wilsonzuko · 27 days
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002 | 100 » Andrew Garfield
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wilsonzuko · 7 months
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Anyone notice that Tony has plans to build each Avenger their own floor at Stark Tower? He picks Captain America’s first.
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wilsonzuko · 3 years
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wilsonzuko · 3 years
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This is what a real, qualified OBGYN will tell you about what women feel when they get an abortion
Dr. Willie Parker, who is trained as a gynecologist and OBGYN, is a hero for the pro-choice movement because he’s honest about the undiscussed aspects of getting (or not getting) an abortion. Watch how he gives a consultation.
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wilsonzuko · 3 years
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wilsonzuko · 3 years
interviewer: Mr. Wayne, have you heard of the popular internet jokes about you dating Batman?
bruce wayne: Yes I have heard of them, but if I were going to date any superhero it'd be Superman and not an overdramatic furry
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wilsonzuko · 3 years
The pensive (😔) emoji encompasses such a wide range of emotions, but decidedly not included in that is 'pensive'.
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wilsonzuko · 3 years
reblog and put in the tags a celebrity you can’t stand for purely personal/petty reasons
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wilsonzuko · 3 years
if trying to work out if you are gay or bisexual is giving you anguish its ok to just not worry abt it i think. you actually dont have to pick one. these labels are supposed to help you find ppl who experience similar things to you and honestly not knowing if youre one or the other doesnt mean u cant talk to and relate to the experiences of gay AND bisexual ppl. its fine.
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wilsonzuko · 3 years
i no longer respect the hustle i want universal basic income and dignity for everyone
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wilsonzuko · 3 years
Hey remember when they found over 200 bodies of native children buried behind a residential school and the world cared for… what, a week?
They’ve counted about 6,000-7,000 now, for those of you who do still care
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wilsonzuko · 3 years
Fun History Fact: The overwhelming majority of cowboys in the U.S. were Indigenous, Black, and/or Mexican persons. The omnipresent white cowboy is a Hollywood studio concoction meant to uphold the mythology of white masculinity.
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wilsonzuko · 3 years
“I didn’t mind the ship but then some shippers happened” — a novel by me
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wilsonzuko · 3 years
Help a black disabled lesbian with healthcare and housing!!!
Hello everyone! Ive been away from most social media for a while, my mental health and computer broke at the same time, both are working better now but are still shotty. For those who know and dont know; Im a black two spirit disabled lesbian, and im STILL trying to fundraise for a better living situation for my partner and I. Currently we are living with my long time abuser it grows harder and harder everyday for myself to cope and keep my partner and I safe here. For our long time needs we have a gofundme but recently it has come to a halt, and because of my broken computer it limited my ability to fundraise for even the immediate needs in our life. Recently my health has gotten worse in my many regards, its urgent that I raise money to see a neurologist, rheumatologist and hearing specialist. I have undiagnosed EDS, POTS, MCAS and its gotten to the point where im in dire needs of a diagnosis to get the level of medical care I need. Im becoming more HOH in my ears and developing what i think are a type of seizure and all of this combined has affected my ability to have pretty much any job. I have no idea what this will cost me, because of my current health care providers neglect and racism Im probably going to have to go out of network and pay out of pocket for this, but my health and abilty to take care of myself is suffering.
Since I cant work, my art and fundraising is all the income I have. I will be adding new things to my website soon if youd like to support that way. As for right now I need help getting money for more immediate needs like food, medication, drs appts, and my partner and I’s phone bill and other things like getting an electrician to install a working stove so we can eat, getting my partner new glasses, replace my old dying computer bcuz it was used when i got it and hopefully learning how to drive so we can leave this place.
I hate asking but i need $500+ dollars for all the things I listed above and I know that theres stuff im forgetting but our fridge is bare and we are relying on microwaved, cold or delivered food until we have $$$ for an electrician. OUR GOFUNDME!!!: Help a QTPOC couple with urgent moving costs!! My cashapp: $sleepyhen My (new) venmo: wildwotko
Partners cashapp: $grumblybear Partners venmo: XochiRose Thank you to the friends who’ve been helping me out and to all the people who are donating and sharing!!!!
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wilsonzuko · 3 years
I've mentioned this in reblogs but I'm saying it once for history:
"It doesn't matter what Steve thought" is in my opinion the most vital line of TFATWS, because it highlights Sam's choice, of his own accord, to become Captain America.
Ever since Endgame I was hyped for him to take the mantle, but the way it was handed over was a problem. Steve didn't present it in a way that left options open. It was like, "this is yours, period," without any word on the matter from Sam. It assumes little to no agency for him. That's stressful and violating, and it's completely understandable that Sam's first reaction was to give up the shield altogether.
And naturally, at the start of the show, everything gets compared to Steve. Because not only was he Sam and Bucky's close friend, he was a legend, and now he's gone, and people sense a power vacuum.
But the crux of Sam's arc was deciding to take up the mantle, not for a lost friend or the expectations put on him without his consent, but for himself and the people. For Isaiah, who was betrayed by his country after giving everything to it. For Torres, to have someone to look up to. For Karli, who was lost to violence and a desperate dream. For Nico, one more name on the casualty list written by the hands of angry white men. For Lemar, who deserved more value than to be collateral damage in the crossfire and an excuse for more violence. For AJ and Cass, to give them the role model they deserve.
For the people who need Captain America. Not the people who regulate what he should or shouldn't be.
And this line helps complete Bucky's arc as well, because it ties them together in not defining their identities by a person who's gone and wasn't always perfect in his judgment, well-intentioned as he may have been.
It creates an avenue for both of them to be the best versions of themselves, and to let the past go.
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wilsonzuko · 3 years
some fucking resources for all ur writing fuckin needs
* body language masterlist
* a translator that doesn’t eat ass like google translate does
* a reverse dictionary for when ur brain freezes
* 550 words to say instead of fuckin said
* 638 character traits for when ur brain freezes again
* some more body language help
(hope this helps some ppl)
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wilsonzuko · 3 years
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nothing but respect for MY spider man!!!!
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