rediscovering beauty and joy in the mundane. By transforming them into art, I aimed to emulate the process of finding healing and restoration amidst adversity. Moreover, the video's non-linear narrative underscores how objects intertwine with our memories, fading in and out over time. This dynamic portrayal highlights the complex interplay between our past experiences, present realities, and aspirations for the future, ultimately contributing to our ongoing process of healing and growth.
A strength that my classmates noted was the conceptual merit in connection to my word. They also said that it was very interesting and engaging to see and experience.
however, i still have some work to do with this project. one thing that was noted was that it would be more interesting if the pacing of how long the still of the motion appeared for changed to create more ryhtm, along that, I asked about adding audio to this piece, in which my classmates advised about including poetry readings (connecting to my previous work), and even adding a sound for each object that would appear as the object appears. i think the first one is way more doable because i have so many different objects, in an almost 4 minute video that i don't think i would be able to make each object have its own noise. i am considering adding a piano note or chord for each object, which might be easier and also hopefully sound good. but against, i am worried about being able to complete this in time.
My remaining outcome is the reflective piece. i have an idea for it and have started it, as it is a pretty straight forward idea, I just haven't gotten the time to do it yet.
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whoismiaaa · 6 months
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Ive been thinking about how i want to display the work, this is what i have come up with. But im not sure if i could carry the table to class, so i found these wodden boards, which i painted the same colour as the original desk. I plan to put them on a desk or table to mimic the original table displayed in my video.
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Also here is how i want to display my video, using a projector on top of a curtain.
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whoismiaaa · 6 months
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I tried to make my own envelopes but it didnt look very nice so im probably gonna do something like in the first photo with the simple white envelope.
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I have also made progress on the actual letters. Ive included reflections on the assignment alongside some personal stories and reflections to reflect the letter to future self idea better. Looks like i will have 5 letters alomgsode some empty envelopes that are empty to represent hope for the future. Each letter is adressed one year apart in the future.
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whoismiaaa · 7 months
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First experiments with the structure of the letter and the materials and folding techniques for the envelopes.
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Actual writing draft. I like the direction of this. I think all the letters would make sense to be from present me, but for diffedent time periods so a year from now, 3 years from now, 5,10,15? Etc. Stull trying to see how many letters i would actually need,, i might make it 4? For each project.
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whoismiaaa · 7 months
starting my reflective piece:
doing research for letters to your future self.
G - Gratitude and Reflection
R - Realizations and Lessons Learned
O - Outlook and Aspirations
W - Wishes and Dreams
Here are some tips to try to write your own “future-self” letter:
Write down what you want to remember.
Write down what you don’t want to remember.
Write about your favorite things.
Jot down notes about how you’re feeling right now.
Scribble down the lessons you’ve learned.
Ask your future self how you’re different now.
Lastly, write a note to yourself in a year, three years, five years… put them in an envelope and write down the date you can read them again.
Reflections on the Present
Vision for the Future
Changes to Make
Fun Predictions
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whoismiaaa · 7 months
new draft of video. it is longer, there are different start and stop points to the video. showcasing a larger variety of objects for different amounts of times. i did this to show how memories can appear at different times through a less linear story and timeline. since this one is over a longer time, there are still some light variations as opposed to the previous one, but i think it doesn't stand out too much so it still works.
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whoismiaaa · 7 months
i also tried the reverse idea here: "growing up in reverse", in relation to an article i found about how "Trauma makes you live in a backwards world.” so it maybe the video shouldn't be so linear? and in this case inserting segments of different stages of life after that initial longer video could be interesting, just like random segments of memories popping up at random points, but each time they are a bit different in terms of object differentiation but also same object placement.
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