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Made some taquitos
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bruh I really want to live inside SCP-3008-1
It would be amazing. Except for the employees tho they would kinda ruin the vibe
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If you cut in line in America, then America will cut you.
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I’m gonna tech-deck on your mom’s pussy
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I have to use cup of noodles for my fleshlight cuz of my magnum dong
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I have big dick energy after chugging some g-fuel
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Imagine not spending 12 hours + a day on videogames lmao. You’re such losers for having a life
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Thinking about how Austin from the Backyardigans had to live on the other side of the fence
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Ahhhh Perry the platypus, how uncanny. And by that I mean, COMPLETELY CANNY *trap activates*
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Ngl Pablo was onto something when he liked his apple juice shaken.
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My last four braincells when the test asks for my name: Ra Ra Rasputin, lover of the Russian queen. There was a cat that really was gone. Ra Ra Rasputin Russia's greatest love machine, it was a shame how he carried on.
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I would say your aim is cancer but cancer actually kills people
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