whyyalurking-blog · 8 years
Having a previous drug addiction problem has helped me more then brought me down. Its taught me morals, self respect, how to be more open about things, how to be more understanding, but mostly how to love yourself and others who are/have gone threw that dark path.
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whyyalurking-blog · 8 years
Tbh, sometimes all you need is a push to the ground and a kick to the face to realize that you are better then what you make your self to be. Sometimes that’s all you need too be able to get back up stronger then ever. 
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whyyalurking-blog · 8 years
Would you rather do what you thought of doing and it being successful, or not do it and have the consisting thought of “what would’ve happened if I tried to do it at least.” 
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whyyalurking-blog · 8 years
Tbh, these are all gorgeous places to go smoke at a joint at, or even just to explore. 
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whyyalurking-blog · 8 years
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whyyalurking-blog · 8 years
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whyyalurking-blog · 8 years
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whyyalurking-blog · 8 years
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via weheartit.com
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whyyalurking-blog · 8 years
If you had true feelings and “loved” the other person, you could not bring yourself to that position to purposely hurt them, and mental destroy them; because hurting them, and making them feel that pain, would mean you would feel what you did deep down, and you too would feel the pain. 
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via weheartit
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whyyalurking-blog · 8 years
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whyyalurking-blog · 8 years
I’ve been the drug addict being loved by someone sober, I’ve also loved a drug addict while getting clean. I can’t tell which was worse, having my life being taken over and watching the person lose hope in me, or being the person watching the drugs take over the person and have my hope slowly just vanish.
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whyyalurking-blog · 8 years
I had such a wonderful life before drug and alcohol abuse. I've got that life back and plan to keep it. Maybe I had to go through what I went through to get to this point, to appreciate life more.
Harvey Martin
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